Delaware Trending Legislation

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Current trends in Delaware legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1SB59IntroducedPublic utilities are regulated monopolies. Practically speaking, a public utility has no competition in its service territory and, therefore, does not face the economic risks that a for-profit, non-utility company must face. By law, a public utility ...
#2HB40PassedThis Act modifies the effective date of Chapter 459, Volume 84 of the Laws of Delaware from February 1, 2025 to June 2, 2025, which was enacted to allow One-Stop business registration by making trade name registrations fully online. It codifies exist...
Signed by Governor
#3SB41IntroducedThis Act is a substitute for Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 41.
#4SJR2IntroducedThis resolution requires the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance to present a report to the Delaware General Assembly, by January 1, 2026, for the provision of insurance coverage for Community Health Worker services by Medicaid providers, whi...
#5SJR1PassedSenate Joint Resolution No. 3 was passed by the 152nd General Assembly and signed by the Governor. SJR No. 3 directed all electric utilities in Delaware that offer net metering to solar customers to participate in a cost-benefit study and analysis of...
Signed by Governor
#6SB58IntroducedThis Act provides a remedy for convicted persons relating to changes in forensic scientific or technical information. Specifically, a convicted person may apply to the Superior Court for relief if certain forensic scientific information was not avail...
#7SB60IntroducedThis Act requires the Delaware Public Service Commission to ensure that all regulated utilities do not use customer funds to subsidize unregulated activities for example, lobbying activities, political contributions, charitable contributions, and cer...
#8HB30PassedThis Act amends the Public Laws of Delaware relating to the Affordable Housing Production Task Force by extending the deadline for the provision of the final report of the Task Force from March 1, 2025 to April 7, 2025.
Signed by Governor
#9SB50PassedThis Act amends the Fiscal Year 2025 Bond and Capital Improvements Act to (1) authorize local bond shares to adjust for William Penn High School in the Colonial School District. Further, this Act amends Fiscal Year 2025 Bond and Capital Improvements ...
Signed by Governor
#10SB21IntroducedSection 1 of this Act amends ยง 144 of Title 8 to provide safe harbor procedures for acts or transactions in which one or more directors or officers as well as controlling stockholders and members of control groups have interests or relationships tha...
#11SB54IntroducedThis Act is from the Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee, to remove the provision that a committee member who participates virtually in a committee meeting is not counted toward quorum.
#12SB61IntroducedThis bill requires disclosure of votes cast at meetings of, or matters before, the PJM Interconnection Regional Transmission Organization.
#13SB57IntroducedThis Act updates Title 11 of the Delaware Code concerning postconviction remedies relating to DNA testing and DNA evidence.
#14SB42PassedAfter enactment of Senate Substitute No. 1 to Senate Bill No. 174 of the 152nd General Assembly (Chapter 446 of Volume 84 of the Laws of Delaware), it was discovered that Senate Substitute No. 1 to Senate Bill No. 174 would, if implemented, jeopardiz...
Signed by Governor
#15SB55IntroducedThis Act prohibits gender transition surgery for children due to the potential for an irrevocable procedure occurring when there is a significant probability that children will come to identify with their biological gender.
#16SCR17IntroducedThis Concurrent Resolution requests the Council of the Corporation Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association prepare a report of recommendations for legislative action regarding awards of attorneys fees in certain corporate litigation cases.
Introduced and Laid on Table in Senate
#17SB56IntroducedThis Act updates the procedures governing the transfer of a manufactured home located in a manufactured home community in order to provide a clearer process and reduce ambiguities that allowed some community owners to prevent the transfer of a lease ...
#18HB50IntroducedThis Act addresses energy costs to consumers by redirecting certain funds to supplement the existing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and by creating the Delaware Energy Fund to provide assistance to consumers whose household income is less ...