Bill Text: FL S1690 | 2013 | Regular Session | Comm Sub

Bill Title: Volunteer Health Services

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-04-25 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1093 (Ch. 2013-151) [S1690 Detail]

Download: Florida-2013-S1690-Comm_Sub.html
       Florida Senate - 2013                      CS for CS for SB 1690
       By the Committees on Appropriations; and Health Policy; and
       Senator Bean
       576-04679-13                                          20131690c2
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to volunteer health services; amending
    3         s. 766.1115, F.S.; revising requirements for patient
    4         referral under the “Access to Health Care Act”;
    5         eliminating a requirement that the governmental
    6         contractor approve all follow-up or hospital care;
    7         requiring the Department of Health to post specified
    8         information online concerning volunteer providers;
    9         permitting volunteer providers to earn continuing
   10         education credit for participation in the program up
   11         to a specified amount; providing that any rule adopted
   12         by the department give providers the greatest
   13         flexibility possible in order to serve eligible
   14         patients; amending s. 458.317, F.S.; revising
   15         qualifications necessary to obtain a limited license
   16         to practice medicine; amending s. 459.0075, F.S.;
   17         revising qualifications necessary to obtain a limited
   18         license to practice osteopathic medicine; providing an
   19         effective date.
   21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   23         Section 1. Subsections (10) and (11) of section 766.1115,
   24  Florida Statutes, are renumbered as sections (11) and (12),
   25  respectively, a new subsection (10) is added to that section,
   26  and paragraphs (d), (f), and (g) of subsection (4) and present
   27  subsections (8) and (10) of that section are amended to read:
   28         766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency
   29  relationship with governmental contractors.—
   30         (4) CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.—A health care provider that
   31  executes a contract with a governmental contractor to deliver
   32  health care services on or after April 17, 1992, as an agent of
   33  the governmental contractor is an agent for purposes of s.
   34  768.28(9), while acting within the scope of duties under the
   35  contract, if the contract complies with the requirements of this
   36  section and regardless of whether the individual treated is
   37  later found to be ineligible. A health care provider under
   38  contract with the state may not be named as a defendant in any
   39  action arising out of medical care or treatment provided on or
   40  after April 17, 1992, under contracts entered into under this
   41  section. The contract must provide that:
   42         (d) Patient selection and initial referral must be made
   43  solely by the governmental contractor or the provider, and the
   44  provider must accept all referred patients. However, the number
   45  of patients that must be accepted may be limited by the
   46  contract, and. Patients may not be transferred to the provider
   47  based on a violation of the antidumping provisions of the
   48  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, the Omnibus Budget
   49  Reconciliation Act of 1990, or chapter 395.
   50         (f) Patient care, including any followup or hospital care,
   51  is subject to approval by the governmental contractor.
   52         (f)(g) The provider is subject to supervision and regular
   53  inspection by the governmental contractor.
   55  A governmental contractor that is also a health care provider is
   56  not required to enter into a contract under this section with
   57  respect to the health care services delivered by its employees.
   59         (a) Annually, the department shall report to the President
   60  of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
   61  the minority leaders and relevant substantive committee
   62  chairpersons of both houses, summarizing the efficacy of access
   63  and treatment outcomes with respect to providing health care
   64  services for low-income persons pursuant to this section.
   65         (b) The department shall provide an online listing of all
   66  providers volunteering under this program with their hours and
   67  the number of patient visits each provided.
   68         (10) CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT.— Notwithstanding the
   69  maximum allowable credit of 25 percent of continuing education
   70  hours pursuant to s. 456.013(9), a provider may fulfill 1 hour
   71  of continuing education credit by performing 1 hour of volunteer
   72  services to the indigent as provided in this section, up to a
   73  maximum of 8 credit hours per licensure renewal period.
   74         (11)(10) RULES.—The department shall adopt rules to
   75  administer this section in a manner consistent with its purpose
   76  to provide and facilitate access to appropriate, safe, and cost
   77  effective health care services and to maintain health care
   78  quality. The rules may include services to be provided and
   79  authorized procedures. Notwithstanding the requirements of
   80  paragraph (4)(d), the department shall adopt rules that specify
   81  required methods for determination and approval of patient
   82  eligibility and referral by government contractors and
   83  providers. The rules adopted by the department pursuant to this
   84  subsection shall give providers the greatest flexibility
   85  possible in order to serve eligible patients. The department
   86  shall retain review and oversight authority of the patient
   87  eligibility and referral determination. and the contractual
   88  conditions under which a health care provider may perform the
   89  patient eligibility and referral process on behalf of the
   90  department. These rules shall include, but not be limited to,
   91  the following requirements:
   92         (a) The provider must accept all patients referred by the
   93  department. However, the number of patients that must be
   94  accepted may be limited by the contract.
   95         (b) The provider shall comply with departmental rules
   96  regarding the determination and approval of patient eligibility
   97  and referral.
   98         (c) The provider shall complete training conducted by the
   99  department regarding compliance with the approved methods for
  100  determination and approval of patient eligibility and referral.
  101         (d) The department shall retain review and oversight
  102  authority of the patient eligibility and referral determination.
  103         Section 2. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of
  104  section 458.317, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  105         458.317 Limited licenses.—
  106         (1)(a) Any person desiring to obtain a limited license
  107  shall:
  108         1. Submit to the board, with an application and fee not to
  109  exceed $300, and demonstrate an affidavit stating that he or she
  110  has been licensed to practice medicine in any jurisdiction in
  111  the United States for at least 10 years and intends to practice
  112  only pursuant to the restrictions of a limited license granted
  113  pursuant to this section. However, a physician who is not fully
  114  retired in all jurisdictions may use a limited license only for
  115  noncompensated practice. If the person applying for a limited
  116  license submits a notarized statement from the employing agency
  117  or institution stating that he or she will not receive
  118  compensation for any service involving the practice of medicine,
  119  the application fee and all licensure fees shall be waived.
  120  However, any person who receives a waiver of fees for a limited
  121  license shall pay such fees if the person receives compensation
  122  for the practice of medicine.
  123         2. Meet the requirements in s. 458.311(1)(b)-(g) and (5).
  124  If the applicant graduated from medical school prior to 1946,
  125  the board or its appropriate committee may accept military
  126  medical training or medical experience as a substitute for the
  127  approved 1-year residency requirement in s. 458.311(1)(f).
  128         (b) After approval of an application under this section, no
  129  license shall be issued until the applicant provides to the
  130  board an affidavit that there have been no substantial changes
  131  in status since initial application.
  133  Nothing herein limits in any way any policy by the board,
  134  otherwise authorized by law, to grant licenses to physicians
  135  duly licensed in other states under conditions less restrictive
  136  than the requirements of this section. Notwithstanding the other
  137  provisions of this section, the board may refuse to authorize a
  138  physician otherwise qualified to practice in the employ of any
  139  agency or institution otherwise qualified if the agency or
  140  institution has caused or permitted violations of the provisions
  141  of this chapter which it knew or should have known were
  142  occurring.
  143         Section 3. Subsections (1) and (6) of section 459.0075,
  144  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  145         459.0075 Limited licenses.—
  146         (1) Any person desiring to obtain a limited license shall:
  147         (a) Submit to the board a licensure application and fee
  148  required by this chapter. However, an osteopathic physician who
  149  is not fully retired in all jurisdictions may use a limited
  150  license only for noncompensated practice. If the person applying
  151  for a limited license submits a notarized statement from the
  152  employing agency or institution stating that she or he will not
  153  receive monetary compensation for any service involving the
  154  practice of osteopathic medicine, the application fee and all
  155  licensure fees shall be waived. However, any person who receives
  156  a waiver of fees for a limited license shall pay such fees if
  157  the person receives compensation for the practice of osteopathic
  158  medicine.
  159         (b) Submit proof an affidavit that such osteopathic
  160  physician has been licensed to practice osteopathic medicine in
  161  any jurisdiction in the United States in good standing and
  162  pursuant to law for at least 10 years.
  163         (c) Complete an amount of continuing education established
  164  by the board.
  165         (d) Within 60 days after receipt of an application for a
  166  limited license, the board shall review the application and
  167  issue the limited license or notify the applicant of denial.
  168         (6) Any person desiring a limited license shall meet all
  169  the requirements of s. 459.0055, except s. 459.0055(1)(d).
  170         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013.
