Bill Text: FL S1324 | 2021 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Digital Driver Licenses and Identification Cards
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2021-04-22 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1313 (Ch. 2021-235), CS/HB 1315 (Ch. 2021-236) [S1324 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S1324-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Digital Driver Licenses and Identification Cards
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2021-04-22 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1313 (Ch. 2021-235), CS/HB 1315 (Ch. 2021-236) [S1324 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S1324-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2021 SB 1324 By Senator Harrell 25-01611A-21 20211324__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to digital driver licenses and 3 identification cards; amending s. 322.032, F.S.; 4 defining terms; requiring the Department of Highway 5 Safety and Motor Vehicles to establish a secure and 6 uniform system for issuing optional digital proofs of 7 driver licenses and identification cards; authorizing 8 the department to contract with one or more private 9 entities to develop an electronic credentialing 10 system; prohibiting such electronic credentialing 11 system from retaining certain information; revising 12 requirements for digital proofs of driver licenses and 13 providing requirements for digital proofs of 14 identification cards; revising the department’s 15 rulemaking authority; revising requirements for the 16 issuance of digital proofs of driver licenses and 17 identification cards; authorizing the department to 18 use telephone numbers submitted by licensees and 19 cardholders for specified purposes only; authorizing 20 the department to enter into contracts with private 21 entities for a specified purpose; prohibiting such 22 private entities from storing, selling, or sharing 23 personal information collected from scanning the 24 digital proofs of driver licenses and identification 25 cards; providing an exception by authorizing 26 individuals to consent to allow private entities to 27 collect and store such personal information; requiring 28 that an individual is informed what information is 29 collected in such scans and the purposes for which the 30 information will be used; authorizing private entities 31 to manually collect personal information from 32 individuals under certain circumstances; providing a 33 civil penalty; providing applicability; conforming 34 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 35 322.14, F.S.; conforming a provision to changes made 36 by the act; amending s. 322.15, F.S.; conforming a 37 provision to changes made by the act; requiring a 38 licensee to present or submit his or her printed 39 driver license to a law enforcement officer or an 40 authorized representative of the department under 41 specified circumstances; reenacting s. 322.121(2), 42 F.S., relating to periodic reexamination of all 43 drivers, to incorporate the amendment made to s. 44 322.15, F.S., in a reference thereto; providing an 45 effective date. 46 47 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 48 49 Section 1. Section 322.032, Florida Statutes, is amended to 50 read: 51 322.032 Digital proof of driver license or identification 52 card.— 53 (1) As used in this section, the term: 54 (a) “Digital proof of driver license” means an electronic 55 credential viewable on an electronic credentialing system. 56 (b) “Digital proof of identification card” means an 57 electronic credential viewable on an electronic credentialing 58 system. 59 (c) “Electronic credentialing system” means a computer 60 system accessed using a computer, a cellular telephone, or any 61 other personal device which queries the department’s driver 62 license and identification card records, displays or transmits 63 digital proofs of driver licenses and identification cards, and 64 verifies the authenticity of those electronic credentials. 65 (d) “Limited profile” means an electronic credential 66 containing some, but not all, of the information displayed on a 67 printed driver license or identification card. 68 (e) “Scanning” means obtaining data from a digital proof of 69 driver license or identification card in an electronic format. 70 (2)(a) The department shall establishbegin to review and71prepare for the development ofa secure and uniform system for 72 issuing an optional digital proof of driver license or 73 identification card. The department may contract with one or 74 more private entities to develop an electronic credentialinga75digital proof of driver licensesystem. 76 (b) The electronic credentialing system may not retain 77 Internet protocol addresses, geolocation data, or other 78 information that describes the location, computer, computer 79 system, or computer network from which a customer accesses the 80 system. 81 (3)(a)(2)The digital proof of driver license or 82 identification card establisheddevelopedby the department or 83 by an entity contracted by the department must be in such a 84 format as to allow verification oflaw enforcement to verifythe 85 authenticity of the digital proof of driver license or 86 identification card. The department may adopt rules to ensure 87 valid authentication of digital driver licenses and 88 identification cardsby law enforcement. 89 (b)1. Notwithstanding ss. 322.14, 322.141, 322.142, and any 90 other law prescribing the design for, or information required to 91 be displayed on, a driver license, a digital proof of driver 92 license may comprise a limited profile that includes only 93 information necessary to conduct a specific transaction on the 94 electronic credentialing system. 95 2. Notwithstanding ss. 322.051, 322.141, and any other law 96 prescribing the design for, or information required to be 97 displayed on, an identification card, a digital proof of 98 identification card may comprise a limited profile that includes 99 only information necessary to conduct a specific transaction on 100 the electronic credentialing system. 101 (4)(3)A person may not be issued a digital proof of driver 102 license or identification card until he or she satisfies allhas103satisfiedall oftherequirements of this chapter for issuance 104 of the respectivea physicaldriver license or identification 105 card and has been issued a printed driver license or 106 identification card. The electronic credentialing system must, 107 upon each presentation of a digital driver license or 108 identification card, display or transmit current records for the 109 driver license or identification card. If a licensee’s driving 110 privilege is suspended, revoked, or disqualified, or if his or 111 her driver license is otherwise canceled or expired, a digital 112 proof of driver license may not be issued; however, a digital 113 proof of identification card may be issued if the licensee is 114 otherwise eligible for an identification card under s. 322.051 115as provided in this chapter. 116 (5) The department may use a telephone number submitted by 117 a licensee or cardholder in connection with a digital driver 118 license or identification card only for purposes of 119 communication regarding the digital proof of driver license or 120 identification card or the motor vehicle records, as defined in 121 s. 119.0712(2)(a), of the licensee or cardholder. 122 (6) The department may enter into a contract with a private 123 entity which authorizes online data calls or offline data 124 verification through the electronic credentialing system that 125 queries the department’s driver license and identification card 126 records, displays or transmits digital proofs of driver licenses 127 or identification cards, or verifies the authenticity of such 128 electronic credentials. 129 (7)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a private 130 entity that contracts with the department and that scans a 131 digital proof of driver license or identification card may not 132 store, sell, or share personal information collected from such 133 scanning of the digital proof of driver license or 134 identification card. 135 (b) An individual may consent to allow a private entity to 136 collect and store personal information obtained by scanning his 137 or her digital proof of driver license or identification card. 138 However, the individual must be informed what information is 139 collected and the purpose or purposes for which the information 140 will be used. If the individual does not want the private entity 141 to scan his or her digital proof of the individual’s driver 142 license or identification card, the private entity may manually 143 collect personal information from the individual. 144 (c) A private entity that violates this subsection is 145 subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 per occurrence. 146 (d) This subsection does not apply to a financial 147 institution as defined in s. 655.005(1)(i). 148 (8)(4)A person who: 149 (a) Manufactures a false digital proof of driver license or 150 identification card commits a felony of the third degree, 151 punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 152 (b) Possesses a false digital proof of driver license or 153 identification card commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, 154 punishable as provided in s. 775.082. 155 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 156 322.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 157 322.14 Licenses issued to drivers.— 158 (1)(a) The department shall, upon successful completion of 159 all required examinations and payment of the required fee, issue 160 to every qualified applicant a printed driver license that must 161 bear a color photograph or digital image of the licensee; the 162 name of the state; a distinguishing number assigned to the 163 licensee; and the licensee’s full name, date of birth, and 164 residence address; a brief description of the licensee, 165 including, but not limited to, the licensee’s gender and height; 166 and the dates of issuance and expiration of the license. A space 167 shall be provided upon which the licensee shall affix his or her 168 usual signature. A license is invalid until it has been signed 169 by the licensee except that the signature of the licensee is not 170 required if it appears thereon in facsimile or if the licensee 171 is not present within the state at the time of issuance. 172 Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 322.15, Florida 173 Statutes, is amended to read: 174 322.15 License to be carried and exhibited on demand; 175 fingerprint to be imprinted upon a citation.— 176 (1) Every licensee shall have his or her driver license, 177 which must be fully legible with no portion of such license 178 faded, altered, mutilated, or defaced, in his or her immediate 179 possession at all times when operating a motor vehicle and shall 180 present or submit the same upon the demand of a law enforcement 181 officer or an authorized representative of the department. A 182 licensee may present or submit a digital proof of driver license 183 as provided in s. 322.032 in lieu of his or her printeda184physicaldriver license; however, if the law enforcement officer 185 or authorized representative of the department is unable to 186 immediately verify the digital proof of driver license, upon the 187 demand of the law enforcement officer or authorized 188 representative of the department, the licensee must present or 189 submit his or her printed driver license. 190 Section 4. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 191 made by this act to section 322.15, Florida Statutes, in a 192 reference thereto, subsection (2) of section 322.121, Florida 193 Statutes, is reenacted to read: 194 322.121 Periodic reexamination of all drivers.— 195 (2) For each licensee whose driving record does not show 196 any revocations, disqualifications, or suspensions for the 197 preceding 7 years or any convictions for the preceding 3 years 198 except for convictions of the following nonmoving violations: 199 (a) Failure to exhibit a vehicle registration certificate, 200 rental agreement, or cab card pursuant to s. 320.0605; 201 (b) Failure to renew a motor vehicle or mobile home 202 registration that has been expired for 6 months or less pursuant 203 to s. 320.07(3)(a); 204 (c) Operating a motor vehicle with an expired license that 205 has been expired for 6 months or less pursuant to s. 322.065; 206 (d) Failure to carry or exhibit a license pursuant to s. 207 322.15(1); or 208 (e) Failure to notify the department of a change of address 209 or name within 10 days pursuant to s. 322.19, 210 211 the department shall cause such licensee’s license to be 212 prominently marked with the notation “Safe Driver.” 213 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.