Trending Rhode Island Legislation

Rhode Island Legislation - Rhode Island Dashboard - Rhode Island Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Rhode Island legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1S2623PassedBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY LICENSURE COMPACT - Creates the occupational therapy licensure compact that would allow licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants to practice in all states that join the co...
Signed by Governor
#2S2418PassedELECTIONS -- REGISTRATION OF VOTERS - Allows non-affiliated party voters to vote in party primaries, without becoming an affiliated party voter.
Signed by Governor
#3H7231VetoedFOOD AND DRUGS -- KRATOM CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT - Authorizes and regulates the distribution of the product known as "kratom."
Vetoed by Governor
#4H7733VetoedHEALTH AND SAFETY -- NURSING HOME WORKFORCE STANDARDS BOARD ACT - Creates the nursing home workforce standards board act to establish and enforce industry-wide quality of care standards in nursing homes.
Vetoed by Governor
#5S2828PassedCRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Allows law enforcement to utilize mufflers, silencers, or other devices for deadening or muffling the sound of a firearm while acting within the scope of their official duties under the supervision of the police chief o...
Signed by Governor
#6S2045PassedPUBLIC FINANCE -- RHODE ISLAND RETIREMENT SAVINGS PROGRAM ACT - Establishes Rhode Island Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program to be administered by the general treasurer.
Signed by Governor
#7S2991PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- LOCAL PLANNING BOARD OR COMMISSION - Provides amendments to the membership provisions of planning boards or commissions and would enable municipalities to establish "combined review boards" to replace separate planning and zoning ...
Signed by Governor
#8S2874VetoedBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- CERTIFIED SURGICAL FIRST ASSISTANTS - Allows for the licensing of certified surgical first assistants to assist in surgeries through the department of health and a seven (7) member board of licensure.
Vetoed by Governor
#9S2350PassedTAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Exempts from taxation real and tangible personal property classified as industrial and would extend the exemption period from ten (10) years to twenty (20) years.
Effective without Governor's signature
#10H7787PassedCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- RHODE ISLAND DATA TRANSPARENCY AND PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT - Creates the Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protect Act for data privacy protections for the personal data of the citizens of Rh...
Effective without Governor's signature
#11H7062PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES - Amends several sections of law relating to zoning ordinances to provide uniform zoning standards for accessory dwelling units.
Signed by Governor
#12S2704VetoedFOOD AND DRUGS -- KRATOM CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT - Authorizes and regulates the distribution of the product known as "kratom."
Vetoed by Governor
#13H7015PassedBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- ELECTRICIANS - Clarifies the types of electrical services that require an electrical contractor's license.
Signed by Governor
#14S2635PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES - Provide the maximum number of unrelated persons living together that could be constitute an individual household would not be less than one person per bedroom.
Signed by Governor
#15H7057PassedPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- CONTRACTORS BONDS - Provides that upon application, and good cause, the state may waive the bonding requirement for certified minority business enterprises or women owned businesses.
Signed by Governor
#16H7110PassedTAXATION -- COLLECTION OF TAXES GENERALLY - Allows municipalities that issue tax bills via mail to develop programs to provide adequate notice through other digital means.
Signed by Governor
#17S2021PassedLABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES - Allows individuals employed in domestic service or in or about a private home to be included as an employee, for purposes of minimum wages law.
Signed by Governor
#18S2120PassedBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- ELECTRICIANS - Clarifies the types of electrical services that require an electrical contractor's license.
Signed by Governor
#19S2214PassedBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- FACILITATING BUSINESS RAPID RESPONSE TO STATE DECLARED DISASTER ACT OF 2024 - Exempts out-of-state businesses and their employees performing services, during declared state or federal disasters or emergencies, from state...
Signed by Governor
#20S2150PassedANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- UNLAWFUL CONFINEMENT OF A COVERED ANIMAL - Exempts egg laying hens kept for commercial egg production purposes from the provisions of chapter 4-1.1 until January 1, 2028.
Signed by Governor
#21S2235PassedPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- STATE PURCHASES - Gives authority to the department of labor and training to enforce violations relating to the performance of glazing work. This act would also add civil monetary penalties for violations of the chapter
Signed by Governor
#22H7294PassedFISH AND WILDLIFE -- HUNTING AND HUNTING SAFETY -- CAPTIVE HUNTING PROHIBITED - Prohibits captive hunting for domestic or wild animals and does not prohibit the release of domestic game birds for hunting on licensed shooting preserves.
Signed by Governor
#23H7460PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- RETIREMENT SECURITY ACT FOR LOCALLY ADMINISTERED PENSION FUNDS - Requires municipalities managing their own pension system to submit a statutorily required actuarial experience study to the advisory council to locally administered...
Signed by Governor
#24H7532PassedLABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES - Allows individuals employed in domestic service or in or about a private home to be included as an employee, for purposes of minimum wages law.
Signed by Governor
#25S2394PassedHEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF HEALTHCARE FACILITIES - Allows the healthcare facility to conduct human-subject research on patients subject to 21 C.F.R. Pt 50 and/or 45 C.F.R. Pt 46 (relating to the informed consent of human subjects).
Signed by Governor
#26H7631PassedMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- MOTOR VEHICLE OFFENSES - Extends the "lookback" period for repeat offenses involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs under § 31-27-2 and for repeat offenses related to failure or refusal to submit to chemi...
Signed by Governor
#27H7840PassedANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- REGULATION OF VICIOUS DOGS - Permits euthanization of vicious dogs upon finding that dogs condition warrants euthanasia or after determination that there is no reasonable placement for the dog/provides any municipality...
Signed by Governor
#28S2538PassedANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- REGULATION OF VICIOUS DOGS - Permits euthanization of vicious dogs upon finding that dogs condition warrants euthanasia or after determination that there is no reasonable placement for the dog/provides any municipality...
Signed by Governor
#29S2526PassedEDUCATION -- CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES - Outlines the requirements and process for LEAs to get written parental consent before conducting an evaluation or making an initial placement of a student in a special education program of services.
Signed by Governor
#30S2639PassedTAXATION -- COLLECTION OF TAXES GENERALLY - Allows municipalities that issue tax bills via mail to develop programs to provide adequate notice through other digital means.
Signed by Governor
#31H7927PassedTAXATION -- TAXATION OF BANKS - Provides banks with an election to use the allocation and apportionment method of income for purposes of taxation.
Signed by Governor
#32S2756PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- RETIREMENT SECURITY ACT FOR LOCALLY ADMINISTERED PENSION FUNDS - Requires municipalities managing their own pension system to submit a statutorily required actuarial experience study to the advisory council to locally administered...
Signed by Governor
#33S2902PassedPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- CONTRACTORS BONDS - Provides that upon application, and good cause, the state may waive the bonding requirement for certified minority business enterprises or women owned businesses.
Signed by Governor
#34S2937PassedMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- MOTOR VEHICLE OFFENSES - Extends the "lookback" period for repeat offenses involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs under § 31-27-2 and for repeat offenses related to failure or refusal to submit to chemi...
Signed by Governor
#35S2974PassedEDUCATION -- FEDERAL AID - Expands the law on school lunch service contracts requirements that provides for payment to workers/aides for 180 days or the contract for the school year, exclusive of paid time off, including vacation days or other forms ...
Signed by Governor
#36H8174PassedEDUCATION -- FEDERAL AID - Expands the law on school lunch service contracts requirements that provides for payment to workers/aides for 180 days or the contract for the school year, exclusive of paid time off, including vacation days or other forms ...
Signed by Governor
#37H8180PassedTAXATION -- MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION TAX CREDITS - Clarifies that all costs of goods used and services performed in Rhode Island shall qualify as state-certified production costs.
Signed by Governor
#38S2992PassedPROPERTY -- ABANDONED PROPERTY - Requires towns and cities to publish a list of abandoned properties and makes various other amendments relative to the sale of abandoned property by a receiver.
Signed by Governor
#39S3004PassedTAXATION -- MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION TAX CREDITS - Clarifies that all costs of goods used and services performed in Rhode Island shall qualify as state-certified production costs.
Signed by Governor
#40H8217PassedPUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- MOTOR PASSENGER CARRIERS -- NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION - Establishes a safe and reasonable regulatory framework for companies and drivers providing non-emergency medical transportation services to a populati...
Signed by Governor
#41S3036PassedTOWNS AND CITIES -- SUBDIVISION OF LAND - Requires that municipalities implement electronic permitting for all development applications pursuant to zoning and the subdivision of land.
Signed by Governor
#42H8244PassedSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- VIDEO LOTTERY GAMES, TABLE GAMES AND SPORTS WAGERING - Makes various amendments to the authorization of gaming credits and the regulatory agreement involving Bally's corporation and affiliates to increase Rhode Island'...
Signed by Governor
#43H8324PassedJoint Resolution Providing For A Bi-partisan Preparatory Commission To Assemble Information On Constitutional Questions In Preparation For A Vote By The Qualified Electors On The Holding Of A Constitutional Convention In Accordance With Article Xiv S...
Signed by Governor
#44H8326PassedJoint Resolution To Submit The Following Question To The Qualified Electors Of The State At The Next General Election In 2024: "shall There Be A Convention To Amend Or Revise The Constitution?" (this Resolution Would Provide For The Presentation Of T...
Signed by Governor
#45S3139PassedPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- STATE PURCHASES - Provides that vendors, parent corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, or subcontractors of the state are prohibited from bidding on requests for proposals if the person or entity has a conflict of intere...
Signed by Governor
#46S3136PassedJoint Resolution To Submit The Following Question To The Qualified Electors Of The State At The Next General Election In 2024: "shall There Be A Convention To Amend Or Revise The Constitution?" (this Resolution Would Provide For The Presentation Of T...
Signed by Governor
#47S3147PassedJoint Resolution Providing For A Bi-partisan Preparatory Commission To Assemble Information On Constitutional Questions In Preparation For A Vote By The Qualified Electors On The Holding Of A Constitutional Convention In Accordance With Article Xiv S...
Signed by Governor
#48H8348PassedPUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- STATE PURCHASES - Provides that vendors, parent corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, or subcontractors of the state are prohibited from bidding on requests for proposals if the person or entity has a conflict of intere...
Signed by Governor
#49H8349PassedCOURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- FAMILY COURT - Only protective orders issued against adults are to be transmitted to A.G.'s B.C.I. for inclusion in the R.O.N.C.O. system. Protective orders against juveniles will be accessible to law enforceme...
Signed by Governor
#50H7017PassedPUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - Directs PUC to extend utility termination moratorium for gas/electricity from April 15 to May 1, of each year with discretion to respond to emergency/ economic conditions/customers' needs...
Signed by Governor