Bill Text: FL S1120 | 2022 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-03-02 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 893 [S1120 Detail]
Download: Florida-2022-S1120-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-03-02 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 893 [S1120 Detail]
Download: Florida-2022-S1120-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2022 SB 1120 By Senator Rodriguez 39-00587A-22 20221120__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to child welfare; amending s. 39.407, 3 F.S.; authorizing the Department of Children and 4 Families, under certain circumstances, to place 5 children in its custody in therapeutic group homes for 6 residential mental health treatment without prior 7 court approval; revising definitions; defining the 8 term “therapeutic group home”; providing that the 9 department, rather than the Agency for Health Care 10 Administration, shall appoint qualified evaluators to 11 conduct suitability assessments of certain children in 12 the department’s custody; specifying qualifications 13 for evaluators conducting suitability assessments for 14 placement in a therapeutic group home; revising 15 requirements for suitability assessments; specifying 16 when the department must provide a copy of the 17 assessment to the guardian ad litem and the court; 18 revising the department’s and the agency’s rulemaking 19 authority; providing an effective date. 20 21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 22 23 Section 1. Subsection (6) of section 39.407, Florida 24 Statutes, is amended to read: 25 39.407 Medical, psychiatric, and psychological examination 26 and treatment of child; physical, mental, or substance abuse 27 examination of person with or requesting child custody.— 28 (6) Childrenwho arein the legal custody of the department 29 may be placed by the department, without prior approval of the 30 court, in a residential treatment center licensed under s. 31 394.875, a therapeutic group home, or a hospital licensed under 32 chapter 395 for residential mental health treatment only 33 pursuant to this section or may be placed by the court in 34 accordance with an order of involuntary examination or 35 involuntary placement entered pursuant to s. 394.463 or s. 36 394.467. All children placed in a residential treatment program 37 under this subsection must have a guardian ad litem appointed. 38 (a) As used in this subsection, the term: 39 2.1.“Residential treatment” or “residential treatment 40 program” means a placement for observation, diagnosis, or 41 treatment of an emotional disturbance in a residential treatment 42 center licensed under s. 394.875, a therapeutic group home, or a 43 hospital licensed under chapter 395. 44 1.2.“Least restrictive alternative” means the treatment 45 and conditions of treatment that, separately and in combination, 46 are no more intrusive or restrictive of freedom than reasonably 47 necessary to achieve a substantial therapeutic benefit or to 48 protect the child or adolescent or others from physical injury. 49 3. “Suitable for residential treatment” or “suitability” 50 means a determination concerning a child or adolescent with an 51 emotional disturbance as defined in s. 394.492(5) or a serious 52 emotional disturbance as defined in s. 394.492(6) that each of 53 the following criteria is met: 54 a. The child requires residential treatment. 55 b. The child is in need of a residential treatment program 56 and is expected to benefit from mental, emotional, or behavioral 57 health treatment. 58 c. An appropriate, less restrictive alternative to 59 residential treatment is unavailable. 60 4. “Therapeutic group home” means a 24-hour residential 61 program providing community-based mental health treatment and 62 mental health support services to children who meet the criteria 63 in s. 394.492(5) or (6) in a nonsecure, homelike setting that 64 meets the requirements of a single-family unit or a community 65 residential home as defined in s. 419.001. Notwithstanding s. 66 419.001(1)(a), a therapeutic group home may provide a living 67 environment for up to 16 unrelated residents. 68 (b) Whenever the department believes that a child in its 69 legal custody is emotionally disturbed and may need residential 70 treatment, an examination and suitability assessment must be 71 conducted by a qualified evaluatorwho isappointed by the 72 departmentAgency for Health Care Administration. This 73 suitability assessment must be completed before the placement of 74 the child in a residential treatment programcenter for75emotionally disturbed children and adolescents or a hospital. 76 1. The qualified evaluator for placement in a residential 77 treatment center or a hospital must be a psychiatrist or a 78 psychologist licensed in this stateFloridawho has at least 3 79 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of serious 80 emotional disturbances in children and adolescents and who has 81 no actual or perceived conflict of interest with any inpatient 82 facility or residential treatment center or program. 83 2. The qualified evaluator for placement in a therapeutic 84 group home must be a psychiatrist licensed under chapter 458, a 85 psychologist licensed under chapter 490, or a mental health 86 counselor licensed under chapter 491 who has at least 2 years of 87 experience in the diagnosis and treatment of serious emotional 88 or behavioral disturbance in children and adolescents and who 89 has no actual or perceived conflict of interest with any 90 residential treatment center or program. 91 (c) Consistent with the requirements of this sectionBefore92a child is admitted under this subsection, the child shall be 93 assessed for suitability forresidentialtreatment by a 94 qualified evaluator who has conducted ana personalexamination 95 and assessment of the child and has made written findings that: 96 1. The child appears to have an emotional disturbance 97 serious enough to require treatment in a residential treatment 98 program and is reasonably likely to benefit from the treatment. 99 2. The child has been provided with a clinically 100 appropriate explanation of the nature and purpose of the 101 treatment. 102 3. All available modalities of treatment less restrictive 103 than residential treatment have been considered, and a less 104 restrictive alternative that would offer comparable benefits to 105 the child is unavailable. 106 107 A copy of the written findings of the evaluation and suitability 108 assessment must be provided to the department, to the guardian 109 ad litem, and, if the child is a member of a Medicaid managed 110 care plan, to the plan that is financially responsible for the 111 child’s care in residential treatment, all of whom must be 112 provided with the opportunity to discuss the findings with the 113 evaluator. 114 (d) Immediately upon placing a child in a residential 115 treatment program under this section, the department must notify 116 the guardian ad litem and the court having jurisdiction over the 117 child. Within 5 days after the department’s receipt of the 118 assessment, the department shalland mustprovide the guardian 119 ad litem and the court with a copy of the assessment by the 120 qualified evaluator. 121 (e) Within 10 days after the admission of a child to a 122 residential treatment program, the director of the residential 123 treatment program or the director’s designee must ensure that an 124 individualized plan of treatment has been prepared by the 125 program and has been explained to the child, to the department, 126 and to the guardian ad litem, and submitted to the department. 127 The child must be involved in the preparation of the plan to the 128 maximum feasible extent consistent with his or her ability to 129 understand and participate, and the guardian ad litem and the 130 child’s foster parents must be involved to the maximum extent 131 consistent with the child’s treatment needs. The plan must 132 include a preliminary plan for residential treatment and 133 aftercare upon completion of residential treatment. The plan 134 must include specific behavioral and emotional goals against 135 which the success of the residential treatment may be measured. 136 A copy of the plan must be provided to the child, to the 137 guardian ad litem, and to the department. 138 (f) Within 30 days after admission, the residential 139 treatment program must review the appropriateness and 140 suitability of the child’s placement in the program. The 141 residential treatment program must determine whether the child 142 is receiving benefit toward the treatment goals and whether the 143 child could be treated in a less restrictive treatment program. 144 The residential treatment program shall prepare a written report 145 of its findings and submit the report to the guardian ad litem 146 and to the department. The department must submit the report to 147 the court. The report must include a discharge plan for the 148 child. The residential treatment program must continue to 149 evaluate the child’s treatment progress every 30 days thereafter 150 and must include its findings in a written report submitted to 151 the department. The department may not reimburse a facility 152 until the facility has submitted every written report that is 153 due. 154 (g)1. The department must submit, at the beginning of each 155 month, to the court having jurisdiction over the child, a 156 written report regarding the child’s progress toward achieving 157 the goals specified in the individualized plan of treatment. 158 2. The court must conduct a hearing to review the status of 159 the child’s residential treatment plan no later than 60 days 160 after the child’s admission to the residential treatment 161 program. An independent review of the child’s progress toward 162 achieving the goals and objectives of the treatment plan must be 163 completed by a qualified evaluator and submitted to the court 164 before its 60-day review. 165 3. For any child in residential treatment at the time a 166 judicial review is held pursuant to s. 39.701, the child’s 167 continued placement in residential treatment must be a subject 168 of the judicial review. 169 4. If at any time the court determines that the child is 170 not suitable for continued residential treatment, the court 171 shall order the department to place the child in the least 172 restrictive setting that is best suited to meet his or her 173 needs. 174 (h) After the initial 60-day review, the court must conduct 175 a review of the child’s residential treatment plan every 90 176 days. 177 (i) The department may adopt rules to administer this 178 subsectionmust adopt rules for implementing timeframes for the179completion of suitability assessments by qualified evaluators180and a procedure that includes timeframes for completing the 60181day independent review by the qualified evaluators of the182child’s progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of183the treatment plan which review must be submitted to the court.184The Agency for Health Care Administration must adopt rules for185the registration of qualified evaluators, the procedure for186selecting the evaluators to conduct the reviews required under187this section, and a reasonable, cost-efficient fee schedule for188qualified evaluators. 189 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.