Bill Text: FL S0916 | 2017 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Republican 2-1)
Status: (Failed) 2017-05-03 - Laid on Table [S0916 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S0916-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2017 CS for SB 916 By the Committee on Appropriations; and Senators Grimsley and Stargel 576-04402-17 2017916c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the statewide Medicaid managed care 3 program; amending s. 409.912, F.S.; deleting the fee 4 for-service option as a basis for the reimbursement of 5 Medicaid provider service networks; amending s. 6 409.964, F.S.; deleting an obsolete provision; 7 amending s. 409.966, F.S.; requiring that a databook 8 consist of data that is consistent with actuarial 9 rate-setting practices and standards; requiring that 10 the source of such data include the 24 most recent 11 months of validated data from the Medicaid Encounter 12 Data System; deleting provisions relating to a report 13 and report requirements; revising the designation and 14 county makeup of regions of the state for purposes of 15 procuring health plans that may participate in the 16 Medicaid program; adding a factor that the Agency for 17 Health Care Administration must consider in the 18 selection of eligible plans; deleting a requirement 19 related to fee-for-service provider service networks; 20 amending s. 409.968, F.S.; requiring, rather than 21 authorizing, provider service networks to be prepaid 22 plans; deleting a fee-for-service option for Medicaid 23 reimbursement for provider service networks; amending 24 s. 409.971, F.S.; deleting an obsolete provision; 25 amending s. 409.974, F.S.; revising the number of 26 eligible Medicaid health care plans the agency must 27 procure for certain regions in the state; deleting an 28 obsolete provision; amending s. 409.978, F.S.; 29 deleting an obsolete provision; amending s. 409.981, 30 F.S.; revising the number of eligible Medicaid health 31 care plans the agency must procure for certain regions 32 in the state; deleting requirement that the agency 33 consider a specific factor relating to the selection 34 of managed medical assistance plans; providing an 35 effective date. 36 37 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 38 39 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 409.912, Florida 40 Statutes, is amended to read: 41 409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.—The 42 agency shall purchase goods and services for Medicaid recipients 43 in the most cost-effective manner consistent with the delivery 44 of quality medical care. To ensure that medical services are 45 effectively utilized, the agency may, in any case, require a 46 confirmation or second physician’s opinion of the correct 47 diagnosis for purposes of authorizing future services under the 48 Medicaid program. This section does not restrict access to 49 emergency services or poststabilization care services as defined 50 in 42 C.F.R. s. 438.114. Such confirmation or second opinion 51 shall be rendered in a manner approved by the agency. The agency 52 shall maximize the use of prepaid per capita and prepaid 53 aggregate fixed-sum basis services when appropriate and other 54 alternative service delivery and reimbursement methodologies, 55 including competitive bidding pursuant to s. 287.057, designed 56 to facilitate the cost-effective purchase of a case-managed 57 continuum of care. The agency shall also require providers to 58 minimize the exposure of recipients to the need for acute 59 inpatient, custodial, and other institutional care and the 60 inappropriate or unnecessary use of high-cost services. The 61 agency shall contract with a vendor to monitor and evaluate the 62 clinical practice patterns of providers in order to identify 63 trends that are outside the normal practice patterns of a 64 provider’s professional peers or the national guidelines of a 65 provider’s professional association. The vendor must be able to 66 provide information and counseling to a provider whose practice 67 patterns are outside the norms, in consultation with the agency, 68 to improve patient care and reduce inappropriate utilization. 69 The agency may mandate prior authorization, drug therapy 70 management, or disease management participation for certain 71 populations of Medicaid beneficiaries, certain drug classes, or 72 particular drugs to prevent fraud, abuse, overuse, and possible 73 dangerous drug interactions. The Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics 74 Committee shall make recommendations to the agency on drugs for 75 which prior authorization is required. The agency shall inform 76 the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee of its decisions 77 regarding drugs subject to prior authorization. The agency is 78 authorized to limit the entities it contracts with or enrolls as 79 Medicaid providers by developing a provider network through 80 provider credentialing. The agency may competitively bid single 81 source-provider contracts if procurement of goods or services 82 results in demonstrated cost savings to the state without 83 limiting access to care. The agency may limit its network based 84 on the assessment of beneficiary access to care, provider 85 availability, provider quality standards, time and distance 86 standards for access to care, the cultural competence of the 87 provider network, demographic characteristics of Medicaid 88 beneficiaries, practice and provider-to-beneficiary standards, 89 appointment wait times, beneficiary use of services, provider 90 turnover, provider profiling, provider licensure history, 91 previous program integrity investigations and findings, peer 92 review, provider Medicaid policy and billing compliance records, 93 clinical and medical record audits, and other factors. Providers 94 are not entitled to enrollment in the Medicaid provider network. 95 The agency shall determine instances in which allowing Medicaid 96 beneficiaries to purchase durable medical equipment and other 97 goods is less expensive to the Medicaid program than long-term 98 rental of the equipment or goods. The agency may establish rules 99 to facilitate purchases in lieu of long-term rentals in order to 100 protect against fraud and abuse in the Medicaid program as 101 defined in s. 409.913. The agency may seek federal waivers 102 necessary to administer these policies. 103 (2) The agency may contract with a provider service 104 network, which may be reimbursed on a fee-for-service or prepaid105basis. Prepaid provider service networks shall receive per 106 member, per-month payments.A provider service network that does107not choose to be a prepaid plan shall receive fee-for-service108rates with a shared savings settlement. The fee-for-service109option shall be available to a provider service network only for110the first 2 years of the plan’s operation or until the contract111year beginning September 1, 2014, whichever is later. The agency112shall annually conduct cost reconciliations to determine the113amount of cost savings achieved by fee-for-service provider114service networks for the dates of service in the period being115reconciled. Only payments for covered services for dates of116service within the reconciliation period and paid within 6117months after the last date of service in the reconciliation118period shall be included. The agency shall perform the necessary119adjustments for the inclusion of claims incurred but not120reported within the reconciliation for claims that could be121received and paid by the agency after the 6-month claims122processing time lag. The agency shall provide the results of the123reconciliations to the fee-for-service provider service networks124within 45 days after the end of the reconciliation period. The125fee-for-service provider service networks shall review and126provide written comments or a letter of concurrence to the127agency within 45 days after receipt of the reconciliation128results. This reconciliation shall be considered final.129 (a) A provider service network thatwhichis reimbursed by 130 the agency on a prepaid basis shall be exempt from parts I and 131 III of chapter 641, but must comply with the solvency 132 requirements in s. 641.2261(2) and meet appropriate financial 133 reserve, quality assurance, and patient rights requirements as 134 established by the agency. 135 (b) A provider service network is a network established or 136 organized and operated by a health care provider, or group of 137 affiliated health care providers, which provides a substantial 138 proportion of the health care items and services under a 139 contract directly through the provider or affiliated group of 140 providers and may make arrangements with physicians or other 141 health care professionals, health care institutions, or any 142 combination of such individuals or institutions to assume all or 143 part of the financial risk on a prospective basis for the 144 provision of basic health services by the physicians, by other 145 health professionals, or through the institutions. The health 146 care providers must have a controlling interest in the governing 147 body of the provider service network organization. 148 Section 2. Section 409.964, Florida Statutes, is amended to 149 read: 150 409.964 Managed care program; state plan; waivers.—The 151 Medicaid program is established as a statewide, integrated 152 managed care program for all covered services, including long 153 term care services. The agency shall apply for and implement 154 state plan amendments or waivers of applicable federal laws and 155 regulations necessary to implement the program. Before seeking a 156 waiver, the agency shall provide public notice and the 157 opportunity for public comment and include public feedback in 158 the waiver application. The agency shall hold one public meeting 159 in each of the regions described in s. 409.966(2), and thetime160 period for public comment for each region shall end no sooner 161 than 30 days after the completion of the public meeting in that 162 region.The agency shall submit any state plan amendments, new163waiver requests, or requests for extensions or expansions for164existing waivers, needed to implement the managed care program165by August 1, 2011.166 Section 3. Subsection (2) and paragraphs (a), (d), and (e) 167 of subsection (3) of section 409.966, Florida Statutes, are 168 amended to read: 169 409.966 Eligible plans; selection.— 170 (2) ELIGIBLE PLAN SELECTION.—The agency shall select a 171 limited number of eligible plans to participate in the Medicaid 172 program using invitations to negotiate in accordance with s. 173 287.057(1)(c). At least 90 days before issuing an invitation to 174 negotiate, the agency shall compile and publish a databook 175 consisting of a comprehensive set of utilization and spending 176 data consistent with actuarial rate-setting practices and 177 standardsfor the 3 most recent contract years consistent with178the rate-setting periods for all Medicaid recipients by region179or county. The source of the data in the databookreportmust 180 include the 24 most recent months ofboth historic fee-for181service claims andvalidated data from the Medicaid Encounter 182 Data System.The report must be available in electronic form and183delineate utilization use by age, gender, eligibility group,184geographic area, and aggregate clinical risk score.Separate and 185 simultaneous procurements shall be conducted in each of the 186 following regions: 187 (a) Region ARegion 1, which consists of Bay, Calhoun, 188 Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, 189 Leon, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Taylor, Wakulla, 190andWalton, and Washington Counties. 191 (b) Region BRegion 2, which consists of Alachua, Baker, 192 Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, 193 Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Marion, 194 Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Union, and Volusia 195Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson,196Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, Wakulla, and197WashingtonCounties. 198 (c) Region CRegion3, which consists of Hardee, Highlands, 199 Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, and PolkAlachua,200Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton,201Hernando, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Sumter,202Suwannee, and UnionCounties. 203 (d) Region DRegion4, which consists of Brevard, Orange, 204 Osceola, and SeminoleBaker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, St.205Johns, and VolusiaCounties. 206 (e) Region ERegion5, which consists of Charlotte, 207 Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee, and SarasotaPasco and208PinellasCounties. 209 (f) Region FRegion6, which consists of Indian River, 210 Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. LucieHardee, Highlands,211Hillsborough, Manatee, and PolkCounties. 212 (g) Region GRegion7, which consists of Broward County 213Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties. 214 (h) Region HRegion8, which consists of Miami-Dade and 215 MonroeCharlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee, and216SarasotaCounties. 217(i) Region 9, which consists of Indian River, Martin,218Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie Counties.219(j) Region 10, which consists of Broward County.220(k) Region 11, which consists of Miami-Dade and Monroe221Counties.222 (3) QUALITY SELECTION CRITERIA.— 223 (a) The invitation to negotiate must specify the criteria 224 and the relative weight of the criteria that will be used for 225 determining the acceptability of the reply and guiding the 226 selection of the organizations with which the agency negotiates. 227 In addition to criteria established by the agency, the agency 228 shall consider the following factors in the selection of 229 eligible plans: 230 1. Accreditation by the National Committee for Quality 231 Assurance, the Joint Commission, or another nationally 232 recognized accrediting body. 233 2. Experience serving similar populations, including the 234 organization’s record in achieving specific quality standards 235 with similar populations. 236 3. Availability and accessibility of primary care and 237 specialty physicians in the provider network. 238 4. Establishment of community partnerships with providers 239 that create opportunities for reinvestment in community-based 240 services. 241 5. Organization commitment to quality improvement and 242 documentation of achievements in specific quality improvement 243 projects, including active involvement by organization 244 leadership. 245 6. Provision of additional benefits, particularly dental 246 care and disease management, and other initiatives that improve 247 health outcomes. 248 7. Evidence that an eligible plan has written agreements or 249 signed contracts or has made substantial progress in 250 establishing relationships with providers before the plan 251 submitting a response. 252 8. Comments submitted in writing by any enrolled Medicaid 253 provider relating to a specifically identified plan 254 participating in the procurement in the same region as the 255 submitting provider. 256 9. Documentation of policies and procedures for preventing 257 fraud and abuse. 258 10. The business relationship an eligible plan has with any 259 other eligible plan that responds to the invitation to 260 negotiate. 261 11. Whether a plan is proposing to establish a 262 comprehensive long-term care plan. 263 (d) For the first year of the first contract term, the 264 agency shall negotiate capitation rates or fee for service 265 payments with each plan in order to guarantee aggregate savings 266 of at least 5 percent. 2671.For prepaid plans, determination of the amount of 268 savings shall be calculated by comparison to the Medicaid rates 269 that the agency paid managed care plans for similar populations 270 in the same areas in the prior year. In regions containing no 271 prepaid plans in the prior year, determination of the amount of 272 savings shall be calculated by comparison to the Medicaid rates 273 established and certified for those regions in the prior year. 2742. For provider service networks operating on a fee-for275service basis, determination of the amount of savings shall be276calculated by comparison to the Medicaid rates that the agency277paid on a fee-for-service basis for the same services in the278prior year.279 (e) To ensure managed care plan participation in Regions A 280 and ERegions 1 and 2, the agency shall award an additional 281 contract to each plan with a contract award in Region ARegion 1282 or Region ERegion 2. Such contract shall be in any other region 283 in which the plan submitted a responsive bid and negotiates a 284 rate acceptable to the agency. If a plan that is awarded an 285 additional contract pursuant to this paragraph is subject to 286 penalties pursuant to s. 409.967(2)(i) for activities in Region 287 ARegion 1or Region ERegion 2, the additional contract is 288 automatically terminated 180 days after the imposition of the 289 penalties. The plan must reimburse the agency for the cost of 290 enrollment changes and other transition activities. 291 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 409.968, Florida 292 Statutes, is amended to read: 293 409.968 Managed care plan payments.— 294 (2) Provider service networks shallmaybe prepaid plans 295 and receive per-member, per-month payments negotiated pursuant 296 to the procurement process described in s. 409.966.Provider297service networks that choose not to be prepaid plans shall298receive fee-for-service rates with a shared savings settlement.299The fee-for-service option shall be available to a provider300service network only for the first 2 years of its operation. The301agency shall annually conduct cost reconciliations to determine302the amount of cost savings achieved by fee-for-service provider303service networks for the dates of service within the period304being reconciled. Only payments for covered services for dates305of service within the reconciliation period and paid within 6306months after the last date of service in the reconciliation307period must be included. The agency shall perform the necessary308adjustments for the inclusion of claims incurred but not309reported within the reconciliation period for claims that could310be received and paid by the agency after the 6-month claims311processing time lag. The agency shall provide the results of the312reconciliations to the fee-for-service provider service networks313within 45 days after the end of the reconciliation period. The314fee-for-service provider service networks shall review and315provide written comments or a letter of concurrence to the316agency within 45 days after receipt of the reconciliation317results. This reconciliation is considered final.318 Section 5. Section 409.971, Florida Statutes, is amended to 319 read: 320 409.971 Managed medical assistance program.—The agency 321 shall make payments for primary and acute medical assistance and 322 related services using a managed care model.By January 1, 2013,323the agency shall begin implementation of the statewide managed324medical assistance program, with full implementation in all325regions by October 1, 2014.326 Section 6. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 409.974, 327 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 328 409.974 Eligible plans.— 329 (1) ELIGIBLE PLAN SELECTION.—The agency shall select 330 eligible plans for the managed medical assistance program 331 through the procurement process described in s. 409.966.The332agency shall notice invitations to negotiate no later than333January 1, 2013.334 (a) The agency shall procure at least threetwoplans and 335 up to four plans for Region ARegion 1. At least one plan shall 336 be a provider service network if any provider service networks 337 submit a responsive bid. 338 (b) The agency shall procure at least three plans and up to 339 sixtwoplans for Region BRegion 2. At least one plan shall be 340 a provider service network if any provider service networks 341 submit a responsive bid. 342 (c) The agency shall procure at least 5threeplans and up 343 to 10fiveplans for Region CRegion 3. At least one plan must 344 be a provider service network if any provider service networks 345 submit a responsive bid. 346 (d) The agency shall procure at least three plans and up to 347 sixfiveplans for Region DRegion 4. At least one plan must be 348 a provider service network if any provider service networks 349 submit a responsive bid. 350 (e) The agency shall procure at least threetwoplans and 351 up to four plans for Region ERegion 5. At least one plan must 352 be a provider service network if any provider service networks 353 submit a responsive bid. 354 (f) The agency shall procure at least threefourplans and 355 up to fivesevenplans for Region FRegion 6. At least one plan 356 must be a provider service network if any provider service 357 networks submit a responsive bid. 358 (g) The agency shall procure at least three plans and up to 359 fivesixplans for Region GRegion 7. At least one plan must be 360 a provider service network if any provider service networks 361 submit a responsive bid. 362 (h) The agency shall procure at least 5twoplans and up to 363 10fourplans for Region HRegion 8. At least one plan must be a 364 provider service network if any provider service networks submit 365 a responsive bid. 366(i) The agency shall procure at least two plans and up to367four plans for Region 9. At least one plan must be a provider368service network if any provider service networks submit a369responsive bid.370(j) The agency shall procure at least two plans and up to371four plans for Region 10. At least one plan must be a provider372service network if any provider service networks submit a373responsive bid.374(k) The agency shall procure at least five plans and up to37510 plans for Region 11. At least one plan must be a provider376service network if any provider service networks submit a377responsive bid.378 379If no provider service network submits a responsive bid, the380agency shall procure no more than one less than the maximum381number of eligible plans permitted in that region. Within 12382months after the initial invitation to negotiate, the agency383shall attempt to procure a provider service network. The agency384shall notice another invitation to negotiate only with provider385service networks in those regions where no provider service386network has been selected.387 (2) QUALITY SELECTION CRITERIA.—In addition to the criteria 388 established in s. 409.966, the agency shall consider evidence 389 that an eligible plan has written agreements or signed contracts 390 or has made substantial progress in establishing relationships 391 with providers before the plan submitssubmittinga response. 392 The agency shall evaluate and give special weight to evidence of 393 signed contracts with essential providers as defined by the 394 agency pursuant to s. 409.975(1). The agency shall exercise a 395 preference for plans with a provider network in which more than 396over10 percent of the providers use electronic health records, 397 as defined in s. 408.051.When all other factors are equal, the398agency shall consider whether the organization has a contract to399provide managed long-term care services in the same region and400shall exercise a preference for such plans.401 Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 409.978, Florida 402 Statutes, is amended to read: 403 409.978 Long-term care managed care program.— 404 (1) Pursuant to s. 409.963, the agency shall administer the 405 long-term care managed care program described in ss. 409.978 406 409.985, but may delegate specific duties and responsibilities 407 for the program to the Department of Elderly Affairs and other 408 state agencies.By July 1, 2012, the agency shall begin409implementation of the statewide long-term care managed care410program, with full implementation in all regions by October 1,4112013.412 Section 8. Subsection (2) and paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) 413 of subsection (3) of section 409.981, Florida Statutes, are 414 amended to read: 415 409.981 Eligible long-term care plans.— 416 (2) ELIGIBLE PLAN SELECTION.—The agency shall select 417 eligible plans for the long-term care managed care program 418 through the procurement process described in s. 409.966. The 419 agency shall procure: 420 (a) At least threetwoplans and up to four plans for 421 Region ARegion 1. At least one plan must be a provider service 422 network if any provider service networks submit a responsive 423 bid. 424 (b) At least threeTwoplans and up to six plans for Region 425 BRegion 2. At least one plan must be a provider service network 426 if any provider service networks submit a responsive bid. 427 (c) At least fivethreeplans and up to eightfiveplans 428 for Region CRegion 3. At least one plan must be a provider 429 service network if any provider service networks submit a 430 responsive bid. 431 (d) At least three plans and up to sixfiveplans for 432 Region DRegion 4. At least one plan must be a provider service 433 network if any provider service network submits a responsive 434 bid. 435 (e) At least threetwoplans and up to four plans for 436 Region ERegion 5. At least one plan must be a provider service 437 network if any provider service networks submit a responsive 438 bid. 439 (f) At least threefourplans and up to fivesevenplans 440 for Region FRegion 6. At least one plan must be a provider 441 service network if any provider service networks submit a 442 responsive bid. 443 (g) At least three plans and up to foursixplans for 444 Region GRegion 7. At least one plan must be a provider service 445 network if any provider service networks submit a responsive 446 bid. 447 (h) At least 5twoplans and up to 10fourplans for Region 448 HRegion 8. At least one plan must be a provider service network 449 if any provider service networks submit a responsive bid. 450(i) At least two plans and up to four plans for Region 9.451At least one plan must be a provider service network if any452provider service networks submit a responsive bid.453(j) At least two plans and up to four plans for Region 10.454At least one plan must be a provider service network if any455provider service networks submit a responsive bid.456(k) At least five plans and up to 10 plans for Region 11.457At least one plan must be a provider service network if any458provider service networks submit a responsive bid.459 460If no provider service network submits a responsive bid in a461region other than Region 1 or Region 2, the agency shall procure462no more than one less than the maximum number of eligible plans463permitted in that region. Within 12 months after the initial464invitation to negotiate, the agency shall attempt to procure a465provider service network. The agency shall notice another466invitation to negotiate only with provider service networks in467regions where no provider service network has been selected.468 (3) QUALITY SELECTION CRITERIA.—In addition to the criteria 469 established in s. 409.966, the agency shall consider the 470 following factors in the selection of eligible plans: 471(c) Whether a plan is proposing to establish a472comprehensive long-term care plan and whether the eligible plan473has a contract to provide managed medical assistance services in474the same region.475 (c)(d)Whether a plan offers consumer-directed care 476 services to enrollees pursuant to s. 409.221. 477 (d)(e)Whether a plan is proposing to provide home and 478 community-based services in addition to the minimum benefits 479 required by s. 409.98. 480 Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 2017.