Bill Text: GA HB56 | 2009-2010 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Sales and use tax; renegotiation of distribution certificates; change certain provisions
Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Republican 4-1)
Status: (Vetoed) 2009-05-11 - Veto V1 [HB56 Detail]
Download: Georgia-2009-HB56-Comm_Sub.html
Bill Title: Sales and use tax; renegotiation of distribution certificates; change certain provisions
Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Republican 4-1)
Status: (Vetoed) 2009-05-11 - Veto V1 [HB56 Detail]
Download: Georgia-2009-HB56-Comm_Sub.html
09 HB
Representatives Willard of the
Geisinger of the
Powell of the
and Thompson of the
amend Article 2 of Chapter 8 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia
Annotated, relating to the joint county and municipal sales and use tax, so as
to revise and change procedures and requirements regarding the renegotiation of
distribution certificates; to change certain provisions regarding failure to
file a new certificate; to change certain provisions regarding discontinuation
of the tax; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for
other purposes.
2 of Chapter 8 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating
to the joint county and municipal sales and use tax, is amended by revising
subsection (d) of Code Section 48-8-89, relating to the distribution of proceeds
and the renegotiation of distribution certificates, as follows:
Except as
otherwise provided in paragraph (7) of this subsection, a certificate providing
for the distribution of the proceeds of the tax authorized by this article shall
expire on December 31 of the second year following the year in which the
decennial census is conducted. No later
than December 30 of the second year following the year in which the census is
conducted, a renegotiated certificate meeting the requirements for certificates
specified by subsection (b) of this Code section shall be filed with and
received by the commissioner. The General Assembly recognizes that the
requirement for government services is not always in direct correlation with
population. Although a renegotiated certificate is required within a time
certain of the decennial census, this requirement is not meant to convey an
intent by the General Assembly that population as a criterion should be more
heavily weighted than other criteria. It is the express intent of the General
Assembly in requiring such renegotiation that eligible political subdivisions
shall analyze local service delivery responsibilities and the existing
allocation of proceeds made available to such governments under the provisions
of this article and make rational the allocation of such resources to meet such
service delivery responsibilities. Political subdivisions in their renegotiation
of such distributions shall at a minimum consider the criteria specified in
subsection (b) of this Code section.
The commissioner shall be notified in writing of the commencement of
renegotiation proceedings by the county governing authority
behalf of all eligible political subdivisions within the special district. The
eligible political subdivisions shall commence renegotiations at the call of the
county governing authority
but no
later than
July 1 of the second year following the year in which the census is conducted.
If the county governing authority does not issue the call by that date, any
eligible municipality may issue the call and so notify the commissioner
and all
eligible political subdivisions in the special
Following the commencement of
renegotiation, if the parties
necessary to
an agreement fail to reach an agreement
within 60 days, such parties shall
to submit the dispute to nonbinding
arbitration, mediation, or such other means of resolving conflicts in a manner
which, in
the judgment of the commissioner, reflects
a good faith effort to resolve the dispute. Any renegotiation agreement reached
pursuant to this paragraph shall be in accordance with the requirements
specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
If the parties
fail to reach an agreement within 60 days of submitting the dispute to
nonbinding arbitration, mediation, or such other means of resolving conflicts,
any party necessary to an agreement may file a petition in superior court of the
county seeking resolution of the items remaining in dispute. Such petition
shall be assigned to a judge pursuant to Code Section 15-1-9.1 or 15-6-13 who is
not a judge in the circuit in which the county is located. The judge selected
may also be a senior judge pursuant to Code Section 15-1-9.2 who resides in
another circuit.
The county and qualified municipalities representing at least one-half of the
aggregate municipal population of all qualified municipalities located wholly or
partially within the special district shall separately submit to the judge and
the other parties a written best and final offer as to the distribution of the
tax proceeds. There shall be one such offer from the county and one from
qualified municipalities representing at least one-half of the aggregate
municipal population of all qualified municipalities located wholly or partially
within the special district. The offer from the county may be an offer
representing the county and any municipalities that are not represented in the
offer from the qualified municipalities representing at least one-half of the
aggregate municipal population of all qualified municipalities located wholly or
partially within the special district.
Any qualified municipality or municipalities located wholly or partially within
the special district who are not a party to an offer under subparagraph (B) of
this paragraph and representing at least one-half of the aggregate municipal
population of all qualified municipalities who are not a party to an offer under
subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall be authorized to separately submit to
the judge and the other parties a written best and final offer as to the
distribution of the tax proceeds. There shall be one such offer from such
qualified municipality or municipalities.
Each offer under subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph shall take into
account the allocation required for any absent municipalities in accordance with
subsection (b) of this Code section. The visiting or senior judge shall conduct
such hearings as the judge deems necessary and shall render a decision based on,
but not limited to, the criteria in subsection (b) of this Code section and in
paragraph (1) of this subsection. The judge's decision as to the allocation of
the tax proceeds shall adopt the best and final offer of one of the parties
under subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph but shall also include
findings of fact. The judge shall enter a final order containing a new
distribution certificate and transmit a copy of it to the commissioner. Appeal
shall be by application and the decision of the judge shall be disturbed only
for the judge's disregard of the law, for partiality of the judge, or for
corruption, fraud, or misconduct by the judge or a party.
If the renegotiated certificate provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection
is not received by the commissioner by the required date,
authority to impose the tax authorized by Code Section 48-8-82 shall cease on
December 31 of the second year following the year in which the decennial census
is conducted and the tax shall not be levied in the special district after such
date unless the reimposition of the tax is subsequently authorized pursuant to
Code Section 48-8-85. When the imposition of the tax is so terminated, the
commissioner shall retain the proceeds of the tax which were to be distributed
to the governing authorities of the county and qualified municipalities within
the special district until the commissioner receives a certificate in behalf of
each such governing authority specifying the percentage of the proceeds which
each such governing authority shall receive. If no such certificate is received
by the commissioner within 120 days of the date on which the authority to levy
the tax was terminated, the proceeds shall escheat to the state and the
commissioner shall transfer the proceeds to the state's general
commissioner shall continue to distribute the sales tax proceeds according to
the percentages specified in the existing certificate or in accordance with
subsection (f) of Code Section 48-8-89.1, as applicable, until a new certificate
is properly filed.
If the commissioner receives
renegotiated certificate by the required date, the commissioner shall distribute
the proceeds of the tax in accordance with the directions of the renegotiated
certificate commencing on January 1 of the year immediately following the year
in which such certificate was renegotiated or the first day of the second
calendar month following the month such certificate was renegotiated, whichever
is sooner.
Costs of any conflict resolution under paragraph (3) of this subsection shall be
borne proportionately by the affected political subdivisions in accordance with
the final percentage distributions of the proceeds of the tax as reflected by
the renegotiated certificate
or as
otherwise ordered by the
All distribution certificates on file with the commissioner on July 1, 1994,
which were not renegotiated in accordance with the 1990 decennial census figures
or renegotiated on or after January 1, 1992, shall expire on December 31, 1995.
Renegotiations with respect to such certificates shall be commenced in
accordance with the requirements of this subsection on or before July 1, 1994.
If a renegotiated certificate is not received by the commissioner by July 1,
1995, the authority to impose the tax authorized by Code Section 48-8-82 shall
cease on December 31, 1995, and the tax shall not be levied in the special
district after that date unless reimposition of the tax is subsequently
authorized pursuant to Code Section 48-8-85. The commissioner shall retain and
distribute the proceeds of such terminated tax in accordance with paragraph (4)
of this subsection.
No qualified municipality within the special district whose population is less
than 5 percent of the population in the special district according to the United
States decennial census of 1990 shall receive a reduced percentage of
distribution than presently being received under the existing certificate prior
to renegotiations required in paragraph (7) of this subsection unless the new
agreement is executed by the qualified municipality. This paragraph shall apply
only to the negotiations required by paragraph (7) of this subsection and shall
not apply to any subsequent renegotiations required by this
Political subdivisions shall be authorized, at their option, to renegotiate
distribution certificates on a more frequent basis than is otherwise required
under this subsection.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, the
imposition of this tax shall not terminate based on a failure to file a new or
renegotiated certificate.
No provision of this subsection shall apply to any county which is authorized to
levy or which levies a local sales tax, local use tax, or local sales and use
tax for educational purposes pursuant to a local constitutional amendment or to
any county which is authorized to expend all or any portion of the proceeds of
any sales tax, use tax, or sales and use tax for educational purposes pursuant
to a local constitutional amendment."
article is further amended by revising subsection (d) of Code Section 48-8-89.1,
relating to lapsing of the tax due to failure to file a new certificate, as
If a new
certificate is not filed for any special district as required by this Code
section, the authority to impose the tax authorized by Code Section 48-8-82
within that special district shall cease on the first day of January of the year
following the year in which the required distribution certificate could last
have been timely filed. In any special district in which the authority to
impose the tax is terminated pursuant to this subsection, the tax may thereafter
be reimposed only pursuant to the procedures specified in Code Sections 48-8-84
through 48-8-86
article is further amended by revising Code Section 48-8-92, relating to the
referendum election on discontinuing imposition of the tax, as
Whenever the governing authority of any county
and the
governing authorities of
at least
one-half of qualified
located wholly or partially within a special district in which the tax
authorized by this article is being levied
to submit to the electors of the special district the question of whether the
tax authorized by Code Section 48-8-82 shall be discontinued,
shall notify the election superintendent of the county whose geographical
boundary is conterminous with that of the special district by forwarding to the
superintendent a copy of a
resolution of the governing
calling for the referendum election. Upon receipt of the resolution, it shall
be the duty of the election superintendent to issue the call for an election for
the purpose of submitting the question of discontinuing the levy of the tax to
the voters of the special district for approval or rejection. The election
superintendent shall
set the
date of the election for a day not less than 30 nor more than 45 days after the
date of the issuance of the call
issue the call
and shall conduct the election on a date and in the manner authorized under Code
Section 21-2-540. The election
superintendent shall cause the date and purpose of the election to be published
once a week for two weeks immediately preceding the date of the election in the
official organ of the county. The ballot shall have written or printed thereon
the following:
'( ) YES
( ) NO
the 1 percent retail sales and use tax being levied within the special district
within ____________ County be terminated?'
All persons desiring to vote in favor of discontinuing the tax shall vote 'Yes,'
and all persons opposed to discontinuing the tax shall vote 'No.' If more than
one-half of the votes cast are in favor of discontinuing the tax, then the tax
shall cease to be levied on the first day of the second calendar quarter
following the month in which the commissioner receives the certification of the
result of the election; otherwise, the tax shall continue to be levied, and the
question of the discontinuing of the tax may not again be submitted to the
voters of the special district until after 24 months immediately following the
month in which the election was held. It shall be the duty of the election
superintendent to hold and conduct such elections under the same rules and
regulations as govern special elections. It shall be
superintendent's further duty to canvass
the returns, declare and certify the result of the election, and certify the
result to the Secretary of State and to the commissioner. The expense of the
election shall be borne by the county whose geographical boundary is
conterminous with that of the special district holding the
Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its
becoming law without such approval.
laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.