Bill Text: FL S1806 | 2022 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Animal Abusers
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2022-03-14 - Died in Judiciary [S1806 Detail]
Download: Florida-2022-S1806-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2022 SB 1806 By Senator Jones 35-01369-22 20221806__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to animal abusers; creating s. 3 943.0425, F.S.; defining terms; requiring the 4 Department of Law Enforcement to post on its website 5 by a specified date a publicly accessible animal 6 abuser registry of persons convicted of animal abuse 7 offenses; prohibiting the registry from including 8 certain information; requiring the clerk of the court 9 in each county to forward certain notice of a 10 conviction for an animal abuse offense to the 11 department within a specified timeframe; providing 12 requirements for the registry; providing requirements 13 for registered abusers; prohibiting specified acts by 14 registered abusers; providing exceptions providing 15 applicability; prohibiting certain persons and 16 entities from selling, exchanging, or otherwise 17 transferring the ownership of an animal to a 18 registered abuser; providing exceptions; requiring the 19 maintenance of specified records; requiring the 20 department to provide certain annual notice to 21 specified entities; providing penalties for specified 22 violations; providing construction; amending ss. 23 828.12 and 828.126, F.S.; authorizing courts, as a 24 condition of probation, to prohibit persons convicted 25 of certain animal cruelty or sexual activity with an 26 animal violations from having certain responsibilities 27 for or associations with an animal; providing an 28 effective date. 29 30 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 31 32 Section 1. Section 943.0425, Florida Statutes, is created 33 to read: 34 943.0425 Animal abuser registration.— 35 (1) As used in this section, the term: 36 (a) “Abuser” or “animal abuser” means an adult as defined 37 in s. 985.03 who has been convicted in this state of committing 38 an animal abuse offense. 39 (b) “Animal” means a dog of the species Canis familiaris, a 40 cat of the species Felis catus, a pet normally maintained in or 41 near the household of its owner, a domesticated animal, 42 previously captured wildlife, an exotic animal, or any other pet 43 including, but not limited to, a rabbit, chick, duck, or 44 potbellied pig. 45 (c) “Animal abuse offense” means a violation of: 46 1. Section 828.12, relating to cruelty to animals. 47 2. Section 828.122, relating to fighting or baiting 48 animals. 49 3. Section 828.123, relating to killing a dog or cat with 50 the intent to sell or give away its pelt. 51 4. Section 828.125, relating to killing or aggravated abuse 52 of horses or cattle. 53 5. Section 828.126, relating to sexual activities involving 54 animals. 55 6. Section 828.13, relating to confinement of animals 56 without sufficient food, water, or exercise or abandonment of an 57 animal. 58 (d) “Companion animal” means a domesticated or tamed animal 59 intended to provide companionship, to be used for personal use 60 or enjoyment, or to be raised for nonagricultural purposes. The 61 term does not include a service animal or any other animal or 62 wildlife under the exclusive jurisdiction of the state. 63 (e) “Conviction” has the same meaning as in s. 775.21(2). 64 (f) “Farm animal” means a horse or an animal used in the 65 production of human or animal food, feed, or fiber regardless of 66 whether the horse or animal is actually being used or raised for 67 such purposes. 68 (g) “Pet dealer” means: 69 1. A pet dealer as defined in s. 828.29(13); or 70 2. An animal shelter, humane organization, or animal 71 control agency operated by a humane organization that receives 72 funds from the state or from a political subdivision of the 73 state and that, in the ordinary course of business, engages in 74 the sale or adoption of animals. 75 (h) “Registered breed association” means an association 76 formed and perpetuated for the maintenance of records of 77 purebreeding of a specific breed of animals whose 78 characteristics are set forth in constitutions, bylaws, or other 79 rules of the association. 80 (i) “Service animal” means a dog or miniature horse that 81 has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a 82 person with a disability as defined in the Americans with 83 Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. s. 12102. 84 (2)(a) Beginning on January 1, 2023, the department shall 85 post a publicly accessible animal abuser registry on its website 86 that includes each person convicted of an animal abuse offense 87 on or after that date. 88 (b)1. The registry must include all of the information 89 specified in subsection (3). 90 2. The registry may not include the abuser’s social 91 security number, driver license number, or any other state or 92 federal identification number. 93 (c) The clerk of the court in each county shall forward a 94 copy of the judgment and date of birth of each abuser to the 95 department within 30 calendar days after the date of conviction 96 of the abuser. 97 (d) The registry shall include the required information 98 about each abuser from the date of his or her release from 99 incarceration or, if he or she is not incarcerated, from the 100 date of his or her conviction: 101 1. For a period of 3 years for a first conviction of a 102 misdemeanor animal abuse offense. 103 2. For a period of 5 years for a first conviction of a 104 felony animal abuse offense. 105 3. For a period of 10 years for a second or subsequent 106 conviction of a misdemeanor or felony animal abuse offense. 107 (e) Upon notification to the department that the criminal 108 records of an abuser have been expunged or of a successful 109 appeal of a conviction of an animal abuse offense by a 110 registered abuser, the department shall remove the registered 111 abuser’s information from the registry within 10 business days 112 after such notification. 113 (3)(a) An abuser shall register with the department by 114 personally appearing at the sheriff’s office in the county in 115 which he or she resides to provide the following information: 116 1. Full legal name and any aliases he or she may be known 117 by. 118 2. Current or anticipated residence address. 119 3. Date of birth. 120 4. A photograph of the front of his or her head and 121 shoulders. 122 5. A copy of his or her judgment to confirm the animal 123 abuse offense, the date of his or her conviction, and the 124 sentence imposed upon him or her. 125 (b) Every registered abuser shall personally appear at the 126 sheriff’s office in the county in which he or she resides to 127 update his or her registry information within 10 business days 128 after any change in his or her residence address or name. 129 (c) A registered abuser shall personally appear at the 130 sheriff’s office in the county in which he or she resides to 131 renew his or her registration information annually on the 132 anniversary date of his or her initial registration or, if his 133 or her anniversary date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal 134 holiday, on the first business day following his or her 135 anniversary date. At such time, the registered abuser’s 136 photograph and information shall be reviewed to verify accuracy. 137 (4)(a) A registered abuser may not own, possess, or reside 138 in the same residence with or on the same property as an animal 139 unless otherwise provided in a court order. 140 (b) A registered abuser may not work with a companion 141 animal, with or without compensation, unless otherwise provided 142 in a court order. 143 (c) A registered abuser who has been determined by a court 144 to be unfit to have custody of an animal pursuant to s. 828.073 145 shall also be bound by the determinations of the court if that 146 determination was made pursuant to the same underlying facts 147 resulting in the conviction that requires the abuser to register 148 with the department. 149 (d) The state may, at any time it deems necessary, enforce 150 or, notwithstanding any other court order, obtain a court order 151 enjoining a registered abuser from owning, possessing, or 152 residing in the same residence with or on the same property as 153 an animal or working with a companion animal, with or without 154 compensation. 155 (e) This subsection does not apply to farm animals or 156 service animals unless there is an enjoinment order or an animal 157 abuse offense pertaining directly to farm animals or service 158 animals. 159 (5)(a) A pet dealer, person, or entity located in the state 160 may not knowingly sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer the 161 ownership of an animal to a registered abuser. 162 (b) Before the sale, exchange, or other transfer of the 163 ownership of an animal, the pet dealer, person, or entity shall 164 take whatever steps necessary to ensure that the animal is not 165 being sold, exchanged, or otherwise transferred to a registered 166 abuser. 167 (c) Such steps shall include, but are not limited to, 168 posting, when possible, current signage displaying registered 169 abusers in well-trafficked, highly visible areas for public 170 viewing and in employee stock or break areas, notifying law 171 enforcement upon the recognition of a registered abuser who 172 obtained an animal in violation of this section, and requiring a 173 person to sign an affidavit attesting that he or she is not a 174 registered abuser before obtaining an animal. 175 (d) The pet dealer, person, or entity shall be required to 176 maintain the required affidavits and other adequate records and 177 supporting documentation for 3 years or in accordance with the 178 required retention time set forth by business standards and 179 practices governing the particular commercial establishment and 180 record, whichever is greater, to ensure compliance with this 181 section. The state and its authorized agents may examine all 182 such records and documentation relating to compliance with this 183 section, and the pet dealer, person, or entity may be required 184 to cooperate and permit the county to examine all such records 185 and documentation relating to compliance with this section. 186 (e) It is not a violation of this section if the pet 187 dealer, person, or entity checked the registry on the 188 department’s website and the abuser’s name was not included in 189 the registry. 190 (f) This subsection does not apply to farm animals or 191 service animals. 192 (6) Beginning in 2024, the department shall annually notify 193 the leading registered breed associations for animals covered by 194 this section that an animal abuser registry exists and encourage 195 the associations to urge their members not to sell, exchange, or 196 otherwise transfer the ownership of an animal to a registered 197 abuser. The notice may be in electronic form. 198 (7) The department shall annually notify all pet dealers as 199 provided in subsection (8). The notice may be in electronic 200 form. 201 (8) The annual notification specified in subsection (7) 202 shall notify all pet dealers: 203 (a) That an animal abuser registry exists that is 204 maintained by the department. 205 (b) Of new registered abusers. 206 (9)(a) An abuser who is required to initially register with 207 the department, update changes in his or her residence address 208 or name with the registry, annually renew his or her registry 209 information, comply with the prohibition on contact with certain 210 animals, or comply with any court-issued enjoinment order under 211 this section and who fails to do so commits a misdemeanor of the 212 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 213 775.083. 214 (b) Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a 215 separate violation. 216 (10) A pet dealer, person, or entity that knowingly sells, 217 exchanges, or otherwise transfers the ownership of an animal to 218 a registered abuser in violation of this section shall be 219 penalized in the following manner: 220 (a) For the first offense, a written warning. 221 (b) For a second offense, a fine of up to $500 shall be 222 imposed. 223 (c) For a third or any subsequent violation, the pet 224 dealer, person, or entity commits a misdemeanor of the second 225 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 226 (11) Subsections (9) and (10) do not prevent the state from 227 taking such other lawful action in law and equity as may be 228 necessary to remedy any violation of, or refusal to comply with, 229 any part of this section, including, but not limited to, pursuit 230 of injunctive or declaratory relief or enjoinment, or other 231 equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction, or 232 initiating an action to recover any and all damages that may 233 result from a violation of, or refusal to comply with, any part 234 of this section. 235 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 828.12, Florida 236 Statutes, is amended to read: 237 828.12 Cruelty to animals.— 238 (2) A person who intentionally commits an act to any 239 animal, or a person who owns or has the custody or control of 240 any animal and fails to act, which results in the cruel death, 241 or excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or 242 suffering, or causes the same to be done, commits aggravated 243 animal cruelty, a felony of the third degree, punishable as 244 provided in s. 775.082 or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or 245 both. 246 (a) A person convicted of a violation of this subsection, 247 where the finder of fact determines that the violation includes 248 the knowing and intentional torture or torment of an animal that 249 injures, mutilates, or kills the animal, shall be ordered to pay 250 a minimum mandatory fine of $2,500 and undergo psychological 251 counseling or complete an anger management treatment program. 252 (b) A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation 253 of this subsection shall be required to pay a minimum mandatory 254 fine of $5,000 and serve a minimum mandatory period of 255 incarceration of 6 months. In addition, the person shall be 256 released only upon expiration of sentence, is not eligible for 257 parole, control release, or any form of early release, and must 258 serve 100 percent of the court-imposed sentence. Any plea of 259 nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of 260 this subsection. 261 (c) As a condition of probation, a court may prohibit a 262 person who violates this subsection from owning, possessing, 263 maintaining, having custody of, residing with, or caring for an 264 animal. 265 Section 3. Section 828.126, Florida Statutes, is amended to 266 read: 267 828.126 Sexual activities involving animals.— 268 (1) As used in this section, the term: 269 (a) “Sexual conduct” means any touching or fondling by a 270 person, either directly or through clothing, of the sex organs 271 or anus of an animal or any transfer or transmission of semen by 272 the person upon any part of the animal for the purpose of sexual 273 gratification or arousal of the person. 274 (b) “Sexual contact” means any contact, however slight, 275 between the mouth, sex organ, or anus of a person and the sex 276 organ or anus of an animal, or any penetration, however slight, 277 of any part of the body of the person into the sex organ or anus 278 of an animal, or any penetration of the sex organ or anus of the 279 person into the mouth of the animal, for the purpose of sexual 280 gratification or sexual arousal of the person. 281 (2) A person may not: 282 (a) Knowingly engage in any sexual conduct or sexual 283 contact with an animal; 284 (b) Knowingly cause, aid, or abet another person to engage 285 in any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal; 286 (c) Knowingly permit any sexual conduct or sexual contact 287 with an animal to be conducted on any premises under his or her 288 charge or control; or 289 (d) Knowingly organize, promote, conduct, advertise, aid, 290 abet, participate in as an observer, or perform any service in 291 the furtherance of an act involving any sexual conduct or sexual 292 contact with an animal for a commercial or recreational purpose. 293 (3) A person who violates this section commits a 294 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 295 775.082 or s. 775.083. 296 (4) As a condition of probation, a court may prohibit a 297 person who violates this section from owning, possessing, 298 maintaining, having custody of, residing with, or caring for an 299 animal. 300 (5)(4)This section does not apply to accepted animal 301 husbandry practices, conformation judging practices, or accepted 302 veterinary medical practices. 303 Section 4. This act shall take effect October 1, 2022.