Bill Text: FL S0676 | 2021 | Regular Session | Comm Sub

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Specialty and Special License Plates


Status: (Passed) 2021-07-06 - Chapter No. 2021-177 [S0676 Detail]

Download: Florida-2021-S0676-Comm_Sub.html
       Florida Senate - 2021                       CS for CS for SB 676
       By the Committees on Appropriations; and Transportation; and
       Senators Baxley, Pizzo, Harrell, Stewart, Berman, and Garcia
       576-04425-21                                           2021676c2
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to special and specialty license
    3         plates; amending s. 320.08053, F.S.; clarifying when
    4         the department may not issue new specialty license
    5         plates; amending s. 320.08056, F.S.; providing an
    6         exception to the requirement that specialty license
    7         plate annual use fees and interest earned from those
    8         fees be expended only in this state; amending s.
    9         320.08058, F.S.; revising legislative intent; revising
   10         distribution and application of annual use fees from
   11         the sale of Florida Indian River Lagoon license
   12         plates; revising distribution of annual use fees from
   13         the sale of Wildlife Foundation of Florida license
   14         plates; revising distribution of annual use fees from
   15         the sale of Divine Nine license plates; providing
   16         eligibility requirements for issuance of such plates;
   17         authorizing such plates to be personalized;
   18         prohibiting the transfer of such plates between
   19         vehicle owners; requiring the Department of Highway
   20         Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop certain specialty
   21         license plates; providing for the distribution and use
   22         of fees collected from the sale of such plates;
   23         amending s. 320.0807, F.S.; revising requirements for
   24         the issuance of certain special license plates;
   25         amending s. 320.089, F.S.; authorizing the department
   26         to issue Army of Occupation license plates; specifying
   27         qualifications and requirements for the license
   28         plates; providing an effective date.
   30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   32         Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
   33  320.08053, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   34         320.08053 Establishment of specialty license plates.—
   35         (3)
   36         (b) If the Legislature has approved 150 or more specialty
   37  license plates, the department may not issue make any new
   38  specialty license plates available for design or issuance until
   39  a sufficient number of plates are discontinued pursuant to s.
   40  320.08056(8) such that the number of plates being issued does
   41  not exceed 150. Notwithstanding s. 320.08056(8)(a), the 150
   42  license-plate limit includes license plates above the minimum
   43  sales threshold and those exempt from that threshold.
   44         Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (10) of section
   45  320.08056, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   46         320.08056 Specialty license plates.—
   47         (10)(a) A specialty license plate annual use fee collected
   48  and distributed under this chapter, or any interest earned from
   49  those fees, may not be used for commercial or for-profit
   50  activities nor for general or administrative expenses, except as
   51  authorized by s. 320.08058 or to pay the cost of the audit or
   52  report required by s. 320.08062(1). The fees and any interest
   53  earned from the fees may be expended only for use in this state
   54  unless the annual use fee is derived from the sale of United
   55  States Armed Forces and veterans-related specialty license
   56  plates pursuant to paragraph (3)(d) for the Support Our Troops,
   57  and American Legion, and Honor Flight license plates; paragraphs
   58  (4)(b), (q), and (v) for the Florida Salutes Veterans, United
   59  States Marine Corps, and Military Services license plates,
   60  respectively; and s. 320.0891 for the U.S. Paratrooper license
   61  plate.
   62         Section 3. Subsections (10), (46), and (101) of section
   63  320.08058, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (112)
   64  through (125) are added to that section, to read:
   65         320.08058 Specialty license plates.—
   67         (a) Because the Indian River Lagoon system has been
   68  targeted by the state as a priority water body for restoration
   69  and preservation since the 1987 Surface Water Improvement and
   70  Management Act, and because the St. Johns River and South
   71  Florida Water Management Districts have joined with local,
   72  regional, and state partners to create the Indian River Lagoon
   73  (IRL) Council by Interlocal Agreement in 2015 to serve as the
   74  host agency for the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary
   75  Program, and because the program has worked with local, state,
   76  and federal partners to develop and adopt the Indian River
   77  Lagoon Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan in 2019,
   78  and because the St. Johns River Water Management District has
   79  been distributing funds collected from the plate from Volusia,
   80  Brevard, and Indian River Counties to support competitive local
   81  cost-share projects in each of these counties administered by
   82  the IRL Council, including jointly developed a management plan
   83  that includes water quality improvement, habitat restoration,
   84  and public awareness and education, and because the United
   85  States Environmental Protection Agency has declared the Indian
   86  River Lagoon to be an estuary of national significance, and
   87  because coastal lagoon activities relating to saltwater fishing
   88  account for a multibillion dollar economic base, and because the
   89  Legislature supports the restoration efforts of the Indian River
   90  Lagoon National Estuary Program and its partners water
   91  management districts, the Legislature intends for the
   92  establishes a Florida Indian River Lagoon license plate to
   93  provide for the purpose of providing a continuous funding source
   94  to support this worthwhile effort and to heighten public
   95  awareness of this economically significant resource. Florida
   96  Indian River Lagoon license plates must contain the fish
   97  “snook,” which has been used as the Indian River Lagoon Surface
   98  Water Improvement and Management logo, suspended over seagrass,
   99  and must bear the colors and design approved by the department.
  100         (b) The license plate annual use fees are to be distributed
  101  annually as follows:
  102         1. The first $5 million collected annually must be
  103  transferred to the IRL Council, which must separately St. Johns
  104  River Water Management District. The district shall account for
  105  the transferred these funds, and such separate from all other
  106  funds received. These funds must be distributed as follows:
  107         a. Based on Florida Indian River Lagoon license plate sales
  108  data from each county tax collector for Volusia, Brevard, Indian
  109  River, St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties, each county’s
  110  total number of Florida Indian River Lagoon license plates sold
  111  between October 1 and September 30 must represent a percentage
  112  of the six-county total, calculated as follows: the total number
  113  sold for county A divided by the total number sold for counties
  114  A, B, C, D, E, and F is multiplied by 100. The percentage
  115  determined for St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties must
  116  be totaled, and that total percentage of the statewide Florida
  117  Indian River Lagoon license plate revenues must be transferred
  118  to the South Florida Water Management District special Indian
  119  River Lagoon License Plate Revenue Account and distributed
  120  proportionately among St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach
  121  Counties. The remaining funds in the IRL Council St. Johns River
  122  Water Management District Revenue Account must be divided
  123  proportionately between Volusia, Brevard, and Indian River
  124  Counties.
  125         b. The IRL Council shall administer Each water management
  126  district is responsible for administering projects in Volusia,
  127  Brevard, and Indian River its respective Counties from funds
  128  derived from funded with the appropriate percentage of license
  129  plate revenues. The South Florida Water Management District
  130  shall administer projects in St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach
  131  Counties.
  132         2. Up to 5 percent of the proceeds from the annual use fee
  133  may be used for continuing promotion and marketing of the
  134  license plate.
  135         3. Any additional fees must be deposited into the General
  136  Revenue Fund. Fees are not to be deposited into the general
  137  revenue funds of the IRL Council water management districts.
  138         (c) The application of Florida Indian River Lagoon license
  139  plate annual use fees is to be administered by the IRL Council
  140  St. Johns River and the South Florida Water Management District
  141  Districts for Indian River Lagoon projects and in accordance
  142  with their contracting and purchasing policies and procedures,
  143  with the following restrictions:
  144         1. An annual amount of the total license plate use fees
  145  must be earmarked for each of the six lagoon basin counties, as
  146  determined in sub-subparagraph (b)1.a., to be expended in those
  147  counties on habitat restoration, including water quality
  148  improvement, monitoring, and environmental education projects.
  149  At least 80 percent of the use fees must be used for restoration
  150  projects, and not more than 20 percent may be used for
  151  environmental education and monitoring projects in each county.
  152  These project funds may serve as matching funds for other local,
  153  state, or federal funds or grants. Unencumbered funds from one
  154  year may be carried over to the following year but must be
  155  dedicated to a project within 2 years in the form of a contract,
  156  an interlocal agreement, or an approved plan by the governing
  157  board of the respective district.
  158         2. Florida Indian River Lagoon license plate annual use
  159  fees may not be used for administrative salaries or overhead
  160  within the IRL Council or the South Florida Water Management
  161  District; the water management districts, nor for any general
  162  coordination fees or overhead that outside of the districts
  163  which is not specifically related to a project;, nor for any
  164  projects which are considered to be research, studies,
  165  inventories, or evaluations; or, nor for administrative salaries
  166  or overhead related to environmental education or ongoing
  167  regular maintenance. Annual use fees may be used for acquisition
  168  of rights-of-way specific to the implementation of restoration
  169  or improvement projects, if acquisition expenditures do not
  170  exceed 20 percent of a county’s appropriation.
  171         3. In Volusia County, project implementation may occur in
  172  all estuarine waters extending north to and including the Indian
  173  River Lagoon National Estuary Program’s Indian River Lagoon
  174  Halifax River planning boundary amendments that include the
  175  Tomoka Basin.
  176         4. In Palm Beach County, first priority must be given to
  177  projects within the Indian River Lagoon. Second priority must be
  178  given to projects within adjacent estuarine waters, including
  179  the Loxahatchee River and other tributaries to the Indian River
  180  Lagoon.
  181         (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that revenues
  182  generated by the Florida Indian River Lagoon license plate
  183  annual use fees must not be used as replacement funds for other
  184  available funding sources Surface Water Improvement and
  185  Management Act funds, but must be used solely for the
  186  enhancement of the Indian River Lagoon and tributaries in the
  187  Indian River Lagoon watershed as defined by the Indian River
  188  Lagoon National Estuary Program project boundary defined in the
  189  Indian River Lagoon Comprehensive Conservation and Management
  190  Plan or as provided in this subsection area.
  192         (a) The department shall develop a Wildlife Foundation of
  193  Florida license plate as provided in this section. The word
  194  “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the words
  195  “Wildlife Foundation of Florida” must appear at the bottom of
  196  the plate.
  197         (b) The annual revenues from the sales of the license plate
  198  shall be distributed to the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of
  199  Florida, Inc., a citizen support organization created pursuant
  200  to s. 379.223. Such annual revenues must be used in the
  201  following manner:
  202         1. Seventy-five percent must be encumbered used to fund
  203  programs and projects within the state that preserve open space
  204  and wildlife habitat, promote conservation, promote hunting and
  205  shooting sports, improve wildlife habitat, and establish open
  206  space for the perpetual use of the public. Unencumbered funds
  207  from one year may be carried over to the following year, but
  208  must be spent within 2 years of receipt or dedicated to a
  209  project within 2 years of receipt in the form of a contract, a
  210  grant award, or an approved plan by the governing board of the
  211  Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc.
  212         2. Twenty-five percent may be used for promotion,
  213  marketing, and administrative costs directly associated with
  214  operation of the foundation.
  215         (c) When the provisions of subparagraph (b)1. are met,
  216  those annual revenues shall be used for the purposes of
  217  subparagraph (b)2.
  218         (101) DIVINE NINE LICENSE PLATES.—
  219         (a) The department shall develop a Divine Nine license
  220  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053 using a
  221  standard template and a unique logo, graphic, or color for each
  222  of the organizations listed in sub-subparagraphs (b)3.a.-i.
  223  (b)2.a.-i. The plate must bear the colors and design approved by
  224  the department, and must include the official logo, graphic, or
  225  color as appropriate for each organization. The word “Florida”
  226  must appear at the top of the plate, and the words “Divine Nine”
  227  must appear at the bottom of the plate.
  228         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  229  distributed as follows:
  230         1. Five percent of the proceeds shall be distributed to the
  231  United Negro College Fund, Inc., for college scholarships for
  232  Florida residents attending Florida’s historically black
  233  colleges and universities.
  234         2.Ten percent of the proceeds shall be distributed to the
  235  Association to Preserve African American Society, History and
  236  Tradition, Inc., solely for the marketing of the plate.
  237         3.2. The remaining 85 95 percent of the proceeds shall be
  238  distributed to one of the following organizations as selected by
  239  the purchaser of the plate who, upon fulfilling the requirements
  240  of paragraph (c), shall receive a license plate with the logo,
  241  graphic, or color associated with the appropriate recipient
  242  organization:
  243         a. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
  244         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the Florida
  245  Federation of Alpha Chapters, Inc., to promote community
  246  awareness and action through educational, economic, and cultural
  247  service activities within this state.
  248         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Florida
  249  Federation of Alpha Chapters, Inc., solely for the marketing of
  250  the plate.
  251         b. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
  252         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the Alpha
  253  Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc., to promote
  254  community awareness and action through educational, economic,
  255  and cultural service activities within this state.
  256         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Alpha Kappa
  257  Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc., solely for the
  258  marketing of the plate.
  259         c. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  260         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the
  261  Southern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., to
  262  promote community awareness and action through educational,
  263  economic, and cultural service activities within this state.
  264         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Southern
  265  Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., solely for the
  266  marketing of the plate.
  267         d. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  268         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the State
  269  of Florida Omega Friendship Foundation, Inc., to promote
  270  community awareness and action through educational, economic,
  271  and cultural service activities within this state.
  272         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the State of
  273  Florida Omega Friendship Foundation, Inc., solely for the
  274  marketing of the plate.
  275         e. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  276         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the Delta
  277  Research and Educational Foundation, Inc., to promote community
  278  awareness and action through educational, economic, and cultural
  279  service activities within this state.
  280         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Delta Research
  281  and Educational Foundation, Inc., solely for the marketing of
  282  the plate.
  283         f. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
  284         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the TMB
  285  Charitable Foundation, Inc., to promote community awareness and
  286  action through educational, economic, and cultural service
  287  activities within this state.
  288         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the TMB Charitable
  289  Foundation, Inc., solely for the marketing of the plate.
  290         g. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
  291         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the Florida
  292  Pearls, Inc., to promote community awareness and action through
  293  educational, economic, and cultural service activities within
  294  this state.
  295         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Florida
  296  Pearls, Inc., solely for the marketing of the plate.
  297         h. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  298         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the Sigma
  299  Gamma Rho Sorority National Education Fund, Inc., to promote
  300  community awareness and action through educational, economic,
  301  and cultural service activities within this state.
  302         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the Sigma Gamma
  303  Rho Sorority National Education Fund, Inc., solely for the
  304  marketing of the plate.
  305         i. Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
  306         (I) Eighty-five percent shall be distributed to the
  307  National Iota Foundation, Inc., to promote community awareness
  308  and action through educational, economic, and cultural service
  309  activities within this state.
  310         (II)Ten percent shall be distributed to the National Iota
  311  Foundation, Inc., solely for the marketing of the plate.
  312         (c)1.To be eligible for issuance of a Divine Nine license
  313  plate representing an organization listed in sub-subparagraphs
  314  (b)3.a.-i., a person must be a resident of this state who is the
  315  registered owner of a motor vehicle and who is a member of the
  316  applicable organization. The person must also present proof of
  317  membership in the organization, which may be established by:
  318         a.A card distributed by the organization indicating the
  319  person’s membership in the organization; or
  320         b.A written letter on the organization’s letterhead which
  321  is signed by the organization’s national president or his or her
  322  designated official and which states that the person was
  323  inducted into the organization.
  324         2.Proof of membership in an organization listed in sub
  325  subparagraphs (b)3.a.-i. is required only for initial issuance
  326  of a Divine Nine license plate. A person need not present such
  327  proof for renewal of the license plate.
  328         (d)A Divine Nine license plate:
  329         1.May be personalized.
  330         2.May not be transferred between vehicle owners.
  332  License plates created pursuant to this subsection shall have
  333  their plate sales combined for the purpose of meeting the
  334  minimum license plate sales threshold in s. 320.08056(8)(a) and
  335  for determining the license plate limit in s. 320.08053(3)(b).
  336  License plates created pursuant to this subsection must be
  337  ordered directly from the department.
  339         (a)The department shall develop a Florida State Parks
  340  license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The
  341  plate must bear the colors and design approved by the
  342  department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
  343  plate, and the words “Explore Our State Parks” must appear at
  344  the bottom of the plate.
  345         (b)The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  346  distributed to the Florida State Parks Foundation, Inc., a
  347  nonprofit Florida corporation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal
  348  Revenue Code, to be used to preserve, protect, sustain, and grow
  349  Florida state parks. Up to 10 percent of the proceeds may be
  350  used for marketing of the plate and costs directly associated
  351  with administration of the foundation.
  353         (a)The department shall develop a Support Healthcare
  354  Heroes license plate as provided in this section and s.
  355  320.08053. The plate must bear the colors and design approved by
  356  the department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
  357  plate, and the words “Support Healthcare Heroes” must appear at
  358  the bottom of the plate.
  359         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  360  distributed annually into the Emergency Medical Services Trust
  361  Fund within the Department of Health to provide financial
  362  support for prehospital medical services pursuant to s. 401.113.
  363         (114)INTER MIAMI CF LICENSE PLATES.—
  364         (a)The department shall develop an Inter Miami CF license
  365  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  366  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  367  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  368  words “Inter Miami CF” must appear at the bottom of the plate.
  369         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  370  distributed to Inter Miami CF Foundation Corporation, a
  371  nonprofit corporation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
  372  Code, which may use a maximum of 10 percent of the proceeds to
  373  promote and market the plate. The remainder of the proceeds
  374  shall be used by Inter Miami CF Foundation Corporation to plan
  375  and execute sports-based development and direct-service
  376  community programs, initiatives, and events.
  378         (a) The department shall develop a Toastmasters license
  379  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  380  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  381  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  382  words “” must appear at the bottom of the
  383  plate.
  384         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  385  distributed to the Ralph C. Smedley Memorial Fund of
  386  Toastmasters International, a s. 501(c)(3) nonprofit
  387  organization, of which:
  388         1. Twenty-five percent shall be used to develop charitable
  389  and educational programs for the indigent, homeless, visually
  390  and hearing disabled, incarcerated, and youth populations that
  391  are unable to afford or to participate in established
  392  Toastmasters programs. Up to 5 percent of this distribution may
  393  be used for administrative expenses.
  394         2. Seventy-five percent shall be proportionally
  395  redistributed to the divisions of Districts 47, 48, 77, and 84
  396  of Toastmasters International which reside in this state. Up to
  397  5 percent of this distribution may be used for marketing of the
  398  plate, and the remainder shall be used for educators,
  399  nonprofits, governmental organizations, scholarships, materials,
  400  and computers and other equipment for the purpose of
  401  implementing the charitable and educational programs for the
  402  indigent, homeless, visually and hearing disabled, incarcerated,
  403  and youth populations that are unable to afford or to
  404  participate in the established Toastmasters programs.
  406         (a)The department shall develop a Gopher Tortoise license
  407  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  408  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  409  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  410  words “Protect the Gopher Tortoise” must appear at the bottom of
  411  the plate.
  412         (b)The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  413  distributed to Wildlands Conservation, Inc., a nonprofit
  414  corporation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to
  415  fund gopher tortoise and commensal species research, education,
  416  and conservation, as well as upland habitat protection,
  417  restoration, and management in this state. Up to 10 percent of
  418  the funds received by Wildlands Conservation, Inc., may be used
  419  for marketing of the plate and costs directly associated with
  420  the administration of the gopher tortoise protection program.
  421  Wildlands Conservation, Inc., shall use and distribute the funds
  422  to eligible Florida-based scientific, conservation, and
  423  educational organizations for gopher tortoise and upland habitat
  424  research, conservation, and management.
  426         (a)The department shall develop an Orlando United license
  427  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  428  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  429  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  430  words “Orlando United” must appear at the bottom of the plate.
  431         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  432  distributed as follows:
  433         1.Five percent shall be distributed to the Mental Health
  434  Association of Central Florida, Inc., to be used for marketing
  435  of the license plate.
  436         2.Thirty-one percent shall be distributed to the Mental
  437  Health Association of Central Florida, Inc. Of this amount, up
  438  to 5 percent may be used for administrative expenses, and the
  439  remainder shall be used to offer free personalized counseling to
  440  any person affected by the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in
  441  Orlando on June 12, 2016.
  442         3.Two percent shall be distributed to onePULSE Foundation,
  443  Inc., a charitable, nonprofit organization under s. 501(c)(3) of
  444  the Internal Revenue Code, to be used for marketing of the
  445  license plate.
  446         4.Thirty-one percent shall be distributed to onePULSE
  447  Foundation, Inc. Of this amount, up to 5 percent may be used for
  448  administrative expenses, and the remainder shall be used to
  449  support the construction and maintenance of the onePULSE
  450  Foundation Memorial.
  451         5.Thirty-one percent shall be distributed to 26 Health,
  452  Inc. Of this amount, up to 5 percent may be used for
  453  administrative expenses, and the remainder shall be used to
  454  offer free personalized counseling to any person affected by the
  455  shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016.
  456         (118)BISCAYNE BAY LICENSE PLATES.—
  457         (a)The department shall develop a Biscayne Bay license
  458  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  459  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  460  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  461  words “Protect Biscayne Bay” must appear at the bottom of the
  462  plate.
  463         (b)The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  464  distributed to The Miami Foundation, Inc., a Florida nonprofit
  465  corporation, to be used as follows:
  466         1.Up to 10 percent of the fees may be used for promotion
  467  and marketing of the license plate and for direct reimbursement
  468  for administrative costs, startup costs, and costs incurred in
  469  the development and approval process of the license plate. All
  470  vendors associated with administrative costs shall be selected
  471  by competitive bid.
  472         2.The remaining fees shall be used to raise awareness and
  473  support the mission and efforts of conserving Biscayne Bay. The
  474  Miami Foundation Board of Trustees must approve and is
  475  accountable for all such expenditures.
  477         (a)The department shall develop a Disease Prevention &
  478  Early Detection license plate as provided in this section and s.
  479  320.08053. The plate must bear the colors and design approved by
  480  the department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
  481  plate, and the words “Disease Prevention & Early Detection” must
  482  appear at the bottom of the plate.
  483         (b) The license plate annual use fees shall be distributed
  484  to The Women’s Breast & Heart Initiative, Florida Affiliate,
  485  Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation, which may use a maximum
  486  of 10 percent of the proceeds to promote and market the plate.
  487  The remainder of the proceeds shall be used by The Women’s
  488  Breast & Heart Initiative, Florida Affiliate, Inc., to provide
  489  increased education and awareness relating to early detection,
  490  prevention, and screening of breast and heart issues.
  491         (120)HONOR FLIGHT LICENSE PLATES.—
  492         (a) The department shall develop an Honor Flight license
  493  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  494  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  495  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  496  words “Honor Flight” must appear at the bottom of the plate.
  497         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  498  distributed equally among the Honor Flight Network hubs in this
  499  state, each of which is a nonprofit corporation under s.
  500  501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be used as follows:
  501         1. Up to 10 percent of the fees may be used for promotion
  502  and marketing of the license plate.
  503         2. The remaining fees shall be used to further the Honor
  504  Flight Network’s mission of transporting military veterans to
  505  Washington, D.C., in order to visit the memorials dedicated to
  506  honoring those who have served and sacrificed for the United
  507  States.
  509         (a) The department shall develop an Ethical Ecotourism
  510  license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The
  511  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and words
  512  approved by the department must appear at the bottom of the
  513  plate.
  514         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate must be
  515  distributed equally between the Florida Society for Ethical
  516  Ecotourism and Paddle Florida, Inc., each of which may use up to
  517  10 percent of such proceeds for administrative costs and the
  518  marketing of the plate. The remaining proceeds must be used by
  519  the Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism to provide
  520  environmental education and awareness that encourage behaviors
  521  that contribute to the sustainability of Florida’s natural
  522  ecosystems and resources and by Paddle Florida, Inc., to raise
  523  awareness about water conservation, wildlife preservation,
  524  restoration of springs, and protection of waterways in this
  525  state.
  527         (a)The department shall develop a Protect Marine Wildlife
  528  license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The
  529  plate must bear the colors and design approved by the
  530  department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
  531  plate, and the words “Protect Marine Wildlife” must appear at
  532  the bottom of the plate.
  533         (b)The annual use fees shall be distributed to the Protect
  534  Wild Dolphins Alliance, Inc., which may use up to 10 percent of
  535  the proceeds for administration, promotion, and marketing of the
  536  plate. All remaining proceeds shall be used by the Protect Wild
  537  Dolphins Alliance, Inc., to fund its conservation, research, and
  538  educational programs that focus on the conservation of Florida’s
  539  threatened and protected marine wildlife species.
  541         (a)The department shall develop a Margaritaville license
  542  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  543  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  544  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the word
  545  “Margaritaville” must appear at the bottom or the side of the
  546  plate.
  547         (b)The annual use fees shall be distributed to the SFC
  548  Charitable Foundation, Inc., which may use up to 10 percent of
  549  the proceeds for administration, promotion, and marketing of the
  550  specialty license plate. All remaining proceeds shall be used by
  551  the SFC Charitable Foundation, Inc., to provide grants to
  552  nonprofit organizations in communities impacted by natural or
  553  manmade disasters for purposes of recovery, rebuilding, and
  554  future sustainability and to promote and inspire local
  555  grassroots leaders who work to improve the quality of life in
  556  those communities and other communities in this state.
  558         (a)The department shall develop a Walton
  559  license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The
  560  plate must bear the colors and design approved by the
  561  department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the
  562  plate, and the words “Support Scenic Walton” must appear at the
  563  bottom of the plate.
  564         (b)The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  565  distributed to Scenic Walton, Inc., a nonprofit Florida
  566  corporation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to
  567  be used to preserve and enhance the beauty and safety of Walton
  568  County. Up to 10 percent of the fees may be used for marketing
  569  of the plate and costs directly associated with administration
  570  of Scenic Walton, Inc.
  572         (a) The department shall develop a Florida Swims license
  573  plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The plate
  574  must bear the colors and design approved by the department. The
  575  word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate, and the
  576  words “Swim for Life” must appear at the bottom of the plate.
  577         (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be
  578  distributed to Swimming Pool Education and Safety Foundation,
  579  Inc., doing business as Florida Swims, a nonprofit organization
  580  under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which may use
  581  up to 10 percent of the fees for administration and marketing of
  582  the plate. The remaining proceeds shall be used by Swimming Pool
  583  Education and Safety Foundation, Inc., doing business as Florida
  584  Swims, to promote swimming pool and water safety and to provide
  585  grants and scholarships for childhood swimming lessons in
  586  Florida.
  587         Section 4. Subsection (5) of section 320.0807, Florida
  588  Statutes, is amended to read:
  589         320.0807 Special license plates for Governor and federal
  590  and state legislators.—
  591         (5) Upon application by any current or former President of
  592  the Senate and payment of the fees prescribed by s. 320.0805,
  593  the department may issue a license plate stamped “Senate
  594  President” followed by the number assigned by the department or
  595  chosen by the applicant if it is not already in use. Upon
  596  application by any current or former Speaker of the House of
  597  Representatives and payment of the fees prescribed by s.
  598  320.0805, the department may issue a license plate stamped
  599  “House Speaker” followed by the number assigned by the
  600  department or chosen by the applicant if it is not already in
  601  use. The applicant must have served as President of the Senate
  602  or Speaker of the House of Representatives prior to January 1,
  603  2021.
  604         Section 5. Section 320.089, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  605  read:
  606         320.089 Veterans of the United States Armed Forces; members
  607  of National Guard; survivors of Pearl Harbor; Purple Heart medal
  608  recipients; Bronze Star recipients; active or retired United
  609  States Armed Forces reservists; Combat Infantry Badge, Combat
  610  Medical Badge, or Combat Action Badge recipients; Combat Action
  611  Ribbon recipients; Air Force Combat Action Medal recipients;
  612  Distinguished Flying Cross recipients; former prisoners of war;
  613  Korean War Veterans; Vietnam War Veterans; Operation Desert
  614  Shield Veterans; Operation Desert Storm Veterans; Operation
  615  Enduring Freedom Veterans; Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans;
  616  Women Veterans; World War II Veterans; and Navy Submariners; and
  617  Army of Occupation Veterans; special license plates; fee.—
  618         (1)(a) Each owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  619  private use or recreational vehicle as specified in s.
  620  320.08(9)(c) or (d), which is not used for hire or commercial
  621  use, who is a resident of the state and a veteran of the United
  622  States Armed Forces, a Woman Veteran, a World War II Veteran, a
  623  Navy Submariner, an active or retired member of the Florida
  624  National Guard, a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor, a
  625  recipient of the Purple Heart medal, a recipient of the Bronze
  626  Star, an active or retired member of any branch of the United
  627  States Armed Forces Reserve, or a recipient of the Combat
  628  Infantry Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Badge,
  629  Combat Action Ribbon, Air Force Combat Action Medal, or
  630  Distinguished Flying Cross, upon application to the department,
  631  accompanied by proof of release or discharge from any branch of
  632  the United States Armed Forces, proof of active membership or
  633  retired status in the Florida National Guard, proof of
  634  membership in the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association or proof of
  635  active military duty in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, proof
  636  of being a Purple Heart medal recipient, proof of being a Bronze
  637  Star recipient, proof of active or retired membership in any
  638  branch of the United States Armed Forces Reserve, or proof of
  639  membership in the Combat Infantrymen’s Association, Inc., proof
  640  of being a recipient of the Combat Infantry Badge, Combat
  641  Medical Badge, Combat Action Badge, Combat Action Ribbon, Air
  642  Force Combat Action Medal, or Distinguished Flying Cross, and
  643  upon payment of the license tax for the vehicle as provided in
  644  s. 320.08, shall be issued a license plate as provided by s.
  645  320.06 which, in lieu of the serial numbers prescribed by s.
  646  320.06, is stamped with the words “Veteran,” “Woman Veteran,”
  647  “WWII Veteran,” “Navy Submariner,” “National Guard,” “Pearl
  648  Harbor Survivor,” “Combat-wounded veteran,” “Bronze Star,” “U.S.
  649  Reserve,” “Combat Infantry Badge,” “Combat Medical Badge,”
  650  “Combat Action Badge,” “Combat Action Ribbon,” “Air Force Combat
  651  Action Medal,” or “Distinguished Flying Cross,” as appropriate,
  652  and a likeness of the related campaign medal or badge, followed
  653  by the serial number of the license plate. Additionally, the
  654  Purple Heart plate may have the words “Purple Heart” stamped on
  655  the plate and the likeness of the Purple Heart medal appearing
  656  on the plate.
  657         (b) The military members listed in paragraph (a) are
  658  eligible to be issued special veteran’s motorcycle license
  659  plates. The veteran’s motorcycle license plate design shall be
  660  the same as the design for the motor vehicle “Veteran” and
  661  “Woman Veteran” special license plate. The word “Veteran” or
  662  “Woman Veteran” shall be displayed at the bottom of the
  663  motorcycle license plate.
  664         (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
  665  contrary, beginning with fiscal year 2002-2003 and annually
  666  thereafter, the first $100,000 in general revenue generated from
  667  the sale of license plates issued under this section shall be
  668  deposited into the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, as described
  669  in s. 296.38(2), to be used for the purposes established by law
  670  for that trust fund. Any additional general revenue generated
  671  from the sale of such plates shall be deposited into the
  672  Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund within the Department of
  673  Veterans’ Affairs and used to support program operations that
  674  benefit veterans or the operation, maintenance, or construction
  675  of domiciliary and nursing homes for veterans, subject to the
  676  requirements of chapter 216.
  677         (d) Any revenue generated from the sale of Woman Veteran
  678  license plates must be deposited into the Operations and
  679  Maintenance Trust Fund administered by the Department of
  680  Veterans’ Affairs pursuant to s. 20.375(3) and must be used
  681  solely for the purpose of creating and implementing programs to
  682  benefit women veterans. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to
  683  the contrary, an applicant for a Pearl Harbor Survivor license
  684  plate or a Purple Heart license plate who also qualifies for a
  685  disabled veteran’s license plate under s. 320.084 shall be
  686  issued the appropriate special license plate without payment of
  687  the license tax imposed by s. 320.08.
  688         (2) Each owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  689  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  690  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d),
  691  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  692  of this state and who is a former prisoner of war, or his or her
  693  unremarried surviving spouse, upon application to the
  694  department, shall be issued a license plate as provided in s.
  695  320.06, stamped with the words “Ex-POW” followed by the serial
  696  number. Each application shall be accompanied by proof that the
  697  applicant meets the qualifications specified in paragraph (a) or
  698  paragraph (b).
  699         (a) A citizen of the United States who served as a member
  700  of the Armed Forces of the United States or the armed forces of
  701  a nation allied with the United States who was held as a
  702  prisoner of war at such time as the Armed Forces of the United
  703  States were engaged in combat, or his or her unremarried
  704  surviving spouse, may be issued the special license plate
  705  provided for in this subsection without payment of the license
  706  tax imposed by s. 320.08.
  707         (b) A person who was serving as a civilian with the consent
  708  of the United States Government, or a person who was a member of
  709  the Armed Forces of the United States while he or she was not a
  710  United States citizen and was held as a prisoner of war when the
  711  Armed Forces of the United States were engaged in combat, or his
  712  or her unremarried surviving spouse, may be issued the special
  713  license plate provided for in this subsection upon payment of
  714  the license tax imposed by s. 320.08.
  715         (3) Each owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  716  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  717  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d),
  718  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  719  of this state and who is the unremarried surviving spouse of a
  720  recipient of the Purple Heart medal, upon application to the
  721  department accompanied by the payment of the required fees,
  722  shall be issued a license plate as provided in s. 320.06 which
  723  is stamped with the words “Purple Heart” and the likeness of the
  724  Purple Heart medal followed by the serial number. Each
  725  application shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant is
  726  the unremarried surviving spouse of a recipient of the Purple
  727  Heart medal.
  728         (4) The owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  729  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  730  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d)
  731  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  732  of this state and a current or former member of the United
  733  States Armed Forces who was deployed and served in Korea during
  734  the Korean War as defined in s. 1.01(14), upon application to
  735  the department accompanied by proof of active membership or
  736  former active duty status during the Korean War and payment of
  737  the license tax for the vehicle as provided in s. 320.08, shall
  738  be issued a license plate as provided by s. 320.06 which, in
  739  lieu of the registration license number prescribed by s. 320.06,
  740  is stamped with the words “Korean War Veteran” and a likeness of
  741  the Korean Service Medal, followed by the registration license
  742  number of the plate. Proof that the applicant was awarded the
  743  Korean Service Medal is sufficient to establish eligibility for
  744  the license plate.
  745         (5) The owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  746  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  747  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d)
  748  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  749  of this state and a current or former member of the United
  750  States military who was deployed and served in Vietnam during
  751  United States military deployment in Indochina, upon application
  752  to the department accompanied by proof of active membership or
  753  former active duty status during these operations and payment of
  754  the license tax for the vehicle as provided in s. 320.08, shall
  755  be issued a license plate as provided by s. 320.06 which, in
  756  lieu of the registration license number prescribed by s. 320.06,
  757  is stamped with the words “Vietnam War Veteran” and a likeness
  758  of the Vietnam Service Medal, followed by the registration
  759  license number of the plate. Proof that the applicant was
  760  awarded the Vietnam Service Medal is sufficient to establish
  761  eligibility for the license plate.
  762         (6) The owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  763  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  764  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d)
  765  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  766  of this state and a current or former member of the United
  767  States military who was deployed and served in Saudi Arabia,
  768  Kuwait, or another area of the Persian Gulf during Operation
  769  Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm; in Afghanistan during
  770  Operation Enduring Freedom; or in Iraq during Operation Iraqi
  771  Freedom, upon application to the department accompanied by proof
  772  of active membership or former active duty status during one of
  773  these operations and payment of the license tax for the vehicle
  774  as provided in s. 320.08, shall be issued a license plate as
  775  provided by s. 320.06 which, in lieu of the registration license
  776  number prescribed by s. 320.06, is stamped with the words
  777  “Operation Desert Shield,” “Operation Desert Storm,” “Operation
  778  Enduring Freedom,” or “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” as appropriate,
  779  and a likeness of the related campaign medal followed by the
  780  registration license number of the plate. Proof that the
  781  applicant was awarded the Southwest Asia Service Medal, Iraq
  782  Campaign Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, or Global War on
  783  Terrorism Expeditionary Medal is sufficient to establish
  784  eligibility for the appropriate license plate.
  785         (7) The owner or lessee of an automobile or truck for
  786  private use, a truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or a
  787  recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d)
  788  which is not used for hire or commercial use who is a resident
  789  of this state and a current or former member of the United
  790  States military who was permanently assigned to occupation
  791  forces in specific overseas locations during the Cold War
  792  between May 9, 1945, and October 2, 1990, upon application to
  793  the department accompanied by proof of active membership or
  794  former active duty status during this period at one of these
  795  locations and payment of the license tax for the vehicle as
  796  provided in s. 320.08, shall be issued a license plate as
  797  provided by s. 320.06 which, in lieu of the registration license
  798  number prescribed by s. 320.06, is stamped with the words “Army
  799  of Occupation” and a likeness of the subject medal, followed by
  800  the registration license number of the plate. Proof that the
  801  applicant was awarded the Army of Occupation Medal is sufficient
  802  to establish eligibility for the license plate.
  803         Section 6. This act shall take effect October 1, 2021.
