Trending Idaho Legislation

Idaho Legislation - Idaho Dashboard - Idaho Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Idaho legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HR006IntroducedPAIGE NELSON -- States findings of the House of Representatives and recognizes and honors Paige Nelson.
Filed in Office of the Chief Clerk
#2S1042IntroducedRENTAL APPLICATIONS -- Adds to existing law to provide for limitations on rental application fees.
Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
#3HCR011IntroducedYOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP -- States findings of the Legislature and encourages local governments to support youth entrepreneurship.
Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing
#4H0142IntroducedAUDITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the minimum requirements for an audit.
#5HR004IntroducedADMITTANCE TO THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE -- Proposes an amendment to House Rule 70 to add certain restrictions regarding admittance to the floor of the House.
#6H0119IntroducedSHORTHAND REPORTERS -- Repeals existing law relating to the certified shorthand reporters act.
#7HCR005EngrossedDR. ANTHONY FAUCI -- States findings of the Legislature and opines that a federal pardon issued by a president does not confer immunity from prosecution or responsibility for state crimes.
Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; to 10th order; held one legislative day
#8S1021EngrossedTERMINATION OF A PARENT AND CHILD RELATIONSHIP -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding conditions under which termination may be granted.
#9HCR007IntroducedINSURANCE -- States findings of the Legislature and reaffirms support for state-based title insurance regulation.
#10H0167IntroducedEMINENT DOMAIN -- Amends existing law to provide criteria for when eminent domain can be used for electric distribution and transmission lines.
#11H0133IntroducedTOBACCO PRODUCTS AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding clean indoor air and prevention of minors' access to tobacco products and electronic smoking devices.
#12HCR008IntroducedLAVA RIDGE -- States findings of the Legislature, expresses concern and opposition towards the Lava Ridge wind energy project, and requests that the State of Idaho monitor the project and assist in applicable reviews.
#13H0058IntroducedMEDICAID -- Amends and repeals existing law to end eligibility for Medicaid for certain persons.
#14H0162IntroducedEDUCATION -- Repeals and adds to existing law to require school-sponsored Bible reading.
#15S1060IntroducedWATER RIGHTS -- Adds to existing law to establish requirements for distribution of water.
#16H0138IntroducedMEDICAID -- Amends existing law to require certain federal waivers for continued medicaid expansion eligibility.
#17HR002IntroducedADMITTANCE TO THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE -- Proposes an amendment to House Rule 70 to add certain restrictions regarding admittance to the floor of the House.
#18H0092IntroducedTAXATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the extension of time for certain filing deadlines.
#19H0059EngrossedMEDICAL ETHICS DEFENSE ACT -- Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.
#20H0183IntroducedCRIMES AGAINST PEACE OFFICERS -- Amends existing law to provide penalties for assault, battery, or murder of a peace officer.
#21H0205IntroducedRULES OF THE ROAD -- Amends existing law to provide for vehicles to exceed the speed limit while passing in a passing lane.
Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing
#22S1001EngrossedUNIFORM PUBLIC EXPRESSION PROTECTION ACT -- Adds to existing law to establish the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act.
#23H0116IntroducedINSURANCE -- Amends and repeals existing law to remove the Idaho Small Employer Carrier Reinsurance Program.
Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
#24HCR002EngrossedBOISE STATE VOLLEYBALL -- States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.
Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
#25S1036IntroducedIMMUNIZATIONS -- Adds to existing law to establish a moratorium on certain uses of human gene therapy products.
#26HCR006IntroducedIDAHO-TAIWAN RELATIONSHIP -- States findings of the Legislature and expresses support for Idaho's partnership with Taiwan.
#27H0215IntroducedREPORTS TO THE LEGISLATURE -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide for reports to the Legislature to be submitted electronically and to remove obsolete provisions regarding reporting requirements.
Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing
#28HJM002IntroducedENERGY -- States findings of the Legislature and urges federal lawmakers to work in good faith to reform federal permitting and environmental review processes to expedite the deployment of modern energy infrastructure.
U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day
#29HJM001EngrossedMARRIAGE -- States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.
#30S1035EngrossedCONGREGATE CARE -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the placement of a child in congregate care settings and to provide for regular review of placements.
#31S1101IntroducedCORONERS -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise and establish provisions regarding the duties of county coroners.
#32S1028EngrossedJUDICIAL DISTRICTS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the number of judges in the First Judicial District.
#33S1022IntroducedHEALTH -- Amends and adds to existing law to clarify the medical rights of Idahoans.
#34H0098EngrossedTEACHERS UNIONS -- Amends and adds to existing law to provide for restrictions regarding the use of taxpayer funds for teachers unions.
to Senate
#35S1077IntroducedIDAHO CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER GRANT PROGRAM -- Amends and adds to existing law to establish the Idaho Crisis Pregnancy Center Grant Program and to revise provisions regarding abortions performed in cases of rape or incest.
#36S1027IntroducedTRANSPARENCY IN FINANCIAL SERVICES -- Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.
Reported out of committee; to 14th Order for amendment
#37S1100IntroducedTRAFFIC ENFORECMENT -- Amends existing law to require law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy against motorcycle profiling and to require training of law enforcement officers regarding the prohibition against motorcycle profiling.
#38H0055EngrossedPERSI -- Amends existing law to provide that service as a bona fide volunteer shall not be considered employment or reemployment and to define a term.
Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
#39H0069IntroducedVOTERS -- Amends existing law to provide for automatic voter registration through the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Reported Printed; Filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk
#40H0084IntroducedDEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION -- Amends existing law to provide that the director of the Department of Administration may provide certain services to cities.
#41S1056IntroducedSTATE EMPLOYEES -- Amends existing law to provide that attorneys of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses shall be nonclassified employees.
Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
#42H0182IntroducedCORPORATIONS -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding the protection of vulnerable adults from financial exploitation.
#43H0054EngrossedLABOR -- Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding employment security laws and to provide for certain administrative rules to be null, void, and of no force and effect.
#44S1061IntroducedWATER LAW -- Amends existing law regarding the director's ability to issue orders regarding methodologies for determining material injury under the rules for conjunctive management.
#45SCR107IntroducedLOCAL GOVERNMENT -- States finding of the Legislature and recognizes the vital role of cities in Idaho and supports the prioritization of local control.
Reported Printed; referred to 10th order; held one legislative day
#46H0008EngrossedPUBLIC UTILITIES -- Amends and repeals existing law to revise provisions regarding public utility regulation.
#47H0159IntroducedCHILD PROTECTIVE ACT -- Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding an order to prevent removal.
#48S1055IntroducedELECTRONIC PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding electronic payment transaction interchange fees.
#49SCR104IntroducedNUREMBERG CODE -- States findings of the Legislature and affirms support for the Nuremberg Code and other complementary ethical standards.
#50H0103IntroducedOPEN MEETINGS LAW -- Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding multiple action items on an agenda.