Bill Text: FL S7078 | 2015 | Regular Session | Enrolled
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Passed) 2015-05-22 - Chapter No. 2015-79 [S7078 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S7078-Enrolled.html
ENROLLED 2015 Legislature CS for SB 7078, 2nd Engrossed 20157078er 1 2 An act relating to child welfare; amending s. 39.2015, 3 F.S.; authorizing critical incident rapid response 4 teams to review cases of child deaths occurring during 5 an open investigation; requiring the advisory 6 committee to meet quarterly and submit quarterly 7 reports; amending s. 39.3068, F.S.; requiring case 8 staffing when medical neglect is substantiated; 9 amending s. 125.901, F.S.; revising the schedule for a 10 county’s governing body to submit a general election 11 ballot question on whether to retain a children’s 12 services district with voter-approved taxing 13 authority; amending s. 383.402, F.S.; requiring an 14 epidemiological child abuse death assessment and 15 prevention system; providing intent for the operation 16 of and interaction between the state and local death 17 review committees; limiting members of the state 18 committee to terms of 2 years, not to exceed three 19 consecutive terms; requiring the committee to elect a 20 chairperson and authorizing specified duties of the 21 chairperson; providing for per diem and reimbursement 22 of expenses; specifying duties of the state committee; 23 deleting obsolete provisions; providing for the 24 convening of county or multicounty local review 25 committees and support by the county health department 26 directors; specifying membership and duties of local 27 review committees; requiring the state review 28 committee to submit an annual statistical report to 29 the Governor and the Legislature; identifying the 30 required content for the report; specifying that 31 certain responsibilities of the Department of Children 32 and Families are to be administered at the regional 33 level, rather than at the district level; amending s. 34 402.301, F.S.; requiring personnel of specified 35 membership organizations to meet background screening 36 requirements; amending s. 402.302, F.S.; adding 37 personnel of specified membership organizations to the 38 definition of the term child care personnel; amending 39 s. 409.977, F.S.; authorizing Medicaid managed care 40 specialty plans to serve specified children; amending 41 s. 409.986, F.S.; revising legislative intent to 42 require community-based care lead agencies to give 43 priority to the use of evidence-based and trauma 44 informed services; amending s. 409.988; requiring lead 45 agencies to give priority to the use of evidence-based 46 and trauma-informed services; amending s. 435.02, 47 F.S.; redefining a term; amending s. 1006.061, F.S.; 48 requiring each district school board, charter school, 49 and certain private schools to post in each school a 50 poster with specified information; providing criteria 51 for the poster; requiring the Department of Education 52 to develop and publish a sample notice on its Internet 53 website; providing an effective date. 54 55 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 56 57 Section 1. Subsections (2) and (11) of section 39.2015, 58 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 59 39.2015 Critical incident rapid response team.— 60 (2) An immediate onsite investigation conducted by a 61 critical incident rapid response team is required for all child 62 deaths reported to the department if the child or another child 63 in his or her family was the subject of a verified report of 64 suspected abuse or neglect during the previous 12 months. The 65 secretary may direct an immediate investigation for other cases 66 involving death or serious injury to a child, including, but not 67 limited to, a death or serious injury occurring during an open 68 investigation. 69 (11) The secretary shall appoint an advisory committee made 70 up of experts in child protection and child welfare, including 71 the Statewide Medical Director for Child Protection under the 72 Department of Health, a representative from the institute 73 established pursuant to s. 1004.615, an expert in organizational 74 management, and an attorney with experience in child welfare, to 75 conduct an independent review of investigative reports from the 76 critical incident rapid response teams and to make 77 recommendations to improve policies and practices related to 78 child protection and child welfare services. The advisory 79 committee shall meet at least once each quarter andBy October 180of each year, the advisory committeeshall submit quarterly 81 reportsa reportto the secretary which includeincludes82 findings and recommendations. The secretary shall submit each 83thereport to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the 84 Speaker of the House of Representatives. 85 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 39.3068, Florida 86 Statutes, is amended to read: 87 39.3068 Reports of medical neglect.— 88 (3) The child shall be evaluated by the child protection 89 team as soon as practicable. IfAfter receipt of the report from90 the child protection team reports that medical neglect is 91 substantiated, the department shall convene a case staffing 92 which shall be attended, at a minimum, by the child protective 93 investigator; department legal staff; and representatives from 94 the child protection team that evaluated the child, Children’s 95 Medical Services, the Agency for Health Care Administration, the 96 community-based care lead agency, and any providers of services 97 to the child. However, the Agency for Health Care Administration 98 is not required to attend the staffing if the child is not 99 Medicaid eligible. The staffing shall consider, at a minimum, 100 available services, given the family’s eligibility for services; 101 services that are effective in addressing conditions leading to 102 medical neglect allegations; and services that would enable the 103 child to safely remain at home. Any services that are available 104 and effective shall be provided. 105 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 125.901, Florida 106 Statutes, is amended to read: 107 125.901 Children’s services; independent special district; 108 council; powers, duties, and functions; public records 109 exemption.— 110 (4)(a) Any district created pursuant to this section may be 111 dissolved by a special act of the Legislature, or the county 112 governing body may by ordinance dissolve the district subject to 113 the approval of the electorate. 114 (b)1.a. Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the governing body 115 of the county shall submit the question of retention or 116 dissolution of a district with voter-approved taxing authority 117 to the electorate in the general election according to the 118 following schedule: 119 (I) For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and 120 serving a county with a population of 400,000 or fewer persons 121 as of that date............................................2014. 122(II) For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and123serving a county with a population of more than 400,000 but124fewer than 2 million persons as of125that date..................................................2016.126 (II)(III)For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and 127 serving a county with a population of 2 million or more persons 128 as of that date............................................2020. 129 b. A referendum by the electorate on or after July 1, 2010, 130 creating a new district with taxing authority may specify that 131 the district is not subject to reauthorization or may specify 132 the number of years for which the initial authorization shall 133 remain effective. If the referendum does not prescribe terms of 134 reauthorization, the governing body of the county shall submit 135 the question of retention or dissolution of the district to the 136 electorate in the general election 12 years after the initial 137 authorization. 138 2. The governing body of the district may specify, and 139 submit to the governing body of the county no later than 9 140 months before the scheduled election, that the district is not 141 subsequently subject to reauthorization or may specify the 142 number of years for which a reauthorization under this paragraph 143 shall remain effective. If the governing body of the district 144 makes such specification and submission, the governing body of 145 the county shall include that information in the question 146 submitted to the electorate. If the governing body of the 147 district does not specify and submit such information, the 148 governing body of the county shall resubmit the question of 149 reauthorization to the electorate every 12 years after the year 150 prescribed in subparagraph 1. The governing body of the district 151 may recommend to the governing body of the county language for 152 the question submitted to the electorate. 153 3. Nothing in this paragraph limits the authority to 154 dissolve a district as provided under paragraph (a). 155 4. Nothing in this paragraph precludes the governing body 156 of a district from requesting that the governing body of the 157 county submit the question of retention or dissolution of a 158 district with voter-approved taxing authority to the electorate 159 at a date earlier than the year prescribed in subparagraph 1. If 160 the governing body of the county accepts the request and submits 161 the question to the electorate, the governing body satisfies the 162 requirement of that subparagraph. 163 164 If any district is dissolved pursuant to this subsection, each 165 county must first obligate itself to assume the debts, 166 liabilities, contracts, and outstanding obligations of the 167 district within the total millage available to the county 168 governing body for all county and municipal purposes as provided 169 for under s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution. Any district 170 may also be dissolved pursuant to s. part VII of chapter 189. 171 Section 4. Section 383.402, Florida Statutes, is amended to 172 read: 173 383.402 Child abuse death review; State Child Abuse Death 174 Review Committee; local child abuse death review committees.— 175 (1) INTENT.—It is the intent of the Legislature to 176 establish a statewide multidisciplinary, multiagency, 177 epidemiological child abuse death assessment and prevention 178 system that consists of state and local review committees. The 179state and local reviewcommittees shall review the facts and 180 circumstances of all deaths of children from birth tothrough181 age 18 which occur in this state and are reported to the central 182 abuse hotline of the Department of Children and Families. The 183 state and local review committees shall work cooperatively. The 184 primary function of the state review committee is to provide 185 direction and leadership for the review system and to analyze 186 data and recommendations from local review committees to 187 identify issues and trends and to recommend statewide action. 188 The primary function of the local review committees is to 189 conduct individual case reviews of deaths, generate information, 190 make recommendations, and implement improvements at the local 191 level. The purpose of the state and local review system isshall192beto: 193 (a) Achieve a greater understanding of the causes and 194 contributing factors of deaths resulting from child abuse. 195 (b) Whenever possible, develop a communitywide approach to 196 address such causescasesand contributing factors. 197 (c) Identify any gaps, deficiencies, or problems in the 198 delivery of services to children and their families by public 199 and private agencies which may be related to deaths that are the 200 result of child abuse. 201 (d) RecommendMake and implement recommendations for202 changes in law, rules, and policies at the state and local 203 levels, as well as develop practice standards that support the 204 safe and healthy development of children and reduce preventable 205 child abuse deaths. 206 (e) Implement such recommendations, to the extent possible. 207 (2) STATE CHILD ABUSE DEATH REVIEW COMMITTEE.— 208 (a) Membership.— 209 1. The State Child Abuse Death Review Committee is 210 established within the Department of Health and shall consist of 211 a representative of the Department of Health, appointed by the 212 State Surgeon General, who shall serve as the state committee 213 coordinator. The head of each of the following agencies or 214 organizations shall also appoint a representative to the state 215 committee: 216 a.1.The Department of Legal Affairs. 217 b.2.The Department of Children and Families. 218 c.3.The Department of Law Enforcement. 219 d.4.The Department of Education. 220 e.5.The Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Inc. 221 f.6.The Florida Medical Examiners Commission, whose 222 representative must be a forensic pathologist. 223 2.(b)In addition, the State Surgeon General shall appoint 224 the following members to the state committee, based on 225 recommendations from the Department of Health and the agencies 226 listed in subparagraph 1.paragraph (a), and ensuring that the 227 committee represents the regional, gender, and ethnic diversity 228 of the state to the greatest extent possible: 229 a.1.The Department of Health Statewide Child Protection 230 Team Medical Directorfor Child Protection. 231 b.2.A public health nurse. 232 c.3.A mental health professional who treats children or 233 adolescents. 234 d.4.An employee of the Department of Children and Families 235 who supervises family services counselors and who has at least 5 236 years of experience in child protective investigations. 237 e.5.The medical director of a child protection team. 238 f.6.A member of a child advocacy organization. 239 g.7.A social worker who has experience in working with 240 victims and perpetrators of child abuse. 241 h.8.A person trained as a paraprofessional in patient 242 resources who is employed in a child abuse prevention program. 243 i.9.A law enforcement officer who has at least 5 years of 244 experience in children’s issues. 245 j.10.A representative of the Florida Coalition Against 246 Domestic Violence. 247 k.11.A representative from a private provider of programs 248 on preventing child abuse and neglect. 249 l. A substance abuse treatment professional. 250 3. The members of the state committee shall be appointed to 251 staggered terms not to exceed 2 years each, as determined by the 252 State Surgeon General. Members may be appointed to no more than 253 three consecutive terms. The state committee shall elect a 254 chairperson from among its members to serve for a 2-year term, 255 and the chairperson may appoint ad hoc committees as necessary 256 to carry out the duties of the committee. 257 4. Members of the state committee shall serve without 258 compensation but may receive reimbursement for per diem and 259 travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as 260 provided in s. 112.061 and to the extent that funds are 261 available. 262 (b)(3)Duties.—The State Child Abuse Death Review Committee 263 shall: 264 1.(a)Develop a system for collecting data from local 265 committees on deaths that are reported to the central abuse 266 hotlinethe result of child abuse. The system must include a 267 protocol for the uniform collection of data statewide, which 268 must, at a minimum, use the National Child Death Review Case 269 Reporting System administered by the National Center for the 270 Review and Prevention of Child Deathsuses existing data271collection systems to the greatest extent possible. 272 2.(b)Provide training to cooperating agencies, 273 individuals, and local child abuse death review committees on 274 the use of the child abuse death data system. 275(c) Prepare an annual statistical report on the incidence276and causes of death resulting from reported child abuse in the277state during the prior calendar year. The state committee shall278submit a copy of the report by October 1 of each year to the279Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the280House of Representatives. The report must include281recommendations for state and local action, including specific282policy, procedural, regulatory, or statutory changes, and any283other recommended preventive action.284 3.(d)Provide training to local child abuse death review 285 committee members on the dynamics and impact of domestic 286 violence, substance abuse, or mental health disorders when there 287 is a co-occurrence of child abuse. Training mustshallbe 288 provided by the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the 289 Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, and the Florida 290 Council for Community Mental Health in each entity’s respective 291 area of expertise. 292 4.(e)Develop statewide uniform guidelines, standards, and 293 protocols, including a protocol for standardized data 294 collection,and reporting, for local child abuse death review 295 committees,and provide training and technical assistance to 296 local committees. 297 5.(f)Develop statewide uniform guidelines for reviewing 298 deaths that are the result of child abuse, including guidelines 299 to be used by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, medical 300 examiners, health care practitioners, health care facilities, 301 and social service agencies. 302 6.(g)Study the adequacy of laws, rules, training, and 303 services to determine what changes are needed to decrease the 304 incidence of child abuse deaths and develop strategies and 305 recruit partners to implement these changes. 306 7.(h)Provide consultation on individual cases to local 307 committees upon request. 308 8.(i)Educate the public regarding the provisions of 309 chapter 99-168, Laws of Florida, the incidence and causes of 310 child abuse death, and ways by which such deaths may be 311 prevented. 312 9.(j)Promote continuing education for professionals who 313 investigate, treat, and prevent child abuse or neglect. 314 10.(k)Recommend, when appropriate, the review of the death 315 certificate of a child who died as a result of abuse or neglect. 316(4) The members of the state committee shall be appointed317to staggered terms of office which may not exceed 2 years, as318determined by the State Surgeon General. Members are eligible319for reappointment. The state committee shall elect a chairperson320from among its members to serve for a 2-year term, and the321chairperson may appoint ad hoc committees as necessary to carry322out the duties of the committee.323(5) Members of the state committee shall serve without324compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for per diem and325travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as326provided in s. 112.061 and to the extent that funds are327available.328 (3)(6)LOCAL CHILD ABUSE DEATH REVIEW COMMITTEES.—At the 329 direction of the State Surgeon General, a county or multicounty 330 child abuse death review committee shall be convened and 331 supported by the county health department directorsthe director332of each county health department, or the directors of two or333more county health departments by agreement,mayconvene and334support a county or multicounty child abuse death review335committeein accordance with the protocols established by the 336 State Child Abuse Death Review Committee. 337 (a) Membership.—The local death review committees shall 338 include, at a minimum, the following organizations’ 339 representatives, appointed by the county health department 340 directors in consultation with those organizations: 341 1. The state attorney’s office.Each local committee must342include a local state attorney, or his or her designee, and343 2. The medical examiner’s office. 344 3. The local Department of Children and Families child 345 protective investigations unit. 346 4. The Department of Health child protection team. 347 5. The community-based care lead agency. 348 6. State, county, or local law enforcement agencies. 349 7. The school district. 350 8. A mental health treatment provider. 351 9. A certified domestic violence center. 352 10. A substance abuse treatment provider. 353 11. Any other members that are determined by guidelines 354 developed by the State Child Abuse Death Review Committee. 355 356 To the extent possible, individuals from these organizations or 357 entities who, in a professional capacity, dealt with a child 358 whose death is verified as caused by abuse or neglect, or with 359 the family of the child, shall attend any meetings where the 360 child’s case is reviewed. The members of a local committee shall 361 be appointed to 2-year terms and may be reappointed.The local362committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members.363 Members shall serve without compensation but may receiveare364entitled toreimbursement for per diem and travel expenses 365 incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in s. 366 112.061 and to the extent that funds are available. 367 (b)(7)Duties.—Each local child abuse death review 368 committee shall: 369 1.(a)Assist the state committee in collecting data on 370 deaths that are the result of child abuse, in accordance with 371 the protocol established by the state committee. The local 372 committee shall complete, to the fullest extent possible, the 373 individual case report in the National Child Death Review Case 374 Reporting System. 375 2.(b)Submit written reports as required byat the376direction ofthe state committee. The reports must include: 377 a. Nonidentifying information fromonindividual cases. 378 b. Identification of any problems with the data system 379 uncovered through the review process and the committee’s 380 recommendations for system improvements and needed resources, 381 training, and information dissemination, where gaps or 382 deficiencies may exist.and383 c. Allthesteps taken by the local committee and private 384 and public agencies to implement necessary changes and improve 385 the coordination of services and reviews. 386 3.(c)Submit all records requested by the state committee 387 at the conclusion of its review of a death resulting from child 388 abuse. 389 4.(d)Abide by the standards and protocols developed by the 390 state committee. 391 5.(e)On a case-by-case basis, request that the state 392 committee review the data of a particular case. 393 (4) ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT.—The state committee shall 394 prepare and submit a comprehensive statistical report by 395 December 1 of each year to the Governor, the President of the 396 Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives which 397 includes data, trends, analysis, findings, and recommendations 398 for state and local action regarding deaths from child abuse. 399 Data must be presented on an individual calendar year basis and 400 in the context of a multiyear trend. At a minimum, the report 401 must include: 402 (a) Descriptive statistics, including demographic 403 information regarding victims and caregivers, and the causes and 404 nature of deaths. 405 (b) A detailed statistical analysis of the incidence and 406 causes of deaths. 407 (c) Specific issues identified within current policy, 408 procedure, rule, or statute and recommendations to address those 409 issues from both the state and local committees. 410 (d) Other recommendations to prevent deaths from child 411 abuse based on an analysis of the data presented in the report. 412 (5)(8)ACCESS TO AND USE OF RECORDS.— 413 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the chairperson of the 414 State Child Abuse Death Review Committee, or the chairperson of 415 a local committee, shall be provided with access to any 416 information or records that pertain to a child whose death is 417 being reviewed by the committee and that are necessary for the 418 committee to carry out its duties, including information or 419 records that pertain to the child’s family, as follows: 420 1.(a)Patient records in the possession of a public or 421 private provider of medical, dental, or mental health care, 422 including, but not limited to, a facility licensed under chapter 423 393, chapter 394, or chapter 395, or a health care practitioner 424 as defined in s. 456.001. Providers may charge a fee for copies 425 not to exceed 50 cents per page for paper records and $1 per 426 fiche for microfiche records. 427 2.(b)Information or records of any state agency or 428 political subdivision which might assist a committee in 429 reviewing a child’s death, including, but not limited to, 430 information or records of the Department of Children and 431 Families, the Department of Health, the Department of Education, 432 or the Department of Juvenile Justice. 433 (b)(9)The State Child Abuse Death Review Committee or a 434 local committee shall have access to all information of a law 435 enforcement agency which is not the subject of an active 436 investigation and which pertains to the review of the death of a 437 child. A committee may not disclose any information that is not 438 subject to public disclosure by the law enforcement agency, and 439 active criminal intelligence information or criminal 440 investigative information, as defined in s. 119.011(3), may not 441 be made available for review or access under this section. 442 (c)(10)The state committee and any local committee may 443 share with each other any relevant information that pertains to 444 the review of the death of a child. 445 (d)(11)A member of the state committee or a local 446 committee may not contact, interview, or obtain information by 447 request or subpoena directly from a member of a deceased child’s 448 family as part of a committee’s review of a child abuse death, 449 except that if a committee member is also a public officer or 450 state employee, that member may contact, interview, or obtain 451 information from a member of the deceased child’s family, if 452 necessary, as part of the committee’s review. A member of the 453 deceased child’s family may voluntarily provide records or 454 information to the state committee or a local committee. 455 (e)(12)The chairperson of the State Child Abuse Death 456 Review Committee may require the production of records by 457 requesting a subpoena, through the Department of Legal Affairs, 458 in any county of the state. Such subpoena is effective 459 throughout the state and may be served by any sheriff. Failure 460 to obey the subpoena is punishable as provided by law. 461 (f)(13)This section does not authorize the members of the 462 state committee or any local committee to have access to any 463 grand jury proceedings. 464 (g)(14)A person who has attended a meeting of the state 465 committee or a local committee or who has otherwise participated 466 in activities authorized by this section may not be permitted or 467 required to testify in any civil, criminal, or administrative 468 proceeding as to any records or information produced or 469 presented to a committee during meetings or other activities 470 authorized by this section. However, this subsection does not 471 prevent any person who testifies before the committee or who is 472 a member of the committee from testifying as to matters 473 otherwise within his or her knowledge. An organization, 474 institution, committee member, or other person who furnishes 475 information, data, reports, or records to the state committee or 476 a local committee is not liable for damages to any person and is 477 not subject to any other civil, criminal, or administrative 478 recourse. This subsection does not apply to any person who 479 admits to committing a crime. 480 (6)(15)DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RESPONSIBILITIES.— 481 (a) The Department of Health shall administer the funds 482 appropriated to operate the review committees and may apply for 483 grants and accept donations. 484 (b)(16)To the extent that funds are available, the 485 Department of Health may hire staff or consultants to assist a 486 review committee in performing its duties. Funds may also be 487 used to reimburse reasonable expenses of the staff and 488 consultants for the state committee and the local committees. 489 (c)(17)For the purpose of carrying out the 490 responsibilities assigned to the State Child Abuse Death Review 491 Committee and the local review committees, the State Surgeon 492 General may substitute an existing entity whose function and 493 organization includesincludethe function and organization of 494 the committees established by this section. 495 (7)(18)DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES 496 RESPONSIBILITIES.—Each regional managing directordistrict497administratorof the Department of Children and Families must 498 appoint a child abuse death review coordinator for the region 499district. The coordinator must have knowledge and expertise in 500 the area of child abuse and neglect. The coordinator’s general 501 responsibilities include: 502 (a) Coordinating with the local child abuse death review 503 committee. 504 (b) Ensuring the appropriate implementation of the child 505 abuse death review process and all regionaldistrictactivities 506 related to the review of child abuse deaths. 507 (c) Working with the committee to ensure that the reviews 508 are thorough and that all issues are appropriately addressed. 509 (d) Maintaining a system of logging child abuse deaths 510 covered by this procedure and tracking cases during the child 511 abuse death review process. 512 (e) Conducting or arranging for a Florida Safe Families 513 NetworkAbuse Hotline Information System (FAHIS)record check on 514 all child abuse deaths covered by this procedure to determine 515 whether there were any prior reports concerning the child or 516 concerning any siblings, other children, or adults in the home. 517 (f) Coordinating child abuse death review activities, as 518 needed, with individuals in the community and the Department of 519 Health. 520 (g) Notifying the regional managing directordistrict521administrator, the Secretary of Children and Families, the 522 Department of Health Deputy Secretary for Health and Deputy 523 State Health Officer for Children’s Medical Services, and the 524 Department of Health Child Abuse Death Review Coordinator of all 525child abusedeaths meeting criteria for review as specified in 526 this section within 1 working day after case closureverifying527the child’s death was due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. 528 (h) Ensuring that all critical issues identified by the 529 local child abuse death review committee are brought to the 530 attention of the regional managing directordistrict531administratorand the Secretary of Children and Families. 532 (i) Providing technical assistance to the local child abuse 533 death review committee during the review of any child abuse 534 death. 535 Section 5. Subsection (6) of section 402.301, Florida 536 Statutes, is amended to read: 537 402.301 Child care facilities; legislative intent and 538 declaration of purpose and policy.—It is the legislative intent 539 to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the children of 540 the state and to promote their emotional and intellectual 541 development and care. Toward that end: 542 (6) It is further the intent that membership organizations 543 affiliated with national organizations which do not provide 544 child care, whose primary purpose is providing activities that 545 contribute to the development of good character or good 546 sportsmanship or to the education or cultural development of 547 minors in this state, which charge only a nominal annual 548 membership fee, which are not for profit, and which are 549 certified by their national associations as being in compliance 550 with the association’s minimum standards and procedures shall 551 not be considered child care facilitiesand therefore, their552personnel shall not be required to be screened. However, all 553 personnel as defined in s. 402.302 of such membership 554 organizations shall meet background screening requirements 555 through the department pursuant to ss. 402.305 and 402.3055. 556 Section 6. Subsection (3) of section 402.302, Florida 557 Statutes, is amended to read: 558 402.302 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: 559 (3) “Child care personnel” means all owners, operators, 560 employees, and volunteers working in a child care facility. The 561 term does not include persons who work in a child care facility 562 after hours when children are not present or parents of children 563 in a child care facility. For purposes of screening, the term 564 includes any member, over the age of 12 years, of a child care 565 facility operator’s family, or person, over the age of 12 years, 566 residing with a child care facility operator if the child care 567 facility is located in or adjacent to the home of the operator 568 or if the family member of, or person residing with, the child 569 care facility operator has any direct contact with the children 570 in the facility during its hours of operation. Members of the 571 operator’s family or persons residing with the operator who are 572 between the ages of 12 years and 18 years are not required to be 573 fingerprinted but must be screened for delinquency records. For 574 purposes of screening, the term also includes persons who work 575 in child care programs that provide care for children 15 hours 576 or more each week in public or nonpublic schools, family day 577 care homes, membership organizations under s. 402.301, or 578 programs otherwise exempted under s. 402.316. The term does not 579 include public or nonpublic school personnel who are providing 580 care during regular school hours, or after hours for activities 581 related to a school’s program for grades kindergarten through 582 12. A volunteer who assists on an intermittent basis for less 583 than 10 hours per month is not included in the term “personnel” 584 for the purposes of screening and training if a person who meets 585 the screening requirement of s. 402.305(2) is always present and 586 has the volunteer in his or her line of sight. Students who 587 observe and participate in a child care facility as a part of 588 their required coursework are not considered child care 589 personnel, provided such observation and participation are on an 590 intermittent basis and a person who meets the screening 591 requirement of s. 402.305(2) is always present and has the 592 student in his or her line of sight. 593 Section 7. Subsection (5) is added to section 409.977, 594 Florida Statutes, to read: 595 409.977 Enrollment.— 596 (5) Specialty plans serving children in the care and 597 custody of the department may serve such children as long as 598 they remain in care, including those remaining in extended 599 foster care pursuant to s. 39.6251, or are in subsidized 600 adoption and continue to be eligible for Medicaid pursuant to s. 601 409.903. 602 Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 603 409.986, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 604 409.986 Legislative findings and intent; child protection 605 and child welfare outcomes; definitions.— 606 (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND INTENT.— 607 (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department 608 of Children and Families provide child protection and child 609 welfare services to children through contracting with community 610 based care lead agencies. The community-based lead agencies 611 shall give priority to the use of services that are evidence 612 based and trauma-informed. Counties that provide children and 613 family services with at least 40 licensed residential group care 614 beds by July 1, 2003, and that provide at least $2 million 615 annually in county general revenue funds to supplement foster 616 and family care services shall continue to contract directly 617 with the state. It is the further intent of the Legislature that 618 communities have responsibility for and participate in ensuring 619 safety, permanence, and well-being for all children in the 620 state. 621 Section 9. Subsection (3) of section 409.988, Florida 622 Statutes, is amended to read: 623 409.988 Lead agency duties; general provisions.— 624 (3) SERVICES.—A lead agency must provideservedependent 625 children withthroughservices that are supported by research or 626 that are recognized as best practices in thebestchild welfare 627 fieldpractices. The agency shall give priority to the use of 628 services that are evidence-based and trauma-informed and may 629 also provide other innovative services, including, but not 630 limited to, family-centered and,cognitive-behavioral, trauma631informedinterventions designed to mitigate out-of-home 632 placements. 633 Section 10. Subsection (5) of section 435.02, Florida 634 Statutes, is amended to read: 635 435.02 Definitions.—For the purposes of this chapter, the 636 term: 637 (5) “Specified agency” means the Department of Health, the 638 Department of Children and Families, the Division of Vocational 639 Rehabilitation within the Department of Education, the Agency 640 for Health Care Administration, the Department of Elderly 641 Affairs, the Department of Juvenile Justice,andthe Agency for 642 Persons with Disabilities, and local licensing agencies approved 643 pursuant to s. 402.307, when these agencies are conducting state 644 and national criminal history background screening on persons 645 who work with children or persons who are elderly or disabled. 646 Section 11. Section 1006.061, Florida Statutes, is amended 647 to read: 648 1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.—Each 649 district school board, charter school, and private school that 650 accepts scholarship students under s. 1002.39 or s. 1002.395 651 shall: 652 (1) Post in a prominent place in each school a notice that, 653 pursuant to chapter 39, all employees and agents of the district 654 school board, charter school, or private school have an 655 affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of 656 child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; have immunity from 657 liability if they report such cases in good faith; and have a 658 duty to comply with child protective investigations and all 659 other provisions of law relating to child abuse, abandonment, 660 and neglect. The notice shall also include the statewide toll 661 free telephone number of the central abuse hotline. 662 (2) Post in a prominent place at each school site and on 663 each school’s Internet website, if available, the policies and 664 procedures for reporting alleged misconduct by instructional 665 personnel or school administrators which affects the health, 666 safety, or welfare of a student; the contact person to whom the 667 report is made; and the penalties imposed on instructional 668 personnel or school administrators who fail to report suspected 669 or actual child abuse or alleged misconduct by other 670 instructional personnel or school administrators. 671 (3) Require the principal of the charter school or private 672 school, or the district school superintendent, or the 673 superintendent’s designee, at the request of the Department of 674 Children and Families, to act as a liaison to the Department of 675 Children and Families and the child protection team, as defined 676 in s. 39.01, when in a case of suspected child abuse, 677 abandonment, or neglect or an unlawful sexual offense involving 678 a child the case is referred to such a team; except that this 679 does not relieve or restrict the Department of Children and 680 Families from discharging its duty and responsibility under the 681 law to investigate and report every suspected or actual case of 682 child abuse, abandonment, or neglect or unlawful sexual offense 683 involving a child. 684 (4)(a) Post in a prominent place in a clearly visible 685 location and public area of the school which is readily 686 accessible to and widely used by students a sign in English and 687 Spanish that contains: 688 1. The statewide toll-free telephone number of the central 689 abuse hotline as provided in chapter 39; 690 2. Instructions to call 911 for emergencies; and 691 3. Directions for accessing the Department of Children and 692 Families Internet website for more information on reporting 693 abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 694 (b) The information in paragraph (a) must be put on at 695 least one poster in each school, on a sheet that measures at 696 least 11 inches by 17 inches, produced in large print, and 697 placed at student eye level for easy viewing. 698 699 The Department of Education shall develop, and publish on the 700 department’s Internet website, sample notices suitable for 701 posting in accordance with subsections (1),and(2), and (4). 702 Section 12. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.