Bill Text: FL S0926 | 2023 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Florida Virtual School
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-05-01 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1597 (Ch. 2023-73) [S0926 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S0926-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Florida Virtual School
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-05-01 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1597 (Ch. 2023-73) [S0926 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S0926-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2023 SB 926 By Senator Rodriguez 40-00576A-23 2023926__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Florida Virtual School; 3 amending s. 121.091, F.S.; authorizing the board of 4 trustees of the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) to 5 reemploy retirees in certain positions under certain 6 conditions; authorizing additional personnel to 7 participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program; 8 creating s. 1008.213, F.S.; providing flexibility in 9 assessment administration for FLVS full-time students 10 of military families residing outside this state; 11 providing that statewide, standardized assessments for 12 students granted such flexibility in assessment 13 administration must be administered securely by a 14 licensed, certified instructor or Education Services 15 Officer test administrator at their parent’s or 16 guardian’s current military duty station; specifying 17 the procedure for the student’s parent or guardian to 18 request flexibility in assessment administration; 19 requiring FLVS to recommend to the Department of 20 Education whether flexibility in assessment 21 administration should be granted for a given statewide 22 assessment; providing requirements for the department 23 in making a determination; authorizing the Legislature 24 to request a report from FLVS regarding requests for 25 flexibility in assessment administration; requiring 26 the State Board of Education to adopt rules; amending 27 s. 1008.22, F.S.; providing flexibility in assessment 28 administration for certain FLVS students regarding 29 certain assessments; defining the term “child of a 30 military family residing outside this state eligible 31 for flexibility in assessment administration”; 32 providing requirements for flexibility in assessment 33 administration; amending s. 1011.61, F.S.; providing 34 requirements for funding FLVS students for successful 35 credit completions; providing that there is no cap on 36 the number of credit completions per student if the 37 student satisfies a specified requirement; providing 38 an effective date. 39 40 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 41 42 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (13) of section 43 121.091, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (g) is 44 added to subsection (9) of that section, to read: 45 121.091 Benefits payable under the system.—Benefits may not 46 be paid under this section unless the member has terminated 47 employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or begun 48 participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program as 49 provided in subsection (13), and a proper application has been 50 filed in the manner prescribed by the department. The department 51 may cancel an application for retirement benefits when the 52 member or beneficiary fails to timely provide the information 53 and documents required by this chapter and the department’s 54 rules. The department shall adopt rules establishing procedures 55 for application for retirement benefits and for the cancellation 56 of such application when the required information or documents 57 are not received. 58 (9) EMPLOYMENT AFTER RETIREMENT; LIMITATION.— 59 (g) The board of trustees of the Florida Virtual School may 60 reemploy a retiree as a substitute or hourly teacher, an 61 education paraprofessional, or administrative or support 62 personnel on a noncontractual basis after he or she has been 63 retired for 1 calendar month. The board of trustees of the 64 Florida Virtual School may reemploy a retiree as instructional, 65 administrative, or support personnel on a contractual basis 66 after he or she has been retired for 1 calendar month. The 67 reemployed member may receive retirement benefits and 68 compensation from the board of trustees of the Florida Virtual 69 School. Any member who is reemployed within 1 calendar month 70 after retirement shall void his or her application for 71 retirement benefits. The board of trustees of the Florida 72 Virtual School reemploying such teachers, education 73 paraprofessionals, or administrative or support personnel is 74 subject to the retirement contribution required by subparagraph 75 (b)2. 76 (13) DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PROGRAM.—In general, and 77 subject to this section, the Deferred Retirement Option Program, 78 hereinafter referred to as DROP, is a program under which an 79 eligible member of the Florida Retirement System may elect to 80 participate, deferring receipt of retirement benefits while 81 continuing employment with his or her Florida Retirement System 82 employer. The deferred monthly benefits shall accrue in the 83 Florida Retirement System on behalf of the member, plus interest 84 compounded monthly, for the specified period of the DROP 85 participation, as provided in paragraph (c). Upon termination of 86 employment, the member shall receive the total DROP benefits and 87 begin to receive the previously determined normal retirement 88 benefits. Participation in the DROP does not guarantee 89 employment for the specified period of DROP. Participation in 90 DROP by an eligible member beyond the initial 60-month period as 91 authorized in this subsection shall be on an annual contractual 92 basis for all participants. 93 (b) Participation in DROP.—Except as provided in this 94 paragraph, an eligible member may elect to participate in DROP 95 for a period not to exceed a maximum of 60 calendar months. 96 1.a. Members who are instructional personnel employed by 97 the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind and authorized by 98 the Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and the 99 Blind;,who are instructional personnel as defined in s. 100 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in grades K-12 and authorized by the district 101 school superintendent; who are instructional, administrative, or 102 support personnel employed and authorized by the board of 103 trustees of the Florida Virtual School;,or who are 104 instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2)(a), employed 105 by a developmental research school and authorized by the 106 school’s director, or if the school has no director, by the 107 school’s principal, may participate in DROP for up to 36 108 calendar months beyond the 60-month period. Effective July 1, 109 2018, instructional personnel who are authorized to extend DROP 110 participation beyond the 60-month period must have a termination 111 date that is the last day of the last calendar month of the 112 school year within the DROP extension granted by the employer. 113 If, on July 1, 2018, the member’s DROP participation has already 114 been extended for the maximum 36 calendar months and the 115 extension period concludes before the end of the school year, 116 the member’s DROP participation may be extended through the last 117 day of the last calendar month of that school year. The employer 118 shall notify the division of the change in termination date and 119 the additional period of DROP participation for the affected 120 instructional personnel. 121 b. Administrative personnel in grades K-12, as defined in 122 s. 1012.01(3), who have a DROP termination date on or after July 123 1, 2018, may be authorized to extend DROP participation beyond 124 the initial 60 calendar month period if the administrative 125 personnel’s termination date is before the end of the school 126 year. Such administrative personnel may have DROP participation 127 extended until the last day of the last calendar month of the 128 school year in which their original DROP termination date 129 occurred if a date other than the last day of the last calendar 130 month of the school year is designated. The employer shall 131 notify the division of the change in termination date and the 132 additional period of DROP participation for the affected 133 administrative personnel. 134 c. Effective July 1, 2022, a member of the Special Risk 135 Class who is a law enforcement officer who meets the criteria in 136 s. 121.0515(3)(a) and who is a DROP participant on or after July 137 1, 2022, may participate in DROP for up to 36 calendar months 138 beyond the 60-month period if he or she enters DROP on or before 139 June 30, 2028. 140 2. Upon deciding to participate in DROP, the member shall 141 submit, on forms required by the division: 142 a. A written election to participate in DROP; 143 b. Selection of DROP participation and termination dates 144 that satisfy the limitations stated in paragraph (a) and 145 subparagraph 1. The termination date must be in a binding letter 146 of resignation to the employer establishing a deferred 147 termination date. The member may change the termination date 148 within the limitations of subparagraph 1., but only with the 149 written approval of the employer; 150 c. A properly completed DROP application for service 151 retirement as provided in this section; and 152 d. Any other information required by the division. 153 3. The DROP participant is a retiree under the Florida 154 Retirement System for all purposes, except for paragraph (5)(f) 155 and subsection (9) and ss. 112.3173, 112.363, 121.053, and 156 121.122. DROP participation is final and may not be canceled by 157 the participant after the first payment is credited during the 158 DROP participation period. However, participation in DROP does 159 not alter the participant’s employment status, and the member is 160 not deemed retired from employment until his or her deferred 161 resignation is effective and termination occurs as defined in s. 162 121.021. 163 4. Elected officers are eligible to participate in DROP 164 subject to the following: 165 a. An elected officer who reaches normal retirement date 166 during a term of office may defer the election to participate 167 until the next succeeding term in that office. An elected 168 officer who exercises this option may participate in DROP for up 169 to 60 calendar months or no longer than the succeeding term of 170 office, whichever is less. 171 b. An elected or a nonelected participant may run for a 172 term of office while participating in DROP and, if elected, 173 extend the DROP termination date accordingly; however, if such 174 additional term of office exceeds the 60-month limitation 175 established in subparagraph 1., and the officer does not resign 176 from office within such 60-month limitation, the retirement and 177 the participant’s DROP is null and void as provided in sub 178 subparagraph (c)5.d. 179 c. An elected officer who is dually employed and elects to 180 participate in DROP must terminate all employment relationships 181 as provided in s. 121.021(39) for the nonelected position within 182 the original 60-month period or maximum participation period as 183 provided in subparagraph 1. For DROP participation ending: 184 (I) Before July 1, 2010, the officer may continue 185 employment as an elected officer as provided in s. 121.053. The 186 elected officer shall be enrolled as a renewed member in the 187 Elected Officers’ Class or the Regular Class, as provided in ss. 188 121.053 and 121.122, on the first day of the month after 189 termination of employment in the nonelected position and 190 termination of DROP. Distribution of the DROP benefits shall be 191 made as provided in paragraph (c). 192 (II) On or after July 1, 2010, the officer may continue 193 employment as an elected officer but must defer termination as 194 provided in s. 121.053. 195 Section 2. Section 1008.213, Florida Statutes, is created 196 to read: 197 1008.213 Children of military families residing outside 198 this state; flexible assessment administration.— 199 (1) A Florida Virtual School (FLVS) full-time student of a 200 military family residing outside this state who is prevented by 201 his or her parent’s or guardian’s out-of-state military duty 202 station’s location from participating in a Florida-based FLVS 203 secure and proctored exam shall be offered flexibility with 204 respect to assessment administration in order to demonstrate the 205 grade-level mastery of skills that have been acquired and are 206 measured by the statewide, standardized comprehensive assessment 207 pursuant to s. 1008.22(3)(a), the statewide, standardized end 208 of-course assessment pursuant to s. 1008.22(3)(b), or an 209 alternate assessment pursuant to s. 1008.22(3)(d). 210 (2)(a) The flexibility in assessment administration must 211 allow a FLVS full-time student from a military family currently 212 stationed outside this state to participate in statewide, 213 standardized assessments administered securely by a licensed, 214 certified instructor or Education Services Officer (ESO) test 215 administrator at his or her parent’s or guardian’s current 216 military duty station. 217 (b) A licensed, certified instructor or ESO test 218 administrator must meet the criteria specified in s. 219 1008.24(3)(a). 220 (3) The student’s parent or guardian may submit to FLVS a 221 written request for flexibility in assessment administration at 222 any time during the school year, but not later than 90 days 223 before the current school year’s assessment administration for 224 which the request is made. A request must include written, 225 official documentation of the family’s current out-of-state 226 military duty stationing. 227 (4) Based on such documentation provided by the family 228 pursuant to subsection (3), FLVS shall submit a recommendation 229 to the Department of Education as soon as practicable as to 230 whether flexibility in assessment administration for a given 231 statewide assessment should be granted or denied. Upon receipt 232 of the request, documentation, and recommendation, the 233 department shall verify the information documented as soon as 234 practicable, make a determination, and notify FLVS within 14 235 days. After the receipt of the initial request, FLVS shall 236 notify the parent or guardian whether the flexibility in 237 assessment administration has been granted or denied. If the 238 department grants the request, the student’s progress must be 239 assessed with flexibility in assessment administration, in the 240 manner required in s. 1008.22. 241 (5) A report containing the number of requests for 242 flexibility in assessment administration made under this 243 section, the number of requests for flexibility in assessment 244 administration granted under this section, and data regarding 245 student performance on statewide, standardized assessments may 246 be requested of FLVS by the Legislature. 247 (6) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to 248 expedite the process by which requests for flexibility in 249 assessment administration are reviewed and approved. Such rules 250 must demonstrate the utmost consideration for meeting the 251 parent’s or guardian’s and child’s needs. 252 Section 3. Present subsections (11) through (14) of section 253 1008.22, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (12) 254 through (15), respectively, and a new subsection (11) is added 255 to that section, to read: 256 1008.22 Student assessment program for public schools.— 257 (11) CHILD OF A MILITARY FAMILY RESIDING OUTSIDE THIS 258 STATE.—In addition to the flexibility in assessment 259 administration provided for under s. 1008.213, effective July 1, 260 2023, a child of a military family residing outside this state 261 is eligible for flexibility in assessment administration in 262 accordance with this subsection when participating in the 263 statewide, standardized comprehensive assessment pursuant to 264 paragraph (3)(a), statewide, standardized end-of-course 265 assessment pursuant to paragraph (3)(b), or an alternate 266 assessment pursuant to paragraph (3)(d). 267 (a) Definition.—For the purposes of this subsection, the 268 term “child of a military family residing outside this state 269 eligible for flexibility in assessment administration” means a 270 Florida Virtual School (FLVS) full-time student of a military 271 family residing outside this state who is prevented by his or 272 her parent’s or guardian’s out-of-state military duty station’s 273 location from participating in a Florida-based FLVS secure and 274 proctored exam. 275 (b) Flexibility in assessment administration option.—The 276 flexibility in assessment administration offered under this 277 subsection must allow an FLVS full-time student from a military 278 family currently stationed outside this state to participate in 279 statewide, standardized assessments administered securely by a 280 licensed, certified instructor or Education Services Officer 281 test administrator at his or her family’s current military duty 282 station. 283 Section 4. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 284 1011.61, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 285 1011.61 Definitions.—Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 286 1000.21, the following terms are defined as follows for the 287 purposes of the Florida Education Finance Program: 288 (1) A “full-time equivalent student” in each program of the 289 district is defined in terms of full-time students and part-time 290 students as follows: 291 (c)1. A “full-time equivalent student” is: 292 a. A full-time student in any one of the programs listed in 293 s. 1011.62(1)(c); or 294 b. A combination of full-time or part-time students in any 295 one of the programs listed in s. 1011.62(1)(c) which is the 296 equivalent of one full-time student based on the following 297 calculations: 298 (I) A full-time student in a combination of programs listed 299 in s. 1011.62(1)(c) shall be a fraction of a full-time 300 equivalent membership in each special program equal to the 301 number of net hours per school year for which he or she is a 302 member, divided by the appropriate number of hours set forth in 303 subparagraph (a)1. The difference between that fraction or sum 304 of fractions and the maximum value as set forth in subsection 305 (4) for each full-time student is presumed to be the balance of 306 the student’s time not spent in a special program and shall be 307 recorded as time in the appropriate basic program. 308 (II) A prekindergarten student with a disability shall meet 309 the requirements specified for kindergarten students. 310 (III) A full-time equivalent student for students in 311 kindergarten through grade 12 in a full-time virtual instruction 312 program under s. 1002.45 or a virtual charter school under s. 313 1002.33 shall consist of six full-credit completions or the 314 prescribed level of content that counts toward promotion to the 315 next grade in programs listed in s. 1011.62(1)(c). Credit 316 completions may be a combination of full-credit courses or half 317 credit courses. 318 (IV) A full-time equivalent student for students in 319 kindergarten through grade 12 in a part-time virtual instruction 320 program under s. 1002.45 shall consist of six full-credit 321 completions in programs listed in s. 1011.62(1)(c)1. and 3. 322 Credit completions may be a combination of full-credit courses 323 or half-credit courses. 324 (V) A Florida Virtual School full-time equivalent student 325 shall consist of six full-credit completions or the prescribed 326 level of content that counts toward promotion to the next grade 327 in the programs listed in s. 1011.62(1)(c)1. and 3. for students 328 participating in kindergarten through grade 12 part-time virtual 329 instruction and the programs listed in s. 1011.62(1)(c) for 330 students participating in kindergarten through grade 12 full 331 time virtual instruction. Credit completions may be a 332 combination of full-credit courses or half-credit courses. A 333 student who has successful credit completions shall be funded 334 for each credit completion, regardless of the number of surveys 335 the student is reported in. There may not be a cap on the number 336 of credit completions per student as long as the student seeks 337 accelerated access pursuant to s. 1002.37(1)(b)2. 338 (VI) Each successfully completed full-credit course earned 339 through an online course delivered by a district other than the 340 one in which the student resides shall be calculated as 1/6 FTE. 341 (VII) A full-time equivalent student for courses requiring 342 passage of a statewide, standardized end-of-course assessment 343 under s. 1003.4282 to earn a standard high school diploma shall 344 be defined and reported based on the number of instructional 345 hours as provided in this subsection. 346 (VIII) For students enrolled in a school district as a 347 full-time student, the district may report 1/6 FTE for each 348 student who passes a statewide, standardized end-of-course 349 assessment without being enrolled in the corresponding course. 350 2. A student in membership in a program scheduled for more 351 or less than 180 school days or the equivalent on an hourly 352 basis as specified by rules of the State Board of Education is a 353 fraction of a full-time equivalent membership equal to the 354 number of instructional hours in membership divided by the 355 appropriate number of hours set forth in subparagraph (a)1.; 356 however, for the purposes of this subparagraph, membership in 357 programs scheduled for more than 180 days is limited to students 358 enrolled in: 359 a. Juvenile justice education programs. 360 b. The Florida Virtual School. 361 c. Virtual instruction programs and virtual charter schools 362 for the purpose of course completion and credit recovery 363 pursuant to ss. 1002.45 and 1003.498. Course completion applies 364 only to a student who is reported during the second or third 365 membership surveys and who does not complete a virtual education 366 course by the end of the regular school year. The course must be 367 completed no later than the deadline for amending the final 368 student enrollment survey for that year. Credit recovery applies 369 only to a student who has unsuccessfully completed a traditional 370 or virtual education course during the regular school year and 371 must retake the course in order to be eligible to graduate with 372 the student’s class. 373 374 The full-time equivalent student enrollment calculated under 375 this subsection is subject to the requirements in subsection 376 (4). 377 378 The department shall determine and implement an equitable method 379 of equivalent funding for schools operating under emergency 380 conditions, which schools have been approved by the department 381 to operate for less than the minimum term as provided in s. 382 1011.60(2). 383 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.