Bill Text: FL S1534 | 2015 | Regular Session | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Contraband Forfeiture
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2015-05-01 - Died on Calendar [S1534 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S1534-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Contraband Forfeiture
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2015-05-01 - Died on Calendar [S1534 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S1534-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2015 SB 1534 By Senator Brandes 22-00308D-15 20151534__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the disposition of liens and 3 forfeited property; amending s. 932.7055, F.S.; 4 deleting a provision authorizing a seizing agency to 5 retain seized property for its use; deleting an 6 obsolete provision; revising the distribution and the 7 use of proceeds from the sales of forfeited property 8 seized by a county or municipal agency; authorizing an 9 agency or organization, other than a seizing agency, 10 to apply for funds from specified proceeds; requiring 11 that funding requests be made in writing and include a 12 certification that the expenditure meets certain 13 requirements; specifying that such requests are public 14 records; deleting a provision relating to certain 15 expenditure or donation of forfeiture proceeds; 16 requiring certain proceeds to be deposited into the 17 Crimes Compensation Trust Fund, rather than the 18 General Revenue Fund; deleting provisions that exempt 19 certain agencies of the state from depositing proceeds 20 from seizures into the General Revenue Fund; making 21 technical changes; reenacting ss. 381.0081(5)(b), 22 895.09(2)(c), and 932.703(6)(b), F.S., relating to the 23 allocations of proceeds from the sales of property in 24 a migrant labor camp or residential migrant housing, 25 the disposition of funds obtained through forfeiture 26 proceedings, and the forfeiture of contraband 27 articles, respectively, to incorporate the amendment 28 made to s. 932.7055, F.S., in references thereto; 29 providing an effective date. 30 31 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 32 33 Section 1. Section 932.7055, Florida Statutes, is amended 34 to read: 35 932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.— 36 (1) When a seizing agency obtains a final judgment granting 37 forfeiture of real property or personal property, it may elect 38 to: 39(a) Retain the property for the agency’s use;40 (a)(b)Sell the property at public auction or by sealed bid 41 to the highest bidder, except for real property, which must 42shouldbe sold in a commercially reasonable manner after 43 appraisal by listing on the market; or 44 (b)(c)Salvage, trade, or transfer the property to any 45 public or nonprofit organization. 46 (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a seizing agency must 47 destroy any image and the medium on which the image is recorded, 48 including, but not limited to, a photograph, video tape, 49 diskette, compact disc, or fixed disk made in violation of s. 50 810.145 when the image and the medium on which it is recorded is 51 no longer needed for an official purpose. The agency may not 52 sell or retain any image. 53 (3) If the forfeited property is subject to a lien 54 preserved by the court as provided in s. 932.703(6)(b), the 55 agency shall: 56 (a) Sell the property with the proceeds being used towards 57 satisfaction of any liens; or 58 (b) Have the lien satisfied prior to taking any action 59 authorized by subsection (1). 60 (4) The proceeds from the sale of forfeited property shall 61 be disbursed in the following priority: 62 (a) Payment of the balance due on any lien preserved by the 63 court in the forfeiture proceedings. 64 (b) Payment of the cost incurred by the seizing agency in 65 connection with the storage, maintenance, security, and 66 forfeiture of such property. 67 (c) Payment of court costs incurred in the forfeiture 68 proceeding. 69(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection,70and for the 2014-2015 fiscal year only, the funds in a special71law enforcement trust fund established by the governing body of72a municipality may be expended to reimburse the general fund of73the municipality for moneys advanced from the general fund to74the special law enforcement trust fund before October 1, 2001.75This paragraph expires July 1, 2015.76 (5)(a) If the seizing agency is a county or municipal 77 agency, 50 percent of theremainingproceeds shall be deposited 78 intoina special law enforcement trust fund established by the 79 board of county commissioners or the governing body of the 80 municipality. Such proceeds and interest earned therefrom shall 81 be used for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe 82 neighborhood, or drug abuse education and prevention programs. 83 The remaining 50 percent of the proceeds shall be deposited into 84 the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund, or for other law enforcement85purposes, which include defraying the cost of protracted or86complex investigations, providing additional equipment or87expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators for use88in law enforcement vehicles, and providing matching funds to89obtain federal grants.The proceeds and interest may not be used90to meet normal operating expenses of the law enforcement agency.91 (b) These funds may be expended upon request by the sheriff 92 to the board of county commissioners or by the chief of police 93 to the governing body of the municipality, accompanied by a 94 written certification that the request complies with the 95 provisions of this subsection, and only upon appropriation to 96 the sheriff’s office or police department by the board of county 97 commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. 98 (c) An agency or organization, other than the seizing 99 agency, whichthatwishes to receive such funds shall apply to 100 the sheriff or chief of police for an appropriation. Theandits101 application shall be accompanied by a written certification that 102 the moneys will be used for an authorized purpose. Such requests 103 for expenditures shall include a statement describing 104 anticipated recurring costs for the agency for subsequent fiscal 105 years. An agency or organization that receives money pursuant to 106 this subsection shall provide an accounting for such moneys and 107 shall furnish the same reports as an agency of the county or 108 municipality that receives public funds. Such funds may be 109expended in accordance with the following procedures:1101. Such funds may beused only for school resource officer, 111 crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education, or 112 drug prevention programsor such other law enforcement purposes113as the board of county commissioners or governing body of the114municipality deems appropriate. 1152. Such funds shall not be a source of revenue to meet116normal operating needs of the law enforcement agency.117 (d)3.After July 1, 1992, andDuring eacheveryfiscal year 118thereafter, any local law enforcement agency that acquires at 119 least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act 120 within a fiscal year must expend or donate 50no less than15121 percent of such proceeds in excess of $15,000 pursuant to the 122 Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act for the support or operation 123 ofanydrug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, 124 crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer 125 programsprogram(s). An agency or organization, other than the 126 seizing agency, which wishes to receive such funds must apply to 127 the seizing local law enforcement agency for an appropriation. 128 Funding requests by such agencies or organizations must be 129 accompanied by a written certification stating that the moneys 130 will be used for an authorized purpose, detailing how the funds 131 will be used, and affirming that the expenditure will be used 132 for only the support of drug treatment, drug abuse education, 133 drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school 134 resource officer programs. Such requests are public records as 135 defined in chapter 119. The local law enforcement agency has the 136 discretion to determine which programsprogram(s)will receive 137 the designated proceeds. 138 (e) Notwithstanding the drug abuse education, drug 139 treatment, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, 140 or school resource officer programs minimum expenditures or 141 donations, the sheriff and the board of county commissioners or 142 the chief of police and the governing body of the municipality 143 may agree to expend or donate such funds over a period of years 144 if the expenditure or donation of thesuchminimum amount in any 145 given fiscal year would exceed the needs of the county or 146 municipality for such programsprogram(s).Nothing in this147section precludes the expenditure or donation of forfeiture148proceeds in excess of the minimum amounts established herein.149 (6) If the seizing agency is a state agency, all remaining 150 proceeds shall be deposited into the Crimes Compensation Trust 151 FundGeneral Revenue Fund.However, if the seizing agency is:152(a) The Department of Law Enforcement, the proceeds accrued153pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture154Act shall be deposited into the Forfeiture and Investigative155Support Trust Fund as provided in s. 943.362 or into the156department’s Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in157s. 943.365, as applicable.158(b) The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the159proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture160Act shall be deposited into the Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco161Trust Fund or into the department’s Federal Law Enforcement162Trust Fund as provided in s. 561.027, as applicable.163(c) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,164the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband165Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Department of Highway166Safety and Motor Vehicles Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided167in s. 932.705(1)(a) or into the department’s Federal Law168Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 932.705(1)(b), as169applicable.170(d) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the171proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida172Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the State Game173Trust Fund as provided in ss. 379.338, 379.339, and 379.3395 or174into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund as provided in175s. 379.337.176(e) A state attorney’s office acting within its judicial177circuit, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the178Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the179State Attorney’s Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund180to be used for the investigation of crime and prosecution of181criminals within the judicial circuit.182(f) A school board security agency employing law183enforcement officers, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the184provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be185deposited into the School Board Law Enforcement Trust Fund.186(g) One of the State University System police departments187acting within the jurisdiction of its employing state188university, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of189the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into190that state university’s special law enforcement trust fund.191(h) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,192the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband193Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the General Inspection194Trust Fund or into the department’s Federal Law Enforcement195Trust Fund as provided in s. 570.205, as applicable.196(i) The Department of Military Affairs, the proceeds197accrued from federal forfeiture sharing pursuant to 21 U.S.C.198ss. 881(e)(1)(A) and (3), 18 U.S.C. s. 981(e)(2), and 19 U.S.C.199s. 1616a shall be deposited into the Armory Board Trust Fund and200used for purposes authorized by such federal provisions based on201the department’s budgetary authority or into the department’s202Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 250.175, as203applicable.204(j) The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Department of205Legal Affairs, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions206of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into207the Department of Legal Affairs Grants and Donations Trust Fund208to be used for investigation and prosecution of Medicaid fraud,209abuse, neglect, and other related cases by the Medicaid Fraud210Control Unit.211(k) The Division of State Fire Marshal in the Department of212Financial Services, the proceeds accrued under the Florida213Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Insurance214Regulatory Trust Fund to be used for the purposes of arson215suppression, arson investigation, and the funding of anti-arson216rewards.217(l) The Division of Insurance Fraud of the Department of218Financial Services, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the219provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be220deposited into the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund as provided221in s. 626.9893 or into the Department of Financial Services’222Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 17.43, as223applicable.224 (7) If more than one law enforcement agency is acting 225 substantially to effect the forfeiture, the court having 226 jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings shall, upon motion, 227 equitably distribute all proceeds and other property among the 228 seizing agencies. 229 (8) Upon the sale of any motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, 230 real property, or other property requiring a title, the 231 appropriate agency shall issue a title certificate to the 232 purchaser. Upon the request of any law enforcement agency which 233 elects to retain titled property after forfeiture, the 234 appropriate state agency shall issue a title certificate for 235 such property to said law enforcement agency. 236 (9) ANeither thelaw enforcement agency, ornorthe entity 237 having budgetary control over the law enforcement agency, may 238 notshallanticipate future forfeitures or the proceeds from 239 those forfeiturestherefromin the adoption and approval of the 240 agency’s budgetfor the law enforcement agency. 241 Section 2. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 242 made by this act to section 932.7055, Florida Statutes, in a 243 reference thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 244 381.0081, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 245 381.0081 Permit required to operate a migrant labor camp or 246 residential migrant housing; penalties for unlawful 247 establishment or operation; allocation of proceeds.— 248 (5) SEIZURE.— 249 (b) After satisfying any liens on the property, the 250 remaining proceeds from the sale of the property seized under 251 this section shall be allocated as follows if the department 252 participated in the inspection or investigation leading to 253 seizure and forfeiture under this section: 254 1. One-third of the proceeds shall be allocated to the law 255 enforcement agency involved in the seizure, to be used as 256 provided in s. 932.7055. 257 2. One-third of the proceeds shall be allocated to the 258 department, to be used for purposes of enforcing the provisions 259 of this section. 260 3. One-third of the proceeds shall be deposited in the 261 State Apartment Incentive Loan Fund, to be used for the purpose 262 of providing funds to sponsors who provide housing for 263 farmworkers. 264 Section 3. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 265 made by this act to section 932.7055, Florida Statutes, in a 266 reference thereto, paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 267 895.09, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 268 895.09 Disposition of funds obtained through forfeiture 269 proceedings.— 270 (2) 271 (c) Any funds distributed to an investigating law 272 enforcement agency under paragraph (a) shall be deposited in the 273 applicable law enforcement trust fund established for that 274 agency pursuant to s. 932.7055 and expended for the purposes and 275 in the manner authorized in that section. In addition, any funds 276 distributed to an investigating law enforcement agency pursuant 277 to this section may be used to pay the costs of investigations 278 of violations of this chapter and the criminal prosecutions and 279 civil actions related thereto, pursuant to s. 932.7055. Such 280 costs may include all taxable costs; costs of protecting, 281 maintaining, and forfeiting the property; employees’ base 282 salaries and compensation for overtime; and such other costs 283 directly attributable to the investigation, prosecution, or 284 civil action. 285 Section 4. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 286 made by this act to section 932.7055, Florida Statutes, in a 287 reference thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section 288 932.703, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 289 932.703 Forfeiture of contraband article; exceptions.— 290 (6) 291 (b) A bona fide lienholder’s interest that has been 292 perfected in the manner prescribed by law prior to the seizure 293 may not be forfeited under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act 294 unless the seizing agency establishes by a preponderance of the 295 evidence that the lienholder had actual knowledge, at the time 296 the lien was made, that the property was being employed or was 297 likely to be employed in criminal activity. If a lienholder’s 298 interest is not subject to forfeiture under the requirements of 299 this section, such interest shall be preserved by the court by 300 ordering the lienholder’s interest to be paid as provided in s. 301 932.7055. 302 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.