Bill Text: FL S0956 | 2012 | Regular Session | Comm Sub

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Disposition of Human Remains

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-03-09 - Died on Calendar [S0956 Detail]

Download: Florida-2012-S0956-Comm_Sub.html
       Florida Senate - 2012                              CS for SB 956
       By the Committee on Regulated Industries; and Senator Hays
       580-03066-12                                           2012956c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to disposition of human remains;
    3         creating s. 406.49, F.S.; providing definitions;
    4         amending s. 406.50, F.S.; revising procedures for the
    5         reporting and disposition of unclaimed remains;
    6         prohibiting certain uses or dispositions of the
    7         remains of deceased persons whose identities are not
    8         known; amending s. 406.51, F.S.; requiring that local
    9         governmental contracts for the final disposition of
   10         unclaimed remains comply with certain federal
   11         regulations; conforming provisions to changes in
   12         terminology; conforming a cross-reference; amending s.
   13         406.52, F.S.; revising procedures for the anatomical
   14         board’s retention of human remains before their use;
   15         providing for claims by, and the release of human
   16         remains to, legally authorized persons after payment
   17         of certain expenses; authorizing county ordinances or
   18         resolutions for the final disposition of the unclaimed
   19         remains of indigent persons; limiting the liability of
   20         certain licensed persons for cremating or burying
   21         human remains under certain circumstances; amending s.
   22         406.53, F.S.; revising exceptions from requirements
   23         for notice to the anatomical board of the death of
   24         indigent persons; deleting a requirement that the
   25         Department of Health assess fees for the burial of
   26         certain bodies; amending ss. 406.55, 406.56, 406.57,
   27         406.58, and 406.59, F.S.; conforming provisions to
   28         changes made by the act; amending s. 406.60, F.S.;
   29         authorizing certain facilities to dispose of human
   30         remains by cremation; amending s. 406.61, F.S.;
   31         revising provisions prohibiting the selling, buying,
   32         or bartering of human remains or the transmitting or
   33         conveying of such remains outside the state to include
   34         application to transmissions and conveyances within
   35         the state; providing penalties; allowing certain
   36         accredited schools and organizations to convey human
   37         remains in or out of state for medical or research
   38         purposes; establishing criteria for the anatomical
   39         board to approve the conveyance of human remains;
   40         requiring documentation authorizing the use of an
   41         anatomical gift for medical or dental education or
   42         research purposes; deleting provisions relating to
   43         procedures for the conveyance of plastinated human
   44         remains into or out of the state pursuant to their
   45         scheduled expiration; conforming terminology;
   46         repealing s. 406.54, F.S., relating to claims of
   47         bodies after delivery to the anatomical board;
   48         amending s. 765.513, F.S.; revising the list of donees
   49         who may accept anatomical gifts and the purposes for
   50         which such a gift may be used; providing an effective
   51         date.
   53  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   55         Section 1. Section 406.49, Florida Statutes, is created to
   56  read:
   57         406.49 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term:
   58         (1) “Anatomical board” means the anatomical board of the
   59  state headquartered at the University of Florida Health Science
   60  Center.
   61         (2) “Cremated remains” has the same meaning as in s.
   62  497.005.
   63         (3) “Final disposition” has the same meaning as in s.
   64  497.005.
   65         (4) “Human remains” or “remains” has the same meaning as in
   66  s. 497.005.
   67         (5) “Indigent person” means a person whose family income
   68  does not exceed 100 percent of the current federal poverty
   69  guidelines prescribed for the family’s household size by the
   70  United States Department of Health and Human Services.
   71         (6) “Legally authorized person” has the same meaning as in
   72  s. 497.005.
   73         (7) “Unclaimed remains” means human remains that are not
   74  claimed by a legally authorized person, other than a medical
   75  examiner or the board of county commissioners, for final
   76  disposition at the person’s expense.
   77         Section 2. Section 406.50, Florida Statutes, is amended to
   78  read:
   79         406.50 Unclaimed dead bodies or human remains; disposition,
   80  procedure.—
   81         (1) A person or entity that comes All public officers,
   82  agents, or employees of every county, city, village, town, or
   83  municipality and every person in charge of any prison, morgue,
   84  hospital, funeral parlor, or mortuary and all other persons
   85  coming into possession, charge, or control of unclaimed any dead
   86  human body or remains that which are unclaimed or which are
   87  required to be buried or cremated at public expense shall are
   88  hereby required to notify, immediately notify, the anatomical
   89  board, unless:
   90         (a) The unclaimed remains are decomposed or mutilated by
   91  wounds;
   92         (b) An autopsy is performed on the remains;
   93         (c) The remains contain whenever any such body, bodies, or
   94  remains come into its possession, charge, or control.
   95  Notification of the anatomical board is not required if the
   96  death was caused by crushing injury, the deceased had a
   97  contagious disease;
   98         (d) A legally authorized person, an autopsy was required to
   99  determine cause of death, the body was in a state of severe
  100  decomposition, or a family member objects to use of the remains
  101  body for medical education or and research; or
  102         (e) The deceased person was a veteran of the United States
  103  Armed Forces, United States Reserve Forces, or National Guard
  104  and is eligible for burial in a national cemetery or was the
  105  spouse or dependent child of a veteran eligible for burial in a
  106  national cemetery.
  107         (2)(1)Before the final disposition of unclaimed remains,
  108  the person or entity in charge or control of the dead body or
  109  human remains shall make a reasonable effort to determine:
  110         (a) Determine the identity of the deceased person and shall
  111  further make a reasonable effort to contact any relatives of the
  112  such deceased person.
  113         (b) Determine whether or not the deceased person is
  114  eligible under 38 C.F.R. s. 38.620 for entitled to burial in a
  115  national cemetery as a veteran of the armed forces and, if
  116  eligible so, to cause the deceased person’s remains or cremated
  117  remains to be delivered to a national cemetery shall make
  118  arrangements for such burial services in accordance with the
  119  provisions of 38 C.F.R.
  121  For purposes of this subsection, “a reasonable effort” includes
  122  contacting the National Cemetery Scheduling Office, the county
  123  veterans service office, or the regional office of the United
  124  States Department of Veterans Affairs.
  125         (3)(2)Unclaimed remains Such dead human bodies as
  126  described in this chapter shall be delivered to the anatomical
  127  board as soon as possible after death. When no family exists or
  128  is available, a funeral director licensed under chapter 497 may
  129  assume the responsibility of a legally authorized person and
  130  may, after 24 hours have elapsed from the time of death,
  131  authorize arterial embalming for the purposes of storage and
  132  delivery of unclaimed remains to the anatomical board. A funeral
  133  director licensed under chapter 497 is not liable for damages
  134  under this subsection.
  135         (4) The remains of a deceased person whose identity is not
  136  known may not be cremated, donated as an anatomical gift, buried
  137  at sea, or removed from the state.
  138         (5) If the anatomical board does not accept the unclaimed
  139  remains, the county commission, or its designated county
  140  department, of the county in which the remains are found or the
  141  death occurred may authorize and arrange for the burial or
  142  cremation of the entire remains. A board of county commissioners
  143  may, in accordance with applicable laws and rules, prescribe
  144  policies and procedures for final disposition of unclaimed
  145  remains by resolution or ordinance.
  146         (6)(3)This part does not Nothing herein shall affect the
  147  right of a medical examiner to hold human such dead body or
  148  remains for the purpose of investigating the cause of death or,
  149  nor shall this chapter affect the right of any court of
  150  competent jurisdiction to enter an order affecting the
  151  disposition of such body or remains.
  152         (4) In the event more than one legally authorized person
  153  claims a body for interment, the requests shall be prioritized
  154  in accordance with s. 732.103.
  156  For purposes of this chapter, the term “anatomical board” means
  157  the anatomical board of this state located at the University of
  158  Florida Health Science Center, and the term “unclaimed” means a
  159  dead body or human remains that is not claimed by a legally
  160  authorized person, as defined in s. 497.005, for interment at
  161  that person’s expense.
  162         Section 3. Section 406.51, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  163  read:
  164         406.51 Final disposition of unclaimed deceased veterans;
  165  contract requirements.—Any contract by a local governmental
  166  entity for the final disposition disposal of unclaimed human
  167  remains must provide for compliance with s. 406.50(2)(1) and
  168  require that the procedures in 38 C.F.R. s. 38.620, relating to
  169  disposition of unclaimed deceased veterans, are be followed.
  170         Section 4. Section 406.52, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  171  read:
  172         (Substantial rewording of section. See
  173         s. 406.52, F.S., for present text.)
  174         406.52 Retention of human remains before use; claim after
  175  delivery to anatomical board; procedures for unclaimed remains
  176  of indigent persons.—
  177         (1) The anatomical board shall keep in storage all human
  178  remains that it receives for at least 48 hours before allowing
  179  their use for medical education or research. Human remains may
  180  be embalmed when received. The anatomical board may, for any
  181  reason, refuse to accept unclaimed remains or the remains of an
  182  indigent person.
  183         (2) At any time before their use for medical education or
  184  research, human remains delivered to the anatomical board may be
  185  claimed by a legally authorized person. The anatomical board
  186  shall release the remains to the legally authorized person after
  187  payment of the anatomical board’s expenses incurred for
  188  transporting, embalming, and storing the remains.
  189         (3)(a) A board of county commissioners may, in accordance
  190  with applicable laws and rules, prescribe policies and
  191  procedures for the burial or cremation of the entire unclaimed
  192  remains of an indigent person whose remains are found, or whose
  193  death occurred in the county, by resolution or ordinance.
  194         (b) A person licensed under chapter 497 is not liable for
  195  any damages resulting from cremating or burying such human
  196  remains at the written direction of the board of county
  197  commissioners or its designee.
  198         Section 5. Section 406.53, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  199  read:
  200         (Substantial rewording of section. See
  201         s. 406.53, F.S., for present text.)
  202         406.53 Unclaimed remains of indigent person; exemption from
  203  notice to the anatomical board.—A county commission or
  204  designated county department that receives a report of the
  205  unclaimed remains of an indigent person, notwithstanding s.
  206  406.50(1), is not required to notify the anatomical board of the
  207  remains if:
  208         (1) The indigent person’s remains are decomposed or
  209  mutilated by wounds or if an autopsy is performed on the
  210  remains;
  211         (2) A legally authorized person or a relative by blood or
  212  marriage claims the remains for final disposition at his or her
  213  expense or, if such relative or legally authorized person is
  214  also an indigent person, in a manner consistent with the
  215  policies and procedures of the board of county commissioners of
  216  the county in which the remains are found or the death occurred;
  217         (3) The deceased person was a veteran of the United States
  218  Armed Forces, United States Reserve Forces, or National Guard
  219  and is eligible for burial in a national cemetery or was the
  220  spouse or dependent child of a veteran eligible for burial in a
  221  national cemetery; or
  222         (4) A funeral director licensed under chapter 497 certifies
  223  that the anatomical board has been notified and either accepted
  224  or declined the remains.
  225         Section 6. Section 406.55, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  226  read:
  227         406.55 Contracts for delivery of human remains body after
  228  death prohibited.—The anatomical board may not enter is
  229  specifically prohibited from entering into any contract, oral or
  230  written, that provides for whereby any sum of money to shall be
  231  paid to any living person in exchange for which the delivery of
  232  that person’s remains body of said person shall be delivered to
  233  the anatomical board when the such living person dies.
  234         Section 7. Section 406.56, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  235  read:
  236         406.56 Acceptance of human remains bodies under will.—If
  237  any person being of sound mind executes shall execute a will
  238  leaving his or her remains body to the anatomical board for the
  239  advancement of medical education or research science and the
  240  such person dies within the geographical limits of the state,
  241  the anatomical board may is hereby empowered to accept and
  242  receive the person’s remains such body.
  243         Section 8. Section 406.57, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  244  read:
  245         406.57 Distribution of human remains dead bodies.—The
  246  anatomical board or its duly authorized agent shall take and
  247  receive human remains the bodies delivered to it as provided in
  248  under the provisions of this chapter and shall:
  249         (1) Distribute the remains them equitably to and among the
  250  medical and dental schools, teaching hospitals, medical
  251  institutions, and health-related teaching programs that require
  252  cadaveric material for study; or
  253         (2) Loan the remains same may be loaned for examination or
  254  study purposes to accredited colleges of mortuary science
  255  recognized associations of licensed embalmers or funeral
  256  directors, or medical or dental examining boards for educational
  257  or research purposes at the discretion of the anatomical board.
  258         Section 9. Section 406.58, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  259  read:
  260         406.58 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual
  261  audit.—
  262         (1) The anatomical board may:
  263         (a) Adopt is empowered to prescribe a schedule of fees to
  264  be collected from the institutions institution or association to
  265  which the human remains bodies, as described in this chapter,
  266  are distributed or loaned to defray the costs of obtaining and
  267  preparing the remains such bodies.
  268         (b)(2)The anatomical board is hereby empowered to Receive
  269  money from public or private sources, in addition to the fees
  270  collected from the institutions institution or association to
  271  which human remains the bodies are distributed, to be used to
  272  defray the costs of embalming, handling, shipping, storing,
  273  cremating, and otherwise storage, cremation, and other costs
  274  relating to the obtaining and using the remains. use of such
  275  bodies as described in this chapter; the anatomical board is
  276  empowered to
  277         (c) Pay the reasonable expenses, as determined by the
  278  anatomical board, incurred by a funeral establishment licensed
  279  under chapter 497 transporting unclaimed human remains any
  280  person delivering the bodies as described in this chapter to the
  281  anatomical board. and is further empowered to
  282         (d) Enter into contracts and perform such other acts as are
  283  necessary for to the proper performance of its duties.;
  284         (2) The Department of Financial Services shall keep and
  285  annually audit a complete record of all fees and other financial
  286  transactions of the said anatomical board and shall annually
  287  submit be kept and audited annually by the Department of
  288  Financial Services, and a report of the such audit shall be made
  289  annually to the University of Florida.
  290         Section 10. Section 406.59, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  291  read:
  292         406.59 Institutions receiving human remains bodies.—A No
  293  university, school, college, teaching hospital, or institution
  294  may not, or association shall be allowed or permitted to receive
  295  any human remains from the anatomical board such body or bodies
  296  as described in this chapter until its facilities are have been
  297  inspected and approved by the anatomical board. Human remains
  298  All such bodies received by such university, school, college,
  299  teaching hospital, or institution may not, or association shall
  300  be used for any no other purpose other than the promotion of
  301  medical education or research science.
  302         Section 11. Section 406.60, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  303  read:
  304         406.60 Disposition of human remains bodies after use.—At
  305  any time When human remains any body or bodies or part or parts
  306  of any body or bodies, as described in this chapter, shall have
  307  been used for, and are not deemed of any no further value to,
  308  medical or dental education or research science, then the
  309  anatomical board or a cinerator facility licensed under chapter
  310  497 person or persons having charge of said body or parts of
  311  said body may dispose of the remains or any part thereof by
  312  cremation.
  313         Section 12. Section 406.61, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  314  read:
  315         406.61 Selling, buying, bartering, or conveying human
  316  remains bodies outside or within state prohibited; exceptions;,
  317  penalty.—
  318         (1) Any person who sells, or buys, or barters human remains
  319  or any part thereof, body or parts of bodies as described in
  320  this chapter or any person except a recognized Florida medical
  321  or dental school who transmits or conveys or causes to be
  322  transmitted or conveyed such remains body or part thereof parts
  323  of bodies to any place outside or within this state, commits a
  324  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
  325  ss. 775.082 or s. and 775.083. However, this chapter does not
  326  prohibit the anatomical board from transporting human remains
  327  specimens outside or within the state for educational or
  328  scientific purposes or prohibit the transport of human remains,
  329  any part of such remains bodies, parts of bodies, or tissue
  330  specimens for purposes in furtherance of lawful examination,
  331  investigation, or autopsy conducted pursuant to s. 406.11.
  332         (2) Any nontransplant anatomical donation organization
  333  accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks or an
  334  accredited medical or dental college or university may convey
  335  human remains person, institution, or organization that conveys
  336  bodies or any part thereof within, parts of bodies into, or out
  337  of the state for medical or dental education or research
  338  purposes. A nontransplant anatomical donation organization need
  339  not be accredited as required by this section until July 1,
  340  2013. The organization or accredited medical or dental college
  341  or university must shall notify the anatomical board at least 3
  342  business days before the entity intends to convey of such
  343  remains intent and must receive approval from the anatomical
  344  board before conveyance. If the 3rd business day falls on a
  345  weekend or legal holiday, the next business day is deemed to be
  346  the 3rd business day. The anatomical board shall require the
  347  following information to be submitted by the entity before
  348  approval:
  349         (a) The name, physical location, and date of the course,
  350  conference, or seminar and the organization or facility
  351  receiving the remains or specimens, including the physical
  352  address and telephone number.
  353         (b) A description and intended use of the remains or
  354  specimens.
  355         (c) The name, physical address, and telephone number of the
  356  organization or facility supplying specimens and handling the
  357  transfer of the remains or specimens.
  358         (d) Documentation from a legally authorized person who may
  359  make an anatomical gift pursuant to s. 765.512 authorizing its
  360  use in medical or dental education or research. If the remains
  361  or any part thereof is to be segmented or disarticulated, such
  362  documentation must include the legally authorized person’s
  363  specific consent and must describe any part of the remains that
  364  is to be segmented or disarticulated. An exception to the
  365  documentation requirements of this paragraph may be made for
  366  specimens being shipped into the state, in which case an
  367  affidavit may be submitted by an accredited nontransplant
  368  anatomical organization as provided in this section stating that
  369  the organization has donation and consent forms on file for the
  370  remains from which each specimen has been provided specifically
  371  authorizing segmentation or disarticulation of the remains. The
  372  affidavit must also state that no specimen being shipped into
  373  the state has been received from a second party.
  374         (e) An outline of the security measures in place for
  375  maintaining control of and safeguarding the remains or specimens
  376  at the organization or facility before, during, and after the
  377  course, conference, or seminar.
  378         (f) The procedures for disposal of the remains or specimens
  379  after the course, conference, or seminar is concluded or after
  380  the organization or facility receiving the remains or specimens
  381  has completed their use, including the name, address, and
  382  telephone number of the entity responsible for performing
  383  cremation.
  385  The anatomical board shall grant or deny requests for approval
  386  within 3 business days after receipt of the required
  387  information. Failure to provide such information is grounds for
  388  denial of the request. If the request is not approved or denied
  389  within 3 business days after receipt, it is deemed approved. If
  390  the 3rd business day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the
  391  next business day is deemed to be the 3rd business day. If the
  392  anatomical board denies a request, it must provide a written
  393  statement of the reasons for denial.
  394         (3)(2) Any entity accredited by the American Association of
  395  Museums may convey plastinated human remains bodies or any part
  396  thereof within, parts of bodies into, or out of the state for
  397  exhibition and public educational purposes without the consent
  398  of the anatomical board if the accredited entity:
  399         (a) Notifies the anatomical board of the conveyance and the
  400  duration and location of the exhibition at least 30 days before
  401  the intended conveyance.
  402         (b) Submits to the anatomical board a description of the
  403  remains bodies or any part thereof parts of bodies and the name
  404  and address of the company providing the remains bodies or any
  405  part thereof parts of bodies.
  406         (c) Submits to the anatomical board documentation that the
  407  remains or each part thereof body was donated by the decedent or
  408  his or her next of kin for purposes of plastination and public
  409  exhibition, or, in lieu of such documentation, an affidavit
  410  stating that the remains or each part thereof body was donated
  411  directly by the decedent or his or her next of kin for such
  412  purposes to the company providing the remains body and that such
  413  company has a donation form on file for the remains body.
  414         (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2)(c) and in lieu of the
  415  documentation or affidavit required under paragraph (2)(c), for
  416  a plastinated body that, before July 1, 2009, was exhibited in
  417  this state by any entity accredited by the American Association
  418  of Museums, such an accredited entity may submit an affidavit to
  419  the board stating that the body was legally acquired and that
  420  the company providing the body has acquisition documentation on
  421  file for the body. This subsection expires January 1, 2012.
  422         Section 13. Section 406.54, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
  423         Section 14. Subsection (1) of section 765.513, Florida
  424  Statutes, is amended to read:
  425         765.513 Donees; purposes for which anatomical gifts may be
  426  made.—
  427         (1) The following persons or entities may become donees of
  428  anatomical gifts of bodies or parts of them for the purposes
  429  stated:
  430         (a) Any procurement organization or accredited medical or
  431  dental school, college, or university for education, research,
  432  therapy, or transplantation.
  433         (b) Any individual specified by name for therapy or
  434  transplantation needed by him or her.
  435         (c) The anatomical board as defined in s. 406.49(1) for
  436  donation of the whole body for medical or dental education or
  437  research.
  438         Section 15. This act shall take effect July 1, 2012.
