S1364 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- PERSI -- Appropriates $8,111,700 to the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 68.00; and provides continuous appropriation authority. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 343 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1369 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- INDEPENDENT COUNCILS/INDIRECT SUPPORT SERVICES/HEALTHCARE POLICY INITIATIVES/LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION -- Appropriates $83,069,100 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the divisions of Independent Coun... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 353 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0566 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding certificates for charter school administrators. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Returned from Governor vetoed on March 28, 2018 |
S1366 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAMS -- Appropriates $19,035,500 to the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho for Health Education Programs for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 344 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1362 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- CHILD WELFARE/DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SERVICES/SERVICE INTEGRATION -- Appropriates $115,770,100 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the divisions of Child Welfare, Services for the Developmentally Disa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 342 Effective: 03/28/2018 SECTIONS 8-11; 07/01/2018 all other SECTIONS |
S1368 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION -- Appropriates $28,306,100 to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 154.00; prohibits certain transfers; requires... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 346 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0675 | Pass | TAXES -- Amends H.B. 463 to revise the child tax credit and to provide legislative intent. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2018 Session Law Chapter 351 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2018 |
H0547 | Pass | BUILDING CODES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions governing the ability of a local government to adopt certain codes or parts of codes that have not been adopted by the Idaho Building Code Board. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2018 Session Law Chapter 338 Effective: 03/28/2018 |
S1375 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- LEGISLATIVE BRANCH -- Appropriates an additional $150,000 to the Legislative Branch for fiscal year 2019; and provides reappropriation from fiscal year 2018 into fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 347 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1287 | Pass | COVENANTS NOT TO COMPETE -- Amends existing law to provide applicability and to remove a provision regarding rebuttable presumptions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 349 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1367 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT -- Appropriates $700,814,600 for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 1,648.00; and provides legislative intent. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 345 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0695 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS - HEALTH AND WELFARE - MEDICAID - Appropriates $2,445,650,500 for the Medicaid Division in the Department of Health and Welfare for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 216.00; provides fo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2018 Session Law Chapter 339 Effective: 03/28/2018 SECTION 12 & 13; 07/01/2018 all other SECTIONS |
H0704 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES -- Appropriates $120,147,300 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Public Health Services Division for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent pos... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2018 Session Law Chapter 340 Effective: 03/28/2018 SECTIONS 7-9; 07/01/2018 all other SECTIONS |
S1295 | Pass | EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding funding for career technical schools. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 341 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1316 | Pass | ATTORNEY'S FEES -- Amends existing law to provide that a prevailing party in an administrative proceeding between a licensing authority and a licensee shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-28 Session Law Chapter 348 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0699 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY -- Appropriates $7,534,200 to the Idaho State Historical Society for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 55.00. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 308 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1378 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -- Appropriates an additional $290,000 to the Department of Environmental Quality for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 334 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0692 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- STATE TREASURER -- Appropriates $4,232,100 to the State Treasurer for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 26.00; provides for reappropriation authority for the LGIP Fund; provides legi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 303 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1373 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- STATE CONTROLLER -- Appropriates $18,811,500 to the State Controller for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 95.00; provides for the recovery of State Controller service costs to the I... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 330 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0700 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- WOLF DEPREDATION CONTROL BOARD -- Appropriates and transfers $400,000 from the General Fund to the Wolf Control Fund for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 309 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0690 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION -- Appropriates $268,617,800 to the Department of Correction for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 2,002.85; and provides legislative intent regarding the of... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 301 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0501 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise a definition. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Veto SUSTAINED by House: Ayes 29 Nays 34 Abs/Excd 7 |
S1374 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- PHYSICAL HEALTH SERVICES -- Appropriates an additional $640,000 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Physical Health Services Program for fiscal year 2019; provides for a transfer from the Cooperativ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 331 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0691 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- PERMANENT BUILDING FUND -- Appropriates $77,772,000 from the Permanent Building Fund for fiscal year 2019; authorizes the allocation of funds for specific projects for fiscal year 2019; provides for a General Fund cash transfer; pro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 302 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0696 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -- Appropriates an additional $50,000 to the Department of Environmental Quality for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 305 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1270 | Pass | FORCIBLE PENETRATION -- Amends existing law to revise the conditions for committing the crime of forcible penetration by a foreign object. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 323 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1269 | Pass | BATTERY -- Adds to and amends existing law to provide for the crimes of sexual battery and aggravated sexual battery, to provide punishments and to provide that the Sexual Offender Registration Notification and Community Right-to-Know Act shall apply... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 322 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0713 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION -- Appropriates an additional $300,000 to the Industrial Commission for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 316 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1380 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- STATE TAX COMMISSION -- Appropriates $43,750,200 to the Idaho State Tax Commission for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 459.00; amends existing law to increase the salaries of the S... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 336 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0697 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION -- Appropriates an additional $3,650,000 to the Department of Correction for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 306 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1371 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS -- Appropriates additional moneys to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Controller, State Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Attorney General for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 328 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0706 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DIVISION OF BUILDING SAFETY -- Appropriates $14,304,200 to the Division of Building Safety for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 147.00; and provides reappropriation authorization. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 352 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1379 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES -- Appropriates $5,870,200 to the Office of Information Technology Services for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 30.00. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 335 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1365 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -- Appropriates $88,276,300 to the Department of Labor for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 681.58. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 326 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0554 | Pass | SAFETY RESTRAINTS -- Repeals and amends existing law to provide that failure to use a safety restraint shall not be considered as evidence of contributory or comparative negligence or in any civil action regarding negligence. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 295 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0701 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE -- Appropriates $44,815,300 to the Department of Agriculture for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 217.00; and provides legislative intent regarding the Wat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 310 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1370 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- PUBLIC DEFENSE COMMISSION -- Appropriates an additional $10,000 to the Public Defense Commission for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 327 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0712 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES -- Appropriates and transfers $1,000,000 to the Water Management Fund for fiscal year 2018; provides legislative intent regarding the uses of the Water Management Fund; and provides legislative intent r... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 315 Effective: 03/27/2018 |
H0714 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR -- Appropriates $2,421,200 to the Executive Office of the Governor for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 21.00; and exempts the appropriation from ob... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 317 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0703 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE -- Appropriates $42,314,000 to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 43.00. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 312 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1376 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- BASIC MEDICAID PLAN -- Appropriates an additional $3,800,000 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Basic Medicaid Plan Program for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 332 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0716 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- FOSTER CARE -- Appropriates an additional $6,000 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Child Welfare Program for fiscal year 2019; provides legislative intent on the use of certain funds; appropriates an additional $50,000... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 319 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1377 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- IDAHO STATE POLICE -- Appropriates an additional $394,000 to the Idaho State Police for fiscal year 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 333 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0718 | Pass | STOCKWATER RIGHTS -- Amends and adds to existing law to provide legislative intent regarding certain stockwater rights; to provide for the forfeiture of certain stockwater rights and to provide a procedure; and to clarify that if any agency of the fe... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 320 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0694 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- MILLENNIUM FUND -- Provides that certain unexpended and unencumbered moneys shall revert to the Idaho Millennium Income Fund at the end of fiscal year 2019; and provides that any remaining unexpended and unencumbered moneys in the I... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 304 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
H0682 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES/PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALIZATION/SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION -- Appropriates $109,093,800 to the divisions of Mental Health, Psychiatric Hospitalization, and Substance Abuse Treat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 300 Effective: 03/27/2018 SECTION 11; 07/01/2018 all other SECTIONS |
H0702 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- STATE LOTTERY -- Appropriates $6,057,700 to the Idaho State Lottery for fiscal year 2019; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 45.00; and provides continuous appropriation authority. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2018 Session Law Chapter 311 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1372 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- STATE LIQUOR DIVISION -- Appropriates $21,410,900 to the State Liquor Division for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 229.00. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 329 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1381 | Pass | APPROPRIATIONS -- WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL -- Appropriates $8,553,100 to the Workforce Development Council for fiscal year 2019; and limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 5.00. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 337 Effective: 07/01/2018 |
S1284 | Pass | BOOTING COMPANIES -- Amends and adds to existing law to provide for regulation of booting companies by local governments and to allow booting of motor vehicles on private property. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2018-03-27 Session Law Chapter 324 Effective: 03/27/2018 |