Bill Text: FL S1402 | 2015 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Organization of the Department of Financial Services
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Failed) 2015-04-29 - Died in Messages [S1402 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S1402-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Organization of the Department of Financial Services
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Failed) 2015-04-29 - Died in Messages [S1402 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S1402-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2015 SB 1402 By Senator Lee 24-00435C-15 20151402__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the organization of the Department 3 of Financial Services; amending s. 20.121, F.S.; 4 revising the divisions and functions of the 5 department; authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to 6 establish divisions, bureaus, or offices of the 7 department; amending s. 28.2401, F.S.; providing 8 funding from certain probate petition service charges 9 to the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 10 for clerk education provided by the corporation; 11 amending s. 28.241, F.S., relating to the deposit of 12 certain filing fees for trial and appellate 13 proceedings, to conform provisions to changes made by 14 the act; amending s. 28.35, F.S.; deleting a 15 requirement that the Florida Clerks of Court 16 Operations Corporation contract with the department 17 for certain audits; amending s. 110.205, F.S.; 18 exempting audit and accounting positions of the 19 department from career service requirements; amending 20 s. 624.26, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes made 21 by the act; amending s. 624.307, F.S.; providing 22 powers and duties of the department’s Division of 23 Consumer Services; authorizing the division to impose 24 certain penalties; authorizing the department to adopt 25 rules relating to the division; providing for 26 construction; amending s. 624.502, F.S.; requiring 27 that certain service of process fees be deposited into 28 the Administrative Trust Fund; providing an effective 29 date. 30 31 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 32 33 Section 1. Subsections (2) and (6) of section 20.121, 34 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 35 20.121 Department of Financial Services.—There is created a 36 Department of Financial Services. 37 (2) DIVISIONS.—The Department of Financial Services shall 38 consist of the following divisions and offices: 39 (a) The Division of Accounting and Auditing, which shall40include the following bureau and office:411. The Bureau of Unclaimed Property. 422. The Office of Fiscal Integrity which shall function as a43criminal justice agency for purposes of ss. 943.045-943.08 and44shall have a separate budget. The office may conduct45investigations within or outside this state as the bureau deems46necessary to aid in the enforcement of this section. If during47an investigation the office has reason to believe that any48criminal law of this state has or may have been violated, the49office shall refer any records tending to show such violation to50state or federal law enforcement or prosecutorial agencies and51shall provide investigative assistance to those agencies as52required.53 (b) The Division of State Fire Marshal. 54 (c) The Division of Risk Management. 55 (d) The Division of Treasury, which shall include a Bureau 56 of Deferred Compensation responsible for administering the 57 Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan established 58 under s. 112.215 for state employees. 59 (e) The Division of Criminal Investigations, which shall 60 function as a criminal justice agency for purposes of ss. 61 943.045-943.08Insurance Fraud. 62 (f) The Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation. 63 (g) The Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services. 64 (h) The Division of Consumer Services. 651. The Division of Consumer Services shall perform the66following functions concerning products or services regulated by67the department or by the Office of Insurance Regulation:68a. Receive inquiries and complaints from consumers.69b. Prepare and disseminate such information as the70department deems appropriate to inform or assist consumers.71c. Provide direct assistance and advocacy for consumers who72request such assistance or advocacy.73d. With respect to apparent or potential violations of law74or applicable rules by a person or entity licensed by the75department or office, report apparent or potential violations to76the office or the appropriate division of the department, which77may take such further action as it deems appropriate.78e. Designate an employee of the division as primary contact79for consumers on issues relating to sinkholes.802. Any person licensed or issued a certificate of authority81by the department or by the Office of Insurance Regulation shall82respond, in writing, to the Division of Consumer Services within8320 days after receipt of a written request for information from84the division concerning a consumer complaint. The response must85address the issues and allegations raised in the complaint. The86division may impose an administrative penalty for failure to87comply with this subparagraph of up to $2,500 per violation upon88any entity licensed by the department or the office and $250 for89the first violation, $500 for the second violation, and up to90$1,000 per violation thereafter upon any individual licensed by91the department or the office.923. The department may adopt rules to administer this93paragraph.944. The powers, duties, and responsibilities expressed or95granted in this paragraph do not limit the powers, duties, and96responsibilities of the Department of Financial Services, the97Financial Services Commission, the Office of Insurance98Regulation, or the Office of Financial Regulation set forth99elsewhere in the Florida Statutes.100 (i) The Division of Workers’ Compensation. 101(j) The Division of Administration.102(k) The Division of Legal Services.103(l) The Division of Information Systems.104 (j)(m)The Office of Insurance Consumer Advocate. 105 (k)(n)The Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer 106 Services. 107 (l)(o)The Division of Public Assistance Fraud. 108 109 The Chief Financial Officer may establish any other division, 110 bureau, or office of the department that he or she deems 111 necessary to promote the efficient and effective operation of 112 the department pursuant to s. 20.04. 113(6) STRATEGIC MARKETS RESEARCH AND ASSESSMENT UNIT.—The114Strategic Markets Research and Assessment Unit is established115within the Department of Financial Services. The Chief Financial116Officer or his or her designee shall report on September 1,1172008, and quarterly thereafter, to the Cabinet, the President of118the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives on119the status of the state’s financial services markets. At a120minimum, the report must include a summary of issues, trends,121and threats that broadly impact the condition of the financial122services industries, along with the effect of such conditions on123financial institutions, the securities industries, other124financial entities, and the credit market. The Chief Financial125Officer shall also provide findings and recommendations126regarding regulatory and policy changes to the Cabinet, the127President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of128Representatives.129 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 28.2401, Florida 130 Statutes, is amended to read: 131 28.2401 Service charges and filing fees in probate 132 matters.— 133 (3) An additional service charge of $4 on petitions seeking 134 summary administration, formal administration, ancillary 135 administration, guardianship, curatorship, and conservatorship 136 shall be paid to the clerk. The clerk shall transfer $3.50 to 137 the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Court Education 138 Trust Fund and shall transfer 50 cents to the Department of 139 Revenue for deposit into the Department of Financial Services’ 140 Administrative Trust Fund to fund clerk education provided by 141 the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation. No 142 additional fees, charges, or costs shall be added to the service 143 charges or filing fees imposed under this section, except as 144 authorized by general law. 145 Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 146 28.241, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 147 28.241 Filing fees for trial and appellate proceedings.— 148 (1) Filing fees are due at the time a party files a 149 pleading to initiate a proceeding or files a pleading for 150 relief. Reopen fees are due at the time a party files a pleading 151 to reopen a proceeding if at least 90 days have elapsed since 152 the filing of a final order or final judgment with the clerk. If 153 a fee is not paid upon the filing of the pleading as required 154 under this section, the clerk shall pursue collection of the fee 155 pursuant to s. 28.246. 156 (a)1.a. Except as provided in sub-subparagraph b. and 157 subparagraph 2., the party instituting any civil action, suit, 158 or proceeding in the circuit court shall pay to the clerk of 159 that court a filing fee of up to $395 in all cases in which 160 there are not more than five defendants and an additional filing 161 fee of up to $2.50 for each defendant in excess of five. Of the 162 first $199$200in filing fees, $195 must be remitted to the 163 Department of Revenue for deposit into the State Courts Revenue 164 Trust Fund and,$4 must be remitted to the Department of Revenue 165 for deposit into the Administrative Trust Fund within the 166 Department of Financial Services and used to fund the contract 167 with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation created 168 in s. 28.35, and $1 must be remitted to the Department of169Revenue for deposit into the Administrative Trust Fund within170the Department of Financial Services to fund audits of171individual clerks’ court-related expenditures conducted by the172Department of Financial Services. By the 10th of each month, the 173 clerk shall submit that portion of the filing fees collected in 174 the previous month which is in excess of one-twelfth of the 175 clerk’s total budget to the Department of Revenue for deposit 176 into the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund. 177 b. The party instituting any civil action, suit, or 178 proceeding in the circuit court under chapter 39, chapter 61, 179 chapter 741, chapter 742, chapter 747, chapter 752, or chapter 180 753 shall pay to the clerk of that court a filing fee of up to 181 $295 in all cases in which there are not more than five 182 defendants and an additional filing fee of up to $2.50 for each 183 defendant in excess of five. Of the first $99$100in filing 184 fees, $95 must be remitted to the Department of Revenue for 185 deposit into the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund and,$4 must be 186 remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 187 Administrative Trust Fund within the Department of Financial 188 Services and used to fund the contract with the Florida Clerks 189 of Court Operations Corporation created in s. 28.35, and $1 must190be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the191Administrative Trust Fund within the Department of Financial192Services to fund audits of individual clerks’ court-related193expenditures conducted by the Department of Financial Services. 194 c. An additional filing fee of $4 shall be paid to the 195 clerk. The clerk shall remit $3.50 to the Department of Revenue 196 for deposit into the Court Education Trust Fund and shall remit 197 50 cents to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 198 Administrative Trust Fund within the Department of Financial 199 Services to fund clerk education provided by the Florida Clerks 200 of Court Operations Corporation. An additional filing fee of up 201 to $18 shall be paid by the party seeking each severance that is 202 granted. The clerk may impose an additional filing fee of up to 203 $85 for all proceedings of garnishment, attachment, replevin, 204 and distress. Postal charges incurred by the clerk of the 205 circuit court in making service by certified or registered mail 206 on defendants or other parties shall be paid by the party at 207 whose instance service is made. Additional fees, charges, or 208 costs may not be added to the filing fees imposed under this 209 section, except as authorized in this section or by general law. 210 2.a. Notwithstanding the fees prescribed in subparagraph 211 1., a party instituting a civil action in circuit court relating 212 to real property or mortgage foreclosure shall pay a graduated 213 filing fee based on the value of the claim. 214 b. A party shall estimate in writing the amount in 215 controversy of the claim upon filing the action. For purposes of 216 this subparagraph, the value of a mortgage foreclosure action is 217 based upon the principal due on the note secured by the 218 mortgage, plus interest owed on the note and any moneys advanced 219 by the lender for property taxes, insurance, and other advances 220 secured by the mortgage, at the time of filing the foreclosure. 221 The value shall also include the value of any tax certificates 222 related to the property. In stating the value of a mortgage 223 foreclosure claim, a party shall declare in writing the total 224 value of the claim, as well as the individual elements of the 225 value as prescribed in this sub-subparagraph. 226 c. In its order providing for the final disposition of the 227 matter, the court shall identify the actual value of the claim. 228 The clerk shall adjust the filing fee if there is a difference 229 between the estimated amount in controversy and the actual value 230 of the claim and collect any additional filing fee owed or 231 provide a refund of excess filing fee paid. 232 d. The party shall pay a filing fee of: 233 (I) Three hundred and ninety-five dollars in all cases in 234 which the value of the claim is $50,000 or less and in which 235 there are not more than five defendants. The party shall pay an 236 additional filing fee of up to $2.50 for each defendant in 237 excess of five. Of the first $199$200in filing fees, $195 must 238 be remitted by the clerk to the Department of Revenue for 239 deposit into the General Revenue Fund and,$4 must be remitted 240 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Administrative 241 Trust Fund within the Department of Financial Services and used 242 to fund the contract with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations 243 Corporation created in s. 28.35, and $1 must be remitted to the244Department of Revenue for deposit into the Administrative Trust245Fund within the Department of Financial Services to fund audits246of individual clerks’ court-related expenditures conducted by247the Department of Financial Services; 248 (II) Nine hundred dollars in all cases in which the value 249 of the claim is more than $50,000 but less than $250,000 and in 250 which there are not more than five defendants. The party shall 251 pay an additional filing fee of up to $2.50 for each defendant 252 in excess of five. Of the first $704$705in filing fees, $700 253 must be remitted by the clerk to the Department of Revenue for 254 deposit into the General Revenue Fund and,$4 must be remitted 255 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Administrative 256 Trust Fund within the Department of Financial Services and used 257 to fund the contract with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations 258 Corporation created in s. 28.35, and $1 must be remitted to the259Department of Revenue for deposit into the Administrative Trust260Fund within the Department of Financial Services to fund audits261of individual clerks’ court-related expenditures conducted by262the Department of Financial Services; or 263 (III) One thousand nine hundred dollars in all cases in 264 which the value of the claim is $250,000 or more and in which 265 there are not more than five defendants. The party shall pay an 266 additional filing fee of up to $2.50 for each defendant in 267 excess of five. Of the first $1,704$1,705in filing fees, $930 268 must be remitted by the clerk to the Department of Revenue for 269 deposit into the General Revenue Fund, $770 must be remitted to 270 the Department of Revenue for deposit into the State Courts 271 Revenue Trust Fund and,$4 must be remitted to the Department of 272 Revenue for deposit into the Administrative Trust Fund within 273 the Department of Financial Services to fund the contract with 274 the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation created in s. 275 28.35, and $1 must be remitted to the Department of Revenue for276deposit into the Administrative Trust Fund within the Department277of Financial Services to fund audits of individual clerks’278court-related expenditures conducted by the Department of279Financial Services. 280 e. An additional filing fee of $4 shall be paid to the 281 clerk. The clerk shall remit $3.50 to the Department of Revenue 282 for deposit into the Court Education Trust Fund and shall remit 283 50 cents to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 284 Administrative Trust Fund within the Department of Financial 285 Services to fund clerk education provided by the Florida Clerks 286 of Court Operations Corporation. An additional filing fee of up 287 to $18 shall be paid by the party seeking each severance that is 288 granted. The clerk may impose an additional filing fee of up to 289 $85 for all proceedings of garnishment, attachment, replevin, 290 and distress. Postal charges incurred by the clerk of the 291 circuit court in making service by certified or registered mail 292 on defendants or other parties shall be paid by the party at 293 whose instance service is made. Additional fees, charges, or 294 costs may not be added to the filing fees imposed under this 295 section, except as authorized in this section or by general law. 296 Section 4. Paragraphs (e) through (h) of subsection (2) of 297 section 28.35, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 298 28.35 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation.— 299 (2) The duties of the corporation shall include the 300 following: 301(e) Entering into a contract with the Department of302Financial Services for the department to audit the court-related303expenditures of individual clerks pursuant to s. 17.03.304 (e)(f)Reviewing, certifying, and recommending proposed 305 budgets submitted by clerks of the court pursuant to s. 28.36. 306 As part of this process, the corporation shall: 307 1. Calculate the minimum amount of revenue necessary for 308 each clerk of the court to efficiently perform the list of 309 court-related functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). The 310 corporation shall apply the workload measures appropriate for 311 determining the individual level of review required to fund the 312 clerk’s budget. 313 2. Prepare a cost comparison of similarly situated clerks 314 of the court, based on county population and numbers of filings, 315 using the standard list of court-related functions specified in 316 paragraph (3)(a). 317 3. Conduct an annual base budget review and an annual 318 budget exercise examining the total budget of each clerk of the 319 court. The review shall examine revenues from all sources, 320 expenses of court-related functions, and expenses of noncourt 321 related functions as necessary to determine that court-related 322 revenues are not being used for noncourt-related purposes. The 323 review and exercise shall identify potential targeted budget 324 reductions in the percentage amount provided in Schedule VIII-B 325 of the state’s previous year’s legislative budget instructions, 326 as referenced in s. 216.023(3), or an equivalent schedule or 327 instruction as may be adopted by the Legislature. 328 4. Identify those proposed budgets containing funding for 329 items not included on the standard list of court-related 330 functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). 331 5. Identify those clerks projected to have court-related 332 revenues insufficient to fund their anticipated court-related 333 expenditures. 334 6. Use revenue estimates based on the official estimate for 335 funds accruing to the clerks of the court made by the Revenue 336 Estimating Conference. 337 7. Identify and report pay and benefit increases in any 338 proposed clerk budget, including, but not limited to, cost of 339 living increases, merit increases, and bonuses. 340 8. Provide detailed explanation for increases in 341 anticipated expenditures in any clerk budget that exceeds the 342 current year budget by more than 3 percent. 343 9. Identify and report the budget of any clerk which 344 exceeds the average budget of similarly situated clerks by more 345 than 10 percent. 346 (f)(g)Developing and conducting clerk education programs. 347 (g)(h)BeforeBeginning August 1, 2014, and eachAugust 1 348 of each yearthereafter, submitting to the Legislative Budget 349 Commission, as provided in s. 11.90, its proposed budget and the 350 information described in paragraph (e)(f), as well as the 351 proposed budgets for each clerk of the court. Before October 1 352 of each yearbeginning in 2014, the Legislative Budget 353 Commission shall consider the submitted budgets and shall 354 approve, disapprove, or amend and approve the corporation’s 355 budget and shall approve, disapprove, or amend and approve the 356 total of the clerks’ combined budgets or any individual clerk’s 357 budget. If the Legislative Budget Commission fails to approve or 358 amend and approve the corporation’s budget or the clerks’ 359 combined budgets before October 1, the clerk shall continue to 360 perform the court-related functions based upon the clerk’s 361 budget for the previous county fiscal year. 362 Section 5. Paragraph (y) is added to subsection (2) of 363 section 110.205, Florida Statutes, to read: 364 110.205 Career service; exemptions.— 365 (2) EXEMPT POSITIONS.—The exempt positions that are not 366 covered by this part include the following: 367 (y) All audit and accounting positions of the Division of 368 Accounting and Auditing of the Department of Financial Services. 369 Section 6. Subsection (4) of section 624.26, Florida 370 Statutes, is amended to read: 371 624.26 Collaborative arrangement with the Department of 372 Health and Human Services.— 373 (4) The department’s Division of Consumer Services may 374 respond to complaints by consumers relating to a requirement of 375 PPACAas authorized under s. 20.121(2)(h),and report apparent 376 or potential violations to the office and to the federal 377 Department of Health and Human Services. 378 Section 7. Subsection (10) is added to section 624.307, 379 Florida Statutes, to read: 380 624.307 General powers; duties.— 381 (10)(a) The department’s Division of Consumer Services 382 shall perform the following functions concerning products or 383 services regulated by the department or office: 384 1. Receive inquiries and complaints from consumers. 385 2. Prepare and disseminate such information as the 386 department deems appropriate to inform or assist consumers. 387 3. Provide direct assistance and advocacy for consumers who 388 request such assistance or advocacy. 389 4. With respect to apparent or potential violations of law 390 or applicable rules by a person or entity licensed by the 391 department or office, report apparent or potential violations to 392 the office or the appropriate division of the department, which 393 may take such further action as it deems appropriate. 394 5. Designate an employee of the division as primary contact 395 for consumers on issues relating to sinkholes. 396 (b) Any person licensed or issued a certificate of 397 authority by the department or the office shall respond, in 398 writing, to the division within 20 days after receipt of a 399 written request for information from the division concerning a 400 consumer complaint. The response must address the issues and 401 allegations raised in the complaint. The division may impose an 402 administrative penalty for failure to comply with this paragraph 403 of up to $2,500 per violation upon any entity licensed by the 404 department or the office and $250 for the first violation, $500 405 for the second violation, and up to $1,000 per violation 406 thereafter upon any individual licensed by the department or the 407 office. 408 (c) The department may adopt rules to administer this 409 subsection. 410 (d) The powers, duties, and responsibilities expressed or 411 granted in this subsection do not limit the powers, duties, and 412 responsibilities of the Department of Financial Services, the 413 Financial Services Commission, the Office of Insurance 414 Regulation, or the Office of Financial Regulation as otherwise 415 provided by law. 416 Section 8. Section 624.502, Florida Statutes, as amended by 417 chapter 2014-53, Laws of Florida, is amended to read: 418 624.502 Service of process fee.—In all instances as 419 provided in any section of the insurance code and s. 48.151(3) 420 in which service of process is authorized to be made upon the 421 Chief Financial Officer or the director of the office, the 422 plaintiff shall pay to the department or office a fee of $15 for 423 such service of process, which fee shall be deposited into the 424 Administrative Trust FundInsurance RegulatoryTrust Fund. 425 Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.