Oregon Trending Legislation

Oregon Dashboard - Oregon Legislation - Oregon Datasets - Oregon Roster - Oregon Trends

Current trends in Oregon legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1SB820IntroducedThe Act changes when the parole board is required to classify some sex offenders. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.6). Provides that the State Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision is required to classify sex offender registrants convicted before ...
#2SB807IntroducedAllows the Adjutant General to pay a bonus to a member of the Oregon National Guard who reenlists or extends their service. Requires a member to repay a bonus if the member fails to meet the terms agreed to for the bonus. Provides for exceptions. (Fl...
#3HB2692IntroducedThe Act changes some laws about agency actions. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2). Modifies provisions relating to administrative law.
#4SB529IntroducedThe Act makes changes to laws about certain health workers. (Flesch Readability Score: 78.2). Directs the Oregon Health Authority and coordinated care organizations to contract directly with traditional health workers, community health registered nur...
#5HB2614IntroducedThe Act tells the OPDC to do a study. (Flesch Readability Score: 100.0). Directs the Oregon Public Defense Commission to study ways to improve the provision of public defense services within this state, and to provide the results of the study to the ...
#6HB3444IntroducedAllows public charter schools to get more public moneys. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.1). Modifies the percentage of amounts that school districts must pay from the State School Fund to public charter schools that are not virtual public charter scho...
#7HB3817IntroducedThe Act tells OHA and DVA to set up a process to let a person with a certain disorder use ibogaine to help treat the disorder. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.3). Directs the Oregon Health Authority in collaboration with the Department of Veterans' Aff...
#8SB821IntroducedThe Act takes away the deadline for the parole board to assess some sex offenders into a risk level. The Act also repeals the sunset on the law that makes the board report to the legislature on risk level assessments every two years. (Flesch Readabil...
#9SB864IntroducedSets two different bond amounts for doing business as a landscape contractor. The bond amounts are based on how much the business charges for landscape jobs. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.7). Sets the bonding requirement for applicants for a landscap...
#10HB3901IntroducedThe Act tells an agency to study rules related to water. The Act tells the agency to report on the study. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.2). Directs the Water Resources Department to study rules related to water. Directs the department to report to th...
#11HB3881IntroducedAdds some schools to what counts as a "qualifying agency" so that a requirement to use apprentices in school construction projects will apply to those schools. Takes effect 91 days after the session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.6). Adds school...
#12HB3144IntroducedThis Act stops private bans on mobile homes and extends a program to fix conflicts in marinas and mobile home parks. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.6). Prohibits new recorded instruments or governing documents of a planned community from banning the s...
#13SB436IntroducedSays that building a child care center in a place that provides affordable housing does not mean that a person building the whole place must pay prevailing wage. But building the child care center itself does require paying prevailing wage for labor....
#14SB215IntroducedRepeals the law that requires there to be a place for radioactive waste to be disposed of before a nuclear power plant may be sited in this state. Repeals the law that requires a proposed nuclear power plant first receive approval from the electors o...
#15HB2065IntroducedAllows the use of a third party to study or evaluate a request to connect a project to a power system. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.6). Allows a person to contract with a third-party consultant to conduct a study or engineering evaluation that a pub...
#16HB3492IntroducedThe Act tells DOGAMI to study and report on risks related to toxic substances that may be released in an earthquake. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.6). Directs the State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries to study risks and issues relating t...
#17SB692IntroducedThe Act expands access to maternal health services. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2). Establishes a community-based perinatal provider access program to increase access to culturally specific perinatal services and culturally competent perinatal serv...
#18HB3054IntroducedThis Act limits rent increases and sales constraints by a landlord in a home park or marina. (Flesch Readability Score: 70.1). Reduces maximum rent increases for rental spaces in a facility to match changes to the consumer price index. Limits to 10 p...
#19SB994IntroducedAllows the siting of a power plant that uses one or more small modular reactors. Exempts the siting from the law that requires approval from the electors of this state. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.5). Allows the siting and operation of a small modu...
#20HB2464EngrossedThe Act would make technical changes to certain laws. (Flesch Readability Score: 75.5). Makes nonsubstantive and technical changes in Oregon law. Corrects grammar and punctuation. Conforms language to existing statutes and legislative style.
Second reading.
#21SB865IntroducedAdds some new kinds of work to the work that a person can do only if the person has a license from the State Landscape Contractors Board. Lets a person install water features without needing a license from the State Landscape Contractors Board if the...
Second reading.
#22HB2688IntroducedMakes a certain wage apply to custom work done off-site but for a particular public works project. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.3). Applies the prevailing rate of wage to certain off-site custom work fabricated, assembled or produced in accordance w...
#23HB2789IntroducedThe Act allows a registered nurse to bill for certain services without needing an order from the patient's PCP. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.8). Prohibits the Oregon Health Authority under specified circumstances from requiring, as a condition of re...
Third reading. Carried by Nelson. Passed. Ayes, 55; Nays, 2--Cate, Yunker; Excused, 3--Lively, Nguyen H, Wallan.
#24SB1153IntroducedThe Act tells an agency to consider if changes to water rights will affect the public interest. The Act tells the agency to allow tribes to review certain requests to change water rights. The Act allows the agency to condition water right changes in ...
#25SB1056IntroducedThe Act tells the DSP to make a section for drug enforcement and human trafficking. The Act tells the DSP to hire some officers for the section. The Act tells DOJ to hire some prosecutors to work for the section. (Flesch Readability Score: 79.0). Dir...
#26SB1059IntroducedTells a state agency to study what code exemptions are needed for housing for workers. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). Requires the Department of Consumer and Business Services to study needed exemptions from building code standards for workforce h...
#27SCR11EngrossedHonors the growth and the goals of NCSL on the 50th anniversary of its founding. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). Recognizes and honors the National Conference of State Legislatures on its 50th anniversary in 2025.
First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
#28HB2967IntroducedThe Act bans applicant screening fees for tenants. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.8). Prohibits residential landlords from charging an applicant screening charge.
#29HB3146IntroducedThe Act creates a pilot program to house people who are on a wait list for residential SUD services. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.7). Directs the Oregon Health Authority to administer a pilot program to provide low-barrier emergency housing for hous...
#30SB795IntroducedThe Act changes laws about the cleanup of marine vessels that have been left alone or that are in bad shape. (Flesch Readability Score: 76.7). Modifies the meaning of terms used for purposes of the abandoned and derelict vessel laws. Clarifies that a...
Second reading.
#31HB3724IntroducedThe Act says that marijuana items may not be labeled or packed in a way that makes minors want the marijuana items. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.4). Prohibits advertising, packaging and labeling of marijuana items in a manner likely to cause minors ...
#32HB3707IntroducedThe Act says that school districts may receive OSCIM grants only if their new buildings meet resiliency standards. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Provides that new construction in certain school districts must meet specified resiliency standards f...
#33SB856IntroducedThe Act allows people connected to the ORC to make bets on races as a part of an official audit. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.3). Authorizes [members and staff of the Oregon Racing Commission, and family members thereof,] officers and employees of t...
Second reading.
#34HB2565IntroducedLets the state contract with some research firms that get federal money, without having to follow the state's rules for contracting for goods and services. Goes into effect 91 days after the session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.6). Exempts con...
#35SB550EngrossedAmends the state's new right to repair law. Adds more items to the list of consumer equipment for which an owner or repair provider can get from the item's maker a tool or part needed to fix the item. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.7). Adds electric w...
#36SB819IntroducedThe Act allows the parole board and the PSRB to make sex offender decisions without a hearing. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Authorizes the State Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision and the Psychiatric Security Review Board to make determ...
#37HB3851IntroducedThis bill amends the notices to end a tenancy needed from landlords selling their homes. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.6). Allows a residential landlord to give 59 days' notice after accepting an offer from a buyer who intends to occupy the premises,...
#38SB216IntroducedRepeals the law that requires there to be a place for radioactive waste to be disposed of before a nuclear power plant may be sited in this state. Repeals the law that requires a proposed nuclear power plant first receive approval from the electors o...
#39HB3013IntroducedThis Act gives a process for revoking a permit based on an overturned land use plan or regulation. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Details the process by which a permit or zone change that is based on provisions of a comprehensive plan or land use ...
#40SB1087IntroducedThe Act tells the PERB to study the salary of chaplains and make a report. The Act makes some groups of workers police officers for PERS. (Flesch Readability Score: 79.7). Directs the Public Employees Retirement Board to study the treatment of the sa...
#41HB2458IntroducedTells HECC to study reporting requirements by higher learning schools in this state. Tells HECC to create a plan to reduce the number of reports. (Flesch Readability Score: 81.8). Requires the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to conduct a stu...
#42SB1097IntroducedThe Act tells an agency to create a pilot program to help some families pay for child care. The new law ends after two years. (Flesch Readability Score: 85.8). Directs the Department of Early Learning and Care to enter into an agreement with a nongov...
#43HB3079IntroducedThe Act tells DHS to submit some plans to the Legislative Assembly about homeless youth and it makes changes to who can get help with housing. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.0). Requires the Department of Human Services to update its 2022 estimate of ...
#44SB825EngrossedMakes a state energy program abate costs of reports and not make state agencies do the same things twice that must be done under another program. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.0). Requires the program for state agency facility energy design to minimi...
First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
#45HB3145IntroducedThis Act lets OHCS use LIFT money for prefab homes and makes OHCS hire a contractor to support the prefab home industry. (Flesch Readability Score: 69.1). Allows the Housing and Community Services Department to use Local Innovation and Fast Track Hou...
#46HB2127IntroducedMakes changes to the law that says what rights car makers and car dealers have in franchises. (Flesch Readability Score: 80.0). Makes various changes to the laws that govern franchise agreements between motor vehicle dealers and manufacturers, distri...
#47HB3616IntroducedThe Act would give funds to the Western Lane Fire and EMS Authority for a project to remodel one of its fire and rescue stations. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.4). Appropriates moneys to the Western Lane Fire and EMS Authority to fund the remodel of ...
#48HB3764IntroducedThe Act tells OHA to study funding for substance use services. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.6). Requires the Oregon Health Authority to study the funding formula under Ballot Measure 110 (2020). Directs the authority to submit findings to the interi...
#49HB3831IntroducedThis Act makes DLCD study public health impacts of land use. (Flesch Readability Score: 80.3). Requires the Department of Land Conservation and Development to study public health impacts of land use and submit findings to the interim committees of th...
#50HB3752IntroducedThe Act tells OHA to study the rates at which providers are reimbursed. (Flesch Readability Score: 76.5). Requires the Oregon Health Authority to study reimbursement rates in the state's medical assistance program. Directs the authority to submit fin...