Bill Text: FL S1424 | 2024 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Pretrial Release
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-01-18 - Withdrawn from further consideration [S1424 Detail]
Download: Florida-2024-S1424-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2024 SB 1424 By Senator Jones 34-01591-24 20241424__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to pretrial release; creating s. 3 903.001, F.S.; abolishing monetary bail after a 4 specified date; providing exceptions; providing a 5 directive to the Division of Law Revision; amending s. 6 903.011, F.S.; providing that the terms “bail” and 7 “bond” in the Florida Statutes include any and all 8 forms of pretrial release; conforming provisions to 9 changes made by the act; amending ss. 903.02, 903.03, 10 and 903.035, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes 11 made by the act; amending s. 903.0351, F.S.; 12 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 13 providing a date; repealing s. 903.045, F.S., relating 14 to the nature of criminal surety bail bonds; amending 15 ss. 903.046 and 903.047, F.S.; conforming provisions 16 to changes made by the act; repealing s. 903.05, F.S., 17 relating to qualification of sureties; repealing s. 18 903.06, F.S., relating to validity of undertakings by 19 minors; amending s. 903.101, F.S.; conforming 20 provisions to changes made by the act; repealing s. 21 903.105, F.S., relating to appearance bonds; amending 22 ss. 903.131, 903.132, and 903.133, F.S.; conforming 23 provisions to changes made by the act; repealing s. 24 903.14, F.S., relating to contracts to indemnify 25 sureties; repealing s. 903.16, F.S., relating to the 26 deposit of money or bonds as bail; repealing s. 27 903.17, F.S., relating to substitution of cash bail 28 for other bail; repealing s. 903.18, F.S., relating to 29 bail after deposit of money or bonds; repealing s. 30 903.20, F.S., relating to surrender of defendant; 31 repealing s. 903.21, F.S., relating to method of 32 surrender and exoneration of obligors; repealing s. 33 903.22, F.S., relating to arrest of principal by 34 surety before forfeiture; repealing s. 903.26, F.S., 35 relating to forfeiture of the bond; repealing s. 36 903.27, F.S., relating to forfeiture to judgment; 37 repealing s. 903.28, F.S., relating to remission of 38 forfeiture; repealing s. 903.286, F.S., relating to 39 return of cash bond; repealing s. 903.29, F.S., 40 relating to arrest of principal by surety after 41 forfeiture; repealing s. 903.31, F.S., relating to 42 canceling a bond; repealing s. 903.32, F.S., relating 43 to defects in a bond; repealing s. 903.33, F.S., 44 relating to bail not being discharged for certain 45 defects; repealing s. 903.34, F.S., relating to who 46 may admit a defendant to bail; repealing s. 903.36, 47 F.S., relating to guaranteed arrest bond certificates 48 as cash bail; amending ss. 16.713, 27.52, 44.407, 49 61.125, 79.08, 142.01, 142.09, 316.027, 316.635, 50 316.650, 321.05, 322.25, 322.26, 322.28, 327.74, 51 341.3025, 384.281, 394.915, 648.44, 648.442, 648.571, 52 741.2901, 741.30, 784.046, 784.0485, 784.0495, 53 825.1035, 843.15, 870.01, 870.02, 900.05, 901.07, 54 901.08, 907.04, 907.041, 907.043, 908.105, 918.03, 55 918.04, 921.0022, 924.071, 924.16, 925.08, 939.14, 56 941.03, 941.10, 941.13, 941.15, 941.16, 941.17, 57 941.18, 941.22, 941.23, 941.26, 941.32, 944.405, 58 947.22, 948.06, 951.26, and 960.001, F.S.; conforming 59 provisions to changes made by the act; providing an 60 effective date. 61 62 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 63 64 Section 1. Section 903.001, Florida Statutes, is created to 65 read: 66 903.001 Abolition of monetary bail.—Beginning July 1, 2024, 67 the requirement of posting monetary bail is abolished, except as 68 provided in the Driver License Compact, the Nonresident Violator 69 Compact, and the Wildlife Violator Compact, which are compacts 70 that have been entered into between this state and its sister 71 states. 72 Section 2. The Division of Law Revision is directed to 73 change the title of chapter 903, Florida Statutes, to “Pretrial 74 Release.” 75 Section 3. Section 903.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to 76 read: 77 903.011 Pretrial release; general terms; statewide uniform78bond schedule.— 79 (1) As used in the Florida Statutesthis chapter, the terms 80 “bail” and “bond” include any and all forms of pretrial release. 81(2)Any monetary or cash component of any form of pretrial82release may be met by a surety bond.83(3)Differing monetary amounts may not be set for cash,84surety, or other forms of pretrial release.85(4)Except as authorized in subsection (5), only a judge86may set, reduce, or otherwise alter a defendant’s bail. Upon87motion by a defendant, or on the court’s own motion, a court may88reconsider the monetary component of a defendant’s bail if he or89she is unable to post a monetary bond.90(5)(a)Beginning January 1, 2024, and annually thereafter,91the Supreme Court must adopt a uniform statewide bond schedule92for criminal offenses not described in subsection (6) for which93a person may be released on bail before and in lieu of his or94her first appearance hearing or bail determination. The Supreme95Court must make the revised uniform statewide bond schedule96available to each judicial circuit.97(b)Except as provided in paragraph (c), the chief judge of98a judicial circuit may not establish a local bond schedule that99sets a lower bond amount than that required by the uniform100statewide bond schedule for the purpose of setting a defendant’s101bail before a first appearance hearing or bail determination.102(c)The chief judge of a judicial circuit may petition the103Supreme Court for approval of a local bond schedule that sets a104lower bond amount than that required by the uniform statewide105bond schedule. If the Supreme Court reviews and approves the106local bond schedule, such schedule may be used for the purpose107of setting a defendant’s bail before a first appearance hearing108or bail determination pending the adoption of a new or revised109uniform statewide bond schedule pursuant to paragraph (a).110(d)The chief judge of a judicial circuit may establish a111local bond schedule that increases the monetary bond applicable112to an offense that is included in the uniform statewide bond113schedule adopted by the Supreme Court. Such a deviation from the114uniform statewide bond schedule does not require approval by the115Supreme Court.116(e)In adopting the uniform statewide bond schedule or117reviewing a petition for a local bond schedule that deviates118from the uniform statewide bond schedule, the Florida Supreme119Court shall evaluate the amount of monetary bond necessary to120protect the community from risk of physical harm, to assure the121presence of the accused at trial, and to protect the integrity122of the judicial process.123(f)The uniform statewide bond schedule shall not bind a124judge in an individual case who is conducting a first appearance125hearing or bail determination.126 (2)(6)A person may not be released before his or her first 127 appearance hearing or pretrial releasebaildetermination and a 128 judge must determine pretrial releasethe appropriate bail, if129any,based on an individualized consideration of the criteria in 130 s. 903.046(2), if the person meets any of the following 131 criteria: 132 (a) The person was, at the time of arrest for any felony, 133 on pretrial release, probation, or community control in this 134 state or any other state; 135 (b) The person was, at the time of arrest, designated as a 136 sexual offender or sexual predator in this state or any other 137 state; 138 (c) The person was arrested for violating a protective 139 injunction; 140 (d) The person was, at the time of arrest, on release from 141 supervision under s. 947.1405, s. 947.146, s. 947.149, or s. 142 944.4731; 143 (e) The person has, at any time before the current arrest, 144 been sentenced pursuant to s. 775.082(9) or s. 775.084 as a 145 prison releasee reoffender, habitual violent felony offender, 146 three-time violent felony offender, or violent career criminal; 147 (f) The person has been arrested three or more times in the 148 6 months immediately preceding his or her arrest for the current 149 offense; or 150 (g) The person’s current offense of arrest is for one or 151 more of the following crimes: 152 1. A capital felony, life felony, felony of the first 153 degree, or felony of the second degree; 154 2. A homicide under chapter 782; or any attempt, 155 solicitation, or conspiracy to commit a homicide; 156 3. Assault in furtherance of a riot or an aggravated riot; 157 felony battery; domestic battery by strangulation; domestic 158 violence, as defined in s. 741.28; stalking; mob intimidation; 159 assault or battery on a law enforcement officer; assault or 160 battery on juvenile probation officer, or other staff of a 161 detention center or commitment facility, or a staff member of a 162 commitment facility, or health services personnel; assault or 163 battery on a person 65 years of age or older; robbery; burglary; 164 carjacking; or resisting an officer with violence; 165 4. Kidnapping, false imprisonment, human trafficking, or 166 human smuggling; 167 5. Possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon, 168 violent career criminal, or person subject to an injunction 169 against committing acts of domestic violence, stalking, or 170 cyberstalking; 171 6. Sexual battery; indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching; 172 exposure of sexual organs; incest; luring or enticing a child; 173 or child pornography; 174 7. Abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an elderly person or 175 disabled adult; 176 8. Child abuse or aggravated child abuse; 177 9. Arson; riot, aggravated riot, inciting a riot, or 178 aggravated inciting a riot; or a burglary or theft during a 179 riot; 180 10. Escape; tampering or retaliating against a witness, 181 victim, or informant; destruction of evidence; or tampering with 182 a jury; 183 11. Any offense committed for the purpose of benefiting, 184 promoting, or furthering the interests of a criminal gang; 185 12. Trafficking in a controlled substance, including 186 conspiracy to engage in trafficking in a controlled substance; 187 13. Racketeering; or 188 14. Failure to appear at required court proceedings while 189 on pretrial releasebail. 190 Section 4. Section 903.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to 191 read: 192 903.02 Actions following denial; changes in pretrial 193 releasebailconditionsor bond amount; separation by charge or 194 offense.— 195 (1) If application for pretrial releasebailis made to an 196 authorized court and denied, no court of inferior jurisdiction 197 shall admit the applicant to pretrial releasebailunless such 198 court of inferior jurisdiction is the court having jurisdiction 199 to try the defendant. 200 (2) No judge of a court of equal or inferior jurisdiction 201 may remove a condition of pretrial releasebail or reduce the202amount of bond required, unless such judge: 203 (a) Imposed the conditions of pretrial releasebail or set204the amount of bond required; 205 (b) Is the chief judge of the circuit in which the 206 defendant is to be tried; 207 (c) Has been assigned to preside over the criminal trial of 208 the defendant; or 209 (d) Is the designee of the chief judge and a judge has not 210 yet been assigned to the criminal trial. 211 (3) The term “court,” as used in this chapter, includes all 212 state courts. 213(4)Any judge setting or granting monetary bail shall set a214separate and specific bail amount for each charge or offense.215When bail is posted, each charge or offense requires a separate216bond.217 Section 5. Section 903.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to 218 read: 219 903.03 Jurisdiction of trial court to admit to pretrial 220 releasebail; duties and responsibilities of Department of 221 Corrections.— 222 (1) After a person is held to answer by a trial court 223 judge, the court having jurisdiction to try the defendant shall, 224 before indictment, affidavit, or information is filed, have 225 jurisdiction to hear and decide all preliminary motions 226 regarding pretrial releasebailand production or impounding of 227 all articles, writings, moneys, or other exhibits expected to be 228 used at the trial by either the state or the defendant. 229 (2)(a) The Department of Corrections shall have the 230 authority on the request of a circuit court when a person 231 charged with a noncapital crime orbailableoffense for which 232 pretrial release is available is held, to make an investigation 233 and report to the court, including: 234 1. The circumstances of the accused’s family, employment, 235 financial resources, character, mental condition, and length of 236 residence in the community; 237 2. The accused’s record of convictions, of appearance at 238 court proceedings, of flight to avoid prosecution, or failure to 239 appear at court proceedings; and 240 3. Other facts that may be needed to assist the court in 241 its determination of the indigency of the accused and whether 242 she or he should be released on her or his own recognizance. 243 (b) The court shall not be bound by the recommendations. 244 Section 6. Section 903.035, Florida Statutes, is amended to 245 read: 246 903.035 Applications for pretrial releasebail; information 247 provided; hearing on application for modification; penalty for 248 providing false or misleading information or omitting material 249 information.— 250 (1)(a) All information provided by a defendant, in 251 connection with any application for or attempt to secure 252 pretrial releasebail, to any court, court personnel, or 253 individual soliciting or recording such information for the 254 purpose of evaluating eligibility for, or securing, pretrial 255 releasebailfor the defendant, under circumstances such that 256 the defendant knew or should have known that the information was 257 to be used in connection with an application for pretrial 258 releasebail, shall be accurate, truthful, and complete without 259 omissions to the best knowledge of the defendant. 260 (b) The failure to comply withthe provisions ofparagraph 261 (a) may result in the revocation or modification of pretrial 262 releasebail. 263 (2) An application for modification of pretrial release 264bailon any felony charge must be heard by a court in person, at 265 a hearing with the defendant present, and with at least 3 hours’ 266 notice to the state attorney. 267 (3) Any person who intentionally provides false or 268 misleading material information or intentionally omits material 269 information in connection with an application for pretrial 270 releasebailor for modification of pretrial release commits 271bail is guilty ofa misdemeanor or felony which is one degree 272 less than that of the crime charged for which pretrial release 273bailis sought, but which in no event is greater than a felony 274 of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 275 775.083. 276 Section 7. Section 903.0351, Florida Statutes, is amended 277 to read: 278 903.0351 Restrictions on pretrial release pending 279 probation-violation hearing or community-control-violation 280 hearing.— 281 (1) In the instance of an alleged violation of felony 282 probation or community control,bailor any other form of 283 pretrial release shall not be granted prior to the resolution of 284 the probation-violation hearing or the community-control 285 violation hearing to: 286 (a) A violent felony offender of special concern as defined 287 in s. 948.06; 288 (b) A person who is on felony probation or community 289 control for any offense committed on or after March 12, 2007, 290the effective date of this actand who is arrested for a 291 qualifying offense as defined in s. 948.06(8)(c); or 292 (c) A person who is on felony probation or community 293 control and has previously been found by a court to be a 294 habitual violent felony offender as defined in s. 775.084(1)(b), 295 a three-time violent felony offender as defined in s. 296 775.084(1)(c), or a sexual predator under s. 775.21, and who is 297 arrested for committing a qualifying offense as defined in s. 298 948.06(8)(c) on or after March 12, 2007the effective date of299this act. 300 (2) Subsection (1) doesshallnot apply whenwherethe 301 alleged violation of felony probation or community control is 302 based solely on the probationer or offender’s failure to pay 303 costs or fines or make restitution payments. 304 Section 8. Section 903.045, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 305 Section 9. Section 903.046, Florida Statutes, is amended to 306 read: 307 903.046 Purpose of and criteria for pretrial releasebail308 determination.— 309 (1) It is presumed that a defendant is entitled to release 310 on personal recognizance on the conditions that the defendant 311 attend all required court proceedings, not commit any criminal 312 offense, and comply with all conditions of pretrial release, 313 including, but not limited to, orders of protection. Additional 314 conditions of pretrial release shall be set only when it is 315 determined that they are necessary to ensure that the defendant 316 appears in court, does not commit any criminal offense, and 317 complies with all conditions of pretrial release. Detention may 318 only be imposed when it is determined that the defendant poses a 319 danger to a specific, identifiable person or persons, or the 320 defendant has a high likelihood of willful flight. If the court 321 deems that the defendant is to be released on personal 322 recognizance, the court may require that a written admonishment 323 be signed by the defendant that he or she comply with all 324 conditions of releaseThe purpose of a bail determination in325criminal proceedings is to ensure the appearance of the criminal326defendant at subsequent proceedings and to protect the community327against unreasonable danger from the criminal defendant. 328 (2) When determining whether to release a defendant oron329bail or other conditions, andwhat thethat bail or those330 conditions of pretrial release may be, the court shall consider: 331 (a) The nature and circumstances of the offense charged. 332 (b) The weight of the evidence against the defendant. 333 (c) The defendant’s family ties, length of residence in the 334 community, employment history, financial resources, and mental 335 condition. 336 (d) The defendant’s past and present conduct, including any 337 record of convictions, previous flight to avoid prosecution, or 338 failure to appear at court proceedings. However, any defendant 339 who had failed to appear on the day of any required court 340 proceeding in the case at issue, but who had later voluntarily 341 appeared or surrendered, isshallnotbeeligible for a 342 recognizance bond; and any defendant who failed to appear on the 343 day of any required court proceeding in the case at issue and 344 who was later arrested isshallnotbeeligible for a 345 recognizance bondor for any form of bond which does not require346a monetary undertaking or commitment equal to or greater than347$2,000 or twice the value of the monetary commitment or348undertaking of the original bond, whichever is greater. 349 Notwithstanding anything in this section, the court has 350 discretion in determining conditions of release if the defendant 351 proves circumstances beyond his or her control for the failure 352 to appear.This section may not be construed as imposing353additional duties or obligations on a governmental entity354related to monetary bonds.355 (e) The nature and probability of danger which the 356 defendant’s release poses to the community. 357(f)The source of funds used to post bail or procure an358appearance bond, particularly whether the proffered funds, real359property, property, or any proposed collateral or bond premium360may be linked to or derived from the crime alleged to have been361committed or from any other criminal or illicit activities. The362burden of establishing the noninvolvement in or nonderivation363from criminal or other illicit activity of such proffered funds,364real property, property, or any proposed collateral or bond365premium falls upon the defendant or other person proffering them366to obtain the defendant’s release.367 (f)(g)Whether the defendant is already on release pending 368 resolution of another criminal proceeding or on probation, 369 parole, or other release pending completion of a sentence. 370 (g)(h)The street value of any drug or controlled substance 371 connected to or involved in the criminal charge. It is the 372 finding and intent of the Legislature that crimes involving 373 drugs and other controlled substances are of serious social 374 concern, and that the flight of defendants to avoid prosecution 375 is of similar serious social concern, and that frequently such376defendants are able to post monetary bail using the proceeds of377their unlawful enterprises to defeat the social utility of378pretrial bail.Therefore, the courts should carefully consider379the utility and necessity of substantial bail in relation to the380street value of the drugs or controlled substances involved. 381 (h)(i)The nature and probability of intimidation and 382 danger to victims. 383 (i)(j)Whether there is probable cause to believe that the 384 defendant committed a new crime while on pretrial release. 385 (j)(k)Any other facts that the court considers relevant. 386 (k)(l)Whether the crime charged is a violation of chapter 387 874 or alleged to be subject to enhanced punishment under 388 chapter 874 or reclassification under s. 843.22. If any such 389 violation is charged against a defendant or if the defendant is 390 charged with a crime that is alleged to be subject to such 391 enhancement or reclassification, he or she is not eligible for 392 pretrial releaseon bail or surety bonduntil the first 393 appearance on the case in order to ensure the full participation 394 of the prosecutor and the protection of the public. 395 (l)(m)Whether the defendant, other than a defendant whose 396 only criminal charge is a misdemeanor offense under chapter 316, 397 is required to register as a sexual offender under s. 943.0435 398 or a sexual predator under s. 775.21; and, if so, he or she is 399 not eligible for pretrial releaseon bail or surety bonduntil 400 the first appearance on the case in order to ensure the full 401 participation of the prosecutor and the protection of the 402 public. 403 Section 10. Section 903.047, Florida Statutes, is amended 404 to read: 405 903.047 Conditions of pretrial release.— 406 (1) As a condition of pretrial release, whether such407release is by surety bail bond or recognizance bond or in some408other form, the defendant must: 409 (a) Refrain from criminal activity of any kind. 410 (b) If the court issues an order of no contact, refrain 411 from any contact of any type with the victim, except through 412 pretrial discovery pursuant to the Florida Rules of Criminal 413 Procedure. An order of no contact is effective immediately and 414 enforceable for the duration of the pretrial release or until it 415 is modified by the court. The defendant shall be informed in 416 writing of the order of no contact, specifying the applicable 417 prohibited acts, before the defendant is released from custody 418 on pretrial release. As used in this section, unless otherwise 419 specified by the court, the term “no contact” includes the 420 following prohibited acts: 421 1. Communicating orally or in any written form, either in 422 person, telephonically, electronically, or in any other manner, 423 either directly or indirectly through a third person, with the 424 victim or any other person named in the order. If the victim and 425 the defendant have children in common, at the request of the 426 defendant, the court may designate an appropriate third person 427 to contact the victim for the sole purpose of facilitating the 428 defendant’s contact with the children. However, this 429 subparagraph does not prohibit an attorney for the defendant, 430 consistent with rules regulating The Florida Bar, from 431 communicating with any person protected by the no contact order 432 for lawful purposes. 433 2. Having physical or violent contact with the victim or 434 other named person or his or her property. 435 3. Being within 500 feet of the victim’s or other named 436 person’s residence, even if the defendant and the victim or 437 other named person share the residence. 438 4. Being within 500 feet of the victim’s or other named 439 person’s vehicle, place of employment, or a specified place 440 frequented regularly by such person. 441 (c) Comply with all conditions of pretrial release imposed 442 by the court.A court must consider s. 903.046(2) when443determining whether to impose nonmonetary conditions in addition444to or in lieu of monetary bond.Suchnonmonetaryconditions may 445 include, but are not limited to, requiring a defendant to: 446 1. Maintain employment, or, if unemployed, actively seek 447 employment. 448 2. Maintain or commence an educational program. 449 3. Abide by specified restrictions on personal 450 associations, place of residence, or travel. 451 4. Report on a regular basis to a designated law 452 enforcement agency, pretrial services agency, or other agency. 453 5. Comply with a specified curfew. 454 6. Refrain from possessing a firearm, destructive device, 455 or other dangerous weapon. 456 7. Refrain from excessive use of alcohol, or any use of a 457 narcotic drug or other controlled substance without a 458 prescription from a licensed medical practitioner. 459 8. Undergo available medical, psychological, psychiatric, 460 mental health, or substance abuse evaluation and follow all 461 recommendations, including treatment for drug or alcohol 462 dependency, and remain in a specified institution, if required 463 for that purpose. 464 9. Return to custody for specified hours following release 465 for employment, school, or other limited purposes. 466 10. Any other condition that is reasonably necessary to 467 assure the appearance of the defendant at subsequent proceedings 468 and to protect the community against unreasonable danger of 469 harm. 470 (2) Upon motion by the defendantwhen bail is set, or upon471later motionproperly noticed pursuant to law, the court may 472 modify the condition required by paragraph (1)(b) if good cause 473 is shown and the interests of justice so require. The victim 474 shall be permitted to be heard at any proceeding in which such 475 modification is considered, and the state attorney shall notify 476 the victim of the provisions of this subsection and of the 477 pendency of any such proceeding. 478 Section 11. Section 903.05, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 479 Section 12. Section 903.06, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 480 Section 13. Section 903.101, Florida Statutes, is amended 481 to read: 482 903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access. 483 Subject to rules adopted by the Department of Financial Services 484 and by the Financial Services Commission, every surety who meets 485 the requirements of ss.903.05, 903.06,903.08,and 903.09, and 486 every person who is currently licensed by the Department of 487 Financial Services and registered as required by s. 648.42 shall 488 have equal access to the jails of this state for the purpose of 489 making bonds. 490 Section 14. Section 903.105, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 491 Section 15. Section 903.131, Florida Statutes, is amended 492 to read: 493 903.131 ReleaseBailon appeal, revocation; recommission. 494 If a person released pendingadmitted to bail onappeal commits 495 and is convicted of a separate felony while free on appeal, the 496 release pendingbail onappeal shall be revoked and the 497 defendant committed forthwith. 498 Section 16. Section 903.132, Florida Statutes, is amended 499 to read: 500 903.132 Release pendingBail onappeal; conditions for 501 granting; appellate review.— 502 (1) ANoperson may not be admitted to release pendingbail503uponappeal from a conviction of a felony unless the defendant 504 establishes that the appeal is taken in good faith, on grounds 505 fairly debatable, and not frivolous. However, in no case shall 506 such releasebailbe granted if such person has previously been 507 convicted of a felony, the commission of which occurred prior to 508 the commission of the subsequent felony, and such person’s civil 509 rights have not been restored or if other felony charges are 510 pending against the person and probable cause has been found 511 that the person has committed the felony or felonies at the time 512 the request for such releasebailis made. 513 (2) An order by a trial court denying release pending 514 appealbailto a person pursuant tothe provisions ofsubsection 515 (1) may be appealed as a matter of right to an appellate court, 516 and such appeal shall be advanced on the calendar of the 517 appellate court for expeditious review. 518(3) In no case may an original appearance bond be continued519for the appeal. To reflect the increased risk and probability of520longer time considerations, there shall be a new undertaking of521a bond for the appeal.522 Section 17. Section 903.133, Florida Statutes, is amended 523 to read: 524 903.133 Release pendingBail onappeal; prohibited for 525 certain felony convictions.—Notwithstanding s. 903.132, ano526 person may notshallbe releasedadmitted to bailpending review 527 either by posttrial motion or appeal if he or she was adjudged 528 guilty of: 529 (1) A felony of the first degree for a violation of s. 530 782.04(2) or (3), s. 787.01, s. 794.011(4), s. 806.01, s. 531 893.13, or s. 893.135; 532 (2) A violation of s. 794.011(2) or (3); or 533 (3) Any other offense requiring sexual offender 534 registration under s. 943.0435(1)(h) or sexual predator 535 registration under s. 775.21(4) when, at the time of the 536 offense, the offender was 18 years of age or older and the 537 victim was a minor. 538 Section 18. Sections 903.14, 903.16, 903.17, 903.18, 539 903.20, 903.21, 903.22, 903.26, 903.27, 903.28, 903.286, 903.29, 540 903.31, 903.32, 903.33, 903.34, and 903.36, Florida Statutes, 541 are repealed. 542 Section 19. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section 543 16.713, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 544 16.713 Florida Gaming Control Commission; appointment and 545 employment restrictions.— 546 (4) NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS.— 547 (b) A commissioner or an employee must immediately provide 548 detailed written notice of the circumstances to the commission 549 if the member or employee is indicted, charged with, convicted 550 of, pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or has had pretrial 551 release revokedforfeits bailfor: 552 1. A misdemeanor involving gambling, dishonesty, theft, or 553 fraud; 554 2. A violation of any law in any state, or a law of the 555 United States or any other jurisdiction, involving gambling, 556 dishonesty, theft, or fraud which would constitute a misdemeanor 557 under the laws of this state; or 558 3. A felony under the laws of this or any other state, the 559 United States, or any other jurisdiction. 560 Section 20. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and paragraph 561 (a) of subsection (4) of section 27.52, Florida Statutes, are 562 amended to read: 563 27.52 Determination of indigent status.— 564 (1) APPLICATION TO THE CLERK.—A person seeking appointment 565 of a public defender under s. 27.51 based upon an inability to 566 pay must apply to the clerk of the court for a determination of 567 indigent status using an application form developed by the 568 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation with final 569 approval by the Supreme Court. 570 (a) The application must include, at a minimum, the 571 following financial information: 572 1. Net income, consisting of total salary and wages, minus 573 deductions required by law, including court-ordered support 574 payments. 575 2. Other income, including, but not limited to, social 576 security benefits, union funds, veterans’ benefits, workers’ 577 compensation, other regular support from absent family members, 578 public or private employee pensions, reemployment assistance or 579 unemployment compensation, dividends, interest, rent, trusts, 580 and gifts. 581 3. Assets, including, but not limited to, cash, savings 582 accounts, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, 583 equity in real estate, and equity in a boat or a motor vehicle 584 or in other tangible property. 585 4. All liabilities and debts. 5865. If applicable, the amount of any bail paid for the587applicant’s release from incarceration and the source of the588funds.589 590 The application must include a signature by the applicant which 591 attests to the truthfulness of the information provided. The 592 application form developed by the corporation must include 593 notice that the applicant may seek court review of a clerk’s 594 determination that the applicant is not indigent, as provided in 595 this section. 596 (4) REVIEW OF CLERK’S DETERMINATION.— 597 (a) If the clerk of the court determines that the applicant 598 is not indigent, and the applicant seeks review of the clerk’s 599 determination, the court shall make a final determination of 600 indigent status by reviewing the information provided in the 601 application against the criteria prescribed in subsection (2) 602 and by considering the following additional factors: 6031.Whether the applicant has been released on bail in an604amount of $5,000 or more.605 1.2.Whether a bond has been posted, the type of bond, and 606 who paid the bond. 607 2.3.Whether paying for private counsel in an amount that 608 exceeds the limitations in s. 27.5304, or other due process 609 services creates a substantial hardship for the applicant or the 610 applicant’s family. 611 3.4.Any other relevant financial circumstances of the 612 applicant or the applicant’s family. 613 Section 21. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 614 44.407, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 615 44.407 Elder-focused dispute resolution process.— 616 (3) REFERRAL.— 617 (b) The court may not refer a party who has a history of 618 domestic violence or exploitation of an elderly person to 619 eldercaring coordination unless the elder and other parties in 620 the action consent to such referral. 621 1. The court shall offer each party an opportunity to 622 consult with an attorney or a domestic violence advocate before 623 accepting consent to such referral. The court shall determine 624 whether each party has given his or her consent freely and 625 voluntarily. 626 2. The court shall consider whether a party has committed 627 an act of exploitation as defined in s. 415.102, exploitation of 628 an elderly person or disabled adult as defined in s. 825.103(1), 629 or domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28 against another 630 party or any member of another party’s family; engaged in a 631 pattern of behaviors that exert power and control over another 632 party and that may compromise another party’s ability to 633 negotiate a fair result; or engaged in behavior that leads 634 another party to have reasonable cause to believe that he or she 635 is in imminent danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence. 636 The court shall consider and evaluate all relevant factors, 637 including, but not limited to, the factors specified in s. 638 741.30(6)(b). 639 3. If a party has a history of domestic violence or 640 exploitation of an elderly person, the court must order 641 safeguards to protect the safety of the participants and the 642 elder and the elder’s property, including, but not limited to, 643 adherence to all provisions of an injunction for protection or 644 conditions of pretrial releasebail, probation, or a sentence 645 arising from criminal proceedings. 646 Section 22. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 647 61.125, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 648 61.125 Parenting coordination.— 649 (4) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ISSUES.— 650 (c) If there is a history of domestic violence, the court 651 shall order safeguards to protect the safety of the 652 participants, including, but not limited to, adherence to all 653 provisions of an injunction for protection or conditions of 654 pretrial releasebail, probation, or a sentence arising from 655 criminal proceedings. 656 Section 23. Section 79.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to 657 read: 658 79.08 Hearing and judgment.—The court, justice, or judge 659 before whom the prisoner is brought shall inquire without delay 660 into the cause of the prisoner’s imprisonment, and shall either 661 discharge the prisoner, admit him or her to pretrial release 662bailor remand him or her to custody, as the law and the 663 evidence require; and shall either award against the prisoner 664 the charges of his or her transportation, not exceeding 15 cents 665 per mile and the costs of the proceedings, or shall award the 666 costs in the prisoner’s favor, or shall award no costs or 667 charges against either party, as is right. The clerk of the 668 court in which such action is pending shall issue execution for 669 the costs and charges awarded. 670 Section 24. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 671 142.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 672 142.01 Fine and forfeiture fund; disposition of revenue; 673 clerk of the circuit court.— 674 (1) There shall be established by the clerk of the circuit 675 court in each county of this state a separate fund to be known 676 as the fine and forfeiture fund for use by the clerk of the 677 circuit court in performing court-related functions. The fund 678 shall consist of the following: 679 (d) Proceeds fromforfeited bail bonds,unclaimed bonds, 680 unclaimed moneys, or recognizances pursuant to ss. 321.05(4)(a) 681 and,379.2203(1), and 903.26(3)(a). 682 Section 25. Section 142.09, Florida Statutes, is amended to 683 read: 684 142.09 If defendant is not convicted or dies.—If the 685 defendant is not convicted, or the prosecution is abated by the 686 death of the defendant, or if the costs are imposed on the 687 defendant and execution against him or her is returned no 688 property found, or if a nolle prosse be entered, in each of 689 these cases the fees of witnesses and officers arising from 690 criminal causes shall be paid by the state in the manner 691 specified in s. 40.29; provided, that when a committing trial 692 court judge holds to pretrial releasebailor commits a person 693 to answer to a criminal charge and an information is not filed 694 or an indictment found against such person, the costs and fees 695 of such committing trial shall not be paid by the state, except 696 the costs of executing the warrants. 697 Section 26. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 698 316.027, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 699 316.027 Crash involving death or personal injuries.— 700 (2) 701 (c) The driver of a vehicle involved in a crash occurring 702 on public or private property which results in the death of a 703 person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the 704 crash, or as close thereto as possible, and shall remain at the 705 scene of the crash until he or she has fulfilled the 706 requirements of s. 316.062. A person who is arrested for a 707 violation of this paragraph and who has previously been 708 convicted of a violation of this section, s. 316.061, s. 709 316.191, or s. 316.193, or a felony violation of s. 322.34, 710 shall be held in custody until brought before the court for 711 admittance to pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 712 903. A person who willfully violates this paragraph commits a 713 felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 714 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, and shall be sentenced to a 715 mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 4 years. A person who 716 willfully commits such a violation while driving under the 717 influence as set forth in s. 316.193(1) shall be sentenced to a 718 mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 4 years. 719 Section 27. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 720 316.635, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 721 316.635 Courts having jurisdiction over traffic violations; 722 powers relating to custody and detention of minors.— 723 (3) If a minor is taken into custody for a criminal traffic 724 offense or a violation of chapter 322 and the minor does not 725 demand to be taken before a trial court judge, or a Civil 726 Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer, who has jurisdiction over 727 the offense or violation, the arresting officer or booking 728 officer shall immediately notify, or cause to be notified, the 729 minor’s parents, guardian, or responsible adult relative of the 730 action taken. After making every reasonable effort to give 731 notice, the arresting officer or booking officer may: 732 (b) Issue a notice to appear pursuant to chapter 901 and 733 release the minor pursuant to chapter 903s. 903.06; 734 735 If action is not taken pursuant to paragraphs (a)-(d), the minor 736 shall be delivered to the Department of Juvenile Justice, and 737 the department shall make every reasonable effort to contact the 738 parents, guardian, or responsible adult relative to take custody 739 of the minor. If there is no parent, guardian, or responsible 740 adult relative available, the department may retain custody of 741 the minor for up to 24 hours. 742 Section 28. Subsection (5) of section 316.650, Florida 743 Statutes, is amended to read: 744 316.650 Traffic citations.— 745 (5) Upon the deposit of the original traffic citation or 746 upon an electronic transmission of a replica of citation data of 747 the traffic citation with respect to traffic enforcement 748 agencies that have an automated citation issuance system with a 749 court having jurisdiction over the alleged offense or with its 750 traffic violations bureau, the original citation, the electronic 751 citation containing a replica of citation data, or a copy of 752 such traffic citation may be disposed of only by trial in the 753 court or other official action by a judge of the court, 754 including revocation of pretrial releaseforfeiture of the bail,755or by the deposit of sufficient bail with, or payment of a fine 756 to, the traffic violations bureau by the person to whom such 757 traffic citation has been issued by the traffic enforcement 758 officer. 759 Section 29. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section 760 321.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 761 321.05 Duties, functions, and powers of patrol officers. 762 The members of the Florida Highway Patrol are hereby declared to 763 be conservators of the peace and law enforcement officers of the 764 state, with the common-law right to arrest a person who, in the 765 presence of the arresting officer, commits a felony or commits 766 an affray or breach of the peace constituting a misdemeanor, 767 with full power to bear arms; and they shall apprehend, without 768 warrant, any person in the unlawful commission of any of the 769 acts over which the members of the Florida Highway Patrol are 770 given jurisdiction as hereinafter set out and deliver him or her 771 to the sheriff of the county that further proceedings may be had 772 against him or her according to law. In the performance of any 773 of the powers, duties, and functions authorized by law, members 774 of the Florida Highway Patrol have the same protections and 775 immunities afforded other peace officers, which shall be 776 recognized by all courts having jurisdiction over offenses 777 against the laws of this state, and have authority to apply for, 778 serve, and execute search warrants, arrest warrants, capias, and 779 other process of the court. The patrol officers under the 780 direction and supervision of the Department of Highway Safety 781 and Motor Vehicles shall perform and exercise throughout the 782 state the following duties, functions, and powers: 783 (4)(a) All fines and costs and the proceeds of the 784 forfeiture ofbail bonds andrecognizances resulting from the 785 enforcement of this chapter by patrol officers shall be paid 786 into the fine and forfeiture fund established pursuant to s. 787 142.01 of the county where the offense is committed. In all 788 cases of arrest by patrol officers, the person arrested shall be 789 delivered forthwith by the officer to the sheriff of the county, 790 or he or she shall obtain from the person arrested a 791 recognizanceor, if deemed necessary, a cash bond or other792sufficient securityconditioned for his or her appearance before 793 the proper tribunal of the county to answer the charge for which 794 he or she has been arrested; and all fees accruing shall be 795 taxed against the party arrested, which fees are hereby declared 796 to be part of the compensation of the sheriffs authorized to be 797 fixed by the Legislature under s. 5(c), Art. II of the State 798 Constitution, to be paid such sheriffs in the same manner as 799 fees are paid for like services in other criminal cases. All 800 patrol officers are hereby directed to deliver all bonds 801 accepted and approved by them to the sheriff of the county in 802 which the offense is alleged to have been committed. However, a 803 sheriff shall not be paid any arrest fee for the arrest of a 804 person for violation of any section of chapter 316 when the 805 arresting officer was transported in a Florida Highway Patrol 806 car to the vicinity where the arrest was made; and a sheriff 807 shall not be paid any fee for mileage for himself or herself or 808 a prisoner for miles traveled in a Florida Highway Patrol car. A 809 patrol officer is not entitled to any fee or mileage cost except 810 when responding to a subpoena in a civil cause or except when 811 the patrol officer is appearing as an official witness to 812 testify at any hearing or law action in any court of this state 813 as a direct result of his or her employment as a patrol officer 814 during time not compensated as a part of his or her normal 815 duties. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the power 816 to locate and to take from any person under arrest or about to 817 be arrested deadly weapons. This section is not a limitation 818 upon existing powers and duties of sheriffs or police officers. 819 Section 30. Subsection (4) of section 322.25, Florida 820 Statutes, is amended to read: 821 322.25 When court to forward license to department and 822 report convictions.— 823 (4) For the purpose of this chapter, a revocation of 824 pretrial releaseforfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to825secure a defendant’s appearance in court, which forfeiture has826not been vacated,shall be equivalent to a conviction. 827 Section 31. Subsection (6) of section 322.26, Florida 828 Statutes, is amended to read: 829 322.26 Mandatory revocation of license by department.—The 830 department shall forthwith revoke the license or driving 831 privilege of any person upon receiving a record of such person’s 832 conviction of any of the following offenses: 833 (6) Conviction, or revocation of pretrial release 834forfeiture of bailnot vacated, upon three charges of reckless 835 driving committed within a period of 12 months. 836 Section 32. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 837 322.28, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 838 322.28 Period of suspension or revocation.— 839 (2) In a prosecution for a violation of s. 316.193 or 840 former s. 316.1931, the following provisions apply: 841 (c) The revocation of pretrial releaseforfeiture of bail842bond, not vacated within 20 days, in any prosecution for the 843 offense of driving while under the influence of alcoholic 844 beverages, chemical substances, or controlled substances to the 845 extent of depriving the defendant of his or her normal faculties 846 shall be deemed equivalent to a conviction for the purposes of 847 this paragraph, and the department shall forthwith revoke the 848 defendant’s driver license or driving privilege for the maximum 849 period applicable under paragraph (a) for a first conviction and 850 for the minimum period applicable under paragraph (a) for a 851 second or subsequent conviction; however, if the defendant is 852 later convicted of the charge, the period of revocation imposed 853 by the department for such conviction shall not exceed the 854 difference between the applicable maximum for a first conviction 855 or minimum for a second or subsequent conviction and the 856 revocation period under this subsection that has actually 857 elapsed; upon conviction of such charge, the court may impose 858 revocation for a period of time as specified in paragraph (a). 859 This paragraph does not apply if an appropriate motion 860 contesting the forfeiture is filed within the 20-day period. 861 Section 33. Subsection (5) of section 327.74, Florida 862 Statutes, is amended to read: 863 327.74 Uniform boating citations.— 864 (5) Upon the deposit of the original and one copy of such 865 boating citation with a court having jurisdiction over the 866 alleged offense or with its traffic violations bureau as 867 aforesaid, the original or copy of such boating citation may be 868 disposed of only by trial in the court or other official action 869 by a judge of the court, including revocation of pretrial 870 releaseforfeiture of the bail, or by the deposit of sufficient871bail with,or payment of a fine to, the traffic violations 872 bureau by the person to whom such boating citation has been 873 issued by the law enforcement officer. 874 Section 34. Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section 875 341.3025, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 876 341.3025 Multicounty public rail system fares and 877 enforcement.— 878 (3) 879 (e) Upon the deposit of the original and one copy of such 880 citation with a court having jurisdiction over the alleged 881 offense, the original or copy of such citation may be disposed 882 of only by trial in the court or other official action by a 883 judge of the court, including revocation of pretrial release 884forfeiture of the bail, or by the deposit of sufficient bail885withor payment of a fine to the entity by the person to whom 886 such citation has been issued. 887 Section 35. Subsection (4) of section 384.281, Florida 888 Statutes, is amended to read: 889 384.281 Prehearing detention.— 890 (4) A person detained under this section shall be taken 891 before a judicial officer for pretrial releasebail892 determination within 24 hours afterofdetention. The purpose of 893 a pretrial releasebaildetermination is to ensure the 894 appearance of the person detained at the hearing scheduled 895 pursuant to s. 384.27 or s. 384.28. When determining whether to 896 release the person on pretrial releasebailor other conditions, 897 and what the pretrial releasebail or thoseconditions may be, 898 the court shall consider the person’s past and present conduct, 899 previous flight to avoid prosecution, or failure to appear at 900 court proceedings. The person detained is entitled to be 901 represented by counsel and to have counsel appointed on his or 902 her behalf if he or she cannot afford one. The person is 903 entitled to present witnesses and evidence, and to cross-examine 904 witnesses. 905 Section 36. The catchline of section 394.915, Florida 906 Statutes, is amended to read: 907 394.915 Determination of probable cause; hearing; 908 evaluation; respondent taken into custody; bail.— 909 Section 37. Paragraph (m) of subsection (1) of section 910 648.44, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 911 648.44 Prohibitions; penalty.— 912 (1) A bail bond agent or bail bond agency may not: 913 (m) Execute a bond in this state if a judgment has been 914 entered on a bond executed by the bail bond agent or the bail 915 bond agency is a named party on the judgment, which has remained 916 unpaid for 35 days, unless the full amount of the judgment is917deposited with the clerk in accordance with s. 903.27(5). 918 Section 38. Subsection (9) of section 648.442, Florida 919 Statutes, is amended to read: 920 648.442 Collateral security.— 921 (9) The department shall establish by rule the form of the 922 affidavit and the statement identifying the amount and source of 923 the securityas specified in s. 903.14. 924 Section 39. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section 925 648.571, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 926 648.571 Failure to return collateral; penalty.— 927 (3) 928(c) Allowable expenses incurred in apprehending a defendant929because of a bond forfeiture or judgment under s. 903.29 may be930deducted if such expenses are accounted for. The failure to931return collateral under these terms is punishable as follows:9321. If the collateral is of a value less than $100, as933provided in s. 775.082(4)(a).9342. If the collateral is of a value of $100 or more, as935provided in s. 775.082(3)(e).9363. If the collateral is of a value of $1,500 or more, as937provided in s. 775.082(3)(d).9384. If the collateral is of a value of $10,000 or more, as939provided in s. 775.082(3)(b).940 Section 40. Subsection (3) of section 741.2901, Florida 941 Statutes, is amended to read: 942 741.2901 Domestic violence cases; prosecutors; legislative 943 intent; investigation; duty of circuits; first appearance.— 944 (3) BeforePrior toa defendant’s first appearance in any 945 charge of domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28, the State 946 Attorney’s Office shall perform a thorough investigation of the 947 defendant’s history, including, but not limited to: prior 948 arrests for domestic violence, prior arrests for nondomestic 949 charges, prior injunctions for protection against domestic and 950 repeat violence filed listing the defendant as respondent and 951 noting history of other victims, and prior walk-in domestic 952 complaints filed against the defendant. This information shall 953 be presented at first appearance, when setting bond, and when 954 passing sentence, for consideration by the court. When a 955 defendant is arrested for an act of domestic violence, the 956 defendant shall be held in custody until brought before the 957 court for admittance to pretrial releasebailin accordance with 958 chapter 903. In determining pretrial releasebail, the court 959 shall consider the safety of the victim, the victim’s children, 960 and any other person who may be in danger if the defendant is 961 released. 962 Section 41. Paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section 963 741.30, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 964 741.30 Domestic violence; injunction; powers and duties of 965 court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary 966 injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification 967 system; enforcement; public records exemption.— 968 (9) 969 (b) If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement 970 officer under s. 901.15(6) or for a violation of s. 741.31, the 971 respondent shall be held in custody until brought before the 972 court as expeditiously as possible for the purpose of enforcing 973 the injunction and for admittance to pretrial releasebailin 974 accordance with chapter 903 and the applicable rules of criminal 975 procedure, pending a hearing. 976 Section 42. Paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section 977 784.046, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 978 784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual 979 violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating 980 violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; 981 pretrial release violations; public records exemption.— 982 (9) 983 (b) If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement 984 officer under s. 901.15(6) for committing an act of repeat 985 violence, sexual violence, or dating violence in violation of an 986 injunction for protection, the respondent shall be held in 987 custody until brought before the court as expeditiously as 988 possible for the purpose of enforcing the injunction and for 989 admittance to pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 990 903 and the applicable rules of criminal procedure, pending a 991 hearing. 992 Section 43. Paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section 993 784.0485, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 994 784.0485 Stalking; injunction; powers and duties of court 995 and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; 996 issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; 997 enforcement.— 998 (9) 999 (b) If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement 1000 officer under s. 901.15(6) or for a violation of s. 784.0487, 1001 the respondent shall be held in custody until brought before the 1002 court as expeditiously as possible for the purpose of enforcing 1003 the injunction and for admittance to pretrial releasebailin 1004 accordance with chapter 903 and the applicable rules of criminal 1005 procedure, pending a hearing. 1006 Section 44. Subsection (3) of section 784.0495, Florida 1007 Statutes, is amended to read: 1008 784.0495 Mob intimidation.— 1009 (3) A person arrested for a violation of this section shall 1010 be held in custody until brought before the court for admittance 1011 to pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 903. 1012 Section 45. Paragraph (b) of subsection (11) of section 1013 825.1035, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1014 825.1035 Injunction for protection against exploitation of 1015 a vulnerable adult.— 1016 (11) ENFORCEMENT.— 1017 (b) If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement 1018 officer under s. 901.15(6) or for a violation of s. 825.1036, 1019 the respondent must be held in custody until he or she is 1020 brought before the court, which must occur as expeditiously as 1021 possible, for the purpose of enforcing the injunction for 1022 protection against exploitation of a vulnerable adult and for 1023 admittance to pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 1024 903 and the applicable rules of criminal procedure, pending a 1025 hearing. 1026 Section 46. Section 843.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1027 read: 1028 843.15 Failure of defendant on pretrial releasebailto 1029 appear.— 1030 (1) Whoever, having been released pursuant to chapter 903, 1031 willfully fails to appear before any court or judicial officer 1032 as required shall incur a forfeiture of any security which was 1033 given or pledged for her or his release and, in addition, shall: 1034 (a) If she or he was released in connection with a charge 1035 of felony or while awaiting sentence or pending review by 1036 certiorari after conviction of any offense, commitsbe guilty of1037 a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 1038 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, or; 1039 (b) If she or he was released in connection with a charge 1040 of misdemeanor, commitsbe guilty ofa misdemeanor of the first 1041 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 1042 (2)Nothing inThis section does notshallinterfere with 1043 or prevent the exercise by any court of its power to punish for 1044 contempt. 1045 Section 47. Subsection (6) of section 870.01, Florida 1046 Statutes, is amended to read: 1047 870.01 Affrays and riots.— 1048 (6) Except for a violation of subsection (1), a person 1049 arrested for a violation of this section shall be held in 1050 custody until brought before the court for admittance to 1051 pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 903. 1052 Section 48. Subsection (2) of section 870.02, Florida 1053 Statutes, is amended to read: 1054 870.02 Unlawful assemblies.— 1055 (2) A person arrested for a violation of this section shall 1056 be held in custody until brought before the court for admittance 1057 to pretrial releasebailin accordance with chapter 903. 1058 Section 49. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 1059 900.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1060 900.05 Criminal justice data collection.— 1061 (3) DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING.—An entity required to 1062 collect data in accordance with this subsection shall collect 1063 the specified data and report them in accordance with this 1064 subsection to the Department of Law Enforcement on a monthly 1065 basis. 1066 (a) Clerk of the court.—Each clerk of court shall collect 1067 the following data for each criminal case: 1068 1. Case number. 1069 2. Date that the alleged offense occurred. 1070 3. Date the defendant is taken into physical custody by a 1071 law enforcement agency or is issued a notice to appear on a 1072 criminal charge. 1073 4. Whether the case originated by notice to appear. 1074 5. Date that the criminal prosecution of a defendant is 1075 formally initiated. 1076 6. Arraignment date. 1077 7. Attorney appointment date. 1078 8. Attorney withdrawal date. 1079 9. Case status. 1080 10. Charge disposition. 1081 11. Disposition date and disposition type. 1082 12. Information related to each defendant, including: 1083 a. Identifying information, including name, known aliases, 1084 date of birth, race, ethnicity, and gender. 1085 b. Zip code of last known address. 1086 c. Primary language. 1087 d. Citizenship. 1088 e. Immigration status. 1089 f. Whether the defendant has been found to be indigent 1090 under s. 27.52. 1091 13. Information related to the charges filed against the 1092 defendant, including: 1093 a. Charge description. 1094 b. Charge modifier description and statute, if applicable. 1095 c. Drug type for each drug charge, if known. 1096 d. Qualification for a flag designation as defined in this 1097 section, including a domestic violence flag, gang affiliation 1098 flag, sexual offender flag, habitual offender flag, habitual 1099 violent felony offender flag, pretrial release violation flag, 1100 prison releasee reoffender flag, three-time violent felony 1101 offender flag, or violent career criminal flag. 1102 14. Information related tobail or bond andpretrial 1103 release determinations, including the dates of any such 1104 determinations: 1105 a. Pretrial release determination made at a first 1106 appearance hearing that occurs within 24 hours of arrest, 1107 including any monetary and nonmonetary conditions of release. 1108b.Modification of bail or bond conditions made by a court1109having jurisdiction to try the defendant or, in the absence of1110the judge of the trial court, by the circuit court, including1111modifications to any monetary and nonmonetary conditions of1112release.1113c. Cash bail or bond payment, including whether the1114defendant utilized a bond agent to post a surety bond.1115 b.d.Date defendant is released onbail, bond, orpretrial 1116 release for the current case. 1117 c.e.Pretrial releaseBail or bondrevocation due to a new 1118 offense, a failure to appear, or a violation of the terms of 1119 bail or bond, if applicable. 1120 15. Information related to court dates and dates of motions 1121 and appearances, including: 1122 a. Date of any court appearance and the type of proceeding 1123 scheduled for each date reported. 1124 b. Date of any failure to appear in court, if applicable. 1125 c. Deferred prosecution or pretrial diversion hearing, if 1126 applicable. 1127 d. Each scheduled trial date. 1128 e. Date that a defendant files a notice to participate in 1129 discovery. 1130 f. Speedy trial motion date and each hearing date, if 1131 applicable. 1132 g. Dismissal motion date and each hearing date, if 1133 applicable. 1134 16. Defense attorney type. 1135 17. Information related to sentencing, including: 1136 a. Date that a court enters a sentence against a defendant. 1137 b. Charge sentenced to, including charge sequence number, 1138 and charge description. 1139 c. Sentence type and length imposed by the court in the 1140 current case, reported in years, months, and days, including, 1141 but not limited to, the total duration of incarceration in a 1142 county detention facility or state correctional institution or 1143 facility, and conditions of probation or community control 1144 supervision. 1145 d. Amount of time served in custody by the defendant 1146 related to each charge that is credited at the time of 1147 disposition of the charge to reduce the imposed length of time 1148 the defendant will serve on the term of incarceration that is 1149 ordered by the court at disposition. 1150 e. Total amount of court costs imposed by the court at the 1151 disposition of the case. 1152 f. Total amount of fines imposed by the court at the 1153 disposition of the case. 1154 g. Restitution amount ordered at sentencing. 1155 18. The sentencing judge or magistrate, or their 1156 equivalent. 1157 Section 50. Section 901.07, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1158 read: 1159 901.07 Admission to pretrial releasebailwhen arrest 1160 occurs in another county.— 1161 (1) When an arrest by a warrant occurs in a county other 1162 than the one in which the alleged offense was committed and the 1163 warrant issued, if the person arrested has a right to pretrial 1164 releasebail, the arresting officer shall inform the person of 1165 his or her right and, upon request, shall take the person before 1166 a trial court judge or other official of the same county having 1167 authority to admit to pretrial releasebail. The official shall 1168 admit the person arrested to pretrial releasebailfor his or 1169 her appearance before the trial court judge who issued the 1170 warrant. 1171 (2) If the person arrested does not have a right to 1172 pretrial releasebailor, when informed of his or her right to 1173 pretrial releasebail, does not enter pretrial releasefurnish1174bailimmediately, the officer who made the arrest or the officer 1175 having the warrant shall take the person before the trial court 1176 judge who issued the warrant. 1177 Section 51. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 901.08, 1178 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1179 901.08 Issue of warrant when offense triable in another 1180 county.— 1181 (2) If the person arrested has a right to pretrial release 1182bail, the officer making the arrest shall inform the person of 1183 his or her right to pretrial releasebailand, on request, shall 1184 take the person before a trial court judge or other official 1185 having authority to admit to pretrial releasebailin the county 1186 in which the arrest is made. The official shall admit the person 1187 to pretrial releasebailfor his or her appearance before the 1188 trial court judge designated in the warrant. 1189 (3) If the person arrested does not have a right to 1190 pretrial releasebailor, when informed of his or her right to 1191 pretrial releasebail, does not enter pretrial releasefurnish1192bailimmediately, he or she shall be taken before the trial 1193 court judge designated in the warrant. 1194 Section 52. Subsection (1) of section 907.04, Florida 1195 Statutes, is amended to read: 1196 907.04 Disposition of defendant upon arrest.— 1197 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), if a person who 1198 is arrested does not have a right to pretrial releasebailfor 1199 the offense charged, he or she shall be delivered immediately 1200 into the custody of the sheriff of the county in which the 1201 indictment, information, or affidavit is filed. If the person 1202 who is arrested has a right to pretrial releasebail, he or she 1203 shall be released after giving bond on the amount specified in 1204 the warrant. 1205 Section 53. Paragraphs (d), (g), and (j) of subsection (5) 1206 of section 907.041, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1207 907.041 Pretrial detention and release.— 1208 (5) PRETRIAL DETENTION.— 1209 (d) If a defendant is arrested for a dangerous crime that 1210 is a capital felony, a life felony, or a felony of the first 1211 degree, and the court determines there is probable cause to 1212 believe the defendant committed the offense, the state attorney, 1213 or the court on its own motion, shall motion for pretrial 1214 detention. If the court finds a substantial probability that the 1215 defendant committed the offense and, based on the defendant’s 1216 past and present patterns of behavior, consideration of the 1217 criteria in s. 903.046, and any other relevant facts, that no 1218 conditions of releaseor bailwill reasonably protect the 1219 community from risk of physical harm, ensure the presence of the 1220 defendant at trial, or assure the integrity of the judicial 1221 process, the court must order pretrial detention. 1222 (g)1. If a motion for pretrial detention is required under 1223 paragraph (d), the pretrial detention hearing must be held 1224 within 5 days after the defendant’s first appearance hearing or, 1225 if there is no first appearance hearing, within 5 days after the 1226 defendant’s arraignment. 1227 2. If a state attorney files a motion for pretrial 1228 detention under paragraph (c), the pretrial detention hearing 1229 must be held within 5 days after the filing of such motion. 1230 3. The defendant may request a continuance of a pretrial 1231 detention hearing. No continuance shall be for longer than 5 1232 days unless there are extenuating circumstances. The state 1233 attorney shall be entitled to one continuance for good cause. 1234 4. The defendant may be detained pending the completion of 1235 the pretrial detention hearing.If a defendant is released on1236bail pending a pretrial detention hearing under paragraph (d),1237the court must inform the defendant that if he or she uses a1238surety bond to meet the monetary component of pretrial release1239and the motion for pretrial detention is subsequently granted,1240the defendant will not be entitled to the return of the premium1241on such surety bond.1242 (j) A party may motion for a pretrial detention order to be 1243 reconsidered at any time before a defendant’s trial if the judge 1244 finds that information exists that was not known to the party 1245 moving for reconsideration at the time of the pretrial detention 1246 hearing and that such information has a material bearing on 1247 determining whether there are conditions of pretrial releaseor1248bailthat will reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant 1249 as required and the safety of any other person and the community 1250 from harm. 1251 Section 54. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section 1252 907.043, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1253 907.043 Pretrial release; citizens’ right to know.— 1254 (4) 1255 (b) The annual report must contain, but need not be limited 1256 to: 1257 1. The name, location, and funding sources of the pretrial 1258 release program, including the amount of public funds, if any, 1259 received by the pretrial release program. 1260 2. The operating and capital budget of each pretrial 1261 release program receiving public funds. 1262 3.a. The percentage of the pretrial release program’s total 1263 budget representing receipt of public funds. 1264 b. The percentage of the total budget which is allocated to 1265 assisting defendants obtain release through a nonpublicly funded 1266 program. 1267 c. The amount of fees paid by defendants to the pretrial 1268 release program. 1269 4. The number of persons employed by the pretrial release 1270 program. 1271 5. The number of defendants assessed and interviewed for 1272 pretrial release. 1273 6. The number of defendants recommended for pretrial 1274 release. 1275 7. The number of defendants for whom the pretrial release 1276 program recommended against nonsecured release. 1277 8. The number of defendants granted nonsecured release 1278 after the pretrial release program recommended nonsecured 1279 release. 1280 9. The number of defendants assessed and interviewed for 1281 pretrial release who were declared indigent by the court. 128210.The number of defendants accepted into a pretrial1283release program who paid a surety or cash bail or bond.1284 10.11.The number of defendants for whom a risk assessment 1285 tool was used in determining whether the defendant should be 1286 released pending the disposition of the case and the number of 1287 defendants for whom a risk assessment tool was not used. 1288 11.12.The specific statutory citation for each criminal 1289 charge related to a defendant whose case is accepted into a 1290 pretrial release program, including, at a minimum, the number of 1291 defendants charged with dangerous crimes as defined in s. 1292 907.041; nonviolent felonies; or misdemeanors only. A 1293 “nonviolent felony” for purposes of this subparagraph excludes 1294 the commission of, an attempt to commit, or a conspiracy to 1295 commit any of the following: 1296 a. An offense enumerated in s. 775.084(1)(c); 1297 b. An offense that requires a person to register as a 1298 sexual predator in accordance with s. 775.21 or as a sexual 1299 offender in accordance with s. 943.0435; 1300 c. Failure to register as a sexual predator in violation of 1301 s. 775.21 or as a sexual offender in violation of s. 943.0435; 1302 d. Facilitating or furthering terrorism in violation of s. 1303 775.31; 1304 e. A forcible felony as described in s. 776.08; 1305 f. False imprisonment in violation of s. 787.02; 1306 g. Burglary of a dwelling or residence in violation of s. 1307 810.02(3); 1308 h. Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of an elderly 1309 person or disabled adult in violation of s. 825.102; 1310 i. Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of a child in 1311 violation of s. 827.03; 1312 j. Poisoning of food or water in violation of s. 859.01; 1313 k. Abuse of a dead human body in violation of s. 872.06; 1314 l. A capital offense in violation of chapter 893; 1315 m. An offense that results in serious bodily injury or 1316 death to another human; or 1317 n. A felony offense in which the defendant used a weapon or 1318 firearm in the commission of the offense. 1319 12.13.The number of defendants accepted into a pretrial 1320 release program with no prior criminal conviction. 1321 13.14.The name and case number of each person granted 1322 nonsecured release who: 1323 a. Failed to attend a scheduled court appearance. 1324 b. Was issued a warrant for failing to appear. 1325 c. Was arrested for any offense while on release through 1326 the pretrial release program. 1327 14.15.Any additional information deemed necessary by the 1328 governing body to assess the performance and cost efficiency of 1329 the pretrial release program. 1330 Section 55. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 1331 908.105, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1332 908.105 Duties related to immigration detainers.— 1333 (1) A law enforcement agency that has custody of a person 1334 subject to an immigration detainer issued by a federal 1335 immigration agency shall: 1336 (a) Provide to the judge authorized to grant or deny the 1337 person’s release on pretrial releasebailunder chapter 903 1338 notice that the person is subject to an immigration detainer. 1339 Section 56. Section 918.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1340 read: 1341 918.03 Procedure when offense committed outside state.—When 1342 a court determines that it does not have jurisdiction because 1343 the offense charged was committed outside this state, the court 1344 may discharge the defendant or direct the clerk to communicate 1345 the location of the defendant to the chief executive of the 1346 state, territory, or district where the offense was committed. 1347 The court may commit the defendant to custody or admit him or 1348 her to pretrial releasebailfor a reasonable period of time to 1349 await a requisition for his or her extradition. If a requisition 1350 is not received within the time set by the court, the defendant 1351 shall be discharged. If the defendant has been admitted to 1352 pretrial releasebail, the court shall order the bond canceled 1353 and any deposit of money or bonds returned. 1354 Section 57. Section 918.04, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1355 read: 1356 918.04 Procedure when offense committed in another county. 1357 When a court determines that it does not have jurisdiction 1358 because the offense charged was committed in another county of 1359 this state, the defendant shall be committed to custody or 1360 admitted to pretrial releasebailfor a reasonable time to await 1361 a warrant for his or her arrest from the proper county. The 1362 clerk shall notify the prosecuting attorney of the proper county 1363 of the location of the defendant. If the defendant is not 1364 arrested on a warrant from the proper county within the time set 1365 by the court, he or she shall be discharged. If the defendant 1366 has been admitted to pretrial releasebail, the court shall 1367 order the bond canceled and any deposit of money or bonds 1368 returned. 1369 Section 58. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section 1370 921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1371 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking 1372 chart.— 1373 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 1374 (d) LEVEL 4 1375 1376 FloridaStatute FelonyDegree Description 1377 316.1935(3)(a) 2nd Driving at high speed or with wanton disregard for safety while fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer who is in a patrol vehicle with siren and lights activated. 1378 499.0051(1) 3rd Failure to maintain or deliver transaction history, transaction information, or transaction statements. 1379 499.0051(5) 2nd Knowing sale or delivery, or possession with intent to sell, contraband prescription drugs. 1380 517.07(1) 3rd Failure to register securities. 1381 517.12(1) 3rd Failure of dealer or associated person of a dealer of securities to register. 1382 784.031 3rd Battery by strangulation. 1383 784.07(2)(b) 3rd Battery of law enforcement officer, firefighter, etc. 1384 784.074(1)(c) 3rd Battery of sexually violent predators facility staff. 1385 784.075 3rd Battery on detention or commitment facility staff. 1386 784.078 3rd Battery of facility employee by throwing, tossing, or expelling certain fluids or materials. 1387 784.08(2)(c) 3rd Battery on a person 65 years of age or older. 1388 784.081(3) 3rd Battery on specified official or employee. 1389 784.082(3) 3rd Battery by detained person on visitor or other detainee. 1390 784.083(3) 3rd Battery on code inspector. 1391 784.085 3rd Battery of child by throwing, tossing, projecting, or expelling certain fluids or materials. 1392 787.03(1) 3rd Interference with custody; wrongly takes minor from appointed guardian. 1393 787.04(2) 3rd Take, entice, or remove child beyond state limits with criminal intent pending custody proceedings. 1394 787.04(3) 3rd Carrying child beyond state lines with criminal intent to avoid producing child at custody hearing or delivering to designated person. 1395 787.07 3rd Human smuggling. 1396 790.115(1) 3rd Exhibiting firearm or weapon within 1,000 feet of a school. 1397 790.115(2)(b) 3rd Possessing electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon on school property. 1398 790.115(2)(c) 3rd Possessing firearm on school property. 1399 794.051(1) 3rd Indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching of certain minors. 1400 800.04(7)(c) 3rd Lewd or lascivious exhibition; offender less than 18 years. 1401 806.135 2nd Destroying or demolishing a memorial or historic property. 1402 810.02(4)(a) 3rd Burglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied structure; unarmed; no assault or battery. 1403 810.02(4)(b) 3rd Burglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied conveyance; unarmed; no assault or battery. 1404 810.06 3rd Burglary; possession of tools. 1405 810.08(2)(c) 3rd Trespass on property, armed with firearm or dangerous weapon. 1406 812.014(2)(c)3. 3rd Grand theft, 3rd degree $10,000 or more but less than $20,000. 1407 812.014 (2)(c)4. & 6.-10. 3rd Grand theft, 3rd degree; specified items. 1408 812.0195(2) 3rd Dealing in stolen property by use of the Internet; property stolen $300 or more. 1409 817.505(4)(a) 3rd Patient brokering. 1410 817.563(1) 3rd Sell or deliver substance other than controlled substance agreed upon, excluding s. 893.03(5) drugs. 1411 817.568(2)(a) 3rd Fraudulent use of personal identification information. 1412 817.5695(3)(c) 3rd Exploitation of person 65 years of age or older, value less than $10,000. 1413 817.625(2)(a) 3rd Fraudulent use of scanning device, skimming device, or reencoder. 1414 817.625(2)(c) 3rd Possess, sell, or deliver skimming device. 1415 828.125(1) 2nd Kill, maim, or cause great bodily harm or permanent breeding disability to any registered horse or cattle. 1416 836.14(2) 3rd Person who commits theft of a sexually explicit image with intent to promote it. 1417 836.14(3) 3rd Person who willfully possesses a sexually explicit image with certain knowledge, intent, and purpose. 1418 837.02(1) 3rd Perjury in official proceedings. 1419 837.021(1) 3rd Make contradictory statements in official proceedings. 1420 838.022 3rd Official misconduct. 1421 839.13(2)(a) 3rd Falsifying records of an individual in the care and custody of a state agency. 1422 839.13(2)(c) 3rd Falsifying records of the Department of Children and Families. 1423 843.021 3rd Possession of a concealed handcuff key by a person in custody. 1424 843.025 3rd Deprive law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer of means of protection or communication. 1425 843.15(1)(a) 3rd Failure to appear while on pretrial releasebailfor felony(bond estreature or bond jumping). 1426 843.19(2) 2nd Injure, disable, or kill police, fire, or SAR canine or police horse. 1427 847.0135(5)(c) 3rd Lewd or lascivious exhibition using computer; offender less than 18 years. 1428 870.01(3) 2nd Aggravated rioting. 1429 870.01(5) 2nd Aggravated inciting a riot. 1430 874.05(1)(a) 3rd Encouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal gang. 1431 893.13(2)(a)1. 2nd Purchase of cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (b), or (d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)5. drugs). 1432 914.14(2) 3rd Witnesses accepting bribes. 1433 914.22(1) 3rd Force, threaten, etc., witness, victim, or informant. 1434 914.23(2) 3rd Retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, no bodily injury. 1435 916.1085 (2)(c)1. 3rd Introduction of specified contraband into certain DCF facilities. 1436 918.12 3rd Tampering with jurors. 1437 934.215 3rd Use of two-way communications device to facilitate commission of a crime. 1438 944.47(1)(a)6. 3rd Introduction of contraband (cellular telephone or other portable communication device) into correctional institution. 1439 951.22(1)(h), (j) & (k) 3rd Intoxicating drug, instrumentality or other device to aid escape, or cellular telephone or other portable communication device introduced into county detention facility. 1440 Section 59. Subsection (2) of section 924.071, Florida 1441 Statutes, is amended to read: 1442 924.071 Additional grounds for appeal by the state; time 1443 for taking; stay of cause.— 1444 (2) An appeal by the state from a pretrial order shall stay 1445 the case against each defendant upon whose application the order 1446 was made until the appeal is determined. If the trial court 1447 determines that the evidence, confession, or admission that is 1448 the subject of the order would materially assist the state in 1449 proving its case against another defendant and that the 1450 prosecuting attorney intends to use it for that purpose, the 1451 court shall stay the case of that defendant until the appeal is 1452 determined. A defendant in custody whose case is stayed either 1453 automatically or by order of the court shall be released on his 1454 or her own recognizance pending the appeal if he or she is 1455 charged with an offense for which pretrial release is available 1456a bailable offense. 1457 Section 60. Section 924.16, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1458 read: 1459 924.16 Discharge pending appeal.—If a defendant is in 1460 custody after judgment of conviction at the time of appeal, the 1461 appeal and supersedeas shall not discharge the defendant from 1462 custody. The court appealed from or a judge of the appellate 1463 court may order the defendant released on bail in cases that 1464 involve an offense for which pretrial release is availablethat1465are bailable. 1466 Section 61. Subsection (1) of section 925.08, Florida 1467 Statutes, is amended to read: 1468 925.08 Prisoners awaiting trial may be worked on roads and 1469 other projects.— 1470 (1) When the county commissioners decide it will be for the 1471 benefit of a prisoner and in the public interest, they may 1472 employ at labor on the streets of incorporated cities or towns, 1473 on the roads, bridges, or other public works in the county, or 1474 on other projects for which the governing body of the county 1475 could otherwise lawfully expend public funds and which it 1476 determines to be necessary for the health, safety, and welfare 1477 of the county, a person charged with a misdemeanor and confined 1478 in the county jail for failure to comply with pretrial release 1479give bail. 1480 Section 62. Section 939.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1481 read: 1482 939.14 County not to pay costs in cases where information 1483 is not filed or indictment found.—When a committing trial court 1484 judge holds to pretrial releasebailor commits any person to 1485 answer a criminal charge in a county court or a circuit court, 1486 and an information is not filed nor an indictment found against 1487 such person, the costs of such committing trial shall not be 1488 paid by the county, except the costs for executing the warrant. 1489 Section 63. Section 941.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1490 read: 1491 941.03 Form of demand.—No demand for the extradition of a 1492 person charged with crime in another state shall be recognized 1493 by the Governor unless in writing alleging, except in cases 1494 arising under s. 941.06, that the accused was present in the 1495 demanding state at the time of the commission of the alleged 1496 crime, and that thereafter he or she fled from the state, and 1497 accompanied by an authenticated copy of an indictment found or 1498 by information supported by affidavit in the state having 1499 jurisdiction of the crime, or by a copy of a warrant supported 1500 by an affidavit made before a committing magistrate of the 1501 demanding state; or by a copy of a judgment of conviction or of 1502 a sentence imposed in execution thereof, together with a 1503 statement by the executive authority of the demanding state that 1504 the person claimed has escaped from confinement or has broken 1505 the terms of his or her pretrial releasebail, probation, or 1506 parole. The indictment, information, or affidavit made before 1507 the magistrate must substantially charge the person demanded 1508 with having committed a crime under the law of that state; and 1509 the copy of indictment, information, affidavit, judgment of 1510 conviction, or sentence must be authenticated by the executive 1511 authority making the demand. 1512 Section 64. Subsection (2) of section 941.10, Florida 1513 Statutes, is amended to read: 1514 941.10 Rights of accused person; application for writ of 1515 habeas corpus.— 1516 (2) A warrant issued under s. 941.07 shall be presumed to 1517 be valid, and unless a court finds that the person in custody is 1518 not the same person named in the warrant, or that the person is 1519 not a fugitive from justice, or otherwise subject to extradition 1520 under s. 941.06, or that there is no criminal charge or criminal 1521 proceeding pending against the person in the demanding state, or 1522 that the documents are not on their face in order, the person 1523 named in the warrant shall be held in custody at all times and 1524 shall not be eligible for pretrial releaseon bail. 1525 Section 65. Section 941.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1526 read: 1527 941.13 Arrest prior to requisition.—Whenever any person 1528 within this state shall be charged on the oath of any credible 1529 person before any judge of this state with the commission of any 1530 crime in any other state, and, except in cases arising under s. 1531 941.06, with having fled from justice or with having been 1532 convicted of a crime in that state and having escaped from 1533 confinement, or having broken the terms of his or herbail,1534 probation,or parole, or whenever complaint shall have been made 1535 before any judge in this state setting forth on the affidavit of 1536 any credible person in another state that a crime has been 1537 committed in such other state and that the accused has been 1538 charged in such state with the commission of the crime, and, 1539 except in cases arising under s. 941.06, has fled from justice, 1540 or with having been convicted of a crime in that state and 1541 having escaped from confinement, or having broken the terms of 1542 his or her pretrial releasebail, probation, or parole, and is 1543 believed to be in this state, the judge shall issue a warrant 1544 directed to any peace officer commanding him or her to apprehend 1545 the person named therein, wherever the person may be found in 1546 this state, and to bring the person before the same or any other 1547 judge or court who or which may be available in, or convenient 1548 of, access to the place where the arrest may be made, to answer 1549 the charge or complaint and affidavit, and a certified copy of 1550 the sworn charge or complaint and affidavit upon which the 1551 warrant is issued shall be attached to the warrant. 1552 Section 66. Section 941.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1553 read: 1554 941.15 Commitment to await requisition; pretrial release 1555bail.—If from the examination before the judge it appears that 1556 the person held is the person charged with having committed the 1557 crime alleged and, except in cases arising under s. 941.06, that 1558 the person has fled from justice, the judge must, by a warrant 1559 reciting the accusation, commit the person to the county jail 1560 for such a time not exceeding 30 days and specified in the 1561 warrant as will enable the arrest of the accused to be made 1562 under a warrant of the Governor on a requisition of the 1563 executive authority of the state having jurisdiction of the 1564 offense, unless the accused enters pretrial releasegives bail1565 as provided in s. 941.16, or until the accused shall be legally 1566 discharged. 1567 Section 67. Section 941.16, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1568 read: 1569 941.16 Pretrial releaseBail; in what cases; conditionsof1570bond.—Unless the offense with which the prisoner is charged is 1571 shown to be an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment 1572 under the laws of the state in which it was committed, a judge 1573 or other judicial officer having power of commitment in this 1574 state may admit the person arrested to pretrial releasebail by1575bond, with sufficient sureties, and in such sum as he or she1576deems proper, conditioned for the prisoner’s appearance before 1577 him or her at a time specifiedin such bond, and for the 1578 prisoner’s surrender, to be arrested upon the warrant of the 1579 Governor of this state. 1580 Section 68. Section 941.17, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1581 read: 1582 941.17 Extension of time of commitment, adjournment.—If the 1583 accused is not arrested under warrant of the Governor by the 1584 expiration of the time specified in the warrant or bond, a judge 1585 may discharge the accused or may recommit him or her for a 1586 further period not to exceed 60 days, or a judge may again take 1587 pretrial releasebailfor his or her appearance and surrender, 1588 as provided in s. 941.16, but within a period not to exceed 60 1589 days after the date of such pretrial releasenew bond. 1590 Section 69. Section 941.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1591 read: 1592 941.18 Revocation of pretrial releaseForfeiture of bail. 1593 If the prisoner is admitted to pretrial releasebail, and fails 1594 to appear and surrender himself or herself according to the 1595 conditions of his or her pretrial releasebond, the judge shall 1596 revoke the prisoner’s pretrial releasedeclare the bond1597forfeitedand order his or her immediate arrest without warrant 1598 if he or she is within this state.Recovery may be had on such1599bond in the name of the state as in the case of other bonds1600given by the accused in criminal proceedings within this state.1601 Section 70. Section 941.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1602 read: 1603 941.22 Fugitives from this state; duty of Governor. 1604 Whenever the Governor of this state shall demand a person 1605 charged with crime or with escaping from confinement or breaking 1606 the terms of his or her pretrial releasebail, probation, or 1607 parole in this state, from the executive authority of any other 1608 state, or from the Chief Justice or an associate justice of the 1609 Supreme Court of the District of Columbia authorized to receive 1610 such demand under the laws of the United States, the Governor 1611 shall issue a warrant under the seal of this state, to some 1612 agent, commanding the agent to receive the person so charged if 1613 delivered to him or her and convey the person to the proper 1614 officer of the county in this state in which the offense was 1615 committed. 1616 Section 71. Subsection (2) of section 941.23, Florida 1617 Statutes, is amended to read: 1618 941.23 Application for issuance of requisition; by whom 1619 made; contents.— 1620 (2) When the return to this state is required of a person 1621 who has been convicted of a crime in this state and has escaped 1622 from confinement or broken the terms of his or her pretrial 1623 releasebail, probation, or parole, the state attorney of the 1624 county in which the offense was committed, the Florida 1625 Commission on Offender Review, the Department of Corrections, or 1626 the warden of the institution or sheriff of the county, from 1627 which escape was made, shall present to the Governor a written 1628 application for a requisition for the return of such person, in 1629 which application shall be stated the name of the person, the 1630 crime of which the person was convicted, the circumstances of 1631 his or her escape from confinement or of the breach of the terms 1632 of his or her pretrial releasebail, probation, or parole, and 1633 the state in which the person is believed to be, including the 1634 location of the person therein at the time application is made. 1635 Section 72. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 941.26, 1636 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1637 941.26 Written waiver of extradition proceedings.— 1638 (1) Any person arrested in this state charged with having 1639 committed any crime in another state or alleged to have escaped 1640 from confinement, or broken the terms of his or her pretrial 1641 releasebail, probation, or parole may waive the issuance and 1642 service of the warrant provided for in ss. 941.07 and 941.08, 1643 and all other procedure incidental to extradition proceedings, 1644 by executing or subscribing in the presence of a judge of any 1645 court of record within this state a writing which states that 1646 the person consents to return to the demanding state; provided, 1647 however, that before such waiver shall be executed or subscribed 1648 by such person, it shall be the duty of such judge to inform 1649 such person of his or her rights to the issuance and service of 1650 a warrant of extradition and to obtain a writ of habeas corpus 1651 as provided for in s. 941.10. 1652 (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a law 1653 enforcement agency in this state holding a person who is alleged 1654 to have broken the terms of his or her probation, parole, 1655 pretrial releasebail, or other release in the demanding state 1656 shall immediately deliver the person to the duly authorized 1657 agent of the demanding state without the requirement of a 1658 governor’s warrant if: 1659 (a) The person has signed a prior waiver of extradition as 1660 a term of his or her current probation, parole, pretrial release 1661bail, or other release in the demanding state; and 1662 (b) The law enforcement agency holding the person has 1663 received a copy of the prior waiver of extradition signed by the 1664 person and confirmed by the demanding agency, as well as 1665 photographs or fingerprints or other evidence properly 1666 identifying the person as the person who signed the waiver. 1667 Section 73. Section 941.32, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1668 read: 1669 941.32 Fresh pursuit; arrest; etc.—If an arrest is made in 1670 this state by an officer of another state in accordance with the 1671 provisions of s. 941.31, the officer shall without unnecessary 1672 delay take the person so arrested before a county court judge or 1673 other judicial officer having jurisdiction of commitment, of the 1674 county in which the arrest was made, who shall conduct a hearing 1675 for the purpose of determining the lawfulness of the arrest. If 1676 the committing judicial officer determines that the arrest was 1677 lawful, she or he shall commit the person arrested to await for 1678 a reasonable time the issuance of an extradition warrant by the 1679 Governor of this state, or admit the person to pretrial release 1680bailfor such purpose. If the committing judicial officer 1681 determines that the arrest was unlawful, she or he shall 1682 discharge the person arrested. 1683 Section 74. Subsection (2) of section 944.405, Florida 1684 Statutes, is amended to read: 1685 944.405 Warrant for retaking offender who has escaped from 1686 custody or absconded from rehabilitative community reentry 1687 program, or who is ineligible for release.— 1688 (2) An offender who is arrested as provided in subsection 1689 (1) is ineligible for pretrial releasebond, bail,or release on 1690 his or her own recognizance. 1691 Section 75. Subsection (1) of section 947.22, Florida 1692 Statutes, is amended to read: 1693 947.22 Authority to arrest parole violators with or without 1694 warrant.— 1695 (1) If a member of the commission or a duly authorized 1696 representative of the commission has reasonable grounds to 1697 believe that a parolee has violated the terms and conditions of 1698 her or his parole in a material respect, such member or 1699 representative may issue a warrant for the arrest of such 1700 parolee. The warrant shall be returnable before a member of the 1701 commission or a duly authorized representative of the 1702 commission. The commission, a commissioner, or a parole examiner 1703 with approval of the parole examiner supervisor, may release the 1704 parolee on pretrial releasebailor her or his own recognizance, 1705 conditioned upon her or his appearance at any hearings noticed 1706 by the commission. If not released on pretrial releasebailor 1707 her or his own recognizance, the parolee shall be committed to 1708 jail pending hearings pursuant to s. 947.23. The commission, at 1709 its election, may have the hearing conducted by one or more 1710 commissioners or by a duly authorized representative of the 1711 commission. Any parole and probation officer, any officer 1712 authorized to serve criminal process, or any peace officer of 1713 this state is authorized to execute the warrant. 1714 Section 76. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1), paragraph (c) 1715 of subsection (2), and subsection (4) of section 948.06, Florida 1716 Statutes, are amended to read: 1717 948.06 Violation of probation or community control; 1718 revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay 1719 restitution or cost of supervision.— 1720 (1) 1721 (e)1. At a first appearance hearing for an offender who has 1722 been arrested for violating his or her probation or community 1723 control in a material respect by committing a new violation of 1724 law the court: 1725 a. Shall inform the person of the violation. 1726 b. May order the person to be taken before the court that 1727 granted the probation or community control if the person admits 1728 the violation. 1729 2. If the probationer or offender does not admit the 1730 violation at the first appearance hearing, the court: 1731 a. May commit the probationer or offender or may release 1732 the person with or without pretrial release conditionsbailto 1733 await further hearing, notwithstanding s. 907.041, relating to 1734 pretrial detention and release; or 1735 b. May order the probationer or offender to be brought 1736 before the court that granted the probation or community 1737 control. 1738 3. In determining whether to require or set the pretrial 1739 release conditionsamount of bail, and notwithstanding s. 1740 907.041, relating to pretrial detention and release, the court 1741 may consider whether the probationer or offender is more likely 1742 than not to receive a prison sanction for the violation. 1743 1744 This paragraph does not apply to a probationer or offender on 1745 community control who is subject to the hearing requirements 1746 under subsection (4) or paragraph (8)(e). 1747 (2) 1748 (c) If such violation of probation or community control is 1749 not admitted by the probationer or offender, the court may 1750 commit him or her or release him or her with or without pretrial 1751 release conditionsbailto await further hearing, or it may 1752 dismiss the charge of probation or community control violation. 1753 (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a 1754 felony probationer or an offender in community control who is 1755 arrested for violating his or her probation or community control 1756 in a material respect may be taken before the court in the 1757 county or circuit in which the probationer or offender was 1758 arrested. That court shall advise him or her of the charge of a 1759 violation and, if such charge is admitted, shall cause him or 1760 her to be brought before the court that granted the probation or 1761 community control. If the violation is not admitted by the 1762 probationer or offender, the court may commit him or her or 1763 release him or her with or without pretrial release conditions 1764bailto await further hearing. However, if the probationer or 1765 offender is under supervision for any criminal offense 1766 proscribed in chapter 794, s. 800.04(4), (5), (6), s. 827.071, 1767 or s. 847.0145, or is a registered sexual predator or a 1768 registered sexual offender, or is under supervision for a 1769 criminal offense for which he or she would meet the registration 1770 criteria in s. 775.21, s. 943.0435, or s. 944.607 but for the 1771 effective date of those sections, the court must make a finding 1772 that the probationer or offender is not a danger to the public 1773 prior to release with or without pretrial release conditions 1774bail. In determining the danger posed by the offender’s or 1775 probationer’s release, the court may consider the nature and 1776 circumstances of the violation and any new offenses charged; the 1777 offender’s or probationer’s past and present conduct, including 1778 convictions of crimes; any record of arrests without conviction 1779 for crimes involving violence or sexual crimes; any other 1780 evidence of allegations of unlawful sexual conduct or the use of 1781 violence by the offender or probationer; the offender’s or 1782 probationer’s family ties, length of residence in the community, 1783 employment history, and mental condition; his or her history and 1784 conduct during the probation or community control supervision 1785 from which the violation arises and any other previous 1786 supervisions, including disciplinary records of previous 1787 incarcerations; the likelihood that the offender or probationer 1788 will engage again in a criminal course of conduct; the weight of 1789 the evidence against the offender or probationer; and any other 1790 facts the court considers relevant. The court, as soon as is 1791 practicable, shall give the probationer or offender an 1792 opportunity to be fully heard on his or her behalf in person or 1793 by counsel. After the hearing, the court shall make findings of 1794 fact and forward the findings to the court that granted the 1795 probation or community control and to the probationer or 1796 offender or his or her attorney. The findings of fact by the 1797 hearing court are binding on the court that granted the 1798 probation or community control. Upon the probationer or offender 1799 being brought before it, the court that granted the probation or 1800 community control may revoke, modify, or continue the probation 1801 or community control or may place the probationer into community 1802 control as provided in this section. However, the probationer or 1803 offender shall not be released and shall not be admitted to 1804 pretrial releasebail, but shall be brought before the court 1805 that granted the probation or community control if any violation 1806 of felony probation or community control other than a failure to 1807 pay costs or fines or make restitution payments is alleged to 1808 have been committed by: 1809 (a) A violent felony offender of special concern, as 1810 defined in this section; 1811 (b) A person who is on felony probation or community 1812 control for any offense committed on or after the effective date 1813 of this act and who is arrested for a qualifying offense as 1814 defined in this section; or 1815 (c) A person who is on felony probation or community 1816 control and has previously been found by a court to be a 1817 habitual violent felony offender as defined in s. 775.084(1)(b), 1818 a three-time violent felony offender as defined in s. 1819 775.084(1)(c), or a sexual predator under s. 775.21, and who is 1820 arrested for committing a qualifying offense as defined in this 1821 section on or after the effective date of this act. 1822 Section 77. Subsection (2) of section 951.26, Florida 1823 Statutes, is amended to read: 1824 951.26 Public safety coordinating councils.— 1825 (2) The council shall meet at the call of the chairperson 1826 for the purpose of assessing the population status of all 1827 detention or correctional facilities owned or contracted by the 1828 county, or the county consortium, and formulating 1829 recommendations to ensure that the capacities of such facilities 1830 are not exceeded. Such recommendations shall include an 1831 assessment of the availability of pretrial intervention or 1832 probation programs, work-release programs, substance abuse 1833 programs, gain-time schedules,applicable bail bond schedules,1834 and the confinement status of the inmates housed within each 1835 facility owned or contracted by the county, or the county 1836 consortium. 1837 Section 78. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 1838 960.001, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1839 960.001 Guidelines for fair treatment of victims and 1840 witnesses in the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems.— 1841 (1) The Department of Legal Affairs, the state attorneys, 1842 the Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile 1843 Justice, the Florida Commission on Offender Review, the State 1844 Courts Administrator and circuit court administrators, the 1845 Department of Law Enforcement, and every sheriff’s department, 1846 police department, or other law enforcement agency as defined in 1847 s. 943.10(4) shall develop and implement guidelines for the use 1848 of their respective agencies, which guidelines are consistent 1849 with the purposes of this act and s. 16(b), Art. I of the State 1850 Constitution and are designed to implement s. 16(b), Art. I of 1851 the State Constitution and to achieve the following objectives: 1852 (b) Information for purposes of notifying victim or 1853 appropriate next of kin of victim or other designated contact of 1854 victim.—In the case of a homicide, pursuant to chapter 782; or a 1855 sexual offense, pursuant to chapter 794; or an attempted murder 1856 or sexual offense, pursuant to chapter 777; or stalking, 1857 pursuant to s. 784.048; or domestic violence, pursuant to s. 1858 25.385: 1859 1. The arresting law enforcement officer or personnel of an 1860 organization that provides assistance to a victim or to the 1861 appropriate next of kin of the victim or other designated 1862 contact must request that the victim or appropriate next of kin 1863 of the victim or other designated contact complete a victim 1864 notification card. However, the victim or appropriate next of 1865 kin of the victim or other designated contact may choose not to 1866 complete the victim notification card. 1867 2. Unless the victim or the appropriate next of kin of the 1868 victim or other designated contact waives the option to complete 1869 the victim notification card, a copy of the victim notification 1870 card must be filed with the incident report or warrant in the 1871 sheriff’s office of the jurisdiction in which the incident 1872 report or warrant originated. The notification card shall, at a 1873 minimum, consist of: 1874 a. The name, address, and phone number of the victim; or 1875 b. The name, address, and phone number of the appropriate 1876 next of kin of the victim; or 1877 c. The name, address, and telephone number of a designated 1878 contact other than the victim or appropriate next of kin of the 1879 victim; and 1880 d. Any relevant identification or case numbers assigned to 1881 the case. 1882 3. The chief administrator, or a person designated by the 1883 chief administrator, of a county jail, municipal jail, juvenile 1884 detention facility, or residential commitment facility shall 1885 make a reasonable attempt to notify the alleged victim or 1886 appropriate next of kin of the alleged victim or other 1887 designated contact within 4 hours following the release of the 1888 defendant on pretrial releasebailor, in the case of a juvenile 1889 offender, upon the release from residential detention or 1890 commitment. If the chief administrator, or designee, is unable 1891 to contact the alleged victim or appropriate next of kin of the 1892 alleged victim or other designated contact by telephone, the 1893 chief administrator, or designee, must send to the alleged 1894 victim or appropriate next of kin of the alleged victim or other 1895 designated contact a written notification of the defendant’s 1896 release. 1897 4. Unless otherwise requested by the victim or the 1898 appropriate next of kin of the victim or other designated 1899 contact, the information contained on the victim notification 1900 card must be sent by the chief administrator, or designee, of 1901 the appropriate facility to the subsequent correctional or 1902 residential commitment facility following the sentencing and 1903 incarceration of the defendant, and unless otherwise requested 1904 by the victim or the appropriate next of kin of the victim or 1905 other designated contact, he or she must be notified of the 1906 release of the defendant from incarceration as provided by law. 1907 5. If the defendant was arrested pursuant to a warrant 1908 issued or taken into custody pursuant to s. 985.101 in a 1909 jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction in which the defendant 1910 is being released, and the alleged victim or appropriate next of 1911 kin of the alleged victim or other designated contact does not 1912 waive the option for notification of release, the chief 1913 correctional officer or chief administrator of the facility 1914 releasing the defendant shall make a reasonable attempt to 1915 immediately notify the chief correctional officer of the 1916 jurisdiction in which the warrant was issued or the juvenile was 1917 taken into custody pursuant to s. 985.101, and the chief 1918 correctional officer of that jurisdiction shall make a 1919 reasonable attempt to notify the alleged victim or appropriate 1920 next of kin of the alleged victim or other designated contact, 1921 as provided in this paragraph, that the defendant has been or 1922 will be released. 1923 Section 79. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.