Bill Text: FL S0880 | 2023 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Biosolids
Status: (Failed) 2023-05-05 - Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1405 (Ch. 2023-293) [S0880 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S0880-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Biosolids
Status: (Failed) 2023-05-05 - Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1405 (Ch. 2023-293) [S0880 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S0880-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2023 SB 880 By Senator Brodeur 10-01091-23 2023880__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to biosolids; amending s. 403.0673, 3 F.S.; authorizing the Department of Environmental 4 Protection, subject to appropriation, to provide 5 grants within the wastewater grant program for 6 projects that convert wastewater residuals to 7 biosolids; providing for the prioritization of such 8 projects; amending s. 403.0855, F.S.; prohibiting the 9 department from authorizing land application site 10 permits for Class B biosolids unless a certain 11 demonstration can be made; requiring the department to 12 publish and annually update maps of protected 13 subwatersheds; requiring land application site permits 14 to meet certain requirements by specified dates; 15 amending s. 403.1835, F.S.; requiring that department 16 water pollution control financial assistance be 17 administered to provide a specified percentage of 18 available funding to projects that convert wastewater 19 residuals to biosolids; providing an effective date. 20 21 WHEREAS, the Legislature encourages the highest levels of 22 treatment, quality, and use for biosolids, and 23 WHEREAS, the Legislature encourages the beneficial use of 24 biosolids in a manner that will foster public acceptance, as 25 well as innovative and alternative uses for biosolids, NOW, 26 THEREFORE, 27 28 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 29 30 Section 1. Present subsections (4) and (5) of section 31 403.0673, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (5) 32 and (6), respectively, a new subsection (4) is added to that 33 section, and subsection (2) of that section is amended, to read: 34 403.0673 Wastewater grant program.—A wastewater grant 35 program is established within the Department of Environmental 36 Protection. 37 (2) In allocatingsuchfunds pursuant to subsection (1), 38 priority must be given to projects that subsidize the connection 39 of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems to wastewater 40 treatment facilities. First priority must be given to subsidize 41 the connection of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems 42 to existing infrastructure. Second priority must be given to any 43 expansion of a collection or transmission system that promotes 44 efficiency by planning the installation of wastewater 45 transmission facilities to be constructed concurrently with 46 other construction projects occurring within or along a 47 transportation facility right-of-way. Third priority must be 48 given to all other connections of onsite sewage treatment and 49 disposal systems to wastewater treatment facilities. The 50 department shall consider the estimated reduction in nutrient 51 load per project; project readiness; the cost-effectiveness of 52 the project; the overall environmental benefit of a project; the 53 location of a project; the availability of local matching funds; 54 and projected water savings or quantity improvements associated 55 with a project. 56 (4) Subject to the appropriation of funds by the 57 Legislature, the department may provide grants throughout this 58 state for projects that convert wastewater residuals to class A 59 and class AA biosolids. In allocating such grants, the 60 department shall prioritize projects by considering the cost 61 effectiveness of a project and the overall environmental benefit 62 of a project. 63 Section 2. Subsections (7) and (8) are added to section 64 403.0855, Florida Statutes, to read: 65 403.0855 Biosolids management.— 66 (7) The department may not authorize a land application 67 site permit for a Class B biosolid within the subwatershed of a 68 waterbody designated as impaired for either nitrogen or 69 phosphorus or within an adjoining upstream subwatershed 70 containing surface waters that flow to a waterbody designated as 71 impaired for either nitrogen or phosphorus unless the applicant 72 affirmatively demonstrates that the phosphorus and nitrogen in 73 the biosolids will not add to the nutrient load in the impaired 74 subwatershed. This demonstration must be based on achieving a 75 net balance between nutrient imports relative to exports on the 76 permitted land application site. Exports may include only 77 nutrients removed from the subwatershed through products 78 generated on the permitted land application site. Beginning 79 August 1, 2023, and each August 1 thereafter, the department 80 shall publish updated maps designating the subwatersheds of 81 waterbodies protected under this subsection. 82 (8) New or renewed Class B biosolid land application site 83 permits issued after July 1, 2023, must meet the requirements of 84 this section by July 1, 2024. All permits for biosolid land 85 application sites must meet the requirements of this section by 86 July 1, 2025. 87 Section 3. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (3) of 88 section 403.1835, Florida Statutes, to read: 89 403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.— 90 (3) The department may provide financial assistance through 91 any program authorized under 33 U.S.C. s. 1383, as amended, 92 including, but not limited to, making grants and loans, 93 providing loan guarantees, purchasing loan insurance or other 94 credit enhancements, and buying or refinancing local debt. This 95 financial assistance must be administered in accordance with 96 this section and applicable federal authorities. 97 (e) The department shall administer financial assistance so 98 that at least 15 percent of the funding made available each year 99 under this section is reserved for projects that convert 100 wastewater residuals to Class A and Class AA biosolids during 101 the year such funding is reserved. 102 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.