Bill Text: FL S0908 | 2019 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Firesafety Systems
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Failed) 2019-04-26 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1393 (Ch. 2019-140), CS/CS/HB 7103 (Ch. 2019-165) [S0908 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S0908-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Firesafety Systems
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Failed) 2019-04-26 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1393 (Ch. 2019-140), CS/CS/HB 7103 (Ch. 2019-165) [S0908 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S0908-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2019 SB 908 By Senator Hooper 16-00954A-19 2019908__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to firesafety systems; amending s. 3 163.08, F.S.; revising the definition of the term 4 “qualifying improvement” to include improvements to 5 retrofit existing high-rise residential condominiums 6 with certain fire sprinkler systems; amending s. 7 633.312, F.S.; requiring that certain fire protection 8 system inspection reports be submitted pursuant to a 9 statewide uniform set of procedures; authorizing local 10 authorities having jurisdiction to accept such reports 11 by certain means; requiring the State Fire Marshal to 12 adopt a certain rule; providing that such inspection 13 reports may not be subject to certain requirements; 14 amending s. 718.112, F.S.; requiring that condominium 15 association bylaws provide requirements for the 16 association’s reasonable compliance with the Florida 17 Fire Prevention Code; defining the term “reasonable 18 compliance”; providing construction; specifying 19 authorized means of compliance for certain residential 20 condominiums; deleting a requirement for association 21 bylaws to contain a certain certificate of compliance 22 provision; deleting an exemption from a requirement to 23 retrofit certain condominium property with a fire 24 sprinkler system; deleting procedures for such 25 exemption; extending the date before which a local 26 authority having jurisdiction may not require 27 completion of retrofitting with a fire sprinkler 28 system; specifying the date before which a local 29 authority having jurisdiction may not require 30 completion of installation of an engineered life 31 safety system; requiring a residential condominium 32 association that is not in compliance with certain 33 requirements to perform certain duties by specified 34 dates; providing a penalty; requiring the Division of 35 Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes of 36 the Department of Business and Professional Regulation 37 to collect such penalty payments and remit them to the 38 Firefighter Assistance Grant Program within the 39 Division of State Fire Marshal of the Department of 40 Financial Services; deleting an obsolete provision; 41 deleting requirements for condominium associations to 42 report certain information to the Division of Florida 43 Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes and for the 44 division to report certain information to the Division 45 of State Fire Marshal; amending s. 718.120, F.S.; 46 authorizing condominium associations, under certain 47 circumstances, to elect to be assessed certain taxes 48 and assessments upon the condominium property as a 49 whole; specifying when such election must be made; 50 authorizing such associations to elect for condominium 51 parcels to be assessed separately after certain 52 conditions are met; reenacting s. 288.9606(7)(c), 53 F.S., relating to the issuance of revenue bonds, to 54 incorporate the amendment made to s. 163.08, F.S., in 55 a reference thereto; providing an effective date. 56 57 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 58 59 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 60 163.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 61 163.08 Supplemental authority for improvements to real 62 property.— 63 (2) As used in this section, the term: 64 (b) “Qualifying improvement” includes any: 65 1. Energy conservation and efficiency improvement, which is 66 a measure to reduce consumption through conservation or a more 67 efficient use of electricity, natural gas, propane, or other 68 forms of energy on the property, including, but not limited to, 69 air sealing; installation of insulation; installation of energy 70 efficient heating, cooling, or ventilation systems; building 71 modifications to increase the use of daylight; replacement of 72 windows; installation of energy controls or energy recovery 73 systems; installation of electric vehicle charging equipment; 74 and installation of efficient lighting equipment. 75 2. Renewable energy improvement, which is the installation 76 of any system in which the electrical, mechanical, or thermal 77 energy is produced from a method that uses one or more of the 78 following fuels or energy sources: hydrogen, solar energy, 79 geothermal energy, bioenergy, and wind energy. 80 3. Wind resistance improvement, which includes, but is not 81 limited to: 82 a. Improving the strength of the roof deck attachment; 83 b. Creating a secondary water barrier to prevent water 84 intrusion; 85 c. Installing wind-resistant shingles; 86 d. Installing gable-end bracing; 87 e. Reinforcing roof-to-wall connections; 88 f. Installing storm shutters; or 89 g. Installing opening protections. 90 4. Improvement to retrofit an existing high-rise 91 residential condominium with a fire sprinkler system in 92 accordance with the Florida Fire Prevention Code adopted 93 pursuant to s. 633.202, which includes: 94 a. Fire sprinkler systems and related improvements; or 95 b. Engineered life safety system improvements. 96 Section 2. Present subsections (4) and (5) of section 97 633.312, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (5) 98 and (6), respectively, a new subsection (4) is added to that 99 section, and subsection (3) of that section is republished, to 100 read: 101 633.312 Inspection of fire control systems, fire hydrants, 102 and fire protection systems.— 103 (3) The inspecting contractor shall provide to the building 104 owner or hydrant owner and the local authority having 105 jurisdiction a copy of the applicable inspection report 106 established under this chapter. The maintenance of fire hydrant 107 and fire protection systems as well as corrective actions on 108 deficient systems is the responsibility of the owner of the 109 system or hydrant. Equipment requiring periodic testing or 110 operation to ensure its maintenance shall be tested or operated 111 as specified in the Fire Prevention Code, Life Safety Code, 112 National Fire Protection Association standards, or as directed 113 by the appropriate authority, provided that such appropriate 114 authority may not require a sprinkler system not required by the 115 Fire Prevention Code, Life Safety Code, or National Fire 116 Protection Association standards to be removed regardless of its 117 condition. This section does not prohibit governmental entities 118 from inspecting and enforcing firesafety codes. 119 (4) A fire protection system inspection report provided by 120 a contractor in accordance with subsection (3) must be submitted 121 pursuant to a statewide uniform set of procedures. A local 122 authority having jurisdiction may accept such contractor 123 inspection reports directly or through a third-party electronic 124 submission vendor. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt a rule 125 requiring all third-party vendors or local authorities having 126 jurisdiction to follow a standardized procedure, including: 127 (a) A uniform reporting format that must be used by all 128 local authorities having jurisdiction and that is designed to 129 reduce the amount of information a contractor must manually 130 input into the system. 131 (b) A set of uniform submission procedures to be used by 132 local authorities having jurisdiction or by vendors. 133 134 The rule must allow a contractor to attach additional documents, 135 including the contractor’s detailed inspection report, to the 136 submission. A contractor’s inspection report is not required to 137 follow a standardized format, and a vendor or local authority 138 having jurisdiction may not require a contractor to enter the 139 details of the inspection report or of the deficiency repair 140 status into an electronic system. 141 Section 3. Paragraph (l) of subsection (2) of section 142 718.112, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 143 718.112 Bylaws.— 144 (2) REQUIRED PROVISIONS.—The bylaws shall provide for the 145 following and, if they do not do so, shall be deemed to include 146 the following: 147 (l) Firesafety.—An association must ensure reasonable 148 compliance with the Florida Fire Prevention Code. For purposes 149 of this paragraph, the term “reasonable compliance” means the 150 ability to select alternative solutions to ensure that the 151 property meets the level of firesafety required by the Florida 152 Fire Prevention Code. As to a residential condominium building 153 that is a high-rise building as defined under the Florida Fire 154 Prevention Code, the association may either retrofit a fire 155 sprinkler system or install an engineered life safety system as 156 specified in the Florida Fire Prevention CodeCertificate of157compliance.— A provision that a certificate of compliance from a158licensed electrical contractor or electrician may be accepted by159the association’s board as evidence of compliance of the160condominium units with the applicable fire and life safety code161must be included. Notwithstanding chapter 633 or of any other162code, statute, ordinance, administrative rule, or regulation, or163any interpretation of the foregoing, an association, residential164condominium, or unit owner is not obligated to retrofit the165common elements, association property, or units of a residential166condominium with a fire sprinkler system in a building that has167been certified for occupancy by the applicable governmental168entity if the unit owners have voted to forego such retrofitting169by the affirmative vote of a majority of all voting interests in170the affected condominium. 171 1. The local authority having jurisdiction may not require 172 completion of retrofitting with a fire sprinkler system or 173 completion of installation of an engineered life safety system 174 before January 1, 20232020. A residential condominium 175 association that is not in compliance with the requirements for 176 a fire sprinkler system or an engineered life safety system 177 shall: 178 a. By July 1, 2020, submit a final fire sprinkler permit 179 application and supporting documents to the authority having 180 jurisdiction; 181 b. By July 1, 2021, obtain all necessary permits; and 182 c. By December 31, 2022, pass final inspection. 183 184 If a residential condominium association fails to timely comply 185 with the requirements of this subparagraph, the authority having 186 jurisdiction shall assess a penalty against the association in 187 the amount of $500 per day until it attains compliance. The 188 Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes 189 of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall 190 collect all such payments and remit them to the Firefighter 191 Assistance Grant Program created under s. 633.135By December19231, 2016, a residential condominium association that is not in193compliance with the requirements for a fire sprinkler system and194has not voted to forego retrofitting of such a system must195initiate an application for a building permit for the required196installation with the local government having jurisdiction197demonstrating that the association will become compliant by198December 31, 2019. 1991.A vote to forego retrofitting may be obtained by limited200proxy or by a ballot personally cast at a duly called membership201meeting, or by execution of a written consent by the member, and202is effective upon recording a certificate attesting to such vote203in the public records of the county where the condominium is204located. The association shall mail or hand deliver to each unit205owner written notice at least 14 days before the membership206meeting in which the vote to forego retrofitting of the required207fire sprinkler system is to take place. Within 30 days after the208association’s opt-out vote, notice of the results of the opt-out209vote must be mailed or hand delivered to all unit owners.210Evidence of compliance with this notice requirement must be made211by affidavit executed by the person providing the notice and212filed among the official records of the association. After213notice is provided to each owner, a copy must be provided by the214current owner to a new owner before closing and by a unit owner215to a renter before signing a lease.2162.If there has been a previous vote to forego217retrofitting, a vote to require retrofitting may be obtained at218a special meeting of the unit owners called by a petition of at219least 10 percent of the voting interests. Such a vote may only220be called once every 3 years. Notice shall be provided as221required for any regularly called meeting of the unit owners,222and must state the purpose of the meeting. Electronic223transmission may not be used to provide notice of a meeting224called in whole or in part for this purpose.2253.As part of the information collected annually from226condominiums, the division shall require condominium227associations to report the membership vote and recording of a228certificate under this subsection and, if retrofitting has been229undertaken, the per-unit cost of such work. The division shall230annually report to the Division of State Fire Marshal of the231Department of Financial Services the number of condominiums that232have elected to forego retrofitting.233 2.4.Notwithstanding s. 553.509, a residential association 234 may not be obligated to, and may forego the retrofitting of, any 235 improvements required by s. 553.509(2) upon an affirmative vote 236 of a majority of the voting interests in the affected 237 condominium. 238 Section 4. Section 718.120, Florida Statutes, is amended to 239 read: 240 718.120 Separate taxation of condominium parcels; survival 241 of declaration after tax sale; assessment of timeshare estates; 242 assessment election after qualifying improvements.— 243 (1) Ad valorem taxes, benefit taxes, and special 244 assessments by taxing authorities shall be assessed against the 245 condominium parcels and not upon the condominium property as a 246 whole. No ad valorem tax, benefit tax, or special assessment, 247 including those made by special districts, drainage districts, 248 or water management districts, may be separately assessed 249 against recreational facilities or other common elements if such 250 facilities or common elements are owned by the condominium 251 association or are owned jointly by the owners of the 252 condominium parcels. Each condominium parcel shall be separately 253 assessed for ad valorem taxes and special assessments as a 254 single parcel. The taxes and special assessments levied against 255 each condominium parcel shall constitute a lien only upon the 256 condominium parcel assessed and upon no other portion of the 257 condominium property. 258 (2) All provisions of a declaration relating to a 259 condominium parcel which has been sold for taxes or special 260 assessments survive and are enforceable after the issuance of a 261 tax deed or master’s deed, upon foreclosure of an assessment, a 262 certificate or lien, a tax deed, tax certificate, or tax lien, 263 to the same extent that they would be enforceable against a 264 voluntary grantee of the title immediately prior to the delivery 265 of the tax deed, master’s deed, or clerk’s certificate of title 266 as provided in s. 197.573. 267 (3) Condominium property divided into fee timeshare real 268 property shall be assessed for purposes of ad valorem taxes and 269 special assessments as provided in s. 192.037. 270 (4) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a condominium 271 association that elects to make a qualifying improvement under 272 s. 163.08(2)(b)4. may elect to be assessed upon the condominium 273 property as a whole, rather than assigning to each unit owner a 274 portion of the common area’s value. Such election must be made 275 to the taxing authorities before implementing such improvements. 276 Upon completion of the improvements and termination of any 277 finance agreements under s. 163.08, a condominium association 278 may elect that condominium property be assessed as provided 279 under subsection (1). 280 Section 5. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 281 made by this act to section 163.08, Florida Statutes, in a 282 reference thereto, paragraph (c) of subsection (7) of section 283 288.9606, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 284 288.9606 Issue of revenue bonds.— 285 (7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the 286 corporation in its corporate capacity may, without authorization 287 from a public agency under s. 163.01(7), issue revenue bonds or 288 other evidence of indebtedness under this section to: 289 (c) If permitted by federal law, finance qualifying 290 improvement projects within the state under s. 163.08. 291 Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.