Trending Indiana Legislation

Indiana Legislation - Indiana Dashboard - Indiana Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Indiana legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1SB0341IntroducedMedical cannabis. After marijuana is removed as a federal schedule I controlled substance, permits the use of medical cannabis by a person with a serious medical condition if certified by the person's physician and establishes a procedure for the pro...
#2SB0400IntroducedMedical marijuana. Establishes a medical marijuana program (program), and permits caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for treatment of certain medical conditions. Establishes...
#3SB0128IntroducedCompensation for business losses. Provides that a person operating a business on a property may be compensated for business losses resulting from a condemnation of the property. Provides that a municipality may not acquire property using an alternati...
#4SB0429IntroducedPublic safety and noncitizen crimes. Increases the penalty for operating a motor vehicle without having ever received a driver's license to: (1) a Level 6 felony if the crime results in serious bodily injury to another person; and (2) a Level 5 felon...
#5SB0009IntroducedMaximum levy growth quotient. Amends, beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2027, the calculation to determine the maximum levy growth quotient (MLGQ) used in determining a civil taxing unit's maximum permissible ad valorem property ...
#6SB0123IntroducedUnemployment compensation. Reduces the maximum amount of regular unemployment benefits to 14 times the individual's weekly benefit. (Under current law, the maximum amount of regular unemployment benefits is 26 times the individual's weekly benefit or...
#7SB0457IntroducedCarbon dioxide sequestration. Requires an applicant for a carbon dioxide transmission pipeline certificate to comply with certain guidelines adopted by the Indiana utility regulatory commission. Exempts a carbon dioxide transmission pipeline company ...
#8SB0141IntroducedEyewitness identification procedures. Establishes a procedure to be used by a law enforcement agency in conducting a lineup.
#9SB0080EngrossedCode publication. Repeals and relocates the following definitions chapters for organization of the defined terms by alphabetical order and to provide for future expansion of the chapters: (1) IC 3-5-2 (elections law definitions) at a new IC 3-5-2.1. ...
Referred to the House
#10HB1030IntroducedRepeal of the death penalty. Repeals the law concerning the imposition and execution of death sentences and makes conforming amendments. Specifies that if a person was sentenced to death and is awaiting execution of the death sentence, the person's d...
#11SR0009IntroducedMemorializing Joseph Olofson. A SENATE RESOLUTION to memorialize Joseph Olofson, former Pike Township Fire Chief and Marion County Firefighter.
First reading: adopted standing vote
#12SB0004IntroducedWater matters. Prohibits a water utility from constructing, purchasing, selling, or leasing a long haul water pipeline unless the water utility first obtains a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) from the Indiana utility regulatory...
Committee report: amend do pass, adopted
#13SB0344IntroducedVeterans service officers. Defines "qualified part-time service officer". Establishes the county service officer grant fund to provide grants to counties for salaries for county service officers, including qualified part-time service officers. Requir...
#14SB0364IntroducedWeather and the environment. Prohibits a person who has the intent of affecting the intensity of sunlight, temperature, or weather from discharging a chemical or apparatus into the atmosphere, except in certain circumstances. Provides that a violatio...
#15HB1494IntroducedLicense plate information. Removes the requirement that the bureau of motor vehicles issue registration renewal stickers for motor vehicles. Makes conforming changes.
#16SB0126IntroducedAnnexation. With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory; ...
#17SB0318IntroducedRequired disclosures and access of foreign media. Requires certain media entities operating in Indiana to disclose: (1) foreign ownership; (2) foreign funding; and (3) the use of foreign sourced or influenced content. Authorizes the secretary of stat...
Second reading: ordered engrossed
#18SB0365IntroducedEducation matters. Requires the department of education (department), in collaboration with the management performance hub (hub) and the commission for higher education (commission), to collect, maintain, and aggregate certain data regarding career a...
#19SB0350IntroducedAutomated external defibrillator requirements. Provides that certain funding provided to a local board of health may be used to provide automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to school corporations, charter schools, and state accredited nonpublic s...
#20HB1411IntroducedWater quality grants for school buildings. Requires the person or entity having authority over a school building to test the drinking water in the school building by a specified time frame. Provides that a person having authority over a school buildi...
#21HB1414IntroducedABA therapy. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to: (1) study and prepare a report on applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy services; and (2) not later than August 1, 2025, submit the report...
#22HB1235IntroducedMilitary and veteran matters. Expands the eligibility requirements for admission to the Indiana Veterans' Home. Adds a definition of an "eligible person" for purposes of administering grants for veteran services (GVS). Provides that a qualified entit...
Recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
#23HB1005IntroducedHousing and building matters. Requires (rather than allows) a city, town, or county (unit) that requires a building permit for construction of a Class 2 structure to allow the inspection to be provided by private providers in addition to the unit's i...
Recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
#24SR0004PassedHonoring Senator David Vinzant. A SENATE RESOLUTION to honor Senator David Vinzant upon his retirement.
First reading: adopted voice vote
#25SB0040IntroducedLittle Calumet River basin development commission. Requires the Little Calumet River basin development commission (commission) to submit an annual budget to the Lake County council (council) before September 1 of each year for a nonbinding review. Re...
#26SB0468IntroducedMidwest continental divide commission. Allows an eligible county and city to establish by ordinance, a Midwest continental divide commission and district for the purpose of acquiring, developing, funding, constructing, equipping, owning, leasing, and...
Senator Charbonneau added as coauthor
#27SB0170IntroducedProhibited government abortion assistance. Prohibits the state or a political subdivision of the state from assisting an individual in seeking or obtaining an abortion. Allows for the state or a political subdivision to inform an individual of altern...
#28HB1615IntroducedMilitary base development. Establishes the Indiana military base infrastructure grant program (program) for physical infrastructure projects located on current or proposed Indiana military bases. Provides that the: (1) Indiana defense task force, in ...
Recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
#29SB0337IntroducedHospital charity care. Specifies charity care that certain nonprofit hospitals and county hospitals must provide concerning patients.
#30SB0003IntroducedFiduciary duty in health plan administration. Provides that a third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, employee benefit consultant, or insurance producer acting on behalf of a plan sponsor owes a fiduciary duty to the plan sponsor.
Committee report: amend do pass, adopted
#31SB0296IntroducedDriving privilege cards. Provides that an individual who is an Indiana resident and cannot provide proof of identity and lawful status in the United States may apply for a driving privilege card to obtain driving privileges. Sets forth the requiremen...
#32SCR0006PassedTo convene a joint convention of the 124th Indiana General Assembly to receive the Chief Justice's report on the State of the Judiciary. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to convene a joint convention of the 124th Indiana General Assembly to receive the Chief ...
Returned to the Senate
#33SB0430IntroducedGrants for participation in the 287(g) program. Establishes the 287(g) agreement grant program. Provides that a "287(g) agreement" refers to an agreement entered into under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Allows the department ...
Second reading: ordered engrossed
#34SB0095IntroducedLaw enforcement training cost reimbursement. Allows the state, a state agency, or a political subdivision (public employer) to be reimbursed for the costs of employing and training a law enforcement officer by a public employer that subsequently empl...
Senator Goode added as coauthor
#35SB0164IntroducedLicensed professional music therapists. Provides for the licensure of professional music therapists by the medical licensing board. Establishes a music therapy advisory council to advise the medical licensing board. Establishes requirements and proce...
#36SB0310IntroducedEnergy audit of state government campus. Provides that the Indiana department of administration may issue a request for proposals and award a contract for the conduct of an energy audit on the: (1) Indiana state capitol building; and (2) Indiana gove...
Senator Bassler added as second author
#37HB1713IntroducedVehicle Bill. None
#38HB1148EngrossedConfidentiality of birth and stillbirth records. Provides that a registration or certificate of a birth or stillbirth is open to public inspection and copying upon the request of any person that occurs 99 years (instead of 75 years) after the record ...
Referred to the Senate
#39SB0307IntroducedEnvironmental waste inventory and grant program. Allows the Indiana brownfields fund to be used to pay for: (1) studies conducted under the Indiana brownfields program; and (2) the creation of an inventory of brownfields in Indiana (inventory). Autho...
Senator Bassler added as second author
#40HB1705IntroducedVehicle Bill. None
#41SB0101IntroducedRegistration of professional engineers. Provides a new pathway to registration as a professional engineer for an individual with at least 25 years of engineering experience who also passes the required examination on the individual's first attempt.
#42SB0428IntroducedImmigration matters. Clarifies that the enforcement of federal immigration laws may be carried out by federal, state, or local law enforcement. Removes the mens rea standard in the statute concerning governmental entities or postsecondary institution...
#43SB0073IntroducedSale of utility trailers. Amends the definition of "motor vehicle" for purposes of dealer services provisions governing unfair practices and the succession to franchise by designated family members. Amends the definition of "trailer" for certain inst...
Second reading: ordered engrossed
#44SB0116IntroducedUnemployment benefits. Amends the definition of "wage credits". Specifies the rate for unemployment insurance benefits for initial claims filed by an individual who is totally unemployed for any week beginning after June 30, 2025. Specifies, for init...
#45HB1365IntroducedBallot access for major and minor parties. Provides, for purposes of certain laws, that the term "major political party" refers to: (1) with respect to the state, any of the parties whose nominees received more than 2,500 votes statewide for secretar...
#46HB1555IntroducedLicensure of foreign trained physicians. Establishes a limited medical license for individuals who: (1) have graduated from certain international medical programs; (2) obtain a health care facility sponsor in an underserved area; and (3) meet certain...
#47HB1701IntroducedVehicle Bill. None
#48HB1616IntroducedDepartment of natural resources. Establishes a procedure to be followed when there are unpaid taxes assessed on a mineral interest. Adds a $10,000 cap on a tax credit for a taxpayer who completes preservation or rehabilitation of a historic property....
Committee report: do pass, adopted
#49SB0209IntroducedElectronic pull tabs in charity gaming. Allows for the use of electronic pull tab games, electronic pull tab devices, and electronic pull tab systems in charity gaming. Provides for a maximum number of electronic pull tab devices that may be present,...
Committee report: amend do pass, adopted
#50HR0010PassedRecognizing women's heart health research and supporting awareness for cardiovascular disease. Recognizing women's heart health research and supporting awareness for cardiovascular disease.
First reading: adopted voice vote