Bill Text: GA HB376 | 2009-2010 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Telecommunications competition; Access Transition Fund; implement
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2009-04-03 - House Withdrawn, Recommitted [HB376 Detail]
Download: Georgia-2009-HB376-Comm_Sub.html
09 LC 36
House Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications offers the following
substitute to HB 376:
amend Article 4 of Chapter 5 of Title 46 of the Official Code of Georgia
Annotated, relating to telecommunications and competition development, so as to
modernize telecommunications competition by eliminating artificial and outdated
subsidy mechanisms in the form of contributions to the Universal Access Fund; to
amend certain definitions; to eliminate provisions related to the Universal
Access Fund; to revise certain provisions relating to rates for basic local
exchange services; to require the transition to intrastate and interstate
switched access parity over a certain period of time; to provide for termination
of the Universal Access Fund; to provide for jurisdiction and authority of the
commission; to provide for certain changes relating to basic local exchange
services; to provide for the construction of a certain Code section; to provide
for related matters; to provide effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and
for other purposes.
4 of Chapter 5 of Title 46 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating
to telecommunications and competition development, is amended by revising
subsection (b) of Code Section 46-5-161, relating to legislative findings and
intent relative to "The Telecommunications and Competition Development Act of
1995," as follows:
It is the intent of this article to:
Permit local exchange companies to elect alternative forms of
Protect the consumer during the transition to a competitive telecommunications
Assure reasonable cost for universal access to basic telecommunications services
throughout Georgia;
Encourage investment in Georgia's telecommunications infrastructure and
encourage the introduction of innovative products and services for Georgia's
Authorize competition for local exchange services; and
Allow pricing flexibility for all telecommunications services other than basic
local exchange services
for certain
article is further amended by revising subsections (f) and (g) of Code Section
46-5-166, relating to rates for basic local exchange services, as
Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the rates for switched access
by each Tier 1 local exchange company shall be no higher than the rates charged
for interstate access by the same local exchange company. The rates for switched
access shall be negotiated in good faith between the parties. In the event that
the rates for switched access cannot be negotiated between the parties, any
party may petition the commission to set reasonable rates, terms, or conditions
for switched access. The commission shall render a final decision in any
proceeding initiated pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph no later than
60 days after the close of the record except that the commission, by order, may
extend such period in any case in which it shall find that the complexity of the
issues and the length of the record require an extension of such period, in
which event the commission shall render a decision at the earliest date
practicable. In no event shall the commission delay the rendering of a final
decision in such proceeding beyond the earlier of 120 days after the close of
the record or 180 days from the filing of the notice of petition for
determination of rates for switched access that initiated the
Each Tier 2 local exchange company shall
transition, in
the manner described in this subsection,
prior to
July 1, 2000, adjust in equal annual
increments its intrastate switched access
to parity with its similar interstate
access rates
that are in
effect as of July 1, 2009. The transition to intrastate and interstate switched
access parity shall occur over a period of no greater than ten years in equal
annual increments; provided, however, that nothing in this subparagraph shall
prevent any Tier 2 local exchange company from making an immediate transition to
Each telecommunications company holding a certificate of authority, or otherwise
authorized by the commission to provide telecommunications services in this
state, other than a Tier 2 local exchange company, shall transition over a
period of no greater than ten years in equal annual increments beginning on
either July 1, 2009, or the date on which the telecommunications company first
offers service, whichever is later, its intrastate switched access rates to
levels not to exceed the similar interstate switched access rates in effect as
of July 1, 2009, that the incumbent Tier 1 or Tier 2 company in the
corresponding service territory charges for equivalent functions; provided,
however, that nothing in this subparagraph shall prevent such transition from
being made immediately.
The commission shall have the authority to govern the transition to intrastate
and interstate switched access parity provided for in subparagraphs (A) and (B)
of this paragraph and may order, upon good cause shown, further reductions in
intrastate switched access rates.
commission shall have authority to govern the transition of Tier 2 local
exchange company switched access rates to their corresponding interstate levels
and shall allow adjustment of other rates, including those of basic local
exchange services or universal service funds, as may be necessary to recover
those revenues lost through the concurrent reduction of the intrastate switched
access rates. In no event shall such adjustments exceed the revenues associated
with intrastate to interstate access parity as of July 1, 1995. In addition, if
access revenues have dropped below July 1, 1995, levels in subsequent years, the
adjustment in those years will be based on the reduced balance. Any intrastate
to interstate switched access adjustments resulting in increased local rates
that have been capped under subsection (b) of this Code section will be allowed
and a new cap will be established pursuant to this Code section. In the event
that the rates for switched access cannot be negotiated in good faith between
the parties, the commission shall determine the reasonable rates for switched
access in accordance with the procedures provided in paragraph (1) of this
In accordance with rules to be promulgated by the commission, any electing
company shall file tariffs with the commission for basic local exchange services
and other local exchange services that state the terms and conditions of such
services and the rates
established pursuant to this Code section
unless such
company has eliminated such tariffs pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b)
of Code Section
article is further amended by adding new Code sections to read as
Consistent with the ten-year transition described in paragraph (2) of subsection
(f) of Code Section 46-5-166, the commission shall allow the adjustment of rates
for basic local exchange services, which rates shall include mandatory expanded
area service fees, to 125 percent of the July 1, 2009, residential state-wide
weighted average rate for basic local exchange services imputed across all
access lines and adjusted annually for inflation measured by the change in
Notwithstanding any other provision in this article, once any electing local
exchange company has achieved intrastate and interstate switched access parity
and irrevocably certifies such to the commission, subsections (a), (b), (c), and
(d) of Code Section 46-5-166 shall no longer apply and subsection (e) of Code
Section 46-5-166 shall apply to all rates; provided, however, that the electing
local exchange company's intrastate switched access rates shall remain at or
below its intrastate access rates as of the date of such
Section 46-5-166 shall not be construed to:
Affect any authority of the commission to act in accordance with federal laws or
regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, including, without
limitation, jurisdiction granted to set rates, terms, and conditions for access
to unbundled network elements and to arbitrate and enforce interconnections
agreements; or
Restrict or expand the authority or jurisdiction of the commission with regard
to the resolution of complaints between local exchange companies and
certificated local exchange
4 of Chapter 5 of Title 46 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating
to telecommunications and competition development, is amended by revising Code
Section 46-5-162, relating to definitions relative to "The Telecommunications
and Competition Development Act of 1995," as follows:
used in this article, the term:
'Alternative regulation' means a form of regulation pursuant to which the rates,
terms, and conditions for telecommunications services provided by a local
exchange company are set pursuant to the rules specified in this
'Basic local exchange services' or 'universal access local exchange services'
the provision to residential and single line business customers in Georgia of
services composed of a touch tone switched access line and dial
of a quality sufficient for
voice and 9600 baud data/fax communications. This service shall include 1+
dialing for access to competitive providers of telecommunications services by
January 1, 1997. The elements of universal access local exchange services are
subject to subsequent review and modification by the commission.
'Caller identification service' means a type of telephone service which permits
telephone customers to see the telephone number of incoming telephone
'Commission' means the Georgia Public Service Commission.
'Electing company' means a local exchange company subject to the alternative
regulation described in this article.
means the Universal Access Fund created in Code Section 46-5-167.
'Gross domestic product-price index' or 'GDP-PI' means the gross domestic
product fixed weight price index calculated by the United States Department of
'Interconnection service' means the service of providing access to a local
exchange company's facilities for the purpose of enabling another
telecommunications company to originate or terminate telecommunications
'Local calling area' means the geographic area encompassing one or more local
services as described in commission orders
or in maps, tariffs, and rate schedules reviewed and approved by the
'Local exchange company' means a telecommunications company authorized to
provide local exchange service as described in this article. For purposes of
this article, there shall be two categories of local exchange
Tier 1 companies are those companies with 2 million or more access lines within
Georgia holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the
commission; and
Tier 2 companies are those companies with less than 2 million access lines
within Georgia holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued
by the commission.
'Local exchange services' means services offered for the transmission and
utilization of two-way interactive communications and associated usage with the
local calling area.
'Local interconnection services' means that part of switched interconnection
service provided for the purpose of originating or terminating a call which
originates and terminates within the local calling area.
'Portability' means the technical capability that permits a customer to retain
the same local number at the same customer location regardless of the provider
of the local exchange service.
'Switched access' means that part of switched interconnection service provided
for the purpose of originating or terminating a toll service.
'Switched interconnection service' means that part of interconnection service
which utilizes the local exchange company's switching facilities to provide line
or trunkside access or both to the local exchange company's end office or tandem
switches for the purpose of originating and terminating the telecommunications
services of other telecommunications companies.
'Tariff' means the schedule or other writing filed with the commission that
describes the rates, terms, and conditions of certain telecommunications
services provided by the telecommunications company.
'Telecommunications company' means any person, firm, partnership, corporation,
association, or municipal, county, or local governmental entity offering
telecommunications services to the public for hire.
'Telecommunications services' means the services for the transmission of two-way
interactive communications to the public for hire. For purposes of illustration,
the term 'telecommunications services' includes without limitation local
exchange services and interconnection services.
'Toll service' means the transmission of two-way interactive switched
communications between local calling areas.
'Universal access provider' means a local exchange company that is obligated to
provide basic local exchange service in all of its local calling areas in
response to reasonable requests for such service and which, in consideration of
such obligation, may have its rates for local
interconnection service established as provided in this
article is further amended by revising subsection (e) of Code Section 46-5-164,
relating to interconnection among certificated local exchange companies, as
follows: "(e) The commission is authorized to allow local exchange
companies to resell the services purchased from other local exchange companies
pursuant to rules determining when and under what circumstances such resale
shall be
provided, however, that the resale of basic local exchange services supported by
the Universal Access Fund shall be limited to users and uses conforming to the
definition of basic local exchange services set forth in paragraph (2) of Code
Section 46-5-162. Any local exchange
company or telecommunications company desiring to purchase or to resell services
purchased from another local exchange company may petition the commission for
the authorization to purchase or to resell such services. In cases where the
purchase or resale of services purchased is authorized by the commission, the
commission shall determine the reasonable rates, terms, or conditions for the
purchase or resale of such local exchange services such that no local exchange
company or telecommunications company gains an unfair market position. The
commission shall render a final decision in any proceeding initiated pursuant to
the provisions of this subsection no later than 60 days after the close of the
record except that the commission, by order, may extend such period in any case
in which it shall find that the complexity of the issues and the length of the
record require an extension of such period, in which event the commission shall
render a decision at the earliest date practicable. In no event shall the
commission delay the rendering of a final decision in such proceeding beyond the
earlier of 120 days after the close of the record or 180 days from the filing of
the notice of petition under this subsection. The commission, at its discretion
or upon a petition filed by either party, may modify a ruling rendered under
this subsection, provided that a petition for modification
not be filed more than once in any 18 month period."
article is further amended by revising Code Section 46-5-167, relating to the
Universal Access Fund, as follows:
The commission shall create a Universal Access Fund to assure the provision of
reasonably priced access to basic local exchange services throughout Georgia.
The fund shall be administered by the commission under rules to be promulgated
by the commission as needed to assure that the fund operates in a competitively
neutral manner between competing telecommunications providers.
The commission shall require all telecommunications companies providing
telecommunications services within Georgia to contribute quarterly to the fund
in a proportionate amount to their gross revenues from sale to end users of such
telecommunications services as determined by rules to be promulgated by the
The commission may also require any telecommunications company to contribute to
the fund if, after notice and opportunity for hearing, the commission determines
that the company is providing private local exchange services or radio based
local exchange services in this state that compete with a telecommunications
service provided in this state for which a contribution to the fund is required
under this Code section.
Contributions to the fund shall be determined by the commission based upon
estimates as to the difference in the reasonable actual costs of basic local
exchange services throughout Georgia and the amounts established by law or
regulations of the commission as to the maximum amounts that may be charged for
such services.
Moneys in the fund shall be distributed quarterly to all providers of basic
local exchange services upon application and demonstration that the reasonable
costs as determined by the commission to provide basic local exchange services
exceed the maximum fixed price permitted for such basic local exchange services.
The commission may take into account the possibility that a competing local
exchange company is providing or could provide lower cost basic local exchange
services. Competitive providers shall be entitled to obtain a similar subsidy
from the fund to the extent that they provide basic local exchange services;
provided, however, that such subsidy shall not exceed 90 percent of the per line
amount provided the incumbent local exchange company for existing basic local
exchange service or 100 percent of new basic local exchange
The commission shall require any local exchange company seeking reimbursement
from the fund to file the information reasonably necessary to determine the
actual and reasonable costs of providing basic local exchange
The commission shall have the authority to make adjustments to the contribution
or distribution levels based on yearly reconciliations and to order further
contributions or distributions as needed between companies to equalize
reasonably the burdens of providing basic local exchange service throughout
A local exchange company or other company shall not establish a surcharge on
customers' bills to collect from customers' contributions required under this
Code section.
article is further amended by revising Code Section 46-5-168, relating to
jurisdiction and authority of commission, as follows:
The jurisdiction of the commission under this article shall be construed to
include the authority necessary to implement and administer the express
provisions of this article through rule-making proceedings and orders in
specific cases.
The commission's jurisdiction shall include the authority to:
Adopt reasonable rules governing certification of local exchange
Grant, modify, impose conditions upon, or revoke a certificate;
and administer the Universal Access Fund including modifications to the maximum
allowable charge for basic local exchange service;
Adopt reasonable rules governing service quality;
Resolve complaints against a local exchange company regarding that company's
Require a telecommunications company electing alternative regulation under this
article to comply with the rate adjustment provisions of this
Approve and if necessary revise, suspend, or deny tariffs in accordance with the
provisions of this article;
If necessary, elect another comparable measurement of inflation calculated by
the United States Department of Commerce;
Establish reasonable rules and methodologies for performing cost allocations
among the services provided by a telecommunications company; and
Direct telecommunications companies to make investments and modifications
necessary to enable portability.
The commission shall render a final decision in any proceeding initiated
pursuant to the provisions of this article no later than 60 days after the close
of the record except that the commission, by order, may extend such period in
any case in which it shall find that the complexity of the issues and the length
of the record require an extension of such period, in which event the commission
shall render a decision at the earliest date practicable. In no event shall the
commission delay the rendering of a final decision in such proceeding beyond the
earlier of 120 days after the close of the record or 180 days from the filing of
the notice of rulemaking, petition, or complaint that initiated the
In conducting any rule-making proceeding under this article, the commission
shall consider the following factors:
The extent to which cost-effective competitive alternatives are available to
existing telecommunications networks and services; and
Requirements necessary to prevent any disadvantage or economic harm to
consumers, protect universal affordable service,
and maintain an affordable Universal Access
Fund, protect the quality of
telecommunications services, prevent anticompetitive practices, and prevent
abandonment of service to areas where there is no competing provider of
telecommunications service.
Subject to any other provision of law protecting the confidentiality of trade
secrets, the commission shall have access to the books and records of
telecommunications companies as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the
provisions of this article and with the commission's rules and regulations and
to carry out its responsibilities under this article.
In order to promote economic development and competitive advantage for the State
of Georgia, the commission shall have the authority to petition, intervene, or
otherwise commence proceedings before the appropriate federal agencies and
courts having specific jurisdiction over the regulation of telecommunications
seeking to enhance the competitive market for telecommunications services within
Act shall become effective on July 1, 2009, except that Part II of this Act
shall become effective on July 1, 2010.
laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.