Bill Text: FL S1762 | 2013 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: State Technology
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 1500 (Ch. 2013-40) [S1762 Detail]
Download: Florida-2013-S1762-Comm_Sub.html
Bill Title: State Technology
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in Conference Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 1500 (Ch. 2013-40) [S1762 Detail]
Download: Florida-2013-S1762-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2013 CS for SB 1762 By the Committees on Appropriations; and Governmental Oversight and Accountability 576-03105-13 20131762c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to state technology; transferring, 3 renumbering, and amending s. 14.204, F.S.; creating 4 the Department of State Technology; providing for the 5 organizational structure of the department; creating a 6 Technology Advisory Council and providing for 7 membership; amending s. 282.0041, F.S.; revising and 8 providing definitions for terms used in the Enterprise 9 Information Technology Services Management Act; 10 amending s. 282.0055, F.S.; requiring the department 11 to develop a long-range plan; providing the powers and 12 duties of the department; amending s. 282.0056, F.S.; 13 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 14 deleting the requirement that the department’s work 15 plan be presented at a public hearing; expressly 16 exempting certain entities from data center 17 consolidation; creating s. 282.0057, F.S.; providing a 18 schedule for the initiation of department information 19 technology projects; specifying tasks to be approved 20 and completed; repealing s. 282.201, relating to the 21 state data center system; amending s. 282.203, F.S.; 22 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 23 providing for future repeal; repealing s. 282.204, 24 F.S., relating to Northwood Shared Resource Center; 25 repealing s. 282.205, F.S., relating to Southwood 26 Shared Resource Center; creating s. 282.206, F.S.; 27 establishing the Fletcher Shared Resource Center 28 within the Department of Financial Services to provide 29 enterprise information technology services to the 30 department, co-location services to the Department of 31 Legal Services and the Department of Agriculture and 32 Consumer Services, and host the Legislative 33 Appropriations System/Planning and Budgeting 34 Subsystem; providing for governance of the center; 35 authorizing the Department of Legal Affairs and the 36 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to 37 move data center equipment to the center; amending s. 38 282.318, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes made 39 by the act; repealing s. 282.33, F.S., relating to 40 objective standards for data center energy efficiency; 41 repealing s. 282.34, F.S., relating to enterprise 42 email service; amending ss. 282.604, 282.702, 282.703, 43 20.22, 110.205, 215.22, 215.322, 215.96, 216.292, 44 287.012, 287.057, 318.18, 320.0802,328.72, 364.0135, 45 365.171, 365.172, 365.173, 365.174, 401.013, 401.015, 46 401.018, 401.021, 401.024, 401.027, 445.011, 445.045, 47 668.50, and 1006.73, F.S.; conforming provisions to 48 changes made by the act; transferring the personnel, 49 functions, and funds of the Agency for Enterprise 50 Information Technology to the Department of State 51 Technology; transferring specified personnel, 52 functions, funds, trust funds, administrative orders, 53 contracts, and rules relating to technology programs 54 from the Department of Management Services to the 55 Department of State Technology; transferring the 56 Northwood Shared Resource Center and the Southwood 57 Shared Resource Center to the department; providing 58 that the status of any employee positions transferred 59 to the department is retained; providing an 60 appropriation; providing effective dates. 61 62 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 63 64 Section 1. Section 14.204, Florida Statutes, is 65 transferred, renumbered as section 20.61, Florida Statutes, and 66 amended to read: 67 (Substantial rewording of section. See 68 s. 14.204, F.S. for present text) 69 20.61 Department of State Technology; powers and duties. 70 The Department of State Technology is hereby created as an 71 executive agency under the Governor. 72 (1) The department shall have a secretary, who shall be 73 appointed by the Governor. The secretary must be confirmed by 74 the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The 75 secretary shall be the state’s Chief Information Officer. 76 (2) The Technology Advisory Council consisting of nine 77 members shall be established and maintained pursuant to s. 78 20.052. Four of the members of the council shall be appointed by 79 the Governor, of which two members must be from the private 80 sector; three of the members shall be appointed by the Cabinet; 81 one of the members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the 82 House of Representative; and one member shall be appointed by 83 the Senate President. Upon initial establishment of the council, 84 two of the Governor’s appointments and two of the Cabinet’s 85 appointments shall be for 2 year terms. Thereafter, all 86 appointments shall be for 4 year terms. 87 (a) The council shall consider and make recommendations to 88 the secretary on such matters as enterprise information 89 technology policies, standards, services, and architecture. 90 (b) The secretary shall consult with the council with 91 regard to executing the duties and responsibilities of the 92 department related to statewide information technology strategic 93 planning and policy. 94 (3) The following divisions and offices are established 95 within the department: 96 (a) Division of Information Management. 97 (b) Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services. 98 (c) The Office Of Information Security. 99 (d) The Office of Strategic Planning. 100 (4) There shall be a Chief Operations Officer, a Chief 101 Planning Officer, a Chief Security Officer, and a Deputy Chief 102 Information Officer all of whom serve at the pleasure of the 103 secretary. 104 (a) The Chief Operations Officer is responsible for the 105 operations and delivery of enterprise information technology 106 services including management of telecommunication services and 107 data center operations. 108 (b) The Chief Planning Officer is responsible for 109 establishing and maintaining enterprise information technology 110 policy, planning, standards, project management, oversight, and 111 procurement. 112 (c) The Chief Security Officer is responsible for 113 establishing and maintaining the enterprise strategy and program 114 for ensuring information assets are adequately protected. 115 (d) The Deputy Chief Information Officer is responsible for 116 establishing and maintaining the enterprise strategy for 117 enterprise information technology services. 118 (5) The following deputy Chief Information Officer 119 positions shall be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the 120 secretary. Each deputy is responsible for the following core 121 agency groups: 122 (a) Deputy Information Officer of Human Services, to 123 include: 124 1. Department of Elder Affairs. 125 2. Agency for Health Care Administration. 126 3. Agency for Persons with Disabilities. 127 4. Department of Children and Families. 128 5. Department of Health. 129 6. Department of Veterans’ Affairs. 130 (b) Deputy Information Officer of Criminal and Civil 131 Justice, to include: 132 1. Department of Juvenile Justice. 133 2. Parole Commission. 134 3. Department of Corrections. 135 4. Board of Clemency. 136 5. Department of Law Enforcement. 137 6. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. 138 (c) Deputy Information Officer of Education, to include 139 the: 140 1. Department of Education. 141 2. State Board of Education. 142 3. Board of Governors. 143 (d) Deputy Information Officer of Business Operations, to 144 include: 145 1. Department of Revenue. 146 2. Department of Business and Professional Regulation. 147 3. Department of the Lottery. 148 4. Department of Economic Opportunity. 149 (e) Deputy Information Officer of Community Services, to 150 include: 151 1. Department of Military Affairs. 152 2. Department of Transportation. 153 3. Department of State. 154 4. Department of Emergency Management. 155 (f) Deputy Information Officer of Natural Resources, to 156 include: 157 1. Department of Environmental Protection. 158 2. Department of Fish and Wildlife. 159 3. Department of Citrus. 160 (g) Deputy Information Officer of Executive and 161 Administrative Support Service, to include: 162 1. The Department of Financial Services. 163 2. The Department of Management Services. 164 3. The Department of Legal Affairs. 165 4. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 166 (6) In order to optimize the efficiency and utility of 167 information technology systems within core agency groups, the 168 secretary may require the participation of programs within a 169 state agency to work with a deputy chief information officer 170 outside of the agency’s assigned core group. 171 (7) The secretary may obtain administrative services 172 through the Department of Management Services pursuant to a 173 memorandum of understanding. 174 Section 2. Section 282.0041, Florida Statutes, is reordered 175 and amended to read: 176 282.0041 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: 177(1) “Agency” has the same meaning as in s.216.011(1)(qq),178except that for purposes of this chapter, “agency” does not179include university boards of trustees or state universities. 180(2)“Agency for Enterprise Information Technology” means181the agency created in s.14.204.182 (1)(3)“Agency information technology service” means a 183 service that directly helps a stateanagency fulfill its 184 statutory or constitutional responsibilities and policy 185 objectives and is usually associated with the state agency’s 186 primary or core business functions. 187(4) “Annual budget meeting” means a meeting of the board of188trustees of a primary data center to review data center usage to189determine the apportionment of board members for the following190fiscal year, review rates for each service provided, and191determine any other required changes.192 (2)(5)“Breach” has the same meaning as in s. 817.5681(4). 193 (3)(6)“Business continuity plan” means a plan for disaster 194 recovery which provides for the continued functioning of a 195 shared resource center or primary data center during and after a 196 disaster. 197 (4)(7)“Computing facility” means a state agency sitespace198 containing fewer thana total of10 physical or logical servers, 199 any of which supports a strategic or nonstrategic information 200 technology service, as described in budget instructions 201 developed pursuant to s. 216.023, but excluding 202 telecommunications and voice gateways and clustered pairs of 203 servers operating as a single logical server to provide file, 204 print, security, and endpoint management servicessingle,205logical-server installations that exclusively perform a utility206function such as file and print servers. 207 (5) “Computing service” means an information technology 208 service that is used in all state agencies or a subset of 209 agencies. 210(8) “Customer entity” means an entity that obtains services211from a primary data center.212 (6)(9)“Data center” means state agency space containing 10 213 or more physical or logical servers, any of which supports a 214 strategic or nonstrategic information technology service, as 215 described in budget instructions developed pursuant to s. 216 216.023. 217 (7)(10)“Department” means the Department of State 218 TechnologyManagement Services. 219 (9)(11)“Enterprise information technology service” means 220 an information technology service that is used in all state 221 agencies or a subset of state agencies and is established in law 222 to be designed, delivered, and managed at the enterprise level. 223 (8)(12)“EmailThe e-mail, messaging, and calendaring service must include e228mail account management; help desk; technical support and user229provisioning services; disaster recovery and backup and restore230capabilities; antispam and antivirus capabilities; archiving and231e-discovery; and remote access and mobile messaging232capabilities.233 (10)(13)“Information-system utility” means an information 234 processinga full-service information-processingfacility 235 offering hardware, software, operations, integration, 236 networking, floor space, and consulting services. 237 (12)(14)“Information technology resources” means 238 equipment, hardware, software, firmware, programs, systems, 239 networks, infrastructure, media, and related material used to 240 automatically, electronically, and wirelessly collect, receive, 241 access, transmit, display, store, record, retrieve, analyze, 242 evaluate, process, classify, manipulate, manage, assimilate, 243 control, communicate, exchange, convert, converge, interface, 244 switch, or disseminate information of any kind or form, and 245 includes the human resources to perform such duties except for 246 application developers and logical database administrators. 247 (11)(15)“Information technology policy” means statements 248 that describe clear choices for how information technology will 249 deliver effective and efficient government services to residents 250 and improve state agency operations. A policy may relate to 251 investments, business applications, architecture, or 252 infrastructure. A policy describes its rationale, implications 253 of compliance or noncompliance, the timeline for implementation, 254 metrics for determining compliance, and the accountable 255 structure responsible for its implementation. 256 (13) “Local area network” means any telecommunications 257 network through which messages and data are exchanged only 258 within a single building or contiguous campus. 259 (14) “Memorandum of understanding” means a written 260 agreement between the department and a state agency which 261 specifies the scope of services provided, service level, 262 duration of the agreement, responsible parties, and service 263 costs. A memorandum of understanding is not a rule pursuant to 264 chapter 120. 265 (15) “Other public sector organizations” means entities of 266 the legislative and judicial branches, the State University 267 System, the Florida Community College System, counties, and 268 municipalities. Such organizations may elect to participate in 269 the information technology programs, services, or contracts 270 offered by the department, including information technology 271 procurement, in accordance with general law, policies, and 272 administrative rules. 273(16) “Performance metrics” means the measures of an274organization’s activities and performance.275 (16)(17)“Primary data center” means a data center that is 276 a recipient entityfor consolidationof state agency information 277 technology resources and provides contracted services to the 278 agencynonprimary data centers and computing facilities and that279is established by law. 280 (17)(18)“Project” means an endeavor that has a defined 281 start and end point; is undertaken to create or modify a unique 282 product, service, or result; and has specific objectives that, 283 when attained, signify completion. 284 (18)(19)“Risk analysis” means the process of identifying 285 security risks, determining their magnitude, and identifying 286 areas needing safeguards. 287 (19)(20)“Service level” means the key performance 288 indicators (KPI) of an organization or service which must be 289 regularly performed, monitored, and achieved. 290(21) “Service-level agreement” means a written contract291between a data center and a customer entity which specifies the292scope of services provided, service level, the duration of the293agreement, the responsible parties, and service costs. A294service-level agreement is not a rule pursuant to chapter 120.295 (20) “Shared resource center” means a primary data center 296 that is state controlled. 297 (21)(22)“Standards” means required practices, controls, 298 components, or configurations established by an authority. 299 (22) “State agency” has the same meaning as in s. 300 216.011(1), but excluding the Department of Legal Affairs, the 301 Department of Financial Services, and the Department of 302 Agriculture and Consumer Services. 303 (23) “State agency site” means a single, contiguous local 304 area network segment that does not traverse a metropolitan area 305 network or wide area network. 306 (24)(23)“SUNCOM Network” means the state enterprise 307 telecommunications system that provides all methods of 308 electronic or optical telecommunications beyond a single 309 building or contiguous building complex and used by entities 310 authorized as network users under this part. 311 (25)(24)“Telecommunications” means the science and 312 technology of communication at a distance, including electronic 313 systems used in the transmission or reception of information. 314 (26)(25)“Threat” means any circumstance or event that may 315 cause harm to the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of 316 information technology resources. 317 (27)(26)“Total cost” means all costs associated with 318 information technology projects or initiatives, including, but 319 not limited to, value of hardware, software, service, 320 maintenance, incremental personnel, and facilities. Total cost 321 of a loan or gift of information technology resources to a state 322anagency includes the fair market value of the resources. 323 (28)(27)“Usage” means the billing amount charged by the 324 shared resourceprimary datacenter, minuslessany pass-through 325 charges, to the customer entity. 326 (29)(28)“Usage rate” means a customer entity’s usage or 327 billing amount as a percentage of total usage. 328 (30) “Wide area network” means a telecommunications network 329 or components thereof through which messages and data are 330 exchanged outside of a local area network. 331 Section 3. Section 282.0055, Florida Statutes, is amended 332 to read: 333 282.0055 Assignment of information technology; long-range 334 plan; powers and duties.—The department shall design, plan, 335 develop, implement, and manage state enterprise information 336 technology services and infrastructure to achieve the use of 337 cost-effective and cost-efficient common technology.In order to338ensure the most effective and efficient use of the state’s339information technology and information technology resources and340notwithstanding other provisions of law to the contrary,341policies for the design, planning, project management, and342implementation of enterprise information technology services343shall be the responsibility of the Agency for Enterprise344Information Technology for executive branch agencies created or345authorized in statute to perform legislatively delegated346functions.The supervision, design, delivery, and management of 347 state agency information technology shall remain within the 348 responsibility and control of the individual state agency. 349 (1) To assist with achieving this purpose, the department 350 shall biennially develop and coordinate a comprehensive long 351 range plan for the state’s information technology resources, 352 including opportunities for coordinating with other public 353 sector organizations; ensuring the proper management of such 354 resources; developing agency budget requests for submission to 355 the Legislature; and delivering enterprise information 356 technology services. In developing the plan, the department 357 shall identify best practices from executive branch agencies and 358 other public and private sector entities in order to develop, 359 replicate, and implement such information technology best 360 practices and standards into the state’s technology services and 361 infrastructure. 362 (2) The department shall have the following powers and 363 duties: 364 (a) Setting state technology policy. 365 (b) The development, design, planning, project management, 366 implementation, delivery, and management of enterprise 367 information technology services. 368 (c) Establishing architecture for the state’s technology 369 infrastructure in order to promote the efficient use of 370 resources and to promote economic development. 371 (d) Preparing fiscal impact statements relating to 372 necessary modifications and the delivery of technology to 373 support policies required by proposed legislation. 374 (e) Coordinating technology resource acquisition planning, 375 and assisting the Department of Management Services′ Division of 376 Purchasing in using aggregate buying methodologies whenever 377 possible and with procurement negotiations for hardware and 378 software products and services in order to improve the 379 efficiency and reduce the cost of enterprise information 380 technology services. 381 (f) Upon request, advising, supporting, and collaborating 382 with the Division of Purchasing in the Department of Management 383 Services, in establishing best practices for the procurement of 384 information technology products in order to achieve savings for 385 the state. 386 (g) Upon request, supporting and collaborating with the 387 Division of Purchasing in the Department of Management Services, 388 in conducting procurement negotiations for information 389 technology products that will be used by multiple state 390 agencies. 391 (h) Providing oversight or project management for all 392 technology resources for projects exceeding an annual investment 393 of $2.5 million to accomplish goals of technology portfolio 394 management. 395 (i) Establishing performance measurement standards and 396 metrics regarding the success of technology projects and 397 services across the enterprise. 398 (j) Establishing standards for state agencies to submit 399 information technology reports or updates as necessary to 400 support the duties of the agency. At a minimum, such standards 401 must address content, format, and frequency of updates. 402 (k) Establishing and collecting fees and charges for data 403 and delivery of enterprise information technology services to 404 state agencies on a cost-sharing basis. 405 (l) Developing a cost-recovery plan to recover both the 406 costs and the accrual of funds sufficient for reinvesting in new 407 services and better technologies. This plan shall be developed 408 in consultation with state agencies and approved by the 409 Legislature. 410 (m) At the discretion of the department, collecting and 411 maintaining an inventory of the information technology resources 412 in state agencies and the data maintained by each agency. The 413 department may develop standards for data elements. 414 (n) Assuming ownership or custody and control of 415 information processing equipment, supplies, and positions in 416 order to thoroughly carry out the duties and responsibilities of 417 the department. 418 (o) Adopting rules and policies for the efficient, secure, 419 and economical management and operation of enterprise 420 information technology services. 421 (p) Providing other public sector organizations with access 422 to the services provided by the agency taking into consideration 423 the agency’s ability to support those services. Access shall be 424 provided on the same cost basis as applies to state agencies. 425 (q) Establishing statewide practices and policies to ensure 426 that data that is exempt or confidential from s. 119.07(1) and 427 s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, or that is otherwise 428 confidential under state or federal law remains protected. This 429 provision does not affect a transfer of ownership of data from 430 any department, agency, board, bureau, commission, or authority 431 to the state agency. 432 (r) Conducting periodic assessments of state agencies for 433 compliance with statewide information technology policies and 434 recommending to the Governor or the Financial Management 435 Information Board statewide policies for information technology. 436 (s) Establishing and maintaining a single website 437 publishing information as provided in s. 215.985. 438 (t) Maintaining the official Internet state portal. 439 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 282.0056, Florida 440 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (6) is added to that 441 section, to read: 442 282.0056 Development of work plan; development of 443 implementation plans; and policy recommendations.— 444 (1) For the purposes of carrying out its responsibilities 445 under s. 282.0055, the departmentAgency for Enterprise446Information Technologyshall develop an annual work plan within 447 60 days after the beginning of the fiscal year describing the 448 activities that the departmentagencyintends to undertake for 449 that year, including proposed outcomes and completion timeframes 450 for the planning and implementation of all enterprise 451 information technology services. The work plan must bepresented452at a public hearing andapproved by the Governorand Cabinet, 453 and thereafter submitted to the President of the Senate and the 454 Speaker of the House of Representatives. The work plan may be 455 amended as needed, subject to approval by the Governorand456Cabinet. 457 (6) The Department of Law Enforcement, the Department of 458 the Lottery’s Gaming System, Systems Design and Development in 459 the Office of Policy and Budget, the State Board of 460 Administration, state attorneys, public defenders, criminal 461 conflict and civil regional counsel, capital collateral regional 462 counsel, the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation, the 463 Department of Legal Affairs, the Department of Financial 464 Services, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ 465 Agriculture Management Information Center and the Division of 466 Licensing, the Justice Administrative Commission, and the 467 Florida Housing Finance Corporation are exempt from data center 468 consolidation unless specifically directed by the Legislature. 469 The exempt entities shall provide any information requested by 470 the department which is reasonably necessary for an analysis 471 relating to the feasibility and cost of data center 472 consolidation. 473 Section 5. Section 282.0057 Florida Statutes, is created to 474 read: 475 282.0057 Information technology project initiation 476 schedule; reporting.— 477 (1) Beginning January 1, 2015, the department shall: 478 (a) In cooperation with the Governor’s Office of Policy and 479 Budget, publish a report on its current and planned information 480 technology expenditures, including, but not limited to, line 481 item detail expenditures on systems development, personnel 482 services, and equipment from the previous fiscal year and 483 anticipated expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year; a 484 prioritization of information technology initiatives to address 485 unmet needs and opportunities for significant efficiencies or 486 improved effectiveness within the state information technology 487 enterprise; and a prioritized funding schedule for all major 488 projects or initiatives, as well as cost estimates of the fiscal 489 impact of the recommended initiatives. 490 (b) Coordinate state agencies in developing and 491 implementing data sharing. The department shall determine and 492 implement statewide efforts to standardize data elements and 493 shall determine data ownership assignments among state agencies. 494 (c) Include in its legislative budget requests a 495 recommendation for consolidating state agency data in order to 496 provide better access for private and government use. 497 (d) Oversee the expanded use and implementation of project 498 and contract management principles as they relate to information 499 technology projects. Funded projects within state agencies must 500 use the project and contract management methodologies specified 501 by the department. 502 (2) Beginning January 1, 2016, the department shall: 503 (a) Develop systems and methodologies to review, evaluate, 504 and prioritize existing information technology projects and 505 develop a plan for leveraging technology across state agencies. 506 The department shall report to the Governor, the President of 507 the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives on 508 the status of information technology projects and the agency’s 509 recommendations for project development on a semiannual basis. 510 Such recommendations shall be incorporated into the state 511 agency’s legislative budget requests for technology projects. 512 (b) Develop standards for application development, 513 including, but not limited to, a standard methodology and cost 514 benefit analysis that state agencies shall use for application 515 development activities. 516 (3) Beginning January 1, 2018, the department shall review 517 and approve technology purchases made by state agencies. 518 Approval must be based on technology policies and standards 519 established by the department and approved by the Legislature. 520 Section 6. Section 282.201, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 521 Section 7. Paragraphs (c), (e), (h), (i), and (m) of 522 subsection (1), paragraph (e) of subsection (2), and paragraphs 523 (b), (e), (h), and (k) of subsection (3) of section 282.203, 524 Florida Statutes, are amended and a new subsection (4) is added 525 to that section, to read: 526 282.203 Primary data centers.— 527 (1) DATA CENTER DUTIES.—Each primary data center shall: 528 (c) Comply with rules adopted by the departmentAgency for529Enterprise Information Technology, pursuant to this section, and 530 coordinate with the agency in the consolidation of data centers. 531 (e) Provide transparent financial statements to customer 532 entities and the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information533Technology. The financial statements shall be provided as 534 follows: 535 1. Annually, by July 30 for the current fiscal year and by 536 December 1 for the subsequent fiscal year, the data center must 537 provide the total annual budgeted costs by major expenditure 538 category, including, but not limited to, salaries, expense, 539 operating capital outlay, contracted services, or other 540 personnel services, which directly relate to the provision of 541 each service and which separately indicate the administrative 542 overhead allocated to each service. 543 2. Annually, by July 30 for the current fiscal year and by 544 December 1 for the subsequent fiscal year, the data center must 545 provide total projected billings for each customer entity which 546 are required to recover the costs of the data center. 547 3. Annually, by January 31, the data center must provide 548 updates of the financial statements required under subparagraphs 549 1. and 2. for the current fiscal year. 550 551 The financial information required under subparagraphs 1., 2., 552 and 3. must be based on current law and current appropriations. 553 (h) Develop a business continuity plan and conduct a live 554 exercise of the plan at least annually. The plan must be 555 approved by the board and the departmentAgency for Enterprise556Information Technology. 557 (i) Enter into a service-level agreement with each customer 558 entity to provide services as defined and approved by the board. 559 A service-level agreement may not have a term exceeding 3 years 560 but may include an option to renew for up to 3 years contingent 561 on approval by the board. 562 1. A service-level agreement, at a minimum, must: 563 a. Identify the parties and their roles, duties, and 564 responsibilities under the agreement. 565 b. Identify the legal authority under which the service 566 level agreement was negotiated and entered into by the parties. 567 c. State the duration of the contractual term and specify 568 the conditions for contract renewal. 569 d. Prohibit the transfer of computing services between 570 primary data center facilities without at least 180 days’ notice 571 of service cancellation. 572 e. Identify the scope of work. 573 f. Identify the products or services to be delivered with 574 sufficient specificity to permit an external financial or 575 performance audit. 576 g. Establish the services to be provided, the business 577 standards that must be met for each service, the cost of each 578 service, and the process by which the business standards for 579 each service are to be objectively measured and reported. 580 h. Identify applicable funds and funding streams for the 581 services or products under contract. 582 i. Provide a timely billing methodology for recovering the 583 cost of services provided to the customer entity. 584 j. Provide a procedure for modifying the service-level 585 agreement to address changes in projected costs of service. 586 k. Provide that a service-level agreement may be terminated 587 by either party for cause only after giving the other party and 588 the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology589 notice in writing of the cause for termination and an 590 opportunity for the other party to resolve the identified cause 591 within a reasonable period. 592 l. Provide for mediation of disputes by the Division of 593 Administrative Hearings pursuant to s. 120.573. 594 2. A service-level agreement may include: 595 a. A dispute resolution mechanism, including alternatives 596 to administrative or judicial proceedings; 597 b. The setting of a surety or performance bond for service 598 level agreements entered into with agency primary data centers 599 established by law; or 600 c. Additional terms and conditions as determined advisable 601 by the parties if such additional terms and conditions do not 602 conflict with the requirements of this section or rules adopted 603 by the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology. 604 3. The failure to execute a service-level agreement within 605 60 days after service commencement shall, in the case of an 606 existing customer entity, result in a continuation of the terms 607 of the service-level agreement from the prior fiscal year, 608 including any amendments that were formally proposed to the 609 customer entity by the primary data center within the 3 months 610 before service commencement, and a revised cost-of-service 611 estimate. If a new customer entity fails to execute an agreement 612 within 60 days after service commencement, the data center may 613 cease services. 614 (m) Assume administrative access rights to the resources 615 and equipment, such as servers, network components, and other 616 devices that are consolidated into the primary data center. 617 1. Upon the date of each consolidation specified ins.618282.201,the General Appropriations Act,or the Laws of Florida, 619 each agency shall relinquish all administrative access rights to 620 such resources and equipment. 621 2. Each primary data center shall provide its customer 622 agencies with the appropriate level of access to applications, 623 servers, network components, and other devices necessary for 624 agencies to perform their core business activities and 625 functions. 626 (2) BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Each primary data center shall be 627 headed by a board of trustees as defined in s. 20.03. 628 (e) The executive director of the departmentAgency for629Enterprise Information Technologyshall be the advisor to the 630 board. 631 (3) BOARD DUTIES.—Each board of trustees of a primary data 632 center shall: 633 (b) Establish procedures for the primary data center to 634 ensure that budgeting and accounting procedures, cost-recovery 635 methodologies, and operating procedures are in compliance with 636 laws governing the state data center system, rules adopted by 637 the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology, and 638 applicable federal regulations, including 2 C.F.R. part 225 and 639 45 C.F.R. 640 (e) Ensure the sufficiency and transparency of the primary 641 data center financial information by: 642 1. Establishing policies that ensure that cost-recovery 643 methodologies, billings, receivables, expenditure, budgeting, 644 and accounting data are captured and reported timely, 645 consistently, accurately, and transparently and, upon adoption 646 of rules by the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information647Technology, are in compliance with such rules. 648 2. Requiring execution of service-level agreements by the 649 data center and each customer entity for services provided by 650 the data center to the customer entity. 651 3. Requiring cost recovery for the full cost of services, 652 including direct and indirect costs. The cost-recovery 653 methodology must ensure that no service is subsidizing another 654 service without an affirmative vote of approval by the customer 655 entity providing the subsidy. 656 4. Establishing special assessments to fund expansions 657 based on a methodology that apportions the assessment according 658 to the proportional benefit to each customer entity. 659 5. Providing rebates to customer entities when revenues 660 exceed costs and offsetting charges to those who have subsidized 661 other customer entity costs based on actual prior year final 662 expenditures. Rebates may be credited against future billings. 663 6. Approving all expenditures committing over $50,000 in a 664 fiscal year. 665 7. Projecting costs and revenues at the beginning of the 666 third quarter of each fiscal year through the end of the fiscal 667 year. If in any given fiscal year the primary data center is 668 projected to earn revenues that are below costs for that fiscal 669 year after first reducing operating costs where possible, the 670 board shall implement any combination of the following remedies 671 to cover the shortfall: 672 a. The board may direct the primary data center to adjust 673 current year chargeback rates through the end of the fiscal year 674 to cover the shortfall. The rate adjustments shall be 675 implemented using actual usage rate and billing data from the 676 first three quarters of the fiscal year and the same principles 677 used to set rates for the fiscal year. 678 b. The board may direct the primary data center to levy 679 one-time charges on all customer entities to cover the 680 shortfall. The one-time charges shall be implemented using 681 actual usage rate and billing data from the first three quarters 682 of the fiscal year and the same principles used to set rates for 683 the fiscal year. 684 c. The customer entities represented by each board member 685 may provide payments to cover the shortfall in proportion to the 686 amounts each entity paid in the prior fiscal year. 687 8. Providing a plan for consideration by the Legislative 688 Budget Commission if a billing rate schedule is used after the 689 start of the fiscal year which increases any agency’s costs for 690 that fiscal year. 691 (h) By July 1 of each year, submit to the departmentAgency692for Enterprise Information Technologyproposed cost-recovery 693 mechanisms and rate structures for all customer entities for the 694 fiscal year including the cost-allocation methodology for 695 administrative expenditures and the calculation of 696 administrative expenditures as a percent of total costs. 697 (k) Coordinate with other primary data centers and the 698 departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technologyin order 699 to consolidate purchases of goods and services and lower the 700 cost of providing services to customer entities. 701 (4) REPEAL.—This section expires January 1, 2014. 702 Section 8. Section 282.204, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 703 Section 9. Section 282.205, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 704 Section 10. Section 282.206, Florida Statutes, is created 705 to read: 706 282.206 Fletcher Shared Resource Center.—The Fletcher 707 Shared Resource Center is established within the Department of 708 Financial Services. 709 (1) The center shall collaborate with the Department of 710 State Technology to develop policies, procedures, standards, and 711 rules for the delivery of enterprise information technology 712 services. 713 (2) The center shall provide co-location services to the 714 Department of Legal Affairs and the Department of Agriculture 715 and Consumer Services if data center equipment is moved pursuant 716 to subsections (5) or (6). 717 (3) The Department of Financial Services shall use the 718 Fletcher Shared Resource Center, provide full service to the 719 Office of Financial Regulation and the Office of Insurance 720 Regulation, and host the Legislative Appropriations 721 System/Planning and Budgeting Subsystem (LAS/PBS). 722 (4) The center shall be governed through a master 723 memorandum of understanding administered by a steering committee 724 comprised of the chief information officers of the customer 725 entities residing in the center. The steering committee shall 726 meet quarterly in order to ensure that customers are receiving 727 expected services in accordance with the memorandum of 728 understanding and to discuss services and structure. The 729 committee may create ad hoc workgroups to account for, mitigate, 730 and manage any unforeseen issues. 731 (5) The Department of Legal Affairs may move its data 732 center equipment to the center. 733 (6) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services may 734 move its Mayo Building data center equipment to the center. 735 Section 11. Subsections (3) through (6) of section 282.318, 736 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 737 282.318 Enterprise security of data and information 738 technology.— 739 (3) The departmentAgency for Enterprise Information740Technologyis responsible for establishing rules and publishing 741 guidelines for ensuring an appropriate level of security for all 742 data and information technology resources for executive branch 743 agencies. The departmentagencyshall also perform the following 744 duties and responsibilities: 745 (a) Develop, and annually update by February 1, an 746 enterprise information security strategic plan that includes 747 security goals and objectives for the strategic issues of 748 information security policy, risk management, training, incident 749 management, and survivability planning. 750 (b) Develop enterprise security rules and published 751 guidelines for: 752 1. Comprehensive risk analyses and information security 753 audits conducted by state agencies. 754 2. Responding to suspected or confirmed information 755 security incidents, including suspected or confirmed breaches of 756 personal information or exempt data. 757 3. State agency security plans, including strategic 758 security plans and security program plans. 759 4. The recovery of information technology and data 760 following a disaster. 761 5. The managerial, operational, and technical safeguards 762 for protecting state government data and information technology 763 resources. 764 (c) Assist state agencies in complying with the provisions 765 of this section. 766 (d) Pursue appropriate funding for the purpose of enhancing 767 domestic security. 768 (e) Provide training for state agency information security 769 managers. 770 (f) Annually review the strategic and operational 771 information security plans of stateexecutive branchagencies. 772 (4) To assist the departmentAgency for Enterprise773Information Technologyin carrying out its responsibilities, 774 each state agency head shall, at a minimum: 775 (a) Designate an information security manager to administer 776 the security program of the agency for its data and information 777 technology resources. This designation must be provided annually 778 in writing to the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information779Technologyby January 1. 780 (b) Submit to the departmentAgency for Enterprise781Information Technologyannually by July 31, the agency’s 782 strategic and operational information security plans developed 783 pursuant to the department’s rules and guidelinesestablished by784the Agency for Enterprise Information Technology. 785 1. The agency strategic information security plan must 786 cover a 3-year period and define security goals, intermediate 787 objectives, and projected agency costs for the strategic issues 788 of agency information security policy, risk management, security 789 training, security incident response, and survivability. The 790 plan must be based on the enterprise strategic information 791 security plan created by the departmentAgency for Enterprise792Information Technology. Additional issues may be included. 793 2. The state agency operational information security plan 794 must include a progress report for the prior operational 795 information security plan and a project plan that includes 796 activities, timelines, and deliverables for security objectives 797 that, subject to current resources, the state agency will 798 implement during the current fiscal year. The cost of 799 implementing the portions of the plan which cannot be funded 800 from current resources must be identified in the plan. 801 (c) Conduct, and update every 3 years, a comprehensive risk 802 analysis to determine the security threats to the data, 803 information, and information technology resources of the state 804 agency. The risk analysis information is confidential and exempt 805 fromthe provisions ofs. 119.07(1), except that such 806 information shall be available to the Auditor General and the 807 departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technologyfor 808 performing postauditing duties. 809 (d) Develop, and periodically update, written internal 810 policies and procedures that, whichinclude procedures for 811 notifying the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information812Technologywhen a suspected or confirmed breach, or an 813 information security incident, occurs. Such policies and 814 procedures must be consistent with the rules and guidelines 815 established by the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information816Technologyto ensure the security of the data, information, and 817 information technology resources of the state agency. The 818 internal policies and procedures that, if disclosed, could 819 facilitate the unauthorized modification, disclosure, or 820 destruction of data or information technology resources are 821 confidential information and exempt from s. 119.07(1), except 822 that such information shall be available to the Auditor General 823 and the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology824 for performing post auditingpostauditingduties. 825 (e) Implement appropriate cost-effective safeguards to 826 address identified risks to the data, information, and 827 information technology resources of the state agency. 828 (f) Ensure that periodic internal audits and evaluations of 829 the agency’s security program for the data, information, and 830 information technology resources of the state agency are 831 conducted. The results of such audits and evaluations are 832 confidentialinformationand exempt from s. 119.07(1), except 833 that such information shall be available to the Auditor General 834 and the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology835 for performing post auditingpostauditingduties. 836 (g) Include appropriate security requirements in the 837 written specifications for the solicitation of information 838 technology and information technology resources and services, 839 which are consistent with the rules and guidelines established 840 by the departmentAgency for Enterprise Information Technology. 841 (h) Provide security awareness training to employees and 842 users of the state agency’s communication and information 843 resources concerning information security risks and the 844 responsibility of employees and users to comply with policies, 845 standards, guidelines, and operating procedures adopted by the 846 agency to reduce those risks. 847 (i) Develop a process for detecting, reporting, and 848 responding to suspected or confirmed security incidents, 849 including suspected or confirmed breaches consistent with the 850 security rules and guidelines established by the department 851Agency for Enterprise Information Technology. 852 1. Suspected or confirmed information security incidents 853 and breaches must be immediately reported to the department 854Agency for Enterprise Information Technology. 855 2. For incidents involving breaches, agencies shall provide 856 notice in accordance with s. 817.5681 and to the department 857Agency for Enterprise Information Technologyin accordance with 858 this subsection. 859 (5) Each state agency shall include appropriate security 860 requirements in the specifications for the solicitation of 861 contracts for procuring information technology or information 862 technology resources or services which are consistent with the 863 rules and guidelines established by the departmentAgency for864Enterprise Information Technology. 865 (6) The departmentAgency for Enterprise Information866Technologymay adopt rules relating to information security and 867 to administer the provisions of this section. 868 Section 12. Section 282.33, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 869 Section 13. Effective upon this act becoming law, section 870 282.34, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 871 Section 14. Section 282.604, Florida Statutes, is amended 872 to read: 873 282.604 Adoption of rules.—The departmentof Management874Servicesshall, with input from stakeholders, adopt rules 875pursuant to ss.120.536(1) and120.54for the development, 876 procurement, maintenance, and use of accessible electronic 877 information technology by governmental units. 878 Section 15. Section 282.702, Florida Statutes, is amended 879 to read: 880 282.702 Powers and duties.—The departmentof Management881Servicesshall have the following powers, duties, and functions: 882 (1) To publish electronically the portfolio of services 883 available from the department, including pricing information; 884 the policies and procedures governing usage of available 885 services; and a forecast of the department’s priorities for each 886 telecommunications service. 887 (2) To adopt technical standards by rule for the state 888 telecommunications network which ensure the interconnection and 889 operational security of computer networks, telecommunications, 890 and information systems of agencies. 891 (3) To enter into agreements related to information 892 technology and telecommunications services with state agencies 893 and political subdivisions of the state. 894 (4) To purchase from or contract with information 895 technology providers for information technology, including 896 private line services. 897 (5) To apply for, receive, and hold authorizations, 898 patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, licenses, and 899 allocations or channels and frequencies to carry out the 900 purposes of this part. 901 (6) To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire and to hold, 902 sell, transfer, license, or otherwise dispose of real, personal, 903 and intellectual property, including, but not limited to, 904 patents, trademarks, copyrights, and service marks. 905 (7) To cooperate with any federal, state, or local 906 emergency management agency in providing for emergency 907 telecommunications services. 908 (8) To control and approve the purchase, lease, or 909 acquisition and the use of telecommunications services, 910 software, circuits, and equipment provided as part of any other 911 total telecommunications system to be used by the state or its 912 agencies. 913 (9) To adopt rulespursuant to ss.120.536(1) and120.54914 relating to telecommunications and to administer the provisions 915 of this part. 916 (10) To apply for and accept federal funds for the purposes 917 of this part as well as gifts and donations from individuals, 918 foundations, and private organizations. 919 (11) To monitor issues relating to telecommunications 920 facilities and services before the Florida Public Service 921 Commission and the Federal Communications Commission and, if 922 necessary, prepare position papers, prepare testimony, appear as 923 a witness, and retain witnesses on behalf of state agencies in 924 proceedings before the commissions. 925 (12) Unless delegated to the state agencies by the 926 department, to manage and control, but not intercept or 927 interpret, telecommunications within the SUNCOM Network by: 928 (a) Establishing technical standards to physically 929 interface with the SUNCOM Network. 930 (b) Specifying how telecommunications are transmitted 931 within the SUNCOM Network. 932 (c) Controlling the routing of telecommunications within 933 the SUNCOM Network. 934 (d) Establishing standards, policies, and procedures for 935 access to and the security of the SUNCOM Network. 936 (e) Ensuring orderly and reliable telecommunications 937 services in accordance with the service level agreements 938 executed with state agencies. 939 (13) To plan, design, and conduct experiments for 940 telecommunications services, equipment, and technologies, and to 941 implement enhancements in the state telecommunications network 942 if in the public interest and cost-effective. Funding for such 943 experiments must be derived from SUNCOM Network service revenues 944 and may not exceed 2 percent of the annual budget for the SUNCOM 945 Network for any fiscal year or as provided in the General 946 Appropriations Act. New services offered as a result of this 947 subsection may not affect existing rates for facilities or 948 services. 949 (14) To enter into contracts or agreements, with or without 950 competitive bidding or procurement, to make available, on a 951 fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory basis, property and 952 other structures under departmental control for the placement of 953 new facilities by any wireless provider of mobile service as 954 defined in 47 U.S.C. s. 153(27) or s. 332(d) and any 955 telecommunications company as defined in s. 364.02 if it is 956 practical and feasible to make such property or other structures 957 available. The department may, without adopting a rule, charge a 958 just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory fee for the placement of 959 the facilities, payable annually, based on the fair market value 960 of space used by comparable telecommunications facilities in the 961 state. The department and a wireless provider or 962 telecommunications company may negotiate the reduction or 963 elimination of a fee in consideration of services provided to 964 the department by the wireless provider or telecommunications 965 company. All such fees collected by the department shall be 966 deposited directly into the Law Enforcement Radio Operating 967 Trust Fund, and may be used by the department to construct, 968 maintain, or support the system. 969 (15) To establish policies that ensure that the 970 department’s cost-recovery methodologies, billings, receivables, 971 expenditures, budgeting, and accounting data are captured and 972 reported timely, consistently, accurately, and transparently and 973 are in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and 974 rules. The department shall annually submit a report to the 975 Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the 976 House of Representativesa reportthat describes each service 977 and its cost, the billing methodology for recovering the cost of 978 the service, and, if applicable, the identity of those services 979 that are subsidized. 980 Section 16. Subsections (4) and (5) of section 282.703, 981 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 982 282.703 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.— 983 (4) The department shall maintain a directory of 984 information and services which provides the names, phone 985 numbers, and emailanagency is not relieved of 994 responsibility for maintaining telecommunications services 995 necessary for effective management of its programs and 996 functions. The department may provide such communications 997 services to a state university if requested by the university. 998 (a) If a SUNCOM Network service does not meet the 999 telecommunications requirements of a stateanagency, the state 1000 agency must notify the department in writing and detail the 1001 requirements for that service. If the department is unable to 1002 meet a stateanagency’s requirements by enhancing SUNCOM 1003 Network service, the department may grant the state agency an 1004 exemption from the required use of specified SUNCOM Network 1005 services. 1006 (b) Unless an exemption has been granted by the department, 1007 effective October 1, 2010, all customers of a shared resource 1008state primary datacenter, excluding state universities, must 1009 use the shared SUNCOM Network telecommunications services 1010 connecting the shared resourcestate primary datacenter to 1011 SUNCOM services for all telecommunications needs in accordance 1012 with department rules. 1013 1. Upon discovery of customer noncompliance with this 1014 paragraph, the department shall provide the affected customer 1015 with a schedule for transferring to the shared 1016 telecommunications services provided by the SUNCOM Network and 1017 an estimate of all associated costs. The shared resourcestate1018primary datacenters and their customers shall cooperate with 1019 the department to accomplish the transfer. 1020 2. Customers may request an exemption from this paragraph 1021 in the same manner as authorized in paragraph (a). 1022 Section 17. Subsection (2) of section 20.22, Florida 1023 Statutes, is amended to read: 1024 20.22 Department of Management Services.—There is created a 1025 Department of Management Services. 1026 (2) The following divisions and programs are established 1027 within the departmentof Management Services are established: 1028 (a) Facilities Program. 1029(b) Technology Program.1030 (b)(c)Workforce Program. 1031 (c)(d)1.Support Program. 1032 (d)2.Federal Property Assistance Program. 1033 (e) Administration Program. 1034 (f) Division of Administrative Hearings. 1035 (g) Division of Retirement. 1036 (h) Division of State Group Insurance. 1037 Section 18. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section 1038 110.205, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1039 110.205 Career service; exemptions.— 1040 (2) EXEMPT POSITIONS.—The exempt positions that are not 1041 covered by this part include the following: 1042 (e) The Chief Information Officer in the Department of 1043 StateAgency for Enterprise InformationTechnology. Unless 1044 otherwise fixed by law, the GovernorAgency for Enterprise1045Information Technologyshall set the salary and benefits of this 1046 position in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management 1047 Service. 1048 Section 19. Paragraph (o) of subsection (1) of section 1049 215.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1050 215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.— 1051 (1) The following income of a revenue nature or the 1052 following trust funds shall be exempt from the appropriation 1053 required by s. 215.20(1): 1054 (o) The Communications Working Capital Trust Fund of the 1055 Department of State TechnologyManagement Services. 1056 Section 20. Subsections (2) and (9) of section 215.322, 1057 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1058 215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, debit 1059 cards, or electronic funds transfers by state agencies, units of 1060 local government, and the judicial branch.— 1061 (2) A state agency as defined in s. 216.011, or the 1062 judicial branch, may accept credit cards, charge cards, debit 1063 cards, or electronic funds transfers in payment for goods and 1064 services with the prior approval of the Chief Financial Officer. 1065 If the Internet or other related electronic methods are to be 1066 used as the collection medium, the Department of StateAgency1067for Enterprise InformationTechnology shall review and recommend 1068 to the Chief Financial Officer whether to approve the request 1069 with regard to the process or procedure to be used. 1070 (9) For payment programs in which credit cards, charge 1071 cards, or debit cards are accepted by state agencies, the 1072 judicial branch, or units of local government, the Chief 1073 Financial Officer, in consultation with the Department of State 1074Agency for Enterprise InformationTechnology, may adopt rules to 1075 establish uniform security safeguards for cardholder data and to 1076 ensure compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security 1077 Standards. 1078 Section 21. Subsection (2) of section 215.96, Florida 1079 Statutes, is amended to read: 1080 215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination 1081 staff.— 1082 (2) The coordinating council shall consist of the Chief 1083 Financial Officer; the Commissioner of Agriculture; the Attorney 1084 General; the secretary of the Department of Management Services; 1085 the Secretary of the Department of State Technologythe Attorney1086General; and the Director of Planning and Budgeting, Executive 1087 Office of the Governor, or their designees. The Chief Financial 1088 Officer, or his or her designee, shall be chair of the 1089 coordinating council, and the design and coordination staff 1090 shall provide administrative and clerical support to the council 1091 and the board. The design and coordination staff shall maintain 1092 the minutes of each meeting andshallmake such minutes 1093 available to any interested person. The Auditor General, the 1094 State Courts Administrator, an executive officer of the Florida 1095 Association of State Agency Administrative Services Directors, 1096 and an executive officer of the Florida Association of State 1097 Budget Officers, or their designees, shall serve without voting 1098 rights as ex officio members ofonthecoordinatingcouncil. The 1099 chair may call meetings of thecoordinatingcouncil as often as 1100 necessary to transact business; however, thecoordinating1101 council mustshallmeet at least once a year. Action of the 1102 coordinating council shall be by motion, duly made, seconded and 1103 passed by a majority of thecoordinatingcouncil voting in the 1104 affirmative for approval of items that are to be recommended for 1105 approval to the Financial Management Information Board. 1106 Section 22. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 1107 216.292, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1108 216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.— 1109 (6) The Chief Financial Officer shall transfer from any 1110 available funds of an agency or the judicial branch the 1111 following amounts and shall report all such transfers and the 1112 reasons therefor to the legislative appropriations committees 1113 and the Executive Office of the Governor: 1114 (c) The amount due to the Communications Working Capital 1115 Trust Fund from moneys appropriated in the General 1116 Appropriations Act for the purpose of paying for services 1117 provided by the state communications system in the Department of 1118 State TechnologyManagement Serviceswhich is unpaid 45 days 1119 after the billing date. The amount transferred shall be that 1120 billed by the department. 1121 Section 23. Subsection (14) of section 287.012, Florida 1122 Statutes, is amended to read: 1123 287.012 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term: 1124 (14) “Information technology” means equipment, hardware, 1125 software, firmware, programs, systems, networks, infrastructure, 1126 media, and related material used to automatically, 1127 electronically, and wirelessly collect, receive, access, 1128 transmit, display, store, record, retrieve, analyze, evaluate, 1129 process, classify, manipulate, manage, assimilate, control, 1130 communicate, exchange, convert, converge, interface, switch, or 1131 disseminate information of any kind or formhas the meaning1132ascribed in s.282.0041. 1133 Section 24. Subsection (22) of section 287.057, Florida 1134 Statutes, is amended to read: 1135 287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual 1136 services.— 1137 (22) The department, in consultation with the Department of 1138 StateAgency for Enterprise InformationTechnology and the Chief 1139 Financial OfficerComptroller, shall maintaindevelopa program 1140 for online procurement of commodities and contractual services. 1141 To enable the state to promote open competition and to leverage 1142 its buying power, agencies shall participate in the online 1143 procurement program, and eligible users may participate in the 1144 program. Only vendors prequalified as meeting mandatory 1145 requirements and qualifications criteria may participate in 1146 online procurement. 1147 (a) The department, in consultation with the Department of 1148 State Technologyagency, may contract for equipment and services 1149 necessary to develop and implement online procurement. 1150 (b) The department, in consultation with the Department of 1151 State Technologyagency, shall adopt rules, pursuant to ss.1152120.536(1) and120.54,to administer the program for online 1153 procurement. The rules mustshallinclude, but are notbe1154 limited to: 1155 1. Determining the requirements and qualification criteria 1156 for prequalifying vendors. 1157 2. Establishing the procedures for conducting online 1158 procurement. 1159 3. Establishing the criteria for eligible commodities and 1160 contractual services. 1161 4. Establishing the procedures for providing access to 1162 online procurement. 1163 5. Determining the criteria warranting any exceptions to 1164 participation in the online procurement program. 1165 (c) The department may impose and shall collect all fees 1166 for the use of the online procurement systems. 1167 1. The fees may be imposed on an individual transaction 1168 basis or as a fixed percentage of the cost savings generated. At 1169 a minimum, the fees must besetin an amount sufficient to cover 1170 the projected costs of the services, including administrative 1171 and project service costs, in accordance with the policies of 1172 the department. 1173 2. If the department contracts with a provider for online 1174 procurement, the department, pursuant to appropriation, shall 1175 compensate the provider from the fees after the department has 1176 satisfied all ongoing costs. The provider shall report 1177 transaction data to the department each month so that the 1178 department may determine the amount due and payable to the 1179 department from each vendor. 1180 3. All fees that are due and payable to the state on a 1181 transactional basis or as a fixed percentage of the cost savings 1182 generated are subject to s. 215.31 and must be remitted within 1183 40 days after receipt of payment for which the fees are due. For 1184 fees that are not remitted within 40 days, the vendor shall pay 1185 interest at the rate established under s. 55.03(1) on the unpaid 1186 balance from the expiration of the 40-day period until the fees 1187 are remitted. 1188 4. All fees and surcharges collected under this paragraph 1189 shall be deposited in the Operating Trust Fund as provided by 1190 law. 1191 Section 25. Subsection (17) of section 318.18, Florida 1192 Statutes, is amended to read: 1193 318.18 Amount of penalties.—The penalties required for a 1194 noncriminal disposition pursuant to s. 318.14 or a criminal 1195 offense listed in s. 318.17 are as follows: 1196 (17) In addition to any penalties imposed, a surcharge of 1197 $3 must be paid for all criminal offenses listed in s. 318.17 1198 and for all noncriminal moving traffic violations under chapter 1199 316. Revenue from the surcharge shall be remitted to the 1200 Department of Revenue and deposited quarterly into the State 1201 Agency Law Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund of the Department 1202 of State TechnologyManagement Servicesfor the state agency law 1203 enforcement radio system, as described in s. 282.709, and to 1204 provide technical assistance to state agencies and local law 1205 enforcement agencies with their statewide systems of regional 1206 law enforcement communications, as described in s. 282.7101. 1207 This subsection expires July 1, 2021. The Department of State 1208 TechnologyManagement Servicesmay retain funds sufficient to 1209 recover the costs and expenses incurred for managing, 1210 administering, and overseeing the Statewide Law Enforcement 1211 Radio System, and providing technical assistance to state 1212 agencies and local law enforcement agencies with their statewide 1213 systems of regional law enforcement communications. The 1214 Department of State TechnologyManagement Servicesworking in 1215 conjunction with the Joint Task Force on State Agency Law 1216 Enforcement Communications shall determine and direct the 1217 purposes for which these funds are used to enhance and improve 1218 the radio system. 1219 Section 26. Section 320.0802, Florida Statutes, is amended 1220 to read: 1221 320.0802 Surcharge on license tax.—There is hereby levied 1222 and imposed on each license tax imposed under s. 320.08, except 1223 those set forth in s. 320.08(11), a surcharge in the amount of 1224 $1, which shall be collected in the same manner as the license 1225 tax and deposited into the State Agency Law Enforcement Radio 1226 System Trust Fund of the Department of State Technology 1227Management Services. 1228 Section 27. Subsection (9) of section 328.72, Florida 1229 Statutes, is amended to read: 1230 328.72 Classification; registration; fees and charges; 1231 surcharge; disposition of fees; fines; marine turtle stickers.— 1232 (9) SURCHARGE.—In addition, there is hereby levied and 1233 imposed on each vessel registration fee imposed under subsection 1234 (1) a surcharge in the amount of $1 for each 12-month period of 1235 registration, which shall be collected in the same manner as the 1236 fee and deposited into the State Agency Law Enforcement Radio 1237 System Trust Fund of the Department of State Technology 1238Management Services. 1239 Section 28. Subsections (2) through (5) of section 1240 364.0135, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1241 364.0135 Promotion of broadband adoption.— 1242 (2) The Department of State Technology mayManagement1243Services is authorized towork collaboratively with, andto1244 receive staffing support and other resources from, Enterprise 1245 Florida, Inc., state agencies, local governments, private 1246 businesses, and community organizations to: 1247 (a) Monitor the adoption of broadband Internet service in 1248 collaboration with communications service providers, including, 1249 but not limited to, wireless and wireline Internet service 1250 providers, to develop geographical information system maps at 1251 the census tract level thatwill: 1252 1. Identify geographic gaps in broadband services, 1253 including areas unserved by any broadband provider and areas 1254 served by a single broadband provider; 1255 2. Identify the download and upload transmission speeds 1256 made available to businesses and individuals in the state, at 1257 the census tract level of detail, using data rate benchmarks for 1258 broadband service used by the Federal Communications Commission 1259 to reflect different speed tiers; and 1260 3. Provide a baseline assessment of statewide broadband 1261 deployment in terms of percentage of households with broadband 1262 availability. 1263 (b) Create a strategic plan that has goals and strategies 1264 for increasing the use of broadband Internet service in the 1265 state. 1266 (c) Build and facilitate local technology planning teams or 1267 partnerships with members representing cross-sections of the 1268 community, which may include, but are not limited to, 1269 representatives from the following organizations and industries: 1270 libraries, K-12 education, colleges and universities, local 1271 health care providers, private businesses, community 1272 organizations, economic development organizations, local 1273 governments, tourism, parks and recreation, and agriculture. 1274 (d) Encourage the use of broadband Internet service, 1275 especially in the rural, unserved, and underserved communities 1276 of the state through grant programs having effective strategies 1277 to facilitate the statewide deployment of broadband Internet 1278 service. For any grants to be awarded, priority must be given to 1279 projects that: 1280 1. Provide access to broadband education, awareness, 1281 training, access, equipment, and support to libraries, schools, 1282 colleges and universities, health care providers, and community 1283 support organizations. 1284 2. Encourage the sustainable adoption of broadband in 1285 primarily unserved areas by removing barriers to entry. 1286 3. Work toward encouraging investments in establishing 1287 affordable and sustainable broadband Internet service in 1288 unserved areas of the state. 1289 4. Facilitate the development of applications, programs, 1290 and services, including, but not limited to, telework, 1291 telemedicine, and e-learning to increase the usage of, and 1292 demand for, broadband Internet service in the state. 1293 (3) The Department of State Technology may: 1294 (a) Apply for and accept federal funds for the purposes of 1295 this section, as well as gifts and donations from individuals, 1296 foundations, and private organizations. 1297(4) The Department may1298 (b) Enter into contracts necessary or useful to carry out 1299 the purposes of this section. 1300 (c)(5)The department mayEstablish any committee or 1301 workgroup to administer and carry out the purposes of this 1302 section. 1303 Section 29. Subsections (3), (4), (5), (7), (9), and (10) 1304 of section 365.171, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1305 365.171 Emergency communications number E911 state plan.— 1306 (3) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 1307 (a) “Department” means the Department of State Technology 1308“Office” means the Technology Program within the Department of1309Management Services, as designated by the secretary of the1310department. 1311 (b) “Local government” means any municipalitycity, county, 1312 or political subdivision of the state and its agencies. 1313 (c) “Public agency” means the state and any municipality 1314city, county,city and county, municipal corporation,chartered 1315 organization, specialpublicdistrict, or public authority 1316 located in whole or in part within this state which provides, or 1317 has authority to provide, firefighting, law enforcement, 1318 ambulance, medical, or other emergency services. 1319 (d) “Public safety agency” means a functional division of a 1320 public agency which provides firefighting, law enforcement, 1321 medical, or other emergency services. 1322 (4) STATE PLAN.—The departmentofficeshall develop, 1323 maintain, and implement appropriate modifications for a 1324 statewide emergency communications E911 system plan. The plan 1325 shall provide for: 1326 (a) The public agency emergency communications requirements 1327 for each entity of local government in the state. 1328 (b) A system to meet specific local government 1329 requirements. Such system mustshallinclude law enforcement, 1330 firefighting, and emergency medical services and may include 1331 other emergency services such as poison control, suicide 1332 prevention, and emergency management services. 1333 (c) Identification of the mutual aid agreements necessary 1334 to obtain an effective E911 system. 1335 (d) A funding provision that identifies the cost necessary 1336 to implement the E911 system. 1337 1338 The department isoffice shall beresponsible for the 1339 implementation and coordination of such plan. The department 1340officeshall adopt any necessary rules and schedules related to 1341 public agencies for implementing and coordinating the plan, 1342 pursuant to chapter 120. 1343 (5) SYSTEM DIRECTOR.—The secretary of the department or his 1344 or her designee is designated as the director of the statewide 1345 emergency communications number E911 system and, for the purpose 1346 of carrying out the provisions of this section, mayis1347authorized tocoordinate the activities of the system with 1348 state, county, local, and private agencies. The director in 1349 implementing the system shall consult, cooperate, and coordinate 1350 with local law enforcement agencies. 1351 (7) TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY COORDINATION.—The 1352 departmentofficeshall coordinate with the Florida Public 1353 Service Commission which shall encourage the Florida 1354 telecommunications industry to activate facility modification 1355 plans for timely E911 implementation. 1356 (9) SYSTEM APPROVAL.—AnNoemergency communications number 1357 E911 system may notshallbe established orand nopresent 1358 systemshallbe expanded without the prior approval of the 1359 departmentoffice. 1360 (10) COMPLIANCE.—All public agencies shall assist the 1361 departmentofficein their efforts to carry out the intent of 1362 this section, and such agencies shall comply with the developed 1363 plan. 1364 Section 30. Present paragraphs (h) through (s) of 1365 subsection (3) of section 365.172, Florida Statutes, are 1366 redesignated as paragraphs (i) through (t), respectively, a new 1367 paragraph (h) is added to that subsection, and paragraph (d) of 1368 subsection (2), present paragraph (t) of subsection (3), 1369 subsection (4), paragraph (a) of subsection (5), paragraph (c) 1370 of subsection (6), and paragraph (f) of subsection (12) of that 1371 section, are amended to read: 1372 365.172 Emergency communications number “E911.”— 1373 (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.—It is the intent of the Legislature 1374 to: 1375 (d) Provide for an E911 board to administer the fee, with 1376 oversight by the departmentoffice, in a manner that is 1377 competitively and technologically neutral with respectasto all 1378 voice communications services providers. 1379 1380 It is further the intent of the Legislature that the fee 1381 authorized or imposed by this section not necessarily provide 1382 the total funding required for establishing or providing E911 1383 service. 1384 (3) DEFINITIONS.—Only as used in this section and ss. 1385 365.171, 365.173, and 365.174, the term: 1386 (h) “Department” means the Department of State Technology. 1387(t) “Office” means the Technology Program within the1388Department of Management Services, as designated by the1389secretary of the department.1390 (4) POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENTOFFICE.—The 1391 departmentofficeshall oversee the administration of the fee 1392 authorized and imposed on subscribers of voice communications 1393 services under subsection (8). 1394 (5) THE E911 BOARD.— 1395 (a) The E911 Board is established to administer, with 1396 oversight by the departmentoffice, the fee imposed under 1397 subsection (8), includingreceivingrevenues derived from the 1398 fee; distributing portions of the revenues to wireless 1399 providers, counties, and the departmentoffice; accounting for 1400 receipts, distributions, and income derived frombythe funds 1401 maintained in the fund; and providing annual reports to the 1402 Governor and the Legislature for submission by the department 1403officeon amounts collected and expended, the purposes for which 1404 expenditures have been made, and the status of E911 service in 1405 this state. In order to advise and assist the departmentoffice1406 in administeringimplementing the purposes ofthis section, the 1407 board, which has the power of a body corporate, has the powers 1408 enumerated in subsection (6). 1409 (6) AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD; ANNUAL REPORT.— 1410 (c) By February 28 of each year, the board shall prepare a 1411 report for submission by the departmentofficeto the Governor, 1412 Cabinet, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the 1413 House of Representatives which addresses for the immediately 1414 preceding calendar year: 1415 1. The annual receipts, including the total amount of fee 1416 revenues collected by each provider, the total disbursements of 1417 money in the fund, including the amount of fund-reimbursed 1418 expenses incurred by each wireless provider to comply with the 1419 order, and the amount of moneys on deposit in the fund. 1420 2. Whether the amount of the fee and the allocation 1421 percentages set forth in s. 365.173 have been or should be 1422 adjusted to comply with therequirements of theorder or other 1423 provisions of this chapter, and the reasons for making or not 1424 making a recommended adjustment to the fee. 1425 3. Any other issues related to providing E911 services. 1426 4. The status of E911 services in this state. 1427 (12) FACILITATING E911 SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION.—To balance 1428 the public need for reliable E911 services through reliable 1429 wireless systems and the public interest served by governmental 1430 zoning and land development regulations and notwithstanding any 1431 other law or local ordinance to the contrary, the following 1432 standardsshallapply to a local government’s actions, as a 1433 regulatory body, in the regulation of the placement, 1434 construction, or modification of a wireless communications 1435 facility. This subsection doesshallnot, however, be construed1436towaive or alter the provisions of s. 286.011 or s. 286.0115. 1437 For the purposes of this subsection only, the term “local 1438 government” means onlyshall meanany municipality or county and 1439 any agency of a municipality or countyonly. The term “local 1440 government” does not, however,include any airport, as defined 1441 by s. 330.27(2), even if it is owned or controlled by or through 1442 a municipality, county, or agency of a municipality or county. 1443 Further, notwithstanding any other provision ofanything inthis 1444 sectionto the contrary, this subsection does not apply to or 1445 control a local government’s actionsas a property or structure1446ownerin the use of any property or structure owned by such 1447 entity for the placement, construction, or modification of 1448 wireless communications facilities. In the use of property or 1449 structures owned by the local government, however, a local 1450 government may not use its regulatory authority so as to avoid 1451 compliance with, or in a manner that does not advance, the 1452 provisions of this subsection. 1453 (f) Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the 1454 department and the Department of Management Services shall 1455 negotiate, in the name of the state, leases for wireless 1456 communications facilities that provide access to state 1457 government-owned property not acquired for transportation 1458 purposes, and the Department of Transportation shall negotiate, 1459 in the name of the state, leases for wireless communications 1460 facilities that provide access to property acquired for state 1461 rights-of-way. On property acquired for transportation purposes, 1462 leases shall be granted in accordance with s. 337.251. On other 1463 state government-owned property, leases shall be granted on a 1464 space available, first-come, first-served basis. Payments 1465 required by state government under a lease must be reasonable 1466 andmustreflect the market rate for the use of the state 1467 government-owned property. The departmentof Management Services1468 and the Department of Transportation mayare authorized toadopt 1469 rules for the terms and conditions and granting of any such 1470 leases. 1471 Section 31. Subsection (1) and paragraph (g) of subsection 1472 (2) of section 365.173, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1473 365.173 Emergency Communications Number E911 System Fund.— 1474 (1) All revenues derived from the fee levied on subscribers 1475 under s. 365.172 must be paid by the board into the State 1476 Treasury on or before the 15th day of each month. Such moneys 1477 must be accounted for in a special fund to be designated as the 1478 Emergency Communications Number E911 System Fund, a fund created 1479 in the Department of State TechnologyProgram,or other office1480as designated by the Secretary of Management Services,and, for 1481 accounting purposes,must besegregated into two separate 1482 categories: 1483 (a) The wireless category; and 1484 (b) The nonwireless category. 1485 1486 All moneys must be invested by the Chief Financial Officer 1487 pursuant to s. 17.61. All moneys in such fund shallare tobe 1488 expended by the departmentofficefor the purposes provided in 1489 this section and s. 365.172. These funds are not subject to s. 1490 215.20. 1491 (2) As determined by the board pursuant to s. 1492 365.172(8)(h), and subject to any modifications approved by the 1493 board pursuant to s. 365.172(6)(a)3. or (8)(i), the moneys in 1494 the fund shall be distributed and used only as follows: 1495 (g) Two percent of the moneys in the fund shall be used to 1496 make monthly distributions to rural counties for the purpose of 1497 providing facilities and network and service enhancements and 1498 assistance for the 911 or E911 systems operated by rural 1499 counties and for the provision of grants by the department 1500officeto rural counties for upgrading and replacing E911 1501 systems. 1502 1503 The Legislature recognizes that the fee authorized under s. 1504 365.172 may not necessarily provide the total funding required 1505 for establishing or providing the E911 service. It is the intent 1506 of the Legislature that all revenue from the fee be used as 1507 specified in this subsection. 1508 Section 32. Subsection (1) of section 365.174, Florida 1509 Statutes, is amended to read: 1510 365.174 Proprietary confidential business information.— 1511 (1) All proprietary confidential business information 1512 submitted by a provider to the board or the Department of State 1513 Technologyoffice, including the name and billing or service 1514 addresses of service subscribers, and trade secrets as defined 1515 by s. 812.081, is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and 1516 s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Statistical 1517 abstracts of information collected by the board or the 1518 departmentofficemay be released or published, but only in a 1519 manner that does not identify or allow identification of 1520 subscribers or their service numbers or of revenues attributable 1521 to any provider. 1522 Section 33. Section 401.013, Florida Statutes, is amended 1523 to read: 1524 401.013 Legislative intent.—It is the intention and purpose 1525 of the Legislature that a statewide system of regional emergency 1526 medical telecommunications be developed whereby the maximum use 1527 of existing radio channels is achieved in order to more 1528 effectively and rapidly provide emergency medical service to the 1529 general population. To this end, all emergency medical service 1530 entities within the state are directed to provide the Department 1531 of State TechnologyManagement Serviceswith any information the 1532 department requests for the purpose of implementingthe1533provisions ofs. 401.015, and such entities mustshallcomply 1534 with the resultant provisions established pursuant to this part. 1535 Section 34. Section 401.015, Florida Statutes, is amended 1536 to read: 1537 401.015 Statewide regional emergency medical 1538 telecommunication system.—The Department of State Technology 1539 shallManagement Services is authorized and directed todevelop 1540 a statewide system of regional emergency medical 1541 telecommunications. For the purpose of this part, the term 1542 “telecommunications” meansthosevoice, data, and signaling 1543 transmissions and receptions between emergency medical service 1544 components, including, but not limited to: ambulances; rescue 1545 vehicles; hospitals or other related emergency receiving 1546 facilities; emergency communications centers; physicians and 1547 emergency medical personnel; paging facilities; law enforcement 1548 and fire protection agencies; and poison control, suicide, and 1549 emergency management agencies. In formulating such a system, the 1550 agencydepartmentshall divide the state into appropriate 1551 regions andshalldevelop a program thatwhichincludes, but is 1552 not limited to, the following provisions: 1553 (1) A requirements provision that states, which shall state1554 the telecommunications requirements for each emergency medical 1555 entity comprising the region. 1556 (2) An interfacility communications provision that depicts,1557which shall depictthe telecommunications interfaces between the 1558 various medical service entities which operate within the region 1559 and state. 1560 (3) An organizational layout provision that includes, which1561shall includeeach emergency medical entity and the number of 1562 radio operating units (base, mobile, handheld, etc.) per entity. 1563 (4) A frequency allocation and use provision that includes,1564which shall includeon an entity basis each assigned and planned 1565 radio channel and the type of operation (simplex, duplex, half 1566 duplex, etc.) on each channel. 1567 (5) An operational provision that includes, which shall1568includedispatching, logging, and operating procedures 1569 pertaining to telecommunications on an entity basis and regional 1570 basis. 1571 (6) An emergency medical service telephone provision that 1572 includes, which shall includethe telephone and the numbering 1573 plan throughout the region for both the public and interface 1574 requirements. 1575 Section 35. Section 401.018, Florida Statutes, is amended 1576 to read: 1577 401.018 System coordination.— 1578 (1) The statewide system of regional emergency medical 1579 telecommunications shall be developed by the Department of State 1580 TechnologyManagement Services, whichdepartmentshall be 1581 responsible for the implementation and coordination of such 1582 system into the state telecommunications plan. The department 1583 shall adopt any necessary rulesand regulationsfor 1584 administeringimplementingand coordinating such a system. 1585 (2) The Department of State TechnologyManagement Services1586 shall be designated as the state frequency coordinator for the 1587 special emergency radio service. 1588 Section 36. Section 401.021, Florida Statutes, is amended 1589 to read: 1590 401.021 System director.—The Secretary of the Department of 1591 State TechnologyManagement Servicesor his or her designee is 1592 designated as the director of the statewide telecommunications 1593 system of the regional emergency medical service and, for the 1594 purpose of carrying out the provisions of this part, mayis1595authorized tocoordinate the activities of the 1596 telecommunications system with other interested state, county, 1597 local, and private agencies. 1598 Section 37. Section 401.024, Florida Statutes, is amended 1599 to read: 1600 401.024 System approval.—AnFrom July 1, 1973, noemergency 1601 medical telecommunications system may notshallbe established 1602 or present systems expanded without prior approval of the 1603 Department of State TechnologyManagement Services. 1604 Section 38. Section 401.027, Florida Statutes, is amended 1605 to read: 1606 401.027 Federal assistance.—The Secretary of the Department 1607 of State TechnologyManagement Servicesor his or her designee 1608 mayis authorizedto apply for and accept federal funding 1609 assistance in the development and implementation of a statewide 1610 emergency medical telecommunications system. 1611 Section 39. Subsection (4) of section 445.011, Florida 1612 Statutes, is amended to read: 1613 445.011 Workforce information systems.— 1614 (4) Workforce Florida, Inc., shall coordinate development 1615 and implementation of workforce information systems with the 1616 Secretaryexecutive directorof the Department of StateAgency1617for Enterprise InformationTechnology to ensure compatibility 1618 with the state’s information system strategy and enterprise 1619 architecture. 1620 Section 40. Subsection (2) and paragraphs (a) and (b) of 1621 subsection (4) of section 445.045, Florida Statutes, are amended 1622 to read: 1623 445.045 Development of an Internet-based system for 1624 information technology industry promotion and workforce 1625 recruitment.— 1626 (2) Workforce Florida, Inc., shall coordinate with the 1627 Department of StateAgency for Enterprise InformationTechnology 1628 and the Department of Economic Opportunity to ensure that links, 1629 where feasible and appropriate, to existing job information 1630 websites maintained by the state and state agencies andto1631ensurethat information technology positions offered by the 1632 state and state agencies are posted on the information 1633 technology website. 1634 (4)(a) Workforce Florida, Inc., shall coordinate 1635 development and maintenance of the website under this section 1636 with the Secretaryexecutive directorof the Department of State 1637Agency for Enterprise InformationTechnology to ensure 1638 compatibility with the state’s information system strategy and 1639 enterprise architecture. 1640 (b) Workforce Florida, Inc., may enter into an agreement 1641 with the Department of StateAgency for Enterprise Information1642 Technology, the Department of Economic Opportunity, or any other 1643 public agency with the requisite information technology 1644 expertise for the provision of design, operating, or other 1645 technological services necessary to develop and maintain the 1646 website. 1647 Section 41. Paragraph (b) of subsection (18) of section 1648 668.50, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1649 668.50 Uniform Electronic Transaction Act.— 1650 (18) ACCEPTANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS BY 1651 GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES.— 1652 (b) To the extent that a governmental agency uses 1653 electronic records and electronic signatures under paragraph 1654 (a), the Department of StateAgency for Enterprise Information1655 Technology, in consultation with the governmental agency, giving 1656 due consideration to security, may specify: 1657 1. The manner and format in which the electronic records 1658 must be created, generated, sent, communicated, received, and 1659 stored and the systems established for those purposes. 1660 2. If electronic records must be signed by electronic 1661 means, the type of electronic signature required, the manner and 1662 format in which the electronic signature must be affixed to the 1663 electronic record, and the identity of, or criteria that must be 1664 met by, any third party used by a person filing a document to 1665 facilitate the process. 1666 3. Control processes and procedures as appropriate to 1667 ensure adequate preservation, disposition, integrity, security, 1668 confidentiality, and auditability of electronic records. 1669 4. Any other required attributes for electronic records 1670 which are specified for corresponding nonelectronic records or 1671 reasonably necessary under the circumstances. 1672 Section 42. Subsection (2) of section 1006.73, Florida 1673 Statutes, is amended to read: 1674 1006.73 Florida Virtual Campus.— 1675 (2) The chancellors of the Florida College System and the 1676 State University System shall exercise joint oversight of the 1677 Florida Virtual Campus and shall establish its governance and 1678 reporting structure, administrative and operational guidelines 1679 and processes, staffing requirements, and operational budget. 1680 All data center services needed by the Florida Virtual Campus 1681 shall be provided by a primary data center established pursuant 1682 to 1683 (a) In carrying out the purposes of this section: 1684 1. The campus is not an “agency” as defined in s. 20.03(11) 1685 and is not subject to chapter 287. 1686 2. The campus shall be deemed to be acting as an 1687 instrumentality of the state for purposes of sovereign immunity 1688 pursuant to s. 768.28(2). 1689 3. All records of the campus are public records unless made 1690 confidential or exempt from law. 1691 (b) The campus shall maintain an unencumbered balance of 1692 not less than 5 percent of its approved operating budget. 1693 (c) The campus may secure comprehensive general liability 1694 coverage, professional liability coverage, property and casualty 1695 coverage, and any other insurance coverage deemed appropriate by 1696 the chancellors. 1697 (d) The campus may contract for administrative services 1698 with a public postsecondary education institution. The 1699 administrative overhead costs charged by the institution may not 1700 exceed the actual cost of providing the services and shall 1701 require a specific appropriation in the General Appropriations 1702 Act. 1703 Section 43. Transfer from the Executive Office of the 1704 Governor.—All of the powers, duties, functions, records, 1705 personnel, and property; funds, trust funds, and unexpended 1706 balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds; 1707 administrative authority; administrative rules; pending issues; 1708 and existing contracts of the Agency for Enterprise Information 1709 Technology within the Executive Office of the Governor shall 1710 continue and to the extent necessary are transferred by a type 1711 one transfer, pursuant to s. 20.06(1), Florida Statutes, to the 1712 Department of State Technology under s. 20.61, Florida Statutes. 1713 Section 44. Transfer from the Department of Management 1714 Services.—Effective January 1, 2014: 1715 (1) The Technology Program established under s. 20.22(2), 1716 Florida Statutes, is transferred intact by a type one transfer, 1717 as defined in s. 20.06, Florida Statutes, from the Department of 1718 Management Services to the Department of State Technology. 1719 (2) All of the powers, duties, functions, records, 1720 personnel, and property; funds, trust funds, and unexpended 1721 balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds; 1722 administrative authority; administrative rules; pending issues; 1723 and existing contracts relating to the following 1724 responsibilities of the Department of Management Services are 1725 transferred by a type one transfer, as defined in s.20.06, to 1726 the Department of State Technology: 1727 (a) Administrative and regulatory responsibilities under 1728 part II of chapter 282, Florida Statutes, consisting of ss. 1729 282.601-282.606, Florida Statutes, relating to accessibility of 1730 electronic information and information technology for state 1731 employees and members of the public with disabilities, including 1732 the responsibility for rules for the development, procurement, 1733 maintenance, and use of accessible electronic information 1734 technology by governmental units pursuant to s. 282.604, Florida 1735 Statutes. 1736 (b) Administrative and regulatory responsibilities under 1737 part III of chapter 282, Florida Statutes, consisting of ss. 1738 282.701-282.711, Florida Statutes, relating to the state 1739 telecommunications network, state communications, 1740 telecommunications services with state agencies and political 1741 subdivisions of the state, the SUNCOM network, the law 1742 enforcement radio system and interoperability network, regional 1743 law enforcement communications, and remote electronic access. 1744 (c) Administrative and regulatory responsibilities under s. 1745 364.0135, Florida Statutes, relating to broadband Internet 1746 service. 1747 (d) Administrative and regulatory responsibilities under 1748 ss. 365.171-365.175, Florida Statutes, relating to emergency 1749 communications number E911. 1750 (e) Administrative and regulatory responsibilities under 1751 part I of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, consisting of ss. 1752 401.013-401.027, Florida Statutes, relating to a statewide 1753 system of regional emergency medical telecommunications. 1754 (3)(a) The following trust funds are transferred by a type 1755 one transfer, as defined in s. 20.06(1), Florida Statutes, from 1756 the Department of Management Services to the Department of State 1757 Technology: 1758 1. The Communications Working Capital Trust Fund. 1759 2. The Emergency Communications Number E911 System Fund. 1760 3. The State Agency Law Enforcement Radio System Trust 1761 Fund. 1762 4. Federal Grants Trust Fund. 1763 (b) All unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, 1764 and other funds of the Department of Management Services 1765 relating to ss. 282.701-282.711, s. 364.0135, ss. 365.171 1766 365.175, and part I of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, which are 1767 not specifically transferred by this subsection are transferred 1768 by a type one transfer, as defined in s. 20.06(1), Florida 1769 Statutes, to the Department of State Technology. 1770 (4) All lawful orders issued by the Department of 1771 Management Services implementing or enforcing or otherwise in 1772 regard to ss. 282.701-282.711, s. 364.0135, ss. 365.171-365.175, 1773 or part I of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, issued before 1774 January 1, 2014, shall remain in effect and be enforceable after 1775 that date unless thereafter modified in accordance with law. 1776 (5) Any binding contract or interagency agreement entered 1777 into pursuant to ss. 282.701-282.711, s. 364.0135, ss. 365.171 1778 365.175, or part I of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, and 1779 existing before January 1, 2014, between the Department of 1780 Management Services or an entity or agent of the department and 1781 any other agency, entity, or person shall continue as a binding 1782 contract or agreement for the remainder of the term of such 1783 contract or agreement on the Department of State Technology. 1784 (6) The rules of the Department of Management Services 1785 relating to ss. 282.701-282.711, s. 364.0135, ss. 365.171 1786 365.175, or part I of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, that were 1787 in effect at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2013, shall become the 1788 rules of the Department of State Technology and remain in effect 1789 until amended or repealed in the manner provided by law. 1790 (7) The transfer of regulatory authority under ss. 282.701 1791 282.711, s. 364.0135, ss. 365.171-365.175, or part I of chapter 1792 401, Florida Statutes, provided by this section does not affect 1793 the validity of any judicial or administrative action pending as 1794 of 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2013, to which the Department of 1795 Management Services is at that time a party, and the Department 1796 of State Technology shall be substituted as a party in interest 1797 in any such action. 1798 (8) The Northwood Shared Resource Center is transferred by 1799 a type one transfer, as defined in s. 20.06, Florida Statutes, 1800 from the Department of Management Services to the Department of 1801 State Technology. 1802 (a) Any binding contract or interagency agreement entered 1803 into between the Northwood Shared Resource Center or an entity 1804 or agent of the center and any other agency, entity, or person 1805 shall continue as a binding contract or agreement for the 1806 remainder of the term of such contract or agreement on the 1807 Department of State Technology. 1808 (b) The rules of the Northwood Shared Resource Center that 1809 were in effect at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2013, shall become 1810 the rules of the Department of State Technology and shall remain 1811 in effect until amended or repealed in the manner provided by 1812 law. 1813 (9) The Southwood Shared Resource Center is transferred by 1814 a type one transfer, as defined in s. 20.06, Florida Statutes, 1815 from the Department of Management Services to the Department of 1816 State Technology. 1817 (a) Any binding contract or interagency agreement entered 1818 into between the Southwood Shared Resource Center or an entity 1819 or agent of the center and any other agency, entity, or person 1820 shall continue as a binding contract or agreement for the 1821 remainder of the term of such contract or agreement on the 1822 Department of State Technology. 1823 (b) The rules of the Southwood Shared Resource Center that 1824 were in effect at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2013, shall become 1825 the rules of the Department of State Technology and shall remain 1826 in effect until amended or repealed in the manner provided by 1827 law. 1828 Section 45. An employee transferred to the Department of 1829 State Technology by this act shall retain the same status of his 1830 or her current position upon the transfer of that position to 1831 the department. 1832 Section 46. For the 2013-2014 fiscal year, the sum of 1833 $2,865,108 in recurring general revenue funds, $2,134,892 in 1834 nonrecurring general revenue funds, and 24 full-time equivalent 1835 positions and associated salary rate of 2,010,951 are 1836 appropriated to the Department of State Technology for the 1837 purpose of implementing this act. 1838 Section 47. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this 1839 act and except for this section, which shall take effect upon 1840 become law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2013.