Bill Text: FL S0926 | 2023 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Florida Virtual School
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-05-01 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1597 (Ch. 2023-73) [S0926 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S0926-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2023 CS for SB 926 By the Committee on Education Pre-K -12; and Senators Rodriguez and Jones 581-03518-23 2023926c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Florida Virtual School; 3 creating s. 1008.213, F.S.; providing for flexibility 4 in the administration of specified assessments for 5 Florida Virtual School full-time students of military 6 families residing outside this state; providing that 7 such assessments for students granted such flexibility 8 must be administered securely by persons who meet 9 specified criteria at a certain location; providing a 10 process for the parents or guardians of such students 11 to request the flexibility in assessment 12 administration from the Florida Virtual School; 13 providing requirements for such parents or guardians, 14 the Florida Virtual School, and the Department of 15 Education in such process; authorizing the Legislature 16 to request a report from the Florida Virtual School 17 regarding requests for flexibility in assessment 18 administration; requiring the State Board of Education 19 to adopt rules; amending s. 1008.22, F.S.; providing 20 flexibility in the administration of specified 21 assessments for certain Florida Virtual School 22 students; defining the term “child of a military 23 family residing outside this state who is eligible for 24 flexibility in assessment administration”; providing 25 requirements for such flexibility in assessment 26 administration; providing an effective date. 27 28 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 29 30 Section 1. Section 1008.213, Florida Statutes, is created 31 to read: 32 1008.213 Children of military families residing outside 33 this state; flexible assessment administration.— 34 (1) A Florida Virtual School full-time student of a 35 military family residing outside this state who is prevented by 36 his or her parent’s or guardian’s out-of-state military duty 37 station’s location from participating in a Florida-based Florida 38 Virtual School secure and proctored exam must be offered 39 flexibility with respect to assessment administration in order 40 to demonstrate the grade-level mastery of skills that have been 41 acquired and are measured by the statewide, standardized 42 comprehensive assessment under s. 1008.22(3)(a), the statewide, 43 standardized end-of-course assessment under s. 1008.22(3)(b), or 44 an alternate assessment under s. 1008.22(3)(d). 45 (2)(a) The flexibility in assessment administration must 46 allow a Florida Virtual School full-time student from a military 47 family currently stationed outside this state to participate in 48 statewide, standardized assessments administered securely by a 49 licensed, certified instructor or an education services officer 50 test administrator at his or her parent’s or guardian’s current 51 military duty station. 52 (b) A licensed, certified instructor or an education 53 services officer test administrator must meet the criteria 54 specified in s. 1008.24(3)(a). 55 (3) The student’s parent or guardian may submit to the 56 Florida Virtual School a written request for flexibility in 57 assessment administration at any time during the school year, 58 but not later than 90 days before the current school year’s 59 assessment administration for which the request is made. A 60 request must include written, official documentation of the 61 family’s current out-of-state military duty stationing. 62 (4) Based on such documentation provided by the family 63 pursuant to subsection (3), the Florida Virtual School shall 64 submit a recommendation to the Department of Education as soon 65 as practicable as to whether flexibility in assessment 66 administration for a given statewide assessment should be 67 granted or denied. Upon receipt of the request, documentation, 68 and recommendation, the department shall verify the information 69 documented as soon as practicable, make a determination, and 70 notify the Florida Virtual School within 14 days. After the 71 receipt of the department’s determination, the Florida Virtual 72 School shall notify the parent or guardian whether the 73 flexibility in assessment administration has been granted or 74 denied. If the department grants the request, the student’s 75 progress must be assessed with flexibility in assessment 76 administration as provided in s. 1008.22. 77 (5) The Legislature may request from the Florida Virtual 78 School a report containing the number of requests for 79 flexibility in assessment administration made under this 80 section, the number of requests for flexibility in assessment 81 administration granted under this section, and data regarding 82 student performance on statewide, standardized assessments. 83 (6) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to 84 implement this section. 85 Section 2. Present subsections (11) through (14) of section 86 1008.22, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (12) 87 through (15), respectively, and a new subsection (11) is added 88 to that section, to read: 89 1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.— 90 (11) CHILD OF A MILITARY FAMILY RESIDING OUTSIDE THIS 91 STATE.—In addition to the flexibility in assessment 92 administration under s. 1008.213, a child of a military family 93 residing outside this state is eligible for flexibility in 94 assessment administration in accordance with this subsection 95 when participating in the statewide, standardized comprehensive 96 assessment in paragraph (3)(a), the statewide, standardized end 97 of-course assessment in paragraph (3)(b), or an alternate 98 assessment in paragraph (3)(d). 99 (a) Definition.—For the purposes of this subsection, the 100 term “child of a military family residing outside this state who 101 is eligible for flexibility in assessment administration” means 102 a Florida Virtual School full-time student of a military family 103 residing outside this state who is prevented by his or her 104 parent’s or guardian’s out-of-state military duty station’s 105 location from participating in a Florida-based Florida Virtual 106 School secure and proctored exam. 107 (b) Flexibility in assessment administration option.—The 108 flexibility in assessment administration under this subsection 109 must allow a Florida Virtual School full-time student from a 110 military family currently stationed outside this state to 111 participate in statewide, standardized assessments administered 112 securely by a licensed, certified instructor or an education 113 services officer test administrator at his or her family’s 114 current military duty station. To be eligible for this 115 flexibility, the student’s parent or guardian must meet the 116 requirements of s. 1008.213, and the student must be determined 117 eligible by the Department of Education. 118 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.