Bill Text: FL S1884 | 2018 | Regular Session | Comm Sub

Bill Title: Military and Veterans Affairs

Spectrum: Broadly Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-03-02 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 29 [S1884 Detail]

Download: Florida-2018-S1884-Comm_Sub.html
       Florida Senate - 2018                             CS for SB 1884
       By the Committee on Appropriations; and Senators Broxson and
       576-03574-18                                          20181884c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to military and veterans affairs;
    3         creating s. 250.483, F.S.; providing requirements
    4         relating to licensure or qualification of persons
    5         ordered into active duty or state active duty;
    6         amending s. 295.21, F.S.; providing that a member of
    7         the board of directors for Florida is for Veterans,
    8         Inc., is eligible for reappointment under certain
    9         circumstances; amending s. 295.22, F.S.; revising
   10         provisions relating to receiving training grants from
   11         Florida is for Veterans, Inc.; amending s. 446.041,
   12         F.S.; providing duties of the Department of Education;
   13         amending s. 446.081, F.S.; providing construction;
   14         amending s. 455.02, F.S.; requiring the Department of
   15         Business and Professional Regulation to waive certain
   16         fees; amending s. 456.024, F.S.; revising licensure
   17         eligibility requirements; providing an exemption from
   18         certain penalties; amending ss. 472.015, 472.016,
   19         493.6105, 493.6107, and 493.6113, F.S.; requiring the
   20         Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to
   21         waive certain fees; amending ss. 494.00312 and
   22         494.00313, F.S.; requiring the Office of Financial
   23         Regulation to waive certain fees; amending s. 497.140,
   24         F.S.; providing an exemption from a certain fee;
   25         amending s. 497.141, F.S.; providing an exemption from
   26         a certain fee; amending ss. 497.281, 497.368, 497.369,
   27         497.370, 497.371, 497.373, 497.374, and 497.375, F.S.;
   28         providing exemptions from certain fees; creating s.
   29         497.393, F.S.; authorizing the licensing authority to
   30         recognize certain military-issued credentials for
   31         purposes of licensure; amending ss. 497.453, 497.466,
   32         and 497.554, F.S.; providing exemptions from certain
   33         fees; amending s. 497.602, F.S.; providing an
   34         exemption from an application fee; authorizing the
   35         licensing authority to recognize certain military
   36         issued credentials for purposes of licensure; amending
   37         s. 501.015, F.S.; requiring the Department of
   38         Agriculture and Consumer Services to waive a
   39         registration fee; amending ss. 501.605, 501.607,
   40         501.609, and 507.03, F.S.; requiring the Department of
   41         Agriculture and Consumer Services to waive certain
   42         fees for certain licensees; amending s. 517.12, F.S.;
   43         requiring the Office of Financial Regulation to waive
   44         certain fees; amending ss. 527.02 and 539.001, F.S.;
   45         waiving certain licensing fees; amending ss. 559.904
   46         and 559.928, F.S.; requiring the Department of
   47         Agriculture and Consumer Services to waive certain
   48         registration fees; amending s. 626.171, F.S.; revising
   49         fee waiver qualification requirements for certain
   50         applicants; amending ss. 626.732, 626.7851, 626.8311,
   51         626.8417, and 626.927, F.S.; revising prelicensure
   52         course requirements for certain applicants; amending
   53         s. 633.414, F.S.; authorizing an extension for
   54         firefighter certification renewal for certain persons;
   55         amending s. 633.444, F.S.; requiring the Division of
   56         State Fire Marshal to waive certain expenses
   57         associated with attending the Florida State Fire
   58         College; creating s. 683.147, F.S.; designating March
   59         25 of each year as “Medal of Honor Day”; amending s.
   60         1002.37, F.S.; revising the order of priority given to
   61         students seeking enrollment in the Florida Virtual
   62         School; amending s. 1003.42, F.S.; providing for a
   63         character development program that incorporates the
   64         values of the Congressional Medal of Honor; amending
   65         s. 1012.55, F.S.; requiring the State Board of
   66         Education to issue a temporary certificate in
   67         educational leadership to certain persons; revising
   68         certain exemptions from requirements for teacher
   69         certification for certain individuals; amending s.
   70         1012.56, F.S.; requiring the State Board of Education
   71         to adopt certain rules; amending s. 1012.59, F.S.;
   72         requiring the State Board of Education to waive
   73         certain fees; providing an effective date.
   75  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   77         Section 1. Section 250.483, Florida Statutes, is created to
   78  read:
   79         250.483Active duty; licensure or qualification.—
   80         (1)If a member of the Florida National Guard or the United
   81  States Armed Forces Reserves seeking licensure or qualification
   82  for a trade, occupation, or profession is ordered into state
   83  active duty or into active duty as defined in this chapter, and
   84  his or her period of training, study, apprenticeship, or
   85  practical experience is interrupted or the start thereof is
   86  delayed, he or she is entitled to licensure or qualification
   87  under the laws covering his or her licensure or qualification at
   88  the time of entrance into active duty pursuant to subsection
   89  (2).
   90         (2)A board of examiners or other qualification board
   91  regulated under general law shall accept periods of training and
   92  practical experience in the Florida National Guard or the United
   93  States Armed Forces Reserves in place of the interrupted or
   94  delayed periods of training, study, apprenticeship, or practical
   95  experience if the board finds the standard and type of work or
   96  training performed in the Florida National Guard or the United
   97  States Armed Forces Reserves to be substantially the same as the
   98  standard and type required under the laws of this state.
   99         (3)A member of the National Guard or the United States
  100  Armed Forces Reserves must request licensure or qualification
  101  pursuant to this section by the respective board of examiners or
  102  other qualification board within 6 months after release from
  103  active duty with the Florida National Guard or the United States
  104  Armed Forces Reserves.
  105         Section 2. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section
  106  295.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  107         295.21 Florida Is For Veterans, Inc.—
  108         (4) GOVERNANCE.—
  109         (c) Each member of the board of directors shall be
  110  appointed for a term of 4 years, except that, to achieve
  111  staggered terms, the initial appointees of the Governor shall
  112  serve terms of 2 years. A member is eligible ineligible for
  113  reappointment to the board except that a member appointed to a
  114  term of 2 years or less may be reappointed for one an additional
  115  term of 4 years. The initial appointments to the board must be
  116  made by July 15, 2014. Vacancies on the board shall be filled in
  117  the same manner as the original appointment. A vacancy that
  118  occurs before the scheduled expiration of the term of the member
  119  shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
  120         Section 3. Paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (3) of
  121  section 295.22, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  122         295.22 Veterans Employment and Training Services Program.—
  123         (3) ADMINISTRATION.—Florida Is For Veterans, Inc., shall
  124  administer the Veterans Employment and Training Services Program
  125  and perform all of the following functions:
  126         (d) Create a grant program to provide funding to assist
  127  veterans in meeting the workforce-skill needs of businesses
  128  seeking to hire, promote, or generally improve specialized
  129  skills of veterans, establish criteria for approval of requests
  130  for funding, and maximize the use of funding for this program.
  131  Grant funds may be used only in the absence of available
  132  veteran-specific federally funded programs. Grants may fund
  133  specialized training specific to a particular business.
  134         1. Grant funds may be allocated to any training provider
  135  selected by the business, including a career center, a Florida
  136  College System institution, a state university, or an in-house
  137  training provider of the business. If grant funds are used to
  138  provide a technical certificate, a licensure, or a degree, funds
  139  may be allocated only upon a review that includes, but is not
  140  limited to, documentation of accreditation and licensure.
  141  Instruction funded through the program terminates when
  142  participants demonstrate competence at the level specified in
  143  the request but may not exceed 12 48 months. Preference shall be
  144  given to target industry businesses, as defined in s. 288.106,
  145  and to businesses in the defense supply, cloud virtualization,
  146  or commercial aviation manufacturing industries.
  147         2. Costs and expenditures for the grant program must be
  148  documented and separated from those incurred by the training
  149  provider. Costs and expenditures shall be limited to $8,000 per
  150  veteran trainee. Qualified businesses must cover the entire cost
  151  for all of the training provided before receiving reimbursement
  152  from the corporation equal to 50 percent of the cost to train a
  153  veteran who is a permanent, full-time employee. Eligible costs
  154  and expenditures include:
  155         a. Tuition and fees.
  156         b.Curriculum development.
  157         b.c. Books and classroom materials.
  158         c.d. Rental fees for facilities at public colleges and
  159  universities, including virtual training labs.
  160         e.Overhead or indirect costs not to exceed 5 percent of
  161  the grant amount.
  162         3. Before funds are allocated for a request pursuant to
  163  this section, the corporation shall prepare a grant agreement
  164  between the business requesting funds, the educational
  165  institution or training provider receiving funding through the
  166  program, and the corporation. Such agreement must include, but
  167  need not be limited to:
  168         a. Identification of the personnel necessary to conduct the
  169  instructional program, instructional program description, and
  170  any vendors used to conduct the instructional program the
  171  qualifications of such personnel, and the respective
  172  responsibilities of the parties for paying costs associated with
  173  the employment of such personnel.
  174         b.Identification of the match provided by the business,
  175  including cash and in-kind contributions, equal to at least 50
  176  percent of the total grant amount.
  177         b.c. Identification of the estimated duration of the
  178  instructional program.
  179         c.d. Identification of all direct, training-related costs.
  180         d.e. Identification of special program requirements that
  181  are not otherwise addressed in the agreement.
  182         e.f. Permission to access aggregate information specific to
  183  the wages and performance of participants upon the completion of
  184  instruction for evaluation purposes. The agreement must specify
  185  that any evaluation published subsequent to the instruction may
  186  not identify the employer or any individual participant.
  187         4. A business may receive a grant under the Quick-Response
  188  Training Program created under s. 288.047 and a grant under this
  189  section for the same veteran trainee. If a business receives
  190  funds under both programs, one grant agreement may be entered
  191  into with CareerSource Florida, Inc., as the grant
  192  administrator.
  193         (e) Contract with one or more entities to administer an
  194  entrepreneur initiative program for veterans in this state which
  195  connects business leaders in the state with veterans seeking to
  196  become entrepreneurs.
  197         1. The corporation shall award each contract in accordance
  198  with the competitive bidding requirements in s. 287.057 to one
  199  or more public or private entities universities that:
  200         a. Demonstrate the ability to implement the program and the
  201  commitment of university resources, including financial
  202  resources, to such programs.
  203         b. Have a demonstrated experience working with military and
  204  veteran entrepreneurs resource center.
  205         c.Have a regional small business development center in the
  206  Florida Small Business Development Center Network.
  207         c.d. As determined by the corporation, have been nationally
  208  recognized for their performance in assisting entrepreneurs to
  209  launch successful businesses in the state commitment to the
  210  military and veterans.
  211         2. Each contract must include performance metrics,
  212  including a focus on employment and business creation. Each
  213  university must coordinate with any entrepreneurship center
  214  located at the university. The entity university may also work
  215  with a university or college an entity offering related programs
  216  to refer veterans or to provide services. The entrepreneur
  217  initiative program may include activities and assistance such as
  218  peer-to-peer learning sessions, mentoring, technical assistance,
  219  business roundtables, networking opportunities, support of
  220  student organizations, speaker series, or other tools within a
  221  virtual environment.
  222         Section 4. Subsections (7) through (12) of section 446.041,
  223  Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (8) through
  224  (13), respectively, and a new subsection (7) is added to that
  225  section, to read:
  226         446.041 Apprenticeship program, duties of the department.
  227  The department shall:
  228         (7)Lead and coordinate outreach efforts to educate
  229  veterans about apprenticeship and career opportunities.
  230         Section 5. Subsection (4) is added to section 446.081,
  231  Florida Statutes, to read:
  232         446.081 Limitation.—
  233         (4)Nothing in ss. 446.011-446.092 or in any rules adopted
  234  or contained in any approved apprentice agreement under such
  235  sections invalidates any special provision for veterans,
  236  minority persons, or women in the standards, qualifications, or
  237  operation of the apprenticeship program which is not otherwise
  238  prohibited by any applicable general law, rule, or regulation.
  239         Section 6. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 455.02,
  240  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  241         455.02 Licensure of members of the Armed Forces in good
  242  standing and their spouses or surviving spouses with
  243  administrative boards or programs.—
  244         (1) Any member of the United States Armed Forces of the
  245  United States now or hereafter on active duty who, at the time
  246  of becoming such a member, was in good standing with any of the
  247  boards or programs listed in s. 20.165 and was entitled to
  248  practice or engage in his or her profession or occupation
  249  vocation in the state shall be kept in good standing by the
  250  applicable board or program, without registering, paying dues or
  251  fees, or performing any other act on his or her part to be
  252  performed, as long as he or she is a member of the United States
  253  Armed Forces of the United States on active duty and for a
  254  period of 2 years after discharge from active duty as a member
  255  of the Armed Forces of the United States, if he or she is not
  256  engaged in his or her licensed profession or vocation in the
  257  private sector for profit. A member, during active duty and for
  258  a period of 2 years after discharge from active duty, engaged in
  259  his or her licensed profession or occupation in the private
  260  sector for profit in this state must complete all license
  261  renewal provisions except remitting the license renewal fee,
  262  which shall be waived by the department.
  263         (2) A spouse of a member of the Armed Services of the
  264  United States Armed Forces who is married to a member during a
  265  period of active duty, or a surviving spouse of a member who at
  266  the time of death was serving on active duty, who is in good
  267  standing with any of the boards or programs listed in s. 20.165
  268  shall be kept in good standing by the applicable board or
  269  program as described in subsection (1) and shall be exempt from
  270  licensure renewal provisions, but only in cases of his or her
  271  absence from the state because of his or her spouse’s duties
  272  with the United States Armed Forces. The department or the
  273  appropriate board or program shall waive any license renewal fee
  274  for such spouse when he or she is present in this state because
  275  of such member’s active duty and for a surviving spouse of a
  276  member who at the time of death was serving on active duty and
  277  died within the 2 years preceding the date of renewal.
  278         Section 7. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) and
  279  paragraph (j) of subsection (4) of section 456.024, Florida
  280  Statutes, are amended, and subsection (5) is added to that
  281  section, to read:
  282         456.024 Members of Armed Forces in good standing with
  283  administrative boards or the department; spouses; licensure.—
  284         (3)(a) A person is eligible for licensure as a health care
  285  practitioner in this state if he or she:
  286         1. Serves or has served as a health care practitioner in
  287  the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve
  288  Forces, or the National Guard;
  289         2. Serves or has served on active duty with the United
  290  States Armed Forces as a health care practitioner in the United
  291  States Public Health Service; or
  292         3. Is a health care practitioner, other than a dentist, in
  293  another state, the District of Columbia, or a possession or
  294  territory of the United States and is the spouse of a person
  295  serving on active duty with the United States Armed Forces.
  297  The department shall develop an application form, and each
  298  board, or the department if there is no board, shall waive the
  299  application fee, licensure fee, and unlicensed activity fee for
  300  such applicants. For purposes of this subsection, “health care
  301  practitioner” means a health care practitioner as defined in s.
  302  456.001 and a person licensed under part III of chapter 401 or
  303  part IV of chapter 468.
  304         (b) The board, or the department if there is no board,
  305  shall issue a license to practice in this state to a person who:
  306         1. Submits a complete application.
  307         2. If he or she is a member of the United States Armed
  308  Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard,
  309  submits proof that he or she has received an honorable discharge
  310  within 6 months before, or will receive an honorable discharge
  311  within 6 months after, the date of submission of the
  312  application.
  313         3.a. Holds an active, unencumbered license issued by
  314  another state, the District of Columbia, or a possession or
  315  territory of the United States and who has not had disciplinary
  316  action taken against him or her in the 5 years preceding the
  317  date of submission of the application;
  318         b. Is a military health care practitioner in a profession
  319  for which licensure in a state or jurisdiction is not required
  320  to practice in the United States Armed Forces, if he or she
  321  submits to the department evidence of military training or
  322  experience substantially equivalent to the requirements for
  323  licensure in this state in that profession and evidence that he
  324  or she has obtained a passing score on the appropriate
  325  examination of a national or regional standards organization if
  326  required for licensure in this state; or
  327         c. Is the spouse of a person serving on active duty in the
  328  United States Armed Forces and is a health care practitioner in
  329  a profession, excluding dentistry, for which licensure in
  330  another state or jurisdiction is not required, if he or she
  331  submits to the department evidence of training or experience
  332  substantially equivalent to the requirements for licensure in
  333  this state in that profession and evidence that he or she has
  334  obtained a passing score on the appropriate examination of a
  335  national or regional standards organization if required for
  336  licensure in this state.
  337         4. Attests that he or she is not, at the time of submission
  338  of the application, the subject of a disciplinary proceeding in
  339  a jurisdiction in which he or she holds a license or by the
  340  United States Department of Defense for reasons related to the
  341  practice of the profession for which he or she is applying.
  342         5. Actively practiced the profession for which he or she is
  343  applying for the 3 years preceding the date of submission of the
  344  application.
  345         6. Submits a set of fingerprints for a background screening
  346  pursuant to s. 456.0135, if required for the profession for
  347  which he or she is applying.
  349  The department shall verify information submitted by the
  350  applicant under this subsection using the National Practitioner
  351  Data Bank.
  352         (4)
  353         (j)An applicant who is issued a temporary professional
  354  license to practice as a dentist pursuant to this section must
  355  practice under the indirect supervision, as defined in s.
  356  466.003, of a dentist licensed pursuant to chapter 466.
  357         (5)The spouse of a person serving on active duty with the
  358  United States Armed Forces shall have a defense to any citation
  359  and related cause of action brought under s. 456.065 if the
  360  following conditions are met:
  361         (a)The spouse holds an active, unencumbered license issued
  362  by another state or jurisdiction to provide health care services
  363  for which there is no equivalent license in this state.
  364         (b)The spouse is providing health care services within the
  365  scope of practice of the out-of-state license.
  366         (c)The training or experience required by the out-of-state
  367  license is substantially similar to the license requirements to
  368  practice a similar health care profession in this state.
  369         Section 8. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
  370  472.015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  371         472.015 Licensure.—
  372         (3)
  373         (b) The department shall waive the initial license fee for
  374  an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
  375  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
  376  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
  377  on active duty or the spouse of such a member, the surviving
  378  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces who died
  379  while serving on active duty, or a business entity that has a
  380  majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse or surviving
  381  spouse if the department receives an application, in a format
  382  prescribed by the department. The application format must
  383  include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and
  384  supporting documentation, within 60 months after the date of the
  385  veteran’s discharge from any branch of the United States Armed
  386  Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
  387         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
  388  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
  389  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
  390  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
  391         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
  392  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
  393  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
  394  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
  395  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
  396  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
  397  veteran at the time of discharge; or
  398         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
  399  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
  400  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
  401  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
  402  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
  403  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
  404  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
  405  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
  406  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
  407         Section 9. Section 472.016, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  408  read:
  409         472.016 Members of Armed Forces in good standing with the
  410  board.—
  411         (1) Any member of the United States Armed Forces of the
  412  United States who is now or in the future on active duty and
  413  who, at the time of becoming such a member of the United States
  414  Armed Forces, was in good standing with the board and entitled
  415  to practice or engage in surveying and mapping in the state
  416  shall be kept in good standing by the board, without
  417  registering, paying dues or fees, or performing any other act on
  418  his or her part to be performed, as long as he or she is a
  419  member of the United States Armed Forces of the United States on
  420  active duty and for a period of 2 years 6 months after discharge
  421  from active duty, provided that he or she is not engaged in the
  422  practice of surveying or mapping in the private sector for
  423  profit. A member, during active duty and for a period of 2 years
  424  after discharge from active duty, engaged in the practice of
  425  surveying or mapping in the private sector for profit in this
  426  state must complete all licensure renewal provisions except
  427  remitting the license renewal fee, which shall be waived by the
  428  department.
  429         (2) The board shall adopt rules exempting the spouses of
  430  members of the United States Armed Forces of the United States
  431  from licensure renewal provisions, but only in cases of absence
  432  from the state because of their spouses’ duties with the United
  433  States Armed Forces. The department or the appropriate board or
  434  program shall waive any license renewal fee for the spouse of a
  435  member of the United States Armed Forces when such member is
  436  present in this state because of the member’s active duty with
  437  the United States Armed Forces, and for the surviving spouse of
  438  a member who at the time of death was serving on active duty and
  439  died within the 2 years preceding the date of renewal.
  440         Section 10. Subsection (1) of section 493.6105, Florida
  441  Statutes, is amended to read:
  442         493.6105 Initial application for license.—
  443         (1) Each individual, partner, or principal officer in a
  444  corporation, shall file with the department a complete
  445  application accompanied by an application fee not to exceed $60,
  446  except that an the applicant for a Class “D” or Class “G”
  447  license is not required to submit an application fee. An
  448  application fee is not required for an applicant who qualifies
  449  for the fee waiver in s. 493.6107(6). The application fee is not
  450  refundable.
  451         (a) The application submitted by any individual, partner,
  452  or corporate officer must be approved by the department before
  453  the individual, partner, or corporate officer assumes his or her
  454  duties.
  455         (b) Individuals who invest in the ownership of a licensed
  456  agency but do not participate in, direct, or control the
  457  operations of the agency are not required to file an
  458  application.
  459         (c)The initial application fee for a veteran, as defined
  460  in s. 1.01, shall be waived if he or she applies for a Class
  461  “C,” Class “CC,” Class “DI,” Class “E,” Class “EE,” Class “K,”
  462  Class “M,” Class “MA,” Class “MB,” Class “MR,” or Class “RI”
  463  license within 24 months after being discharged from a branch of
  464  the United States Armed Forces. An eligible veteran must include
  465  a copy of his or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States
  466  Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of
  467  identification as specified by the Department of Veterans’
  468  Affairs with his or her application in order to obtain a waiver.
  469         Section 11. Subsection (6) of section 493.6107, Florida
  470  Statutes, is amended to read:
  471         493.6107 Fees.—
  472         (6) The initial application license fee for a veteran, as
  473  defined in s. 1.01, the spouse or surviving spouse of such
  474  veteran, a member of the United States Armed Forces who has
  475  served on active duty, or the spouse or surviving spouse of such
  476  member who at the time of death was serving on active duty and
  477  died within the 2 years preceding the initial application, shall
  478  be waived if he or she applies for a Class “C,” Class “CC,”
  479  Class “DI,” Class “E,” Class “EE,” Class “K,” Class “M,” Class
  480  “MA,” Class “MB,” Class “MR,” or Class “RI” license in a format
  481  prescribed by the department. The application format must
  482  include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and
  483  supporting documentation Class “M” or Class “K” license within
  484  24 months after being discharged from any branch of the United
  485  States Armed Forces. An eligible veteran must include a copy of
  486  his or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States
  487  Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of
  488  identification as specified by the Department of Veterans’
  489  Affairs with his or her application in order to obtain a waiver.
  490  A licensee seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed
  491  by the department, including the applicant’s signature, under
  492  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.
  493         Section 12. Subsection (7) is added to section 493.6113,
  494  Florida Statutes, to read:
  495         493.6113 Renewal application for licensure.—
  496         (7)The department shall waive the respective fees for a
  497  licensee who:
  498         (a)Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
  499  Forces or the spouse of such member;
  500         (b)Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces
  501  and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
  502  expiration date of the license. A licensee who is a former
  503  member of the United States Armed Forces who served on active
  504  duty within the 2 years preceding the application must have
  505  received an honorable discharge upon separation or discharge
  506  from the United States Armed Forces; or
  507         (c)Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United
  508  States Armed Forces who was serving on active duty at the time
  509  of death and died within the 2 years preceding the expiration
  510  date of the license.
  512  A licensee seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed
  513  by the department, including the applicant’s signature, under
  514  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.
  515         Section 13. Subsection (8) is added to section 494.00312,
  516  Florida Statutes, to read:
  517         494.00312 Loan originator license.—
  518         (8)The office shall waive the fees required by paragraph
  519  (2)(e) for an applicant who:
  520         (a)Is or was an active duty member of the United States
  521  Armed Forces. To qualify for the fee waiver, an applicant who is
  522  a former member of the United States Armed Forces must have
  523  received an honorable discharge upon separation or discharge
  524  from the United States Armed Forces;
  525         (b)Is married to a current or former member of the United
  526  States Armed Forces and is or was married to the member during
  527  any period of active duty; or
  528         (c)Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United
  529  States Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at
  530  the time of death.
  532  An applicant seeking such fee waiver must submit proof, in a
  533  form prescribed by commission rule, that the applicant meets one
  534  of the qualifications in this subsection.
  535         Section 14. Subsection (4) is added to section 494.00313,
  536  Florida Statutes, to read:
  537         494.00313 Loan originator license renewal.—
  538         (4)The office shall waive the fees required by paragraph
  539  (1)(b) for a loan originator who:
  540         (a)Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
  541  Forces or the spouse of such member;
  542         (b)Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces
  543  and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
  544  expiration date of the license pursuant to s. 494.00312(7). To
  545  qualify for the fee waiver, a loan originator who is a former
  546  member of the United States Armed Forces who served on active
  547  duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date of the
  548  license must have received an honorable discharge upon
  549  separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
  550         (c)Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United
  551  States Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at
  552  the time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the
  553  surviving spouse’s license expiration date pursuant to s.
  554  494.00312(7).
  556  A loan originator seeking such fee waiver must submit proof, in
  557  a form prescribed by commission rule, that the loan originator
  558  meets one of the qualifications in this subsection.
  559         Section 15. Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section
  560  497.140, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  561         497.140 Fees.—
  562         (6)(a)1. The department shall impose, upon initial
  563  licensure and each renewal thereof, a special unlicensed
  564  activity fee of $5 per licensee, in addition to all other fees
  565  provided for in this chapter. Such fee shall be used by the
  566  department to fund efforts to identify and combat unlicensed
  567  activity which violates this chapter. Such fee shall be in
  568  addition to all other fees collected from each licensee and
  569  shall be deposited in a separate account of the Regulatory Trust
  570  Fund; however, the department is not limited to the funds in
  571  such an account for combating improper unlicensed activity in
  572  violation of this chapter.
  573         2.A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  574  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  575  who separated from service within 2 years preceding the
  576  application for licensure are exempt from the special unlicensed
  577  activity fee associated with initial licensure. To qualify for
  578  the fee exemption under this subparagraph, a licensee must
  579  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
  580  dependent identification card, military service record, military
  581  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
  582  document that indicates such member is currently in good
  583  standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  584         Section 16. Subsection (4) of section 497.141, Florida
  585  Statutes, is amended to read:
  586         497.141 Licensing; general application procedures.—
  587         (4) Before the issuance of any license, the department
  588  shall collect such initial fee as specified by this chapter or,
  589  where authorized, by rule of the board, unless an applicant is
  590  exempted as specified by this chapter. Upon receipt of a
  591  completed application and the appropriate fee, and certification
  592  by the board that the applicant meets the applicable
  593  requirements of law and rules, the department shall issue the
  594  license applied for. However, an applicant who is not otherwise
  595  qualified for licensure is not entitled to licensure solely
  596  based on a passing score on a required examination.
  597         Section 17. Subsection (1) of section 497.281, Florida
  598  Statutes, is amended to read:
  599         497.281 Licensure of brokers of burial rights.—
  600         (1)(a) No person shall receive compensation to act as a
  601  third party to the sale or transfer of three or more burial
  602  rights in a 12-month period unless the person pays a license fee
  603  as determined by licensing authority rule but not to exceed $250
  604  and is licensed with the department as a burial rights broker in
  605  accordance with this section.
  606         (b)A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  607  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  608  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  609  application for licensure are exempt from the initial license
  610  fee. To qualify for the initial license fee exemption, an
  611  applicant must provide a copy of a military identification card,
  612  military dependent identification card, military service record,
  613  military personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or
  614  separation document that indicates such member is currently in
  615  good standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  616         Section 18. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
  617  (3) of section 497.368, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  618         497.368 Embalmers; licensure as an embalmer by examination;
  619  provisional license.—
  620         (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as an embalmer shall
  621  apply to the licensing authority to take the licensure
  622  examination. The licensing authority shall examine each
  623  applicant who has remitted an examination fee set by rule of the
  624  licensing authority not to exceed $200 plus the actual per
  625  applicant cost to the licensing authority for portions of the
  626  examination and who has:
  627         (a) Completed the application form and remitted a
  628  nonrefundable application fee set by the licensing authority not
  629  to exceed $200. A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  630  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  631  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  632  application for licensure, are exempt from the application fee.
  633  To qualify for the application fee exemption, an applicant must
  634  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
  635  dependent identification card, military service record, military
  636  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
  637  document that indicates such member is currently in good
  638  standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  639         (3) Any applicant who has completed the required 1-year
  640  internship and has been approved for examination as an embalmer
  641  may qualify for a provisional license to work in a licensed
  642  funeral establishment, under the direct supervision of a
  643  licensed embalmer for a limited period of 6 months as provided
  644  by rule of the licensing authority. The fee for provisional
  645  licensure shall be set by rule of the licensing authority, but
  646  may not exceed $200, and shall be nonrefundable and in addition
  647  to the fee required in subsection (1). This provisional license
  648  may be renewed no more than one time. A member of the United
  649  States Armed Forces, such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the
  650  United States Armed Forces who separated from service within the
  651  2 years preceding application for licensure are exempt from the
  652  initial provisional licensure fee. To qualify for the initial
  653  provisional licensure fee exemption, an applicant must provide a
  654  copy of a military identification card, military dependent
  655  identification card, military service record, military personnel
  656  file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation document
  657  that indicates such member is currently in good standing or such
  658  veteran was honorably discharged.
  659         Section 19. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
  660  (5) of section 497.369, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  661         497.369 Embalmers; licensure as an embalmer by endorsement;
  662  licensure of a temporary embalmer.—
  663         (1) The licensing authority shall issue a license by
  664  endorsement to practice embalming to an applicant who has
  665  remitted an examination fee set by rule of the licensing
  666  authority not to exceed $200 and who the licensing authority
  667  certifies:
  668         (a) Has completed the application form and remitted a
  669  nonrefundable application fee set by rule of the licensing
  670  authority not to exceed $200. A member of the United States
  671  Armed Forces, such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United
  672  States Armed Forces who separated from service within the 2
  673  years preceding application for licensure are exempt from the
  674  application fee. To qualify for the application fee exemption,
  675  an applicant must provide a copy of a military identification
  676  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  677  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  678  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  679  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  680  discharged.
  681         (5)(a) There may be adopted by the licensing authority
  682  rules authorizing an applicant who has met the requirements of
  683  paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) and who is awaiting an opportunity to
  684  take the examination required by subsection (4) to be licensed
  685  as a temporary licensed embalmer. A temporary licensed embalmer
  686  may work as an embalmer in a licensed funeral establishment
  687  under the general supervision of a licensed embalmer. Such
  688  temporary license shall expire 60 days after the date of the
  689  next available examination required under subsection (4);
  690  however, the temporary license may be renewed one time under the
  691  same conditions as initial issuance. The fee for issuance or
  692  renewal of an embalmer temporary license shall be set by rule of
  693  the licensing authority but may not exceed $200. The fee
  694  required in this subsection shall be nonrefundable and in
  695  addition to the fee required in subsection (1).
  696         (b)A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  697  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  698  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  699  application for licensure are exempt from the initial issuance
  700  fee. To qualify for the initial issuance fee exemption, an
  701  applicant must provide a copy of a military identification card,
  702  military dependent identification card, military service record,
  703  military personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or
  704  separation document that indicates such member is currently in
  705  good standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  706         Section 20. Subsection (1) of section 497.370, Florida
  707  Statutes, is amended to read:
  708         497.370 Embalmers; licensure of an embalmer intern.—
  709         (1)(a) Any person desiring to become an embalmer intern
  710  shall make application to the licensing authority on forms
  711  specified by rule, together with a nonrefundable fee determined
  712  by rule of the licensing authority but not to exceed $200.
  713         (b)A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  714  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  715  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  716  application for licensure are exempt from the application fee.
  717  To qualify for the application fee exemption under this
  718  paragraph, an applicant must provide a copy of a military
  719  identification card, military dependent identification card,
  720  military service record, military personnel file, veteran
  721  record, discharge paper, or separation document that indicates
  722  such member is currently in good standing or such veteran was
  723  honorably discharged.
  724         (c) The application shall indicate the name and address of
  725  the licensed embalmer under whose supervision the intern will
  726  receive training and the name of the licensed funeral
  727  establishment or centralized embalming facility where such
  728  training is to be conducted. The embalmer intern shall intern
  729  under the direct supervision of a licensed embalmer who has an
  730  active, valid license under s. 497.368 or s. 497.369.
  731         Section 21. Section 497.371, Florida Statutes, is amended
  732  to read:
  733         497.371 Embalmers; establishment of embalmer apprentice
  734  program.—
  735         (1) The licensing authority adopts rules establishing an
  736  embalmer apprentice program. An embalmer apprentice may perform
  737  only those tasks, functions, and duties relating to embalming
  738  which are performed under the direct supervision of an embalmer
  739  who has an active, valid license under s. 497.368 or s. 497.369.
  740  An embalmer apprentice is eligible to serve in an apprentice
  741  capacity for a period not to exceed 3 years as may be determined
  742  by licensing authority rule or for a period not to exceed 5
  743  years if the apprentice is enrolled in and attending a course in
  744  mortuary science or funeral service education at any mortuary
  745  college or funeral service education college or school. An
  746  embalmer apprentice shall be issued a license upon payment of a
  747  licensure fee as determined by licensing authority rule but not
  748  to exceed $200.
  749         (2)A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  750  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  751  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  752  application for licensure are exempt from the licensure fee. To
  753  qualify for the licensure fee exemption under this subsection,
  754  an applicant must provide a copy of a military identification
  755  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  756  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  757  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  758  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  759  discharged.
  760         (3) An applicant for the embalmer apprentice program may
  761  not be issued a license unless the licensing authority
  762  determines that the applicant is of good character and has not
  763  demonstrated a history of lack of trustworthiness or integrity
  764  in business or professional matters.
  765         Section 22. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
  766  (3) of section 497.373, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  767         497.373 Funeral directing; licensure as a funeral director
  768  by examination; provisional license.—
  769         (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a funeral
  770  director shall apply to the licensing authority to take the
  771  licensure examination. The licensing authority shall examine
  772  each applicant who has remitted an examination fee set by rule
  773  of the licensing authority not to exceed $200 plus the actual
  774  per applicant cost to the licensing authority for portions of
  775  the examination and who the licensing authority certifies has:
  776         (a) Completed the application form and remitted a
  777  nonrefundable application fee set by rule of the licensing
  778  authority not to exceed $200. A member of the United States
  779  Armed Forces, such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United
  780  States Armed Forces who separated from service within the 2
  781  years preceding application for licensure are exempt from the
  782  application fee. To qualify for the application fee exemption,
  783  an applicant must provide a copy of a military identification
  784  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  785  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  786  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  787  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  788  discharged.
  789         (3) Any applicant who has completed the required 1-year
  790  internship and has been approved for examination as a funeral
  791  director may qualify for a provisional license to work in a
  792  licensed funeral establishment, under the direct supervision of
  793  a licensed funeral director for 6 months as provided by rule of
  794  the licensing authority. However, a provisional licensee may
  795  work under the general supervision of a licensed funeral
  796  director upon passage of the laws and rules examination required
  797  under paragraph (2)(b). The fee for provisional licensure shall
  798  be set by rule of the licensing authority but may not exceed
  799  $200. The fee required in this subsection shall be nonrefundable
  800  and in addition to the fee required by subsection (1). This
  801  provisional license may be renewed no more than one time. A
  802  member of the United States Armed Forces, such member’s spouse,
  803  and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who separated
  804  from service within the 2 years preceding application for
  805  licensure are exempt from the initial provisional licensure fee.
  806  To qualify for the initial provisional licensure fee exemption,
  807  a licensee must provide a copy of a military identification
  808  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  809  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  810  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  811  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  812  discharged.
  813         Section 23. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection
  814  (5) of section 497.374, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  815         497.374 Funeral directing; licensure as a funeral director
  816  by endorsement; licensure of a temporary funeral director.—
  817         (1) The licensing authority shall issue a license by
  818  endorsement to practice funeral directing to an applicant who
  819  has remitted a fee set by rule of the licensing authority not to
  820  exceed $200 and who:
  821         (a) Has completed the application form and remitted a
  822  nonrefundable application fee set by rule of the licensing
  823  authority not to exceed $200. A member of the United States
  824  Armed Forces, such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United
  825  States Armed Forces who separated from service within the 2
  826  years preceding application for licensure are exempt from the
  827  nonrefundable application fee. To qualify for the exemption, an
  828  applicant must provide a copy of a military identification card,
  829  military dependent identification card, military service record,
  830  military personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or
  831  separation document that indicates such member is currently in
  832  good standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  833         (5) There may be adopted rules authorizing an applicant who
  834  has met the requirements of paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) and who is
  835  awaiting an opportunity to take the examination required by
  836  subsection (4) to obtain a license as a temporary funeral
  837  director. A licensed temporary funeral director may work as a
  838  funeral director in a licensed funeral establishment under the
  839  general supervision of a funeral director licensed under
  840  subsection (1) or s. 497.373. Such license shall expire 60 days
  841  after the date of the next available examination required under
  842  subsection (4); however, the temporary license may be renewed
  843  one time under the same conditions as initial issuance. The fee
  844  for initial issuance or renewal of a temporary license under
  845  this subsection shall be set by rule of the licensing authority
  846  but may not exceed $200. The fee required in this subsection
  847  shall be nonrefundable and in addition to the fee required in
  848  subsection (1). A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  849  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  850  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  851  application for licensure are exempt from the initial issuance
  852  fee. To qualify for the initial issuance fee exemption, an
  853  applicant must provide a copy of a military identification card,
  854  military dependent identification card, military service record,
  855  military personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or
  856  separation document that indicates such member is currently in
  857  good standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  858         Section 24. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
  859  497.375, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  860         497.375 Funeral directing; licensure of a funeral director
  861  intern.—
  862         (1)(a) Any person desiring to become a funeral director
  863  intern must apply to the licensing authority on forms prescribed
  864  by rule of the licensing authority, together with a
  865  nonrefundable fee set by rule of the licensing authority not to
  866  exceed $200. A member of the United States Armed Forces, such
  867  member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  868  who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  869  application for licensure are exempt from the application fee.
  870  To qualify for the application fee exemption, an applicant must
  871  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
  872  dependent identification card, military service record, military
  873  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
  874  document that indicates such member is currently in good
  875  standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  876         Section 25. Section 497.393, Florida Statutes, is created
  877  to read:
  878         497.393Licensure; military-issued credentials for
  879  licensure.—The licensing authority shall recognize military
  880  issued credentials relating to funeral and cemetery services for
  881  purposes of licensure as a funeral director or embalmer. A
  882  member of the United States Armed Forces and a veteran of the
  883  United States Armed Forces seeking licensure as a funeral
  884  director or embalmer under this section shall submit to the
  885  licensing authority a certification that the military-issued
  886  credential reflects knowledge, training, and experience
  887  substantially similar to the requirements of this chapter for
  888  licensure as a funeral director or embalmer. The licensing
  889  authority shall adopt rules specifying forms and procedures to
  890  be used by persons seeking licensure under this section. The
  891  licensing authority may conduct an investigation and further
  892  inquiry of any person regarding any military-issued credential
  893  sought to be recognized.
  894         Section 26. Paragraph (n) of subsection (1) of section
  895  497.453, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  896         497.453 Application for preneed license, procedures and
  897  criteria; renewal; reports.—
  899         (n) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable
  900  fee as determined by licensing authority rule but not to exceed
  901  $500. A member of the United States Armed Forces, such member’s
  902  spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who
  903  separated from service within the 2 years preceding application
  904  for licensure are exempt from the application fee when applying
  905  as an individual. To qualify for the application fee exemption,
  906  an applicant must provide a copy of a military identification
  907  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  908  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  909  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  910  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  911  discharged.
  912         Section 27. Paragraph (h) of subsection (2) of section
  913  497.466, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  914         497.466 Preneed sales agents, license required; application
  915  procedures and criteria; appointment of agents; responsibility
  916  of preneed licensee.—
  918         (h) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable
  919  fee of $150 if made through the department’s online licensing
  920  system or $175 if made using paper forms. Payment of either fee
  921  shall entitle the applicant to one initial appointment without
  922  payment of further fees by the preneed sales agent or the
  923  appointing preneed licensee if a preneed sales agent license is
  924  issued. The licensing authority may from time to time increase
  925  such fees but not to exceed $300. A member of the United States
  926  Armed Forces, such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United
  927  States Armed Forces who separated from service within the 2
  928  years preceding application for licensure are exempt from the
  929  application fee. To qualify for the application fee exemption,
  930  an applicant must provide a copy of a military identification
  931  card, military dependent identification card, military service
  932  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
  933  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
  934  currently in good standing or such veteran was honorably
  935  discharged.
  936         Section 28. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section
  937  497.554, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  938         497.554 Monument establishment sales representatives.—
  939         (2) APPLICATION PROCEDURES.—Licensure as a monument
  940  establishment sales agent shall be by submission of an
  941  application for licensure to the department on a form prescribed
  942  by rule.
  943         (e) The monument establishment sales agent application
  944  shall be accompanied by a fee of $50. The licensing authority
  945  may from time to time increase the application fee by rule but
  946  not to exceed $200. A member of the United States Armed Forces,
  947  such member’s spouse, and a veteran of the United States Armed
  948  Forces who separated from service within the 2 years preceding
  949  application for licensure are exempt from the application fee.
  950  To qualify for the application fee exemption, an applicant must
  951  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
  952  dependent identification card, military service record, military
  953  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
  954  document that indicates such member is currently in good
  955  standing or such veteran was honorably discharged.
  956         Section 29. Paragraph (i) of subsection (2) and subsection
  957  (4) of section 497.602, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  958         497.602 Direct disposers, license required; licensing
  959  procedures and criteria; regulation.—
  960         (2) APPLICATION PROCEDURES.—
  961         (i) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable
  962  fee of $300. The licensing authority may from time to time
  963  increase the fee by rule but not to exceed more than $500. A
  964  member of the United States Armed Forces, such member’s spouse,
  965  and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who separated
  966  from service within the 2 years preceding application for
  967  licensure are exempt from the application fee. To qualify for
  968  the application fee exemption, an applicant must provide a copy
  969  of a military identification card, military dependent
  970  identification card, military service record, military personnel
  971  file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation document
  972  that indicates such member is currently in good standing or such
  973  veteran was honorably discharged.
  974         (4) ISSUANCE OF LICENSE.—Upon approval of the application
  975  by the licensing authority, the license shall be issued. The
  976  licensing authority shall recognize military-issued credentials
  977  relating to funeral and cemetery services for purposes of
  978  licensure as a direct disposer. A member of the United States
  979  Armed Forces and a veteran of the United States Armed Forces
  980  seeking licensure as a direct disposer under this section shall
  981  submit to the licensing authority a certification that the
  982  military-issued credential reflects knowledge, training, and
  983  experience substantially similar to the requirements of this
  984  chapter for licensure as a direct disposer. The licensing
  985  authority shall adopt rules specifying forms and procedures to
  986  be used by members and veterans of the United States Armed
  987  Forces seeking licensure under this section. The licensing
  988  authority may conduct investigation and further inquiry of any
  989  person regarding any military-issued credential sought to be
  990  recognized.
  991         Section 30. Subsection (2) of section 501.015, Florida
  992  Statutes, is amended to read:
  993         501.015 Health studios; registration requirements and
  994  fees.—Each health studio shall:
  995         (2) Remit an annual registration fee of $300 to the
  996  department at the time of registration for each of the health
  997  studio’s business locations.
  998         (a) The department shall waive the initial registration fee
  999  for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
 1000  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
 1001  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
 1002  on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving
 1003  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the
 1004  member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity
 1005  that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse
 1006  or surviving spouse if the department receives an application,
 1007  in a format prescribed by the department. The application format
 1008  must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of
 1009  perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60 months after
 1010  the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch of the
 1011  United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1012         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1013  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1014  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1015  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1016         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1017  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1018  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1019  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1020  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1021  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1022  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1023         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1024  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1025  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1026  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1027  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1028  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1029  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1030  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1031  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1032         (b)The department shall waive the registration renewal fee
 1033  for a registrant who:
 1034         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1035  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1036         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1037  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal
 1038  date. To qualify for the fee waiver, a registrant who is a
 1039  former member of the United States Armed Forces who served on
 1040  active duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date of
 1041  the registration must have received an honorable discharge upon
 1042  separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
 1043         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1044  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1045  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the date of
 1046  renewal.
 1048  A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format
 1049  prescribed by the department, including the applicant’s
 1050  signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1051  documentation.
 1052         Section 31. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section
 1053  501.605, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1054         501.605 Licensure of commercial telephone sellers and
 1055  entities providing substance abuse marketing services.—
 1056         (5) An application filed pursuant to this part must be
 1057  verified and accompanied by:
 1058         (b) A fee for licensing in the amount of $1,500. The fee
 1059  shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund. The
 1060  department shall waive the initial license fee for an honorably
 1061  discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the spouse
 1062  or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a current member of the
 1063  United States Armed Forces who has served on active duty, the
 1064  spouse of such a member, the surviving spouse of a member of the
 1065  United States Armed Forces if such member died while serving on
 1066  active duty, or a business entity that has a majority ownership
 1067  held by such a veteran or spouse or surviving spouse if the
 1068  department receives an application, in a format prescribed by
 1069  the department. The application format must include the
 1070  applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1071  documentation, within 60 months after the date of the veteran’s
 1072  discharge from any branch of the United States Armed Forces. To
 1073  qualify for the waiver:,
 1074         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1075  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1076  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1077  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1078         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1079  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1080  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1081  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1082  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1083  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1084  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1085         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1086  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1087  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1088  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1089  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1090  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1091  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1092  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1093  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1094         Section 32. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
 1095  501.607, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1096         501.607 Licensure of salespersons.—
 1097         (2) An application filed pursuant to this section must be
 1098  verified and be accompanied by:
 1099         (b) A fee for licensing in the amount of $50 per
 1100  salesperson. The fee shall be deposited into the General
 1101  Inspection Trust Fund. The fee for licensing may be paid after
 1102  the application is filed, but must be paid within 14 days after
 1103  the applicant begins work as a salesperson. The department shall
 1104  waive the initial license fee for an honorably discharged
 1105  veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the spouse or
 1106  surviving spouse of such a veteran, a current member of the
 1107  United States Armed Forces who has served on active duty, the
 1108  spouse of such a member, the surviving spouse of a member of the
 1109  United States Armed Forces if the member died while serving on
 1110  active duty, or a business entity that has a majority ownership
 1111  held by such a veteran or spouse or surviving spouse if the
 1112  department receives an application, in a format prescribed by
 1113  the department. The application format must include the
 1114  applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1115  documentation, within 60 months after the date of the veteran’s
 1116  discharge from any branch of the United States Armed Forces. To
 1117  qualify for the waiver:,
 1118         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1119  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1120  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1121  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1122         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1123  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1124  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1125  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1126  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1127  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1128  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1129         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1130  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1131  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1132  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1133  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1134  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1135  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1136  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1137  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1138         Section 33. Subsection (5) is added to section 501.609,
 1139  Florida Statutes, to read:
 1140         501.609 License renewal.—
 1141         (5)The department shall waive the annual fee to renew for
 1142  a licensee who:
 1143         (a)Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1144  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1145         (b)Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces,
 1146  and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
 1147  renewal date. To qualify for the fee waiver, a licensee who is a
 1148  former member of the United States Armed Forces who served on
 1149  active duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date of
 1150  the registration must have received an honorable discharge upon
 1151  separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
 1152         (c)Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United
 1153  States Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at
 1154  the time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the
 1155  renewal.
 1157  A licensee seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed
 1158  by the department, including the applicant’s signature, under
 1159  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.
 1160         Section 34. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
 1161  507.03, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (c) is added
 1162  to that subsection, to read:
 1163         507.03 Registration.—
 1164         (3)
 1165         (b) The department shall waive the initial registration fee
 1166  for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
 1167  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
 1168  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
 1169  on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving
 1170  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the
 1171  member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity
 1172  that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse
 1173  or surviving spouse if the department receives an application,
 1174  in a format prescribed by the department. The application format
 1175  must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of
 1176  perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60 months after
 1177  the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch of the
 1178  United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1179         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1180  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1181  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1182  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1183         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1184  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1185  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1186  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1187  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1188  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1189  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1190         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1191  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1192  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1193  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1194  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1195  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1196  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1197  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1198  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1199         (c)The department shall waive the biennial fee to renew
 1200  for a registrant who:
 1201         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1202  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1203         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1204  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
 1205  expiration date. To qualify for the fee waiver, a registrant who
 1206  is a former member of the United States Armed Forces who served
 1207  on active duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date
 1208  of the registration must have received an honorable discharge
 1209  upon separation or discharge from the United States Armed
 1210  Forces; or
 1211         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1212  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1213  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the renewal.
 1215  A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format
 1216  prescribed by the department, including the applicant’s
 1217  signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1218  documentation.
 1219         Section 35. Subsections (10) and (11) of section 517.12,
 1220  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1221         517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons,
 1222  intermediaries, and investment advisers.—
 1223         (10)(a) An applicant for registration shall pay an
 1224  assessment fee of $200, in the case of a dealer or investment
 1225  adviser, or $50, in the case of an associated person. An
 1226  associated person may be assessed an additional fee to cover the
 1227  cost for the fingerprints to be processed by the office. Such
 1228  fee shall be determined by rule of the commission. Such fees
 1229  become the revenue of the state, except for those assessments
 1230  provided for under s. 517.131(1) until such time as the
 1231  Securities Guaranty Fund satisfies the statutory limits, and are
 1232  not returnable in the event that registration is withdrawn or
 1233  not granted.
 1234         (b)The office shall waive the $50 assessment fee for an
 1235  associated person required by paragraph (a) for an applicant
 1236  who:
 1237         1.Is or was an active duty member of the United States
 1238  Armed Forces. To qualify for the fee waiver, an applicant who is
 1239  a former member of the United States Armed Forces must have
 1240  received an honorable discharge upon separation or discharge
 1241  from the United States Armed Forces;
 1242         2.Is married to a current or former member of the United
 1243  States Armed Forces and is or was married to the member during
 1244  any period of active duty; or
 1245         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1246  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1247  time of death.
 1249  An applicant seeking such fee waiver must submit proof, in a
 1250  form prescribed by commission rule, that the applicant meets one
 1251  of the qualifications in this paragraph.
 1252         (11)(a) If the office finds that the applicant is of good
 1253  repute and character and has complied with the provisions of
 1254  this chapter and the rules made pursuant hereto, it shall
 1255  register the applicant. The registration of each dealer,
 1256  investment adviser, and associated person expires on December 31
 1257  of the year the registration became effective unless the
 1258  registrant has renewed his or her registration on or before that
 1259  date. Registration may be renewed by furnishing such information
 1260  as the commission may require, together with payment of the fee
 1261  required in paragraph (10)(a) subsection (10) for dealers,
 1262  investment advisers, or associated persons and the payment of
 1263  any amount lawfully due and owing to the office pursuant to any
 1264  order of the office or pursuant to any agreement with the
 1265  office. Any dealer, investment adviser, or associated person who
 1266  has not renewed a registration by the time the current
 1267  registration expires may request reinstatement of such
 1268  registration by filing with the office, on or before January 31
 1269  of the year following the year of expiration, such information
 1270  as may be required by the commission, together with payment of
 1271  the fee required in paragraph (10)(a) subsection (10) for
 1272  dealers, investment advisers, or associated persons and a late
 1273  fee equal to the amount of such fee. Any reinstatement of
 1274  registration granted by the office during the month of January
 1275  shall be deemed effective retroactive to January 1 of that year.
 1276         (b)The office shall waive the $50 assessment fee for an
 1277  associated person required by paragraph (10)(a) for a registrant
 1278  renewing his or her registration who:
 1279         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1280  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1281         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1282  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
 1283  expiration date of the registration pursuant to paragraph (a).
 1284  To qualify for the fee waiver, a registrant who is a former
 1285  member of the United States Armed Forces who served on active
 1286  duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date of the
 1287  registration must have received an honorable discharge upon
 1288  separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
 1289         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1290  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1291  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the
 1292  surviving spouse’s registration expiration date pursuant to
 1293  paragraph (a).
 1295  A registrant seeking such fee waiver must submit proof, in a
 1296  form prescribed by commission rule, that the registrant meets
 1297  one of the qualifications in this paragraph.
 1298         Section 36. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
 1299  527.02, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (c) is added
 1300  to that subsection, to read:
 1301         527.02 License; penalty; fees.—
 1302         (3)
 1303         (b) The department shall waive the initial license fee for
 1304  an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
 1305  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
 1306  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
 1307  on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving
 1308  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the
 1309  member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity
 1310  that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse
 1311  or surviving spouse if the department receives an application,
 1312  in a format prescribed by the department. The application format
 1313  must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of
 1314  perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60 months after
 1315  the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch of the
 1316  United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1317         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1318  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1319  Defense or another acceptable form of identification as
 1320  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1321         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1322  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1323  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1324  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1325  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1326  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1327  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1328         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1329  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1330  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1331  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1332  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1333  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1334  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1335  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1336  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1337         (c)The department shall waive license renewal fees for a
 1338  licensee who:
 1339         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1340  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1341         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1342  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal
 1343  date. To qualify for the fee waiver under this subparagraph, a
 1344  licensee who is a former member of the United States Armed
 1345  Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years preceding
 1346  the annual renewal date must have received an honorable
 1347  discharge upon separation or discharge from the United States
 1348  Armed Forces; or
 1349         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1350  Armed Forces if such member was serving on active duty at the
 1351  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the
 1352  surviving spouse’s renewal.
 1354  A licensee seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed
 1355  by the department, including the applicant’s signature, under
 1356  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.
 1357         Section 37. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
 1358  539.001, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (g) is
 1359  added to that subsection, to read:
 1360         539.001 The Florida Pawnbroking Act.—
 1361         (3) LICENSE REQUIRED.—
 1362         (c) Each license is valid for a period of 1 year unless it
 1363  is earlier relinquished, suspended, or revoked. Each license
 1364  shall be renewed annually, and each licensee shall, initially
 1365  and annually thereafter, pay to the agency a license fee of $300
 1366  for each license held. The agency shall waive the initial
 1367  license fee for an honorably discharged veteran of the United
 1368  States Armed Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a
 1369  veteran, a current member of the United States Armed Forces who
 1370  has served on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the
 1371  surviving spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces
 1372  if the member died while serving on active duty, or a business
 1373  entity that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or
 1374  spouse or surviving spouse if the agency receives an
 1375  application, in a format prescribed by the agency. The
 1376  application format must include the applicant’s signature, under
 1377  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60
 1378  months after the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch
 1379  of the United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1380         1. A veteran must provide to the agency a copy of his or
 1381  her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1382  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1383  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1384         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1385  to the agency a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by
 1386  the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable
 1387  form of identification as specified by the Department of
 1388  Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1389  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1390  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1391         3. A business entity must provide to the agency proof that
 1392  a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran holds a
 1393  majority ownership in the business, a copy of the veteran’s DD
 1394  Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense,
 1395  or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the
 1396  Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if applicable, a copy of a
 1397  valid marriage license or certificate verifying that the spouse
 1398  or surviving spouse of the veteran was lawfully married to the
 1399  veteran at the time of discharge.
 1400         (g)The agency shall waive license renewal fee for a
 1401  licensee who:
 1402         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1403  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1404         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces,
 1405  and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the
 1406  renewal date. To qualify for the fee waiver under this
 1407  subparagraph, a licensee who is a former member of the United
 1408  States Armed Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years
 1409  preceding the annual renewal date must have received an
 1410  honorable discharge upon separation or discharge from the United
 1411  States Armed Forces; or
 1412         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1413  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1414  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the renewal.
 1416  A licensee seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed
 1417  by the agency, including the applicant’s signature, under
 1418  penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.
 1419         Section 38. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
 1420  559.904, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (c) is
 1421  added to that subsection, to read:
 1422         559.904 Motor vehicle repair shop registration;
 1423  application; exemption.—
 1424         (3)
 1425         (b) The department shall waive the initial registration fee
 1426  for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
 1427  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
 1428  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
 1429  on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving
 1430  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the
 1431  member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity
 1432  that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse
 1433  or surviving spouse if the department receives an application,
 1434  in a format prescribed by the department. The application format
 1435  must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of
 1436  perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60 months after
 1437  the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch of the
 1438  United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1439         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1440  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1441  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1442  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1443         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1444  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1445  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1446  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1447  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1448  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1449  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1450         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1451  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1452  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1453  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1454  of Defense or another acceptable form of identification as
 1455  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1456  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1457  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1458  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1459         (c)The department shall waive registration renewal fees
 1460  for a registrant who:
 1461         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1462  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1463         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1464  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal
 1465  date. To qualify for the fee waiver under this subparagraph, a
 1466  registrant who is a former member of the United States Armed
 1467  Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years preceding
 1468  the biennial renewal date must have received an honorable
 1469  discharge upon separation or discharge from the United States
 1470  Armed Forces; or
 1471         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1472  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1473  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the renewal.
 1475  A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format
 1476  prescribed by the department, including the applicant’s
 1477  signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1478  documentation.
 1479         Section 39. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
 1480  559.928, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (d) is
 1481  added to that subsection, to read:
 1482         559.928 Registration.—
 1483         (2)
 1484         (c) The department shall waive the initial registration fee
 1485  for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed
 1486  Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a
 1487  current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served
 1488  on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving
 1489  spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the
 1490  member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity
 1491  that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse
 1492  or surviving spouse if the department receives an application,
 1493  in a format prescribed by the department. The application format
 1494  must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of
 1495  perjury, and supporting documentation, within 60 months after
 1496  the date of the veteran’s discharge from any branch of the
 1497  United States Armed Forces. To qualify for the waiver:,
 1498         1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his
 1499  or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of
 1500  Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1501  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
 1502         2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide
 1503  to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued
 1504  by the United States Department of Defense, or another
 1505  acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department
 1506  of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or
 1507  certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the
 1508  veteran at the time of discharge; or
 1509         3. A business entity must provide to the department proof
 1510  that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran
 1511  holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the
 1512  veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department
 1513  of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as
 1514  specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if
 1515  applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate
 1516  verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was
 1517  lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.
 1518         (d)The department shall waive the registration renewal fee
 1519  for a registrant who:
 1520         1.Is an active duty member of the United States Armed
 1521  Forces or the spouse of such member;
 1522         2.Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and
 1523  served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal
 1524  date. To qualify for the fee waiver under this subparagraph, a
 1525  registrant who is a former member of the United States Armed
 1526  Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years preceding
 1527  the annual registration renewal date must have received an
 1528  honorable discharge upon separation or discharge from the United
 1529  States Armed Forces; or
 1530         3.Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 1531  Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the
 1532  time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the renewal.
 1534  A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format
 1535  prescribed by the department, including the applicant’s
 1536  signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting
 1537  documentation.
 1538         Section 40. Subsection (6) of section 626.171, Florida
 1539  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1540         626.171 Application for license as an agent, customer
 1541  representative, adjuster, service representative, managing
 1542  general agent, or reinsurance intermediary.—
 1543         (6) Members of the United States Armed Forces and their
 1544  spouses, and veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have
 1545  separated from service retired within 24 months before
 1546  application for licensure, are exempt from the application
 1547  filing fee prescribed in s. 624.501. Qualified individuals must
 1548  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
 1549  dependent identification card, military service record, military
 1550  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
 1551  document, or a separation document that indicates such members
 1552  of the United States Armed Forces are currently in good standing
 1553  or such veterans were honorably discharged.
 1554         Section 41. Subsection (6) of section 626.732, Florida
 1555  Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (7), and a new subsection
 1556  (6) is added to that section, to read:
 1557         626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or
 1558  instruction.—
 1559         (6)Prelicensure coursework is not required for an
 1560  applicant who is a member or veteran of the United States Armed
 1561  Forces or the spouse of such a member or veteran. A qualified
 1562  individual must provide a copy of a military identification
 1563  card, military dependent identification card, military service
 1564  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
 1565  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
 1566  currently in good standing or such veteran is honorably
 1567  discharged.
 1568         Section 42. Section 626.7851, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1569  to read:
 1570         626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or
 1571  instruction.—An applicant for a license as a life agent, except
 1572  for a chartered life underwriter (CLU), shall not be qualified
 1573  or licensed unless within the 4 years immediately preceding the
 1574  date the application for a license is filed with the department
 1575  he or she has:
 1576         (1) Successfully completed 40 hours of coursework in life
 1577  insurance, annuities, and variable contracts approved by the
 1578  department, 3 hours of which shall be on the subject matter of
 1579  ethics. Courses must include instruction on the subject matter
 1580  of unauthorized entities engaging in the business of insurance;
 1581         (2) Successfully completed a minimum of 60 hours of
 1582  coursework in multiple areas of insurance, which included life
 1583  insurance, annuities, and variable contracts, approved by the
 1584  department, 3 hours of which shall be on the subject matter of
 1585  ethics. Courses must include instruction on the subject matter
 1586  of unauthorized entities engaging in the business of insurance;
 1587         (3) Earned or maintained an active designation as Chartered
 1588  Financial Consultant (ChFC) from the American College of
 1589  Financial Services; or Fellow, Life Management Institute (FLMI)
 1590  from the Life Management Institute;
 1591         (4) Held an active license in life insurance in another
 1592  state. This provision may not be used unless the other state
 1593  grants reciprocal treatment to licensees formerly licensed in
 1594  the state; or
 1595         (5) Been employed by the department or office for at least
 1596  1 year, full time in life insurance regulatory matters and who
 1597  was not terminated for cause, and application for examination is
 1598  made within 4 years after the date of termination of his or her
 1599  employment with the department or office.
 1601  Prelicensure coursework is not required for an applicant who is
 1602  a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces or the
 1603  spouse of such a member or veteran. A qualified individual must
 1604  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
 1605  dependent identification card, military service record, military
 1606  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
 1607  document that indicates such member is currently in good
 1608  standing or such veteran is honorably discharged.
 1609         Section 43. Section 626.8311, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1610  to read:
 1611         626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or
 1612  instruction.—An applicant for a license as a health agent,
 1613  except for a chartered life underwriter (CLU), shall not be
 1614  qualified or licensed unless within the 4 years immediately
 1615  preceding the date the application for license is filed with the
 1616  department he or she has:
 1617         (1) Successfully completed 40 hours of coursework in health
 1618  insurance, approved by the department, 3 hours of which shall be
 1619  on the subject matter of ethics. Courses must include
 1620  instruction on the subject matter of unauthorized entities
 1621  engaging in the business of insurance, to include the Florida
 1622  Nonprofit Multiple-Employer Welfare Arrangement Act and the
 1623  Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 29 U.S.C. ss. 1001 et
 1624  seq., as it relates to the provision of health insurance by
 1625  employers to their employees and the regulation thereof;
 1626         (2) Successfully completed a minimum of 60 hours of
 1627  coursework in multiple areas of insurance, which included health
 1628  insurance, approved by the department, 3 hours of which shall be
 1629  on the subject matter of ethics. Courses must include
 1630  instruction on the subject matter of unauthorized entities
 1631  engaging in the business of insurance;
 1632         (3) Earned or maintained an active designation as a
 1633  Registered Health Underwriter (RHU), Chartered Healthcare
 1634  Consultant (ChHC), or Registered Employee Benefits Consultant
 1635  (REBC) from the American College of Financial Services;
 1636  Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) from the Wharton
 1637  School of the University of Pennsylvania; or Health Insurance
 1638  Associate (HIA) from America’s Health Insurance Plans;
 1639         (4) Held an active license in health insurance in another
 1640  state. This provision may not be utilized unless the other state
 1641  grants reciprocal treatment to licensees formerly licensed in
 1642  Florida; or
 1643         (5) Been employed by the department or office for at least
 1644  1 year, full time in health insurance regulatory matters and who
 1645  was not terminated for cause, and application for examination is
 1646  made within 4 years after the date of termination of his or her
 1647  employment with the department or office.
 1649  Prelicensure coursework is not required for an applicant who is
 1650  a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces or the
 1651  spouse of such a member or veteran. A qualified individual must
 1652  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
 1653  dependent identification card, military service record, military
 1654  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
 1655  document that indicates such member is currently in good
 1656  standing or such veteran is honorably discharged.
 1657         Section 44. Subsection (7) is added to section 626.8417,
 1658  Florida Statutes, to read:
 1659         626.8417 Title insurance agent licensure; exemptions.—
 1660         (7)Prelicensure coursework is not required for an
 1661  applicant who is a member or veteran of the United States Armed
 1662  Forces or the spouse of such a member or veteran. A qualified
 1663  individual must provide a copy of a military identification
 1664  card, military dependent identification card, military service
 1665  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
 1666  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
 1667  currently in good standing or such veteran is honorably
 1668  discharged.
 1669         Section 45. Subsection (7) is added to section 626.927,
 1670  Florida Statutes, to read:
 1671         626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent.—
 1672         (7)Prelicensure coursework is not required for an
 1673  applicant who is a member or veteran of the United States Armed
 1674  Forces or the spouse of such a member or veteran. A qualified
 1675  individual must provide a copy of a military identification
 1676  card, military dependent identification card, military service
 1677  record, military personnel file, veteran record, discharge
 1678  paper, or separation document that indicates such member is
 1679  currently in good standing or such veteran is honorably
 1680  discharged.
 1681         Section 46. Section 633.414, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1682  to read:
 1683         633.414 Retention of firefighter and volunteer firefighter
 1684  certifications.—
 1685         (1) In order for a firefighter to retain her or his
 1686  Firefighter Certificate of Compliance, every 4 years he or she
 1687  must meet the requirements for renewal provided in this chapter
 1688  and by rule, which must include at least one of the following:
 1689         (a) Be active as a firefighter.
 1690         (b) Maintain a current and valid fire service instructor
 1691  certificate, instruct at least 40 hours during the 4-year
 1692  period, and provide proof of such instruction to the division,
 1693  which proof must be registered in an electronic database
 1694  designated by the division.
 1695         (c) Within 6 months before the 4-year period expires,
 1696  successfully complete a Firefighter Retention Refresher Course
 1697  consisting of a minimum of 40 hours of training to be prescribed
 1698  by rule.
 1699         (d) Within 6 months before the 4-year period expires,
 1700  successfully retake and pass the Minimum Standards Course
 1701  examination pursuant to s. 633.408.
 1702         (2) In order for a volunteer firefighter to retain her or
 1703  his Volunteer Firefighter Certificate of Completion, every 4
 1704  years he or she must:
 1705         (a) Be active as a volunteer firefighter; or
 1706         (b) Successfully complete a refresher course consisting of
 1707  a minimum of 40 hours of training to be prescribed by rule.
 1708         (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to state-certified
 1709  firefighters who are certified and employed full-time, as
 1710  determined by the fire service provider, as firesafety
 1711  inspectors or fire investigators, regardless of their employment
 1712  status as firefighters or volunteer firefighters.
 1713         (4) For the purposes of this section, the term “active”
 1714  means being employed as a firefighter or providing service as a
 1715  volunteer firefighter for a cumulative period of 6 months within
 1716  a 4-year period.
 1717         (5) The 4-year period begins upon issuance of the
 1718  certificate or separation from employment.
 1719         (6) A certificate for a firefighter or volunteer
 1720  firefighter expires if he or she fails to meet the requirements
 1721  of this section.
 1722         (7) The State Fire Marshal may deny, refuse to renew,
 1723  suspend, or revoke the certificate of a firefighter or volunteer
 1724  firefighter if the State Fire Marshal finds that any of the
 1725  following grounds exists:
 1726         (a) Any cause for which issuance of a certificate could
 1727  have been denied if it had then existed and had been known to
 1728  the division.
 1729         (b) A violation of any provision of this chapter or any
 1730  rule or order of the State Fire Marshal.
 1731         (c) Falsification of a record relating to any certificate
 1732  issued by the division.
 1733         (8) The 4-year period may, in the discretion of the
 1734  department, be extended to 12 months after discharge from
 1735  military service for an honorably discharged veteran of the
 1736  United States Armed Forces or the spouse of such a veteran. A
 1737  qualified individual must provide a copy of a military
 1738  identification card, military dependent identification card,
 1739  military service record, military personnel file, veteran
 1740  record, discharge paper, or separation document that indicates
 1741  such member is currently in good standing or such veteran is
 1742  honorably discharged.
 1743         Section 47. Subsection (3) is added to section 633.444,
 1744  Florida Statutes, to read:
 1745         633.444 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire
 1746  College.—
 1747         (3)The division shall waive all living and incidental
 1748  expenses, excluding expenses for meal plans and bunker gear
 1749  rentals, associated with attending the Florida State Fire
 1750  College to obtain a Certificate of Compliance or a Firesafety
 1751  Inspector I certification for an active duty member of the
 1752  United States Armed Forces, the surviving spouse of such a
 1753  member who was serving on active duty at the time of his or her
 1754  death and who died within the 2 years preceding his or her
 1755  spouse’s attendance at the college, an honorably discharged
 1756  veteran of the United States Armed Forces, or the spouse or
 1757  surviving spouse of such a veteran. A qualified individual must
 1758  provide a copy of a military identification card, military
 1759  dependent identification card, military service record, military
 1760  personnel file, veteran record, discharge paper, or separation
 1761  document that indicates such member is currently in good
 1762  standing or such veteran is honorably discharged.
 1763         Section 48. Section 683.147, Florida Statutes, is created
 1764  to read:
 1765         683.147Medal of Honor Day.—
 1766         (1)March 25 of each year is designated as “Medal of Honor
 1767  Day.”
 1768         (2)The Governor may annually issue a proclamation
 1769  designating March 25 as Medal of Honor Day and calling upon
 1770  public officials, schools, private organizations, and all
 1771  residents of the state to commemorate Medal of Honor Day and
 1772  honor recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor who
 1773  distinguished themselves through their conspicuous bravery and
 1774  gallantry during wartime, and at considerable risk to their own
 1775  lives, while serving as members of the United States Armed
 1776  Forces.
 1777         Section 49. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
 1778  1002.37, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1779         1002.37 The Florida Virtual School.—
 1780         (1)
 1781         (b) The mission of the Florida Virtual School is to provide
 1782  students with technology-based educational opportunities to gain
 1783  the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. The school shall
 1784  serve any student in the state who meets the profile for success
 1785  in this educational delivery context and shall give priority to:
 1786         1. Students who need expanded access to courses in order to
 1787  meet their educational goals, such as home education students
 1788  and students in inner-city and rural high schools who do not
 1789  have access to higher-level courses.
 1790         2. Students seeking accelerated access in order to obtain a
 1791  high school diploma at least one semester early.
 1792         3.Students who are children of an active duty member of
 1793  the United States Armed Forces who is not stationed in this
 1794  state whose home of record or state of legal residence is
 1795  Florida.
 1797  The board of trustees of the Florida Virtual School shall
 1798  identify appropriate performance measures and standards based on
 1799  student achievement that reflect the school’s statutory mission
 1800  and priorities, and shall implement an accountability system for
 1801  the school that includes assessment of its effectiveness and
 1802  efficiency in providing quality services that encourage high
 1803  student achievement, seamless articulation, and maximum access.
 1804         Section 50. Subsection (2) of section 1003.42, Florida
 1805  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1806         1003.42 Required instruction.—
 1807         (2) Members of the instructional staff of the public
 1808  schools, subject to the rules of the State Board of Education
 1809  and the district school board, shall teach efficiently and
 1810  faithfully, using the books and materials required that meet the
 1811  highest standards for professionalism and historical accuracy,
 1812  following the prescribed courses of study, and employing
 1813  approved methods of instruction, the following:
 1814         (a) The history and content of the Declaration of
 1815  Independence, including national sovereignty, natural law, self
 1816  evident truth, equality of all persons, limited government,
 1817  popular sovereignty, and inalienable rights of life, liberty,
 1818  and property, and how they form the philosophical foundation of
 1819  our government.
 1820         (b) The history, meaning, significance, and effect of the
 1821  provisions of the Constitution of the United States and
 1822  amendments thereto, with emphasis on each of the 10 amendments
 1823  that make up the Bill of Rights and how the constitution
 1824  provides the structure of our government.
 1825         (c) The arguments in support of adopting our republican
 1826  form of government, as they are embodied in the most important
 1827  of the Federalist Papers.
 1828         (d) Flag education, including proper flag display and flag
 1829  salute.
 1830         (e) The elements of civil government, including the primary
 1831  functions of and interrelationships between the Federal
 1832  Government, the state, and its counties, municipalities, school
 1833  districts, and special districts.
 1834         (f) The history of the United States, including the period
 1835  of discovery, early colonies, the War for Independence, the
 1836  Civil War, the expansion of the United States to its present
 1837  boundaries, the world wars, and the civil rights movement to the
 1838  present. American history shall be viewed as factual, not as
 1839  constructed, shall be viewed as knowable, teachable, and
 1840  testable, and shall be defined as the creation of a new nation
 1841  based largely on the universal principles stated in the
 1842  Declaration of Independence.
 1843         (g) The history of the Holocaust (1933-1945), the
 1844  systematic, planned annihilation of European Jews and other
 1845  groups by Nazi Germany, a watershed event in the history of
 1846  humanity, to be taught in a manner that leads to an
 1847  investigation of human behavior, an understanding of the
 1848  ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping, and an
 1849  examination of what it means to be a responsible and respectful
 1850  person, for the purposes of encouraging tolerance of diversity
 1851  in a pluralistic society and for nurturing and protecting
 1852  democratic values and institutions.
 1853         (h) The history of African Americans, including the history
 1854  of African peoples before the political conflicts that led to
 1855  the development of slavery, the passage to America, the
 1856  enslavement experience, abolition, and the contributions of
 1857  African Americans to society. Instructional materials shall
 1858  include the contributions of African Americans to American
 1859  society.
 1860         (i) The elementary principles of agriculture.
 1861         (j) The true effects of all alcoholic and intoxicating
 1862  liquors and beverages and narcotics upon the human body and
 1863  mind.
 1864         (k) Kindness to animals.
 1865         (l) The history of the state.
 1866         (m) The conservation of natural resources.
 1867         (n) Comprehensive health education that addresses concepts
 1868  of community health; consumer health; environmental health;
 1869  family life, including an awareness of the benefits of sexual
 1870  abstinence as the expected standard and the consequences of
 1871  teenage pregnancy; mental and emotional health; injury
 1872  prevention and safety; Internet safety; nutrition; personal
 1873  health; prevention and control of disease; and substance use and
 1874  abuse. The health education curriculum for students in grades 7
 1875  through 12 shall include a teen dating violence and abuse
 1876  component that includes, but is not limited to, the definition
 1877  of dating violence and abuse, the warning signs of dating
 1878  violence and abusive behavior, the characteristics of healthy
 1879  relationships, measures to prevent and stop dating violence and
 1880  abuse, and community resources available to victims of dating
 1881  violence and abuse.
 1882         (o) Such additional materials, subjects, courses, or fields
 1883  in such grades as are prescribed by law or by rules of the State
 1884  Board of Education and the district school board in fulfilling
 1885  the requirements of law.
 1886         (p) The study of Hispanic contributions to the United
 1887  States.
 1888         (q) The study of women’s contributions to the United
 1889  States.
 1890         (r) The nature and importance of free enterprise to the
 1891  United States economy.
 1892         (s) A character-development program in the elementary
 1893  schools, similar to Character First or Character Counts, which
 1894  is secular in nature. Beginning in school year 2004-2005, the
 1895  character-development program shall be required in kindergarten
 1896  through grade 12. Each district school board shall develop or
 1897  adopt a curriculum for the character-development program that
 1898  shall be submitted to the department for approval. The
 1899  character-development curriculum shall stress the qualities of
 1900  patriotism; responsibility; citizenship; kindness; respect for
 1901  authority, life, liberty, and personal property; honesty;
 1902  charity; self-control; racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance;
 1903  and cooperation. The character-development curriculum for grades
 1904  9 through 12 shall, at a minimum, include instruction on
 1905  developing leadership skills, interpersonal skills, organization
 1906  skills, and research skills; creating a resume; developing and
 1907  practicing the skills necessary for employment interviews;
 1908  conflict resolution, workplace ethics, and workplace law;
 1909  managing stress and expectations; and developing skills that
 1910  enable students to become more resilient and self-motivated.
 1911         (t) In order to encourage patriotism, the sacrifices that
 1912  veterans and Medal of Honor recipients have made in serving our
 1913  country and protecting democratic values worldwide. Such
 1914  instruction must occur on or before Medal of Honor Day,
 1915  Veterans’ Day, and Memorial Day. Members of the instructional
 1916  staff are encouraged to use the assistance of local veterans and
 1917  Medal of Honor recipients when practicable.
 1919  The State Board of Education is encouraged to adopt standards
 1920  and pursue assessment of the requirements of this subsection. A
 1921  character development program that incorporates the values of
 1922  the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor and that is
 1923  offered as part of a social studies, English Language Arts, or
 1924  other schoolwide character building and veteran awareness
 1925  initiative meets the requirements of paragraphs (s) and (t).
 1926         Section 51. Subsection (4) of section 1012.55, Florida
 1927  Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (e) is added to subsection
 1928  (1) of that section, to read:
 1929         1012.55 Positions for which certificates required.—
 1930         (1)
 1931         (e)1.The department shall issue a 3-year temporary
 1932  certificate in educational leadership under s. 1012.56(7) to an
 1933  individual who:
 1934         a.Earned a passing score on the Florida Educational
 1935  Leadership Examination.
 1936         b.Served as a commissioned or noncommissioned military
 1937  officer in the United States Armed Forces for at least 3 years.
 1938         c.Was honorably discharged or has retired from the United
 1939  States Armed Forces.
 1940         d.Is employed full time in a position for which an
 1941  educator certificate is required in a Florida public school,
 1942  state-supported school, or nonpublic school that has a Level II
 1943  program under s. 1012.562.
 1944         2.A Level II program under s. 1012.562 must accept an
 1945  applicant who holds a temporary certificate under subparagraph
 1946  1. The department shall issue a permanent certification as a
 1947  school principal to an individual who holds a temporary
 1948  certificate under subparagraph 1. and successfully completes the
 1949  Level II program.
 1950         (4) A commissioned or noncommissioned military officer who
 1951  is an instructor of junior reserve officer training shall be
 1952  exempt from requirements for teacher certification, except for
 1953  the background screening pursuant to s. 1012.32, if he or she
 1954  meets the following qualifications:
 1955         (a) Is retired from active military duty, pursuant to
 1956  chapter 102 of Title 10 U.S.C.
 1957         (b) Satisfies criteria established by the appropriate
 1958  military service for certification by the service as a junior
 1959  reserve officer training instructor.
 1960         (c) Has an exemplary military record.
 1962  If such instructor is assigned instructional duties other than
 1963  junior reserve officer training, he or she shall hold the
 1964  certificate required by law and rules of the state board for the
 1965  type of service rendered. An instructor of junior reserve
 1966  officer training under this subsection may receive funding
 1967  through the Florida Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance Program
 1968  under s. 1012.71.
 1969         Section 52. Subsection (7) of section 1012.56, Florida
 1970  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1971         1012.56 Educator certification requirements.—
 1973         (a) The Department of Education shall issue a professional
 1974  certificate for a period not to exceed 5 years to any applicant
 1975  who fulfills one of the following:
 1976         1. Meets all the requirements outlined in subsection (2).
 1977         2. For a professional certificate covering grades 6 through
 1978  12:
 1979         a. Meets the requirements of paragraphs (2)(a)-(h).
 1980         b. Holds a master’s or higher degree in the area of
 1981  science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
 1982         c. Teaches a high school course in the subject of the
 1983  advanced degree.
 1984         d. Is rated highly effective as determined by the teacher’s
 1985  performance evaluation under s. 1012.34, based in part on
 1986  student performance as measured by a statewide, standardized
 1987  assessment or an Advanced Placement, Advanced International
 1988  Certificate of Education, or International Baccalaureate
 1989  examination.
 1990         e. Achieves a passing score on the Florida professional
 1991  education competency examination required by state board rule.
 1992         3. Meets the requirements of paragraphs (2)(a)-(h) and
 1993  completes a professional preparation and education competence
 1994  program approved by the department pursuant to paragraph (8)(c).
 1995  An applicant who completes the program and is rated highly
 1996  effective as determined by his or her performance evaluation
 1997  under s. 1012.34 is not required to take or achieve a passing
 1998  score on the professional education competency examination in
 1999  order to be awarded a professional certificate.
 2000         (b) The department shall issue a temporary certificate to
 2001  any applicant who completes the requirements outlined in
 2002  paragraphs (2)(a)-(f) and completes the subject area content
 2003  requirements specified in state board rule or demonstrates
 2004  mastery of subject area knowledge pursuant to subsection (5) and
 2005  holds an accredited degree or a degree approved by the
 2006  Department of Education at the level required for the subject
 2007  area specialization in state board rule.
 2008         (c) The department shall issue one nonrenewable 2-year
 2009  temporary certificate and one nonrenewable 5-year professional
 2010  certificate to a qualified applicant who holds a bachelor’s
 2011  degree in the area of speech-language impairment to allow for
 2012  completion of a master’s degree program in speech-language
 2013  impairment.
 2015  Each temporary certificate is valid for 3 school fiscal years
 2016  and is nonrenewable. However, the requirement in paragraph
 2017  (2)(g) must be met within 1 calendar year of the date of
 2018  employment under the temporary certificate. Individuals who are
 2019  employed under contract at the end of the 1 calendar year time
 2020  period may continue to be employed through the end of the school
 2021  year in which they have been contracted. A school district shall
 2022  not employ, or continue the employment of, an individual in a
 2023  position for which a temporary certificate is required beyond
 2024  this time period if the individual has not met the requirement
 2025  of paragraph (2)(g). At least 1 year before an individual’s
 2026  temporary certificate is set to expire, the department shall
 2027  electronically notify the individual of the date on which his or
 2028  her certificate will expire and provide a list of each method by
 2029  which the qualifications for a professional certificate can be
 2030  completed. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to
 2031  allow the department to extend the validity period of a
 2032  temporary certificate for 2 years when the requirements for the
 2033  professional certificate, not including the requirement in
 2034  paragraph (2)(g), were not completed due to the serious illness
 2035  or injury of the applicant, the military service of an
 2036  applicant’s spouse, or other extraordinary extenuating
 2037  circumstances. The rules must authorize the department to extend
 2038  the validity period of a temporary certificate or for 1 year if
 2039  the temporary certificateholder is rated effective or highly
 2040  effective based solely on a student learning growth formula
 2041  approved by the Commissioner of Education pursuant to s.
 2042  1012.34(8). The department shall reissue the temporary
 2043  certificate for 2 additional years upon approval by the
 2044  Commissioner of Education. A written request for reissuance of
 2045  the certificate shall be submitted by the district school
 2046  superintendent, the governing authority of a university lab
 2047  school, the governing authority of a state-supported school, or
 2048  the governing authority of a private school.
 2049         Section 53. Subsection (3) is added to section 1012.59,
 2050  Florida Statutes, to read:
 2051         1012.59 Certification fees.—
 2052         (3)The State Board of Education shall waive initial
 2053  general knowledge, professional education, and subject area
 2054  examination fees and certification fees for:
 2055         (a)A member of the United States Armed Forces or a reserve
 2056  component thereof who is serving or has served on active duty or
 2057  the spouse of such a member.
 2058         (b)The surviving spouse of a member of the United States
 2059  Armed Forces or a reserve component thereof who was serving on
 2060  active duty at the time of death.
 2061         (c)An honorably discharged veteran of the United States
 2062  Armed Forces or a veteran of a reserve component thereof who
 2063  served on active duty and the spouse or surviving spouse of such
 2064  a veteran.
 2065         Section 54. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.
