ID Legislation | 2015 | Regular Session | Bills

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H0025PassPROFESSIONS, VOCATIONS, AND BUSINESSES - Amends existing law relating to physical therapy practice exemptions.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 5, 2015 Session Law Chapter 32 Effective: 07/01/2015
H0007PassCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Amends existing law to require that an order for release of prescription monitoring program records must be issued by a judge.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 5, 2015 Session Law Chapter 27 Effective: 07/01/2015
S1028PassSPEED LIMITS - Amends existing law to provide for certain speed limits on interstate highways and state highways unless otherwise posted.
Signed by Governor on 03/04/15 Session Law Chapter 24 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
RETIREMENT PROVISIONS - LEGISLATURE - Amends existing law relating to the Public Employee Retirement System to revise provisions relating to computation of certain service retirement allowances as they relate to the Idaho Legislature; and to revise p...
Introduced, read first time; referred to: State Affairs

Sine Die
VETERINARIANS - Amends existing law to provide that licensing and application fees are nonrefundable.
Introduced, read first time; referred to: Agricultural Affairs

Sine Die
JURY SELECTION AND SERVICE - Amends and adds to existing law to establish additional provisions relating to juror compensation for lengthy trials; to establish an additional power of the Supreme Court to make rules concerning juries; to establish the...
Introduced, read first time; referred to: Judiciary & Rules
S1018PassEDUCATION - Amends existing law relating to certificate records and fees.
Signed by Governor on 03/04/15 Session Law Chapter 23 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
CONTACT LENSES - Amends existing law to prohibit certain acts by manufacturers and distributors of contact lenses.
Introduced, read first time; referred to: Judiciary & Rules
H0052PassYOUTH CHALLENGE PROGRAM - Repeals existing law relating to the Youth Challenge Program to remove a sunset provision.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 4, 2015 Session Law Chapter 22 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
LIQUOR LICENSES - Amends and adds to existing law to revise the number of year-round liquor licenses that may be issued upon certain circumstances; to provide for a resort city conference and event center liquor license; to provide for a resort city ...
Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs

Sine Die
IDAHO LIMITED CONVENTION ACT - Adds to existing law to provide for the Idaho Limited Convention Act.
Introduced, read first time; referred to: State Affairs
H0013PassINCOME TAX - Amends and adds to existing law to provide an additional provision relating to the computation of federal taxable income; to allow a certain credit and to provide related requirements.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 3, 2015 Session Law Chapter 21 Effective: 01/01/2015

Sine Die
TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES - Adds to existing law to provide for regulation of transportation network companies and drivers.
Reported Printed and Referred to Transportation & Defense

Sine Die
INSPECTOR GENERAL - Adds to existing law to establish the Office of the Inspector General.
Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs

Sine Die
FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS - Amends existing law to provide requirements for contracts entered into by a board of fire district commissioners for employment of officers, agents and employees.
Reported Printed and Referred to Local Government

Sine Die
MINIMUM WAGE - Amends existing law to increase Idaho's minimum wage, including that for a tipped employee and a youth worker.
Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs
H0012PassSALES TAX - Amends existing law to provide that certain sales of utility type vehicles and specialty off-highway vehicles to nonresidents are exempt from sales tax if certain conditions are met.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 2, 2015 Session Law Chapter 20 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
UNFAIR SALES ACT - Adds to existing law to provide for limited applicability of the Unfair Sales Act.
Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs

Sine Die
INCOME TAX CREDITS - Amends existing law to revise criteria as to how certain nonprofit corporations, funds, foundations, trusts or associations qualify for a state income tax credit.
Reported Printed and Referred to Revenue & Taxation

Sine Die
MOTOR VEHICLES - Amends existing law to provide for limited liability companies relating to dealer and salesman licensing, to provide for denial of licenses under certain conditions; to restrict licensed manufacturers and distributors from engaging i...
Reported Printed and Referred to Transportation & Defense

Sine Die
PSYCHOLOGISTS - Amends and adds to existing law to grant psychologists the authority to prescribe certain medications.
Read First Time, Referred to Health & Welfare

Sine Die
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - Adds to existing law to provide an exemption from daylight saving time.
Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs

Sine Die
IDAHO TELEHEALTH ACCESS ACT - Adds to existing law to establish the Idaho Telehealth Access Act.
Take bill off General Orders; referred to Health & Welfare

Sine Die
PHARMACIES - Adds to existing law to provide for pharmacy audit integrity and to authorize the use of pharmacy benefit managers.
Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
H0010PassINCOME TAX - Amends existing law to provide that certain publication and printing requirements are satisfied if the information is made available to the public in electronic form.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2015 Session Law Chapter 16 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Amends and adds to existing law to provide that the Internet and all of its applications are regulated at the federal level and to prohibit the state or political subdivisions from regulating certain Internet services with except...
Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs
H0011PassSALES TAX EXEMPTIONS - Amends existing law to correct a code reference.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2015 Session Law Chapter 17 Effective: 01/01/2015

Sine Die
TAX EXEMPTION - WILDLIFE COSTS - Amends existing law to provide that the costs of acquiring, feeding, caring for and maintaining wildlife or fish available for hunting or fishing are eligible for the production exemption when the hunting or fishing a...
Reported Printed and Referred to Revenue & Taxation

Sine Die
CANNABIDIOL OIL - Amends existing law to clarify that cannabidiol oil is not under the definition of "marijuana" for purposes of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs

Sine Die
MOTOR VEHICLES - Amends and adds to existing law to provide for America The Beautiful license plates.
Recommitted to Transportation

Sine Die
BULLYING - Amends and adds to existing law to apply a section to an additional group of individuals, to revise penalty provisions; and to provide requirements for harassment, intimidation and bullying information and professional development.
Reported Printed and Referred to Education

Sine Die
DREDGE MINING - Adds to existing law to provide for adoption of rules for small scale dredge mining, to provide contents of the rules and to provide where suction dredging may occur.
Take bill off General Orders; referred to Resources & Conservation
H0037PassINCOME TAX - Adds to existing law to provide for a deduction for certain charitable contributions and to provide related requirements.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2015 Session Law Chapter 19 Effective: 01/01/2014
H0020PassAPPRAISEMENT - LEASE - SALE OF LANDS - Amends existing law to provide that lands or properties in the custody of the State Board of Education are exempt from a certain act and to provide related provisions.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2015 Session Law Chapter 18 Effective: 07/01/2015
H0168PassAPPROPRIATIONS - SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION AND DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION - Appropriating an additional $3,640,500 for fiscal year 2015 to the Superintendent of Public Instruction to pay for broadband at public schools; providing legisla...
Reported Signed by Governor on February 25, 2015 Session Law Chapter 15 Effective: 02/25/2015

Sine Die
MOTOR VEHICLES - Amends existing law to revise the definition of "principal place of business."
Introduced, read first time; referred to: Transportation

Sine Die
SALES AND USE TAX - Amends existing law to impose a sales and use tax exemption for sales of motor vehicles, trailers, vessels, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles intended for off-road use and snowmobiles to nonresidents from states not imposing a sal...
Referred to Revenue & Taxation
S1021PassPUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS - Amends existing law to revise provisions relating to the authorizer fee formula and to revise the payment deadline for the authorizer fee.
Signed by Governor on 02/24/15 Session Law Chapter 14 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
INSURANCE - Adds to existing law to provide that transportation network companies and their drivers shall maintain insurance.
Referred to Business

Sine Die
NEW CONSTRUCTION ROLL - Amends existing law to specify the use of a certain percent of the new construction roll shall be for bond retirement of school districts and for other safety needs of the public schools or for public charter school buildings.
Reported Printed and Referred to Revenue & Taxation
H0022PassEDUCATION - Repeals existing law relating to the transition of school trustee terms from three years to four years.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 23, 2015 Session Law Chapter 12 Effective: 07/01/2015
H0021PassNURSES - Amends existing law to remove a requirement that the State Board of Education must approve any curriculum or rule change in a nursing program that may alter existing articulation agreements between educational institutions.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 23, 2015 Session Law Chapter 11 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
HEALTH INSURANCE - Adds to existing law to authorize medication synchronization and dispensing fee standardization.
Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare

Sine Die
HEALTH INSURANCE - Adds to existing law to provide a mechanism to obtain insurance status information.
Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare

Sine Die
PHARMACY - Adds to existing law to require certain communication about biosimilar medications.
Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
H0077PassINCOME TAX - Amends existing law to update a reference to the Internal Revenue Code.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 23, 2015 Session Law Chapter 13 Effective: 01/01/2015

Sine Die
IDAHO CODE - PUBLIC DOMAIN - Amends existing law to provide that the Idaho Code is in the public domain and to provide that no copyright may be claimed by the State of Idaho or any other entity; and repealing a section that provides the Idaho Code is...
Reported Printed and Referred to Judiciary, Rules, & Administration

Sine Die
CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS - Adds to existing law to provide that a victim of human trafficking may petition for expungement of a criminal history record under certain conditions.
Reported Printed; referred to Judiciary & Rules
H0027PassRECREATION DISTRICTS - Amends existing law to remove a provision that a certain Idaho code section does not apply to certain recreation districts.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 19, 2015 Session Law Chapter 9 Effective: 07/01/2015

Sine Die
HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE - Amends existing law to provide that certain information about health benefit plans be made available to users of the health insurance exchange.
Reported Printed and Referred to Health & Welfare
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