Bill Text: FL S1326 | 2020 | Regular Session | Engrossed
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Status: (Passed) 2020-07-01 - Chapter No. 2020-152 [S1326 Detail]
Download: Florida-2020-S1326-Engrossed.html
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Status: (Passed) 2020-07-01 - Chapter No. 2020-152 [S1326 Detail]
Download: Florida-2020-S1326-Engrossed.html
CS for SB 1326 First Engrossed 20201326e1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to child welfare; amending s. 20.19, 3 F.S.; requiring the Department of Children and 4 Families to establish performance metrics; specifying 5 goals that must be established; revising and providing 6 duties of community alliances; revising membership of 7 community alliances; amending s. 39.3065, F.S.; 8 requiring sheriffs providing certain services to adopt 9 the child welfare practice model; requiring sheriffs 10 providing certain services to monitor program 11 performance and meet, at least quarterly, to 12 collaborate on specified quality assurance and 13 initiatives; requiring the department to conduct an 14 annual evaluation of the sheriffs’ program performance 15 based on certain criteria; requiring the department to 16 submit an annual report on certain information by a 17 specified date; providing report requirements; 18 amending s. 402.402, F.S.; requiring the department to 19 implement certain policies and programs; requiring the 20 annual report to include information on professional 21 advancement of child protective investigators and 22 supervisors; requiring attorneys contracting with the 23 department to receive certain training within a 24 specified time; creating s. 402.715, F.S.; requiring 25 the department to establish an Office of Quality; 26 providing duties of the office; amending s. 402.7305, 27 F.S.; removing limitations on monitoring of child 28 caring or child-placing services providers; amending 29 s. 409.988, F.S.; revising the duties of a lead 30 agency; amending s. 409.996, F.S.; adding 31 responsibilities to the department of contracts 32 regarding care for children in the child welfare 33 system; specifying additional requirements for 34 contracts; authorizing the department to provide 35 technical assistance to lead agencies; authorizing the 36 department to contract for the provision of children’s 37 legal services; requiring the contracted attorneys to 38 adopt the child welfare practice model and operating 39 in the same manner as attorneys employed by the 40 department; requiring the department and the 41 contracted attorneys to monitor program performance; 42 requiring the department to conduct an annual 43 evaluation based on certain criteria; requiring the 44 department to submit an annual report to the Governor 45 and Legislature by a specified date; revising 46 requirements regarding the quality assurance program 47 for contracted services to dependent children; 48 deleting obsolete language; requiring the department 49 to develop a statewide accountability system; 50 requiring that such system be implemented by a 51 specified date; providing requirements for such 52 accountability system; requiring the department and 53 lead agencies to promote enhanced quality service 54 delivery; requiring the department to submit a report 55 to the Governor and the Legislature annually by a 56 specified date; authorizing the department to adopt 57 rules; requiring the department to implement pilot 58 projects to improve child welfare outcomes in 59 specified judicial circuits; requiring the department 60 to establish performance metrics and standards to 61 implement the pilot projects; requiring lead agencies 62 in specified judicial circuits to provide certain data 63 to the department each quarter; requiring the 64 department to review such data; authorizing the 65 department to advance incentive funding to certain 66 lead agencies that meet specified requirements; 67 requiring the department to include certain results in 68 a specified report; providing for future expiration; 69 deleting a provision requiring the department to 70 convene a certain workgroup; amending s. 409.997, 71 F.S.; specifying types of data that may be used by the 72 department in an accountability program; adding 73 contract compliance as a use of the data; allowing the 74 requirements of monitoring program to be incorporated 75 into contract management program of the department; 76 amending s. 1004.615, F.S.; requiring the Florida 77 Institute for Child Welfare and the Florida State 78 University College of Social Work to design and 79 implement a specified curriculum; providing 80 requirements of the institute regarding the 81 curriculum; requiring the institute to contract for 82 certain evaluations; requiring certain entities to 83 design and implement a career-long professional 84 development curriculum for child welfare 85 professionals; requiring the institute to establish a 86 consulting program for child welfare organizations; 87 requiring the department to develop a career ladder 88 for child protective investigations professionals and 89 submit a proposal to the Legislature by a specified 90 date; providing a short title; providing an effective 91 date. 92 93 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 94 95 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraphs 96 (b), (d), and (e) of subsection (5) of section 20.19, Florida 97 Statutes, are amended to read: 98 20.19 Department of Children and Families.—There is created 99 a Department of Children and Families. 100 (1) MISSION AND PURPOSE.— 101 (b) The department shall develop a strategic plan for 102 fulfilling its mission and establish a set of measurable goals, 103 objectives, performance standards and metrics, and quality 104 assurance requirements to ensure that the department is 105 accountable to the people of Florida. Such goals shall, at a 106 minimum, include those specified in s. 409.986(2). 107 (5) COMMUNITY ALLIANCES.— 108 (b) The duties of the community alliance include, but are 109 not limited to: 110 1. Joint planning for resource utilization in the 111 community, including resources appropriated to the department 112 and any funds that local funding sources choose to provide. 113 2. Needs assessment and establishment of community 114 priorities for service delivery. 115 3. Determining community outcome goals to supplement state 116 required outcomes. 117 4. Serving as a catalyst for community resource 118 development, including, but not limited to, identifying existing 119 programs and services delivered by and assistance available from 120 community-based and faith-based organizations, and encouraging 121 the development and availability of such programs, services, and 122 assistance by such organizations. The community alliance shall 123 ensure that the community-based care lead agency is aware of 124 such programs, services, and assistance and work to facilitate 125 the lead agency’s appropriate use of these resources. 126 5. Providing for community education and advocacy on issues 127 related to delivery of services. 128 6. Promoting prevention and early intervention services. 129 (d) Theinitialmembership of the community alliance in a 130 county shall at a minimum be composed of the following: 131 1. A representative from the department. 132 2. A representative from county government. 133 3. A representative from the school district. 134 4. A representative from the county United Way. 135 5. A representative from the county sheriff’s office. 136 6. A representative from the circuit court corresponding to 137 the county. 138 7. A representative from the county children’s board, if 139 one exists. 140 8. A representative of a faith-based organization involved 141 in efforts to prevent child maltreatment, strengthen families, 142 or promote adoption. 143 (e)At any time after the initial meeting of the community144alliance,The community alliance shall adopt bylaws and may 145 increase the membership of the alliance to include the state 146 attorney for the judicial circuit in which the community 147 alliance is located, or his or her designee, the public defender 148 for the judicial circuit in which the community alliance is 149 located, or his or her designee, and Other individuals and 150 organizations who represent funding organizations, are community 151 leaders, have knowledge of community-based service issues, or 152 otherwise represent perspectives that will enable them to 153 accomplish the duties listed in paragraph (b), if, in the 154 judgment of the alliance, such change is necessary to adequately 155 represent the diversity of the population within the community 156 alliance service circuits. 157 Section 2. Section 39.3065, Florida Statutes, is amended to 158 read: 159 39.3065 Sheriffs of certain counties to provide child 160 protective investigative services; procedures; funding.— 161 (1) As described in this section, the departmentof162Children and Familiesshall, by the end of fiscal year 1999 163 2000, transfer all responsibility for child protective 164 investigations for Pinellas County, Manatee County, Broward 165 County, and Pasco County to the sheriff of that county in which 166 the child abuse, neglect, or abandonment is alleged to have 167 occurred. Each sheriff is responsible for the provision of all 168 child protective investigations in his or her county. Each 169 individual who provides these services must complete the 170 training provided to and required of protective investigators 171 employed by the departmentof Children and Families. 172 (2) During fiscal year 1998-1999, the departmentof173Children and Familiesand each sheriff’s office shall enter into 174 a contract for the provision of these services. Funding for the 175 services will be appropriated to the departmentof Children and176Families, and the department shall transfer to the respective 177 sheriffs for the duration of fiscal year 1998-1999, funding for 178 the investigative responsibilities assumed by the sheriffs, 179 including federal funds that the provider is eligible for and 180 agrees to earn and that portion of general revenue funds which 181 is currently associated with the services that are being 182 furnished under contract, and including, but not limited to, 183 funding for all investigative, supervisory, and clerical 184 positions; training; all associated equipment; furnishings; and 185 other fixed capital items. The contract must specify whether the 186 department will continue to perform part or none of the child 187 protective investigations during the initial year. The sheriffs 188 may either conduct the investigations themselves or may, in 189 turn, subcontract with law enforcement officials or with 190 properly trained employees of private agencies to conduct 191 investigations related to neglect cases only. If such a 192 subcontract is awarded, the sheriff must take full 193 responsibility for any safety decision made by the subcontractor 194 and must immediately respond with law enforcement staff to any 195 situation that requires removal of a child due to a condition 196 that poses an immediate threat to the child’s life. The contract 197 must specify whether the services are to be performed by 198 departmental employees or by persons determined by the sheriff. 199 During this initial year, the department is responsible for 200 quality assurance, and the department retains the responsibility 201 for the performance of all child protective investigations. The 202 department must identify any barriers to transferring the entire 203 responsibility for child protective services to the sheriffs’ 204 offices and must pursue avenues for removing any such barriers 205 by means including, but not limited to, applying for federal 206 waivers. By January 15, 1999, the department shall submit to the 207 President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 208 Representatives, and the chairs of the Senate and House 209 committees that oversee departmental activities a report that 210 describes any remaining barriers, including any that pertain to 211 funding and related administrative issues. Unless the 212 Legislature, on the basis of that report or other pertinent 213 information, acts to block a transfer of the entire 214 responsibility for child protective investigations to the 215 sheriffs’ offices, the sheriffs of Pasco County, Manatee County, 216 Broward County, and Pinellas County, beginning in fiscal year 217 1999-2000, shall assume the entire responsibility for such 218 services, as provided in subsection (3). 219 (3)(a) Beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000, the sheriffs of 220 Pasco County, Manatee County, Broward County, and Pinellas 221 County have the responsibility to provide all child protective 222 investigations in their respective counties. Beginning in fiscal 223 year 2000-2001, the departmentof Children and Familiesis 224 authorized to enter into grant agreements with sheriffs of other 225 counties to perform child protective investigations in their 226 respective counties. The sheriffs of other counties with which 227 the department enters into grant agreements shall adopt the 228 child welfare practice model, as periodically modified by the 229 department, that is used by child protective investigators 230 employed by the department. 231 (b) The sheriffs shall operate, at a minimum, in accordance 232 with the performance standards and outcome measures established 233 by the Legislature for protective investigations conducted by 234 the departmentof Children and Families. 235 1. All sheriffs shall operate in accord with the same 236 federal performance standards and metrics that are imposed by 237 federal law, regulation, or funding requirements on child 238 protective investigators employed by the department. 239 2. Sheriffs of other counties with which the department 240 enters into grant agreements under paragraph (a) shall operate 241 in accordance with the same child welfare practice model 242 principles used by, and same state performance standards and 243 metrics that are imposed on, child protective investigators 244 employed by the department. 245 246 Each individual who provides these services must complete, at a 247 minimum, the training provided to and required of protective 248 investigators employed by the departmentof Children and249Families. 250 (c) Funds for providing child protective investigations 251 must be identified in the annual appropriation made to the 252 departmentof Children and Families, which shall award grants 253 for the full amount identified to the respective sheriffs’ 254 offices. Notwithstandingthe provisions ofss. 216.181(16)(b) 255 and 216.351, the departmentof Children and Familiesmay advance 256 payments to the sheriffs for child protective investigations. 257 Funds for the child protective investigations may not be 258 integrated into the sheriffs’ regular budgets. Budgetary data 259 and other data relating to the performance of child protective 260 investigations must be maintained separately from all other 261 records of the sheriffs’ offices and reported to the department 262of Children and Familiesas specified in the grant agreement. 263 (d) The department and all sheriffs providing child 264 protective investigative services shall collaborate to monitor 265 program performance on an ongoing basis. The department and each 266 sheriff, or his or her designee, shall meet at least quarterly 267 to collaborate on federal and state quality assurance and 268 quality improvement initiatives. 269 (e)(d)The department shall conduct an annual evaluation of 270 the program performance of all sheriffs providing child 271 protective investigative services. 272 1. For the sheriffs of Pasco County, Manatee County, 273 Broward County, and Pinellas County, the evaluation shall only 274 be based on the same federal performance standards and metrics, 275 and those state performance standards and metrics that are not 276 specific to or based on the child welfare practice model, that 277 are imposed on child protective investigators employed by the 278 department. 279 2. For sheriffs of other counties with which the department 280 enters into grant agreements under paragraph (a), this 281 evaluation shall be based on the same child welfare practice 282 model principles used by, and federal and state performance 283 standards and metrics that are imposed on, child protective 284 investigators employed bycriteria mutually agreed upon by the285respective sheriffs andthe departmentof Children and Families. 286 287 The program performance evaluation must be standardized 288 statewide excepting state performance standards and metrics that 289 are not specific to or based on the child welfare practice model 290 not being applicable to certain sheriffs as provided in 291 subparagraph (e)1. The department shall select random cases for 292 evaluation. The program performance evaluation shall be 293 conducted by a team of peer reviewers from the respective 294 sheriffs’ offices that perform child protective investigations 295 and representatives from the department. 296 (f) The departmentof Children and Familiesshall produce 297submitan annual report regarding, at a minimum,quality298 performance quality, outcome-measure attainment, and cost 299 efficiency of the services provided by all sheriffs providing 300 child protective investigative services. The annual report shall 301 include data and information on both the sheriffs’ and the 302 department’s performance of protective investigations. The 303 department shall submit the annual report to the President of 304 the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to 305 the Governor no later than November 1January 31of each year 306 the sheriffs are receiving general appropriations to provide 307 child protective investigations. 308 Section 3. Section 402.402, Florida Statutes, is amended to 309 read: 310 402.402 Child protection and child welfare personnel; 311 attorneys employed by the department.— 312 (1) CHILD PROTECTIVE INVESTIGATION PROFESSIONAL STAFF 313 REQUIREMENTS.—The department is responsible for recruitment of 314 qualified professional staff to serve as child protective 315 investigators and child protective investigation supervisors. 316 The department shall make every effort to recruit and hire 317 persons qualified by their education and experience to perform 318 social work functions. The department’s efforts shall be guided 319 by the goal thatby July 1, 2019,at least half of all child 320 protective investigators and supervisors will have a bachelor’s 321 degree or a master’s degree in social work from a college or 322 university social work program accredited by the Council on 323 Social Work Education. The department, in collaboration with the 324 lead agencies, subcontracted provider organizations, the Florida 325 Institute for Child Welfare created pursuant to s. 1004.615, and 326 other partners in the child welfare system, shall develop a 327 protocol for screening candidates for child protective positions 328 which reflects the preferences specified in paragraphs (a)-(f). 329 The following persons shall be given preference in the 330 recruitment of qualified professional staff, but the preferences 331 serve only as guidance and do not limit the department’s 332 discretion to select the best available candidates: 333 (a) Individuals with baccalaureate degrees in social work 334 and child protective investigation supervisors with master’s 335 degrees in social work from a college or university social work 336 program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. 337 (b) Individuals with baccalaureate or master’s degrees in 338 psychology, sociology, counseling, special education, education, 339 human development, child development, family development, 340 marriage and family therapy, and nursing. 341 (c) Individuals with baccalaureate degrees who have a 342 combination of directly relevant work and volunteer experience, 343 preferably in a public service field related to children’s 344 services, demonstrating critical thinking skills, formal 345 assessment processes, communication skills, problem solving, and 346 empathy; a commitment to helping children and families; a 347 capacity to work as part of a team; an interest in continuous 348 development of skills and knowledge; and personal strength and 349 resilience to manage competing demands and handle workplace 350 stresses. 351 (2) SPECIALIZED TRAINING.—All child protective 352 investigators and child protective investigation supervisors 353 employed by the department or a sheriff’s office must complete 354 specialized training either focused on serving a specific 355 population, including, but not limited to, medically fragile 356 children, sexually exploited children, children under 3 years of 357 age, or families with a history of domestic violence, mental 358 illness, or substance abuse, or focused on performing certain 359 aspects of child protection practice, including, but not limited 360 to, investigation techniques and analysis of family dynamics. 361 The specialized training may be used to fulfill continuing 362 education requirements under s. 402.40(3)(e). Individualshired363before July 1, 2014, shall complete the specialized training by364June 30, 2016, and individualshired on or after July 1, 2014, 365 shall complete the specialized training within 2 years after 366 hire. An individual may receive specialized training in multiple 367 areas. 368 (3) STAFF SUPPORT.—The department shall implement policies 369 and programs that mitigate and prevent the impact of secondary 370 traumatic stress and burnout among child protective 371 investigations staff, including, but not limited to: 372 (a) Initiatives to encourage and inspire child protective 373 investigations staff, including recognizing their achievements 374 on a recognition wall within their unit. 375 (b) Formal procedures for providing support to child 376 protective investigations staff after a critical incident such 377 as a child fatality. 378 (c) Initial training upon appointment to a supervisory 379 position and annual continuing education for all supervisors on 380 how to prevent secondary traumatic stress and burnout among the 381 employees they supervise. 382 (d) Monitoring levels of secondary traumatic stress and 383 burnout among individual employees and intervening as needed. 384 The department shall closely monitor and respond to levels of 385 secondary traumatic stress and burnout among employees during 386 the first 2 years after hire. 387 (e) Ongoing training in self-care for all child protective 388 investigations staff. 389 390 Such programs may also include, but are not limited, to formal 391 peer counseling and support programs. 392 (4)(3)REPORT.—By each October 1, the department shall 393 submit a report on the educational qualifications, turnover, 394 professional advancement, and working conditions of the child 395 protective investigators and supervisors to the Governor, the 396 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 397 Representatives. 398 (5)(4)ATTORNEYS EMPLOYED BY OR CONTRACTING WITH THE 399 DEPARTMENT TO HANDLE CHILD WELFARE CASES.—Attorneys hired or 400 contracted with on or after July 1, 2014, whose primary 401 responsibility is representing the department in child welfare 402 cases shall, within the first 6 months of employment, receive 403 training in: 404 (a) The dependency court process, including the attorney’s 405 role in preparing and reviewing documents prepared for 406 dependency court for accuracy and completeness.;407 (b) Preparing and presenting child welfare cases, including 408 at least 1 week shadowing an experienced children’s legal 409 services attorney preparing and presenting cases.;410 (c) Safety assessment, safety decisionmaking tools, and 411 safety plans.;412 (d) Developing information presented by investigators and 413 case managers to support decisionmaking in the best interest of 414 children.; and415 (e) The experiences and techniques of case managers and 416 investigators, including shadowing an experienced child 417 protective investigator and an experienced case manager for at 418 least 8 hours. 419 Section 4. Section 402.715, Florida Statutes, is created to 420 read: 421 402.715 Office of Quality.—Subject to an appropriation, the 422 department shall establish a department-wide Office of Quality 423 to ensure that the department and its contracted service 424 providers achieve high levels of performance. Duties of the 425 office include, but are not limited to: 426 (1) Identifying performance standards and metrics for the 427 department and all contracted service providers, including, but 428 not limited to, law enforcement agencies, managing entities, 429 community-based care lead agencies, and attorney services. Such 430 performance standards and metrics shall be reflected in the 431 strategic plan required under s. 20.19(1). Performance standards 432 and metrics for the child welfare system shall, at a minimum, 433 incorporate measures used in the results-oriented accountability 434 system under s. 409.997. 435 (2) Strengthening the department’s data and analytic 436 capabilities to identify systemic strengths and deficiencies. 437 (3) Recommending, in consultation with the relevant program 438 office, initiatives to correct programmatic and systemic 439 deficiencies. 440 (4) Engaging and collaborating with contractors, 441 stakeholders, and other relevant entities to improve quality, 442 efficiency, and effectiveness of department programs and 443 services. 444 (5) Reporting systemic or persistent failures to meet 445 performance standards and recommending corrective action to the 446 secretary. 447 Section 5. Section 402.7305, Florida Statutes, is amended 448 to read: 449 402.7305 Department of Children and Families; procurement 450 of contractual services; contract management.— 451 (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 452 (a) “Contract manager” means the department employee who is 453 responsible for enforcing the compliance with administrative and 454 programmatic terms and conditions of a contract. The contract 455 manager is the primary point of contact through which all 456 contracting information flows between the department and the 457 contractor. The contract manager is responsible for day-to-day 458 contract oversight, including approval of contract deliverables 459 and invoices. All actions related to the contract shall be 460 initiated by or coordinated with the contract manager. The 461 contract manager maintains the official contract files. 462 (b) “Contract monitor” means the department employee who is 463 responsible for observing, recording, and reporting to the 464 contract manager and other designated entities the information 465 necessary to assist the contract manager and program management 466 in determining whether the contractor is in compliance with the 467 administrative and programmatic terms and conditions of the 468 contract. 469 (c) “Department” means the Department of Children and 470 Families. 471 (d) “Outsourcing” means the process of contracting with an 472 external service provider to provide a service, in whole or in 473 part, while the department retains the responsibility and 474 accountability for the service. 475 (2) PROCUREMENT OF COMMODITIES AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES.— 476 (a) Notwithstanding s. 287.057(3)(e)12., if the department 477 intends to contract with a public postsecondary institution to 478 provide a service, the department must allow all public 479 postsecondary institutions in this state that are accredited by 480 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to bid on the 481 contract. Thereafter, notwithstanding any other provision of 482 law, if a public postsecondary institution intends to 483 subcontract for any service awarded in the contract, the 484 subcontracted service must be procured by competitive 485 procedures. 486 (b) When it is in the best interest of a defined segment of 487 its consumer population, the department may competitively 488 procure and contract for systems of treatment or service that 489 involve multiple providers, rather than procuring and 490 contracting for treatment or services separately from each 491 participating provider. The department must ensure that all 492 providers that participate in the treatment or service system 493 meet all applicable statutory, regulatory, service quality, and 494 cost control requirements. If other governmental entities or 495 units of special purpose government contribute matching funds to 496 the support of a given system of treatment or service, the 497 department shall formally request information from those funding 498 entities in the procurement process and may take the information 499 received into account in the selection process. If a local 500 government contributes matching funds to support the system of 501 treatment or contracted service and if the match constitutes at 502 least 25 percent of the value of the contract, the department 503 shall afford the governmental match contributor an opportunity 504 to name an employee as one of the persons required by s. 505 287.057(16) to evaluate or negotiate certain contracts, unless 506 the department sets forth in writing the reason why the 507 inclusion would be contrary to the best interest of the state. 508 Any employee so named by the governmental match contributor 509 shall qualify as one of the persons required by s. 287.057(16). 510 A governmental entity or unit of special purpose government may 511 not name an employee as one of the persons required by s. 512 287.057(16) if it, or any of its political subdivisions, 513 executive agencies, or special districts, intends to compete for 514 the contract to be awarded. The governmental funding entity or 515 contributor of matching funds must comply with all procurement 516 procedures set forth in s. 287.057 when appropriate and 517 required. 518 (c) The department may procure and contract for or provide 519 assessment and case management services independently from 520 treatment services. 521 (3) CONTRACT MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESS.—The 522 Department of Children and Families shall review the time period 523 for which the department executes contracts and shall execute 524 multiyear contracts to make the most efficient use of the 525 resources devoted to contract processing and execution. Whenever 526 the department chooses not to use a multiyear contract, a 527 justification for that decision must be contained in the 528 contract. Notwithstanding s. 287.057(14), the department is 529 responsible for establishing a contract management process that 530 requires a member of the department’s Senior Management or 531 Selected Exempt Service to assign in writing the responsibility 532 of a contract to a contract manager. The department shall 533 maintain a set of procedures describing its contract management 534 process which must minimally include the following requirements: 535 (a) The contract manager shall maintain the official 536 contract file throughout the duration of the contract and for a 537 period not less than 6 years after the termination of the 538 contract. 539 (b) The contract manager shall review all invoices for 540 compliance with the criteria and payment schedule provided for 541 in the contract and shall approve payment of all invoices before 542 their transmission to the Department of Financial Services for 543 payment. 544 (c) The contract manager shall maintain a schedule of 545 payments and total amounts disbursed and shall periodically 546 reconcile the records with the state’s official accounting 547 records. 548 (d) For contracts involving the provision of direct client 549 services, the contract manager shall periodically visit the 550 physical location where the services are delivered and speak 551 directly to clients receiving the services and the staff 552 responsible for delivering the services. 553 (e) The contract manager shall meet at least once a month 554 directly with the contractor’s representative and maintain 555 records of such meetings. 556 (f) The contract manager shall periodically document any 557 differences between the required performance measures and the 558 actual performance measures. If a contractor fails to meet and 559 comply with the performance measures established in the 560 contract, the department may allow a reasonable period for the 561 contractor to correct performance deficiencies. If performance 562 deficiencies are not resolved to the satisfaction of the 563 department within the prescribed time, and if no extenuating 564 circumstances can be documented by the contractor to the 565 department’s satisfaction, the department must terminate the 566 contract. The department may not enter into a new contract with 567 that same contractor for the services for which the contract was 568 previously terminated for a period of at least 24 months after 569 the date of termination. The contract manager shall obtain and 570 enforce corrective action plans, if appropriate, and maintain 571 records regarding the completion or failure to complete 572 corrective action items. 573 (g) The contract manager shall document any contract 574 modifications, which shall include recording any contract 575 amendments as provided for in this section. 576 (h) The contract manager shall be properly trained before 577 being assigned responsibility for any contract. 578 (4) CONTRACT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESS.—The 579 department shall establish contract monitoring units staffed by 580 career service employees who report to a member of the Selected 581 Exempt Service or Senior Management Service and who have been 582 properly trained to perform contract monitoring. At least one 583 member of the contract monitoring unit must possess specific 584 knowledge and experience in the contract’s program area. The 585 department shall establish a contract monitoring process that 586 includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements: 587 (a) Performing a risk assessment at the start of each 588 fiscal year and preparing an annual contract monitoring schedule 589 that considers the level of risk assigned. The department may 590 monitor any contract at any time regardless of whether such 591 monitoring was originally included in the annual contract 592 monitoring schedule. 593 (b) Preparing a contract monitoring plan, including 594 sampling procedures, before performing onsite monitoring at 595 external locations of a service provider. The plan must include 596 a description of the programmatic, fiscal, and administrative 597 components that will be monitored on site. If appropriate, 598 clinical and therapeutic components may be included. 599 (c) Conducting analyses of the performance and compliance 600 of an external service provider by means of desk reviews if the 601 external service provider will not be monitored on site during a 602 fiscal year. 603 (d) Unless the department sets forth in writing the need 604 for an extension, providing a written report presenting the 605 results of the monitoring within 30 days after the completion of 606 the onsite monitoring or desk review. 607 (e) Developing and maintaining a set of procedures 608 describing the contract monitoring process. 609 610Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the611department shall limit monitoring of a child-caring or child612placing services provider under this subsection to only once per613year. Such monitoring may not duplicate administrative614monitoring that is included in the survey of a child welfare615provider conducted by a national accreditation organization616specified under s. 402.7306(1).617 Section 6. Paragraph (l) is added to subsection (1) of 618 section 409.988, Florida Statutes, to read: 619 409.988 Lead agency duties; general provisions.— 620 (1) DUTIES.—A lead agency: 621 (l) Shall identify an employee to serve as a liaison with 622 the community alliance and community-based and faith-based 623 organizations interested in collaborating with the lead agency 624 or offering services or other assistance on a volunteer basis to 625 the children and families served by the lead agency. The lead 626 agency shall ensure that appropriate lead agency staff and 627 subcontractors, including, but not limited to, case managers, 628 are informed of the specific services or assistance available 629 from community-based and faith-based organizations. 630 Section 7. Section 409.996, Florida Statutes, is amended to 631 read: 632 409.996 Duties of the Department of Children and Families. 633 The department shall contract for the delivery, administration, 634 or management of care for children in the child protection and 635 child welfare system. In doing so, the department retains 636 responsibility for the quality of contracted services and 637 programs and shall ensure that, at a minimum, services are 638 delivered in accordance with applicable federal and state 639 statutes and regulations and the performance standards and 640 metrics specified in the strategic plan created under s. 641 20.19(1). 642 (1) The department shall enter into contracts with lead 643 agencies for the performance of the duties by the lead agencies 644 established inpursuant tos. 409.988. At a minimum, the 645 contracts must: 646 (a) Provide for the services needed to accomplish the 647 duties established in s. 409.988 and provide information to the 648 department which is necessary to meet the requirements for a 649 quality assurance program underpursuant tosubsection (19)(18)650 and the child welfare results-oriented accountability system 651 underpursuant tos. 409.997. 652 (b) Provide for tiered interventions and graduated 653 penalties for failure to comply with contract terms or in the 654 event of performance deficiencies. Such interventions and 655 penalties shallmayinclude, but are not limited to: 656 penalties,Enhanced monitoring and reporting.,657 2. Corrective action plans., and658 3. Requirements to accept technical assistance and 659 consultation from the department under subsection (4). 660 4. Financial penalties, which shall require a lead agency 661 to reallocate funds from administrative costs to direct care for 662 children. 663 5. Early termination of contracts, as provided in s. 664 402.1705(3)(f)or other appropriate action to ensure contract665compliance.The financial penalties shall require a lead agency666to reallocate funds from administrative costs to direct care for667children.668 (c) Ensure that the lead agency shall furnish current and 669 accurate information on its activities in all cases in client 670 case records in the state’s statewide automated child welfare 671 information system. 672 (d) Specify the procedures to be used by the parties to 673 resolve differences in interpreting the contract or to resolve 674 disputes as to the adequacy of the parties’ compliance with 675 their respective obligations under the contract. 676 (2) The department must adopt written policies and 677 procedures for monitoring the contract for delivery of services 678 by lead agencies which must be posted on the department’s 679 website. These policies and procedures must, at a minimum, 680 address the evaluation of fiscal accountability and program 681 operations, including provider achievement of performance 682 standards, provider monitoring of subcontractors, and timely 683 followup of corrective actions for significant monitoring 684 findings related to providers and subcontractors. These policies 685 and procedures must also include provisions for reducing the 686 duplication of the department’s program monitoring activities 687 both internally and with other agencies, to the extent possible. 688 The department’s written procedures must ensure that the written 689 findings, conclusions, and recommendations from monitoring the 690 contract for services of lead agencies are communicated to the 691 director of the provider agency and the community alliance as 692 expeditiously as possible. 693 (3) The department shall receive federal and state funds as 694 appropriated for the operation of the child welfare system, 695 transmit these funds to the lead agencies as agreed to in the 696 contract, and provide information on its website of the 697 distribution of the federal funds. The department retains 698 responsibility for the appropriate spending of these funds. The 699 department shall monitor lead agencies to assess compliance with 700 the financial guidelines established underpursuant tos. 701 409.992 and other applicable state and federal laws. 702 (4) The department mayshallprovide technical assistance 703 and consultation to lead agencies as necessary for the 704 achievement of performance standards, including, but not limited 705 to, providing additional resources to assist the lead agencies 706 to implement best practices or institute operational 707 efficienciesin the provision of care to children in the child708protection and child welfare system. 709 (5) The department retains the responsibility for the 710 review, approval or denial, and issuances of all foster home 711 licenses. 712 (6) The department shall process all applications submitted 713 by lead agencies for the Interstate Compact on the Placement of 714 Children and the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical 715 Assistance. 716 (7) The department shall assist lead agencies with access 717 to and coordination with other service programs within the 718 department. 719 (8) The department shall determine Medicaid eligibility for 720 all referred children and shall coordinate services with the 721 Agency for Health Care Administration. 722 (9) The department shall develop, in cooperation with the 723 lead agencies, a third-party credentialing entity approved under 724pursuant tos. 402.40(3), and the Florida Institute for Child 725 Welfare established underpursuant tos. 1004.615, a 726 standardized competency-based curriculum for certification 727 training for child protection staff. 728 (10) The department shall maintain the statewide adoptions 729 website and provide information and training to the lead 730 agencies relating to the website. 731 (11) The department shall provide training and assistance 732 to lead agencies regarding the responsibility of lead agencies 733 relating to children receiving supplemental security income, 734 social security, railroad retirement, or veterans’ benefits. 735 (12) With the assistance of a lead agency, the department 736 shall develop and implement statewide and local interagency 737 agreements needed to coordinate services for children and 738 parents involved in the child welfare system who are also 739 involved with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the 740 Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Education, the 741 Department of Health, and other governmental organizations that 742 share responsibilities for children or parents in the child 743 welfare system. 744 (13) With the assistance of a lead agency, the department 745 shall develop and implement a working agreement between the lead 746 agency and the substance abuse and mental health managing entity 747 to integrate services and supports for children and parents 748 serviced in the child welfare system. 749 (14) The department shall work with the Agency for Health 750 Care Administration to provide each Medicaid-eligible child with 751 early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment, 752 including 72-hour screening, periodic child health checkups, and 753 prescribed followup for ordered services, including, but not 754 limited to, medical, dental, and vision care. 755 (15) The department shall assist lead agencies in 756 developing an array of services in compliance with the Title IV 757 E waiver and shall monitor the provision of such services. 758 (16) The department shall provide a mechanism to allow lead 759 agencies to request a waiver of department policies and 760 procedures that create inefficiencies or inhibit the performance 761 of the lead agency’s duties. 762 (17) The department mayshalldirectlyor through contract763 provide attorneys to prepare and present cases in dependency 764 court and shall ensure that the court is provided with adequate 765 information for informed decisionmaking in dependency cases, 766 including, at a minimum, a face sheet for each case which lists 767 the names and contact information for any child protective 768 investigator, child protective investigation supervisor, case 769 manager, and case manager supervisor, and the regional 770 department official responsible for the lead agency contract. 771 The department shall provide to the court the case information 772 and recommendations provided by the lead agency or 773 subcontractor.For the Sixth Judicial Circuit, the department774shall contract with the state attorney for the provision of775these services.776 (18)(a) The department may contract for the provision of 777 children’s legal services to prepare and present cases in 778 dependency court. The contracted attorneys shall ensure that the 779 court is provided with adequate information for informed 780 decisionmaking in dependency cases, including, at a minimum, a 781 face sheet for each case which lists the names and contact 782 information for any child protective investigator, child 783 protective investigator supervisor, and the regional department 784 official responsible for the lead agency contract. The 785 contracted attorneys shall provide to the court the case 786 information and recommendations provided by the lead agency or 787 subcontractor. For the Sixth Judicial Circuit, the department 788 shall contract with the state attorney for the provision of 789 these services. 790 (b) The contracted attorneys shall adopt the child welfare 791 practice model, as periodically updated by the department, that 792 is used by attorneys employed by the department. The contracted 793 attorneys shall operate in accordance with the same federal and 794 state performance standards and metrics imposed on children’s 795 legal services attorneys employed by the department. 796 (c) The department and contracted attorneys providing 797 children’s legal services shall collaborate to monitor program 798 performance on an ongoing basis. The department and contracted 799 attorneys, or a representative from such contracted attorneys’ 800 offices, shall meet at least quarterly to collaborate on federal 801 and state quality assurance and quality improvement initiatives. 802 (d) The department shall conduct an annual program 803 performance evaluation which shall be based on the same child 804 welfare practice model principles and federal and state 805 performance standards that are imposed on children’s legal 806 services attorneys employed by the department. The program 807 performance evaluation must be standardized statewide and the 808 department shall select random cases for evaluation. The program 809 performance evaluation shall be conducted by a team of peer 810 reviewers from the respective contracted attorneys’ offices that 811 perform children’s legal services and representatives from the 812 department. 813 (e) The department shall publish an annual report 814 regarding, at a minimum, performance quality, outcome-measure 815 attainment, and cost efficiency of the services provided by the 816 contracted attorneys. The annual report must include data and 817 information on the performance of both the contracted attorneys 818 and the department’s attorneys. The department shall submit the 819 annual report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and 820 the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than 821 November 1 of each year that the contracted attorneys are 822 receiving appropriations to provide children’s legal services 823 for the department. 824 (19)(18)The department, in consultation with lead 825 agencies, shall establish a quality assurance program for 826 contracted services to dependent children. The quality assurance 827 program shall, at a minimum, be based on standards established 828 by federal and state law,andnational accrediting 829 organizations, and the Office of Quality established under s. 830 402.715, and must be consistent with the child welfare results 831 oriented accountability system required by s. 409.997. 832 (a) The department must evaluate each lead agency under 833 contract at least annually. These evaluations shall cover the 834 programmatic, operational, and fiscal operations of the lead 835 agencyand must be consistent with the child welfare results836oriented accountability system required by s. 409.997. The 837 department must consult with dependency judges in the circuit or 838 circuits served by the lead agency on the performance of the 839 lead agency. 840 (b) The department and each lead agency shall monitor out 841 of-home placements, including the extent to which sibling groups 842 are placed together or provisions to provide visitation and 843 other contacts if siblings are separated. The data shall 844 identify reasons for sibling separation. Information related to 845 sibling placement shall be incorporated into the results 846 oriented accountability system required underpursuant tos. 847 409.997 and into the evaluation of the outcome specified in s. 848 409.986(2)(e). The information related to sibling placement 849 shall also be made available to the institute established under 850pursuants. 1004.615 for use in assessing the performance of 851 child welfare services in relation to the outcome specified in 852 s. 409.986(2)(e). 853 (c) The department shall, to the extent possible, use 854 independent financial audits provided by the lead agency to 855 eliminate or reduce the ongoing contract and administrative 856 reviews conducted by the department. If the department 857 determines that such independent financial audits are 858 inadequate, other audits, as necessary, may be conducted by the 859 department. This paragraph does not abrogate the requirements of 860 s. 215.97. 861 (d) The department may suggest additional items to be 862 included in such independent financial audits to meet the 863 department’s needs. 864 (e) The department may outsource programmatic, 865 administrative, or fiscal monitoring oversight of lead agencies. 866 (f) A lead agency must assure that all subcontractors are 867 subject to the same quality assurance activities as the lead 868 agency. 869 (20)(19)The department and its attorneys, including 870 contracted attorneys, have the responsibility to ensure that the 871 court is fully informed about issues before it, to make 872 recommendations to the court, and to present competent evidence, 873 including testimony by the department’s employees, contractors, 874 and subcontractors, as well as other individuals, to support all 875 recommendations made to the court. The department’s attorneys 876 shall coordinate lead agency or subcontractor staff to ensure 877 that dependency cases are presented appropriately to the court, 878 giving consideration to the information developed by the case 879 manager and direction to the case manager if more information is 880 needed. 881 (21)(20)The department, in consultation with lead 882 agencies, shall develop a dispute resolution process so that 883 disagreements between legal staff, investigators, and case 884 management staff can be resolved in the best interest of the 885 child in question before court appearances regarding that child. 886 (22)(21)The department shall periodically, and before 887 procuring a lead agency, solicit comments and recommendations 888 from the community alliance established in s. 20.19(5), any 889 other community groups, or public hearings. The recommendations 890 must include, but are not limited to: 891 (a) The current and past performance of a lead agency. 892 (b) The relationship between a lead agency and its 893 community partners. 894 (c) Any local conditions or service needs in child 895 protection and child welfare. 896 (23)(22)The department shall develop, in collaboration 897 with the Florida Institute for Child Welfare, lead agencies, 898 service providers, current and former foster children placed in 899 residential group care, and other community stakeholders, a 900 statewide accountability system for residential group care 901 providers based on measureable quality standards. 902 (a) The accountability system must: 903 1. Promote high quality in services and accommodations, 904 differentiating between shift and family-style models and 905 programs and services for children with specialized or 906 extraordinary needs, such as pregnant teens and children with 907 Department of Juvenile Justice involvement. 908 2. Include a quality measurement system with domains and 909 clearly defined levels of quality. The system must measure the 910 level of quality for each domain, using criteria that 911 residential group care providers must meet in order to achieve 912 each level of quality. Domains may include, but are not limited 913 to, admissions, service planning, treatment planning, living 914 environment, and program and service requirements. The system 915 may also consider outcomes 6 months and 12 months after a child 916 leaves the provider’s care. However, the system may not assign a 917 single summary rating to residential group care providers. 918 3. Consider the level of availability of trauma-informed 919 care and mental health and physical health services, providers’ 920 engagement with the schools children in their care attend, and 921 opportunities for children’s involvement in extracurricular 922 activities. 923 (b) After development and implementation of the 924 accountability system in accordance with paragraph (a), the 925 department and each lead agency shall use the information from 926 the accountability system to promote enhanced quality in 927 residential group care within their respective areas of 928 responsibility. Such promotion may include, but is not limited 929 to, the use of incentives and ongoing contract monitoring 930 efforts. 931 (c) The department shall submit a report to the Governor, 932 the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 933 Representatives by October 1 of each year, with the first report934due October 1, 2017. The report must, at a minimum, include an 935 update on the development of a statewide accountability system 936 for residential group care providers and a plan for department 937 oversight and implementation of the statewide accountability 938 system. After implementation of the statewide accountability 939 system, the report must also include a description of the 940 system, including measures and any tools developed, a 941 description of how the information is being used by the 942 department and lead agencies, an assessment of placement of 943 children in residential group care using data from the 944 accountability system measures, and recommendations to further 945 improve quality in residential group care. 946 (d) The accountability system must be implemented by July 947 1, 2022. 948 (e) Nothing in this subsection impairs the department’s 949 licensure authority under s. 409.175. 950 (f) The department may adopt rules to administer this 951 subsection. 952 (24) In collaboration with lead agencies, service 953 providers, and other community stakeholders, the department 954 shall develop a statewide accountability system based on 955 measurable quality standards. The accountability system must be 956 implemented by July 1, 2021. 957 (a) The accountability system must: 958 1. Assess the overall health of the child welfare system, 959 by circuit, using grading criteria established by the 960 department. 961 2. Include a quality measurement system with domains and 962 clearly defined levels of quality. The system must measure the 963 performance standards for child protective investigators, lead 964 agencies, and children’s legal services throughout the system of 965 care, using criteria established by the department, and, at a 966 minimum, address applicable federal- and state-mandated metrics. 967 3. Align with the principles of the results-oriented 968 accountability program established under s. 409.997. 969 (b) After the development and implementation of the 970 accountability system under this subsection, the department and 971 each lead agency shall use the information from the 972 accountability system to promote enhanced quality service 973 delivery within their respective areas of responsibility. 974 (c) By December 1 of each year, the department shall submit 975 a report on the overall health of the child welfare system to 976 the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of 977 the House of Representatives. 978 (d) The department may adopt rules to implement this 979 subsection. 980 (25) Subject to an appropriation, for the 2020-2021 and 981 2021-2022 fiscal years, the department shall implement a pilot 982 project in the Sixth and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits, 983 respectively, aimed at improving child welfare outcomes. 984 (a) In implementing the pilot projects, the department 985 shall establish performance metrics and performance standards to 986 assess improvements in safety, permanency, and the well-being of 987 children in the local system of care for the lead agencies in 988 those judicial circuits. Such metrics and standards must be 989 aligned with indicators used in the most recent federal Child 990 and Family Services Reviews. 991 (b) The lead agencies in the Sixth and Thirteenth Judicial 992 Circuits shall provide performance data to the department each 993 quarter. The department shall review the data for accuracy and 994 completeness and then shall compare the actual performance of 995 the lead agencies to the established performance metrics and 996 standards. Each lead agency that exceeds performance metrics and 997 standards is eligible for incentive funding. 998 (c) For the first quarter of each fiscal year, the 999 department may advance incentive funding to the lead agencies in 1000 an amount equal to one quarter of the total allocated to the 1001 pilot project. After each quarter, the department shall assess 1002 the performance of the lead agencies for that quarter and adjust 1003 the subsequent quarter’s incentive funding based on its actual 1004 prior quarter performance. 1005 (d) The department shall include the results of the pilot 1006 projects in the report required in subsection (24) of this 1007 section. The report must include the department’s findings and 1008 recommendations relating to the pilot projects. 1009 (e) This subsection expires July 1, 2022. 1010(23)(a)The department, in collaboration with the Florida1011Institute for Child Welfare, shall convene a workgroup on foster1012home quality. The workgroup, at a minimum, shall identify1013measures of foster home quality, review current efforts by lead1014agencies and subcontractors to enhance foster home quality,1015identify barriers to the greater availability of high-quality1016foster homes, and recommend additional strategies for assessing1017the quality of foster homes and increasing the availability of1018high-quality foster homes.1019(b)The workgroup shall include representatives from the1020department, the Florida Institute for Child Welfare, foster1021parents, current and former foster children, foster parent1022organizations, lead agencies, child-placing agencies, other1023service providers, and others as determined by the department.1024(c)The Florida Institute for Child Welfare shall provide1025the workgroup with relevant research on, at a minimum, measures1026of quality of foster homes; evidence-supported strategies to1027increase the availability of high-quality foster homes, such as1028those regarding recruitment, screening, training, retention, and1029child placement; descriptions and results of quality improvement1030efforts in other jurisdictions; and the root causes of placement1031disruption.1032(d)The department shall submit a report to the Governor,1033the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of1034Representatives by November 15, 2017. The report shall, at a1035minimum:10361.Describe theimportant dimensions of quality for foster1037homes;10382.Describe the foster home quality enhancement efforts in1039the state, including, but not limited to, recruitment,1040retention, placement procedures, systems change, and quality1041measurement programs, and any positive or negative results;10423.Identify barriers to the greater availability of high1043quality foster homes;10444.Discuss available research regarding high-qualityfoster1045homes; and10465.Present a plan for developing and implementing1047strategies to increase the availability of high-quality foster1048homes. The strategies shall address important elements of1049quality, be based on available research, include both1050qualitative and quantitative measures of quality, integrate with1051the community-based care model, and be respectful of the privacy1052and needs of foster parents. The plan shall recommend possible1053instruments and measures and identify any changes to general law1054or rule necessary for implementation.1055 Section 8. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 409.997, 1056 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1057 409.997 Child welfare results-oriented accountability 1058 program.— 1059 (2) The purpose of the results-oriented accountability 1060 program is to monitor and measure the use of resources, the 1061 quality and amount of services provided, and child and family 1062 outcomes. The program includes data analysis, research review, 1063 and evaluation. The program shall produce an assessment of 1064 individual entities’ performance, as well as the performance of 1065 groups of entities working together on a local, judicial 1066 circuit, regional, and statewide basis to provide an integrated 1067 system of care. Data analyzed and communicated through the 1068 accountability program shall inform the department’s development 1069 and maintenance of an inclusive, interactive, and evidence 1070 supported program of quality improvement which promotes 1071 individual skill building as well as organizational learning. 1072 The department may useAdditionally, outcomedata generated by 1073 the program regarding performance drivers, process improvements, 1074 short-term and long-term outcomes, and quality improvement 1075 efforts to determine contract compliance andmay be usedas the 1076 basis for payment of performance incentives if funds for such 1077 payments are made available through the General Appropriations 1078 Act. The information compiled and utilized in the accountability 1079 program must incorporate, at a minimum: 1080 (a) Valid and reliable outcome measures for each of the 1081 goals specified in this subsection. The outcome data set must 1082 consist of a limited number of understandable measures using 1083 available data to quantify outcomes as children move through the 1084 system of care. Such measures may aggregate multiple variables 1085 that affect the overall achievement of the outcome goals. Valid 1086 and reliable measures must be based on adequate sample sizes, be 1087 gathered over suitable time periods, and reflect authentic 1088 rather than spurious results, and may not be susceptible to 1089 manipulation. 1090 (b) Regular and periodic monitoring activities that track 1091 the identified outcome measures on a statewide, regional, and 1092 provider-specific basis. Monitoring reports must identify trends 1093 and chart progress toward achievement of the goals specified in 1094 this subsection. The accountability program may not rank or 1095 compare performance among community-based care regions unless 1096 adequate and specific adjustments are adopted which account for 1097 the diversity in regions’ demographics, resources, and other 1098 relevant characteristics. The requirements of the monitoring 1099 program may be incorporated into the department’s quality 1100 assurance and contract management programsprogram. 1101 (c) An analytical framework that builds on the results of 1102 the outcomes monitoring procedures and assesses the statistical 1103 validity of observed associations between child welfare 1104 interventions and the measured outcomes. The analysis must use 1105 quantitative methods to adjust for variations in demographic or 1106 other conditions. The analysis must include longitudinal studies 1107 to evaluate longer term outcomes, such as continued safety, 1108 family permanence, and transition to self-sufficiency. The 1109 analysis may also include qualitative research methods to 1110 provide insight into statistical patterns. 1111 (d) A program of research review to identify interventions 1112 that are supported by evidence as causally linked to improved 1113 outcomes. 1114 (e) An ongoing process of evaluation to determine the 1115 efficacy and effectiveness of various interventions. Efficacy 1116 evaluation is intended to determine the validity of a causal 1117 relationship between an intervention and an outcome. 1118 Effectiveness evaluation is intended to determine the extent to 1119 which the results can be generalized. 1120 (f) Procedures for making the results of the accountability 1121 program transparent for all parties involved in the child 1122 welfare system as well as policymakers and the public, which 1123 shall be updated at least quarterly and published on the 1124 department’s website in a manner that allows custom searches of 1125 the performance data. The presentation of the data shall provide 1126 a comprehensible, visual report card for the state and each 1127 community-based care region, indicating the current status of 1128 the outcomes relative to each goal and trends in that status 1129 over time. The presentation shall identify and report outcome 1130 measures that assess the performance of the department, the 1131 community-based care lead agencies, and their subcontractors 1132 working together to provide an integrated system of care. 1133 (g) An annual performance report that is provided to 1134 interested parties including the dependency judge or judges in 1135 the community-based care service area. The report shall be 1136 submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the 1137 Speaker of the House of Representatives by October 1 of each 1138 year. 1139(3)The department shall establish a technical advisory1140panel consisting of representatives from the Florida Institute1141for Child Welfare established pursuant to s. 1004.615, lead1142agencies, community-based care providers, other contract1143providers, community alliances, and family representatives. The1144President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of1145Representatives shall each appoint a member to serve as a1146legislative liaison to the panel. The technical advisory panel1147shall advise the department on the implementation of the1148results-oriented accountability program.1149 Section 9. Present subsections (6) and (7) of section 1150 1004.615, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (9) 1151 and (10), respectively, and new subsections (6) and (7) and 1152 subsection (8) are added to that section, to read: 1153 1004.615 Florida Institute for Child Welfare.— 1154 (6) The institute and the Florida State University College 1155 of Social Work shall design and implement a curriculum that 1156 enhances knowledge and skills for the child welfare practice. 1157 The institute and the college shall create the curriculum using 1158 interactive and interdisciplinary approaches and include 1159 opportunities for students to gain an understanding of real 1160 world child welfare cases. The institute shall disseminate the 1161 curriculum to other interested state universities and colleges 1162 and provide implementation support. The institute shall contract 1163 with a person or entity of its choosing, by November 1, 2020, to 1164 evaluate the curriculum and make recommendations for 1165 improvement. The college shall implement the curriculum during 1166 the 2021-2022 school year. This subsection is subject to an 1167 appropriation. 1168 (7) The institute, in collaboration with the department, 1169 community-based care lead agencies, providers of case management 1170 services, and other child welfare stakeholders, shall design and 1171 implement a career-long professional development curriculum for 1172 child welfare professionals at all levels and from all 1173 disciplines. The professional development curriculum must 1174 enhance the performance of the current child welfare workforce, 1175 address issues related to retention, complement the social work 1176 curriculum, and be developed using social work principles. The 1177 professional development curriculum shall provide career-long 1178 coaching, training, certification, and mentorship. The institute 1179 must provide the professional support on a continuous basis 1180 through online and in-person services. The professional 1181 development curriculum must be available by July 1, 2021. This 1182 subsection is subject to an appropriation. 1183 (8) The institute shall establish a consulting program for 1184 child welfare organizations to enhance workforce culture, 1185 supervision, and related management processes to improve 1186 retention, effectiveness, and overall well-being of staff to 1187 support improved child welfare outcomes. The institute shall 1188 select child welfare organizations through a competitive 1189 application process and provide ongoing analysis, 1190 recommendations, and support from a team of experts on a long 1191 term basis to address systemic and operational workforce 1192 challenges. This subsection is subject to an appropriation. 1193 Section 10. The Department of Children and Families, in 1194 collaboration with the Florida Institute of Child Welfare, shall 1195 develop an expanded career ladder for child protective 1196 investigations staff. The career ladder shall include multiple 1197 levels of child protective investigator classifications, 1198 corresponding milestones and professional development 1199 opportunities necessary for advancement, and compensation 1200 ranges. The department must submit a proposal for the expanded 1201 career ladder to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and 1202 the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than 1203 November 1, 2020. 1204 Section 11. Sections 1, 3, and 6 of this act may be cited 1205 as the “State of Hope Act.” 1206 Section 12. This act shall take effect July 1, 2020.