Indiana Trending Legislation

Indiana Dashboard - Indiana Legislation - Indiana Datasets - Indiana Roster - Indiana Trends

Current trends in Indiana legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1SB0141EngrossedEyewitness identification procedures. Establishes a procedure to be used by a law enforcement agency in conducting a lineup or in person witness identification.
#2HB1605EngrossedJuvenile law matters. Requires the family and social services administration to provide address information to the department of child services (department) under specified circumstances. Provides that it is the policy of the state of Indiana and the...
#3SB0142EngrossedEviction issues. Requires the court to order an expungement in a qualifying eviction case and allows the court to issue the order without a hearing. Permits an expungement in an eviction case if a money judgment related to the eviction action is ente...
#4HB1473EngrossedPocket annexations. Allows a municipality to annex unincorporated property that becomes completely surrounded by the municipality after June 30, 2025. Requires the municipality to: (1) adopt an annexation fiscal plan; (2) provide notice to landowners...
#5SCR0019PassedCongratulating Cole Hocker. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION congratulating Cole Hocker on winning the gold medal in the 1500 meter track and field event at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France.
Returned to the Senate
#6HB1348EngrossedNonaccredited nonpublic schools. Provides that a high school diploma (diploma) or credential issued by a nonaccredited nonpublic school (school) is legally sufficient to demonstrate that the recipient of the diploma or credential has met the requirem...
#7HB1389EngrossedLocal regulation. Prohibits, subject to specified exceptions, a county, municipality, township, or neighborhood or homeowners association from adopting or enforcing an ordinance, order, regulation, resolution, policy, or similar measure that: (1) pro...
#8HB1362IntroducedAnnexation. With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of land not exempt from property taxes in the annexa...
Second reading: ordered engrossed
#9HB1007EngrossedEnergy generation resources. Provides a credit against state tax liability for expenses incurred in the manufacture of a small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) in Indiana. Establishes procedures under which certain energy utilities may request approval ...
#10HB1403EngrossedJuvenile justice matters. Amends the duties of the statewide juvenile justice oversight body established by the commission on improving the status of children in Indiana (oversight body). Requires the Indiana criminal justice institute (institute) to...
#11HB1326EngrossedStudent and teaching scholarships. Provides that a student must be at least three years of age to qualify for a scholarship granting organization scholarship and removes income eligibility requirements. (Currently, the student must be at least four y...
#12HCR0016PassedHonoring Bruce Haines upon his retirement from the Fort Wayne Public Broadcasting Service. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Bruce Haines upon his retirement from the Fort Wayne Public Broadcasting Service.
Returned to the House
#13SB0488EngrossedSkills training pilot program. Provides that the department of workforce development may establish a reemployment skills training pilot program (pilot program) to supplement an individual's receipt of weekly unemployment benefits. If a pilot program ...
#14SB0014EngrossedVegetable gardens and livestock. Prohibits a county, city, or town (unit) from adopting or enforcing an ordinance that prevents a person from cultivating a vegetable garden on certain property. Allows a unit to adopt or enforce an ordinance or regula...
#15SB0222EngrossedCivil legal aid fund. Limits how a legal services provider may use funds from the civil legal aid fund. Relocates a provision concerning fund distribution. Repeals the distribution formula of the civil legal aid fund statute. Requires the office of j...
#16HB1121EngrossedConcurrent juvenile delinquency jurisdiction on military bases. Creates a process for the state to establish concurrent jurisdiction with the United States for certain juvenile delinquency proceedings on Indiana military property.
Committee report: do pass, adopted
#17SJR0017EngrossedState comptroller. Proposes an amendment to the Indiana Constitution to do the following: (1) Require the election of a state comptroller instead of an auditor of state. (2) Provide, effective June 30, 2023, that an individual serving as auditor of s...
#18HB1471EngrossedLaw enforcement officer criminal convictions. Establishes the procedure for placing a law enforcement officer's name on a Giglio list. Provides notice and reconsideration procedures. Provides requirements for prosecuting attorneys and law enforcement...
#19SB0450EngrossedArticle V convention. Changes the defined term of "delegate" to "commissioner" in reference to an individual who is appointed to represent Indiana at an Article V convention. Specifies that an individual must satisfy the following requirements to be ...
#20HB1679EngrossedVarious elections matters. Modifies the definition of "candidate". Provides that certain documents and material generated for or used by a political party caucus to select a person to fill a vacancy in an elected office are the property of the politi...
#21SB0043EngrossedStudy of relocation of gambling operations. Requires the Indiana gaming commission (commission) to contract with an independent, qualified gaming industry research firm to conduct a study to identify the top three regions in the state to which a pers...
#22HCR0015PassedHonoring the late U.S. President Jimmy Carter. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring the late U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Returned to the House
#23SB0211EngrossedClean water Indiana program. Permits the use of funds from the clean water Indiana fund to manage invasive plant species.
#24SB0219EngrossedTrespass. Provides that a person who, not having a contractual interest in the property, knowingly or intentionally enters the real property of another person after having been denied entry by the other person, that person's agent, or a law enforceme...
#25SCR0016PassedRecognizing the National FFA Organization and the Indiana FFA Association. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing the National FFA Organization and the Indiana FFA Association for exemplary work in the advancement of agricultural education in Indiana an...
Returned to the Senate
#26SB0151EngrossedStatute of limitations. Allows the prosecution of Level 3 felony rape and Level 3 and Level 4 child molesting offenses to be commenced at any time. Establishes a defense of laches for Level 3 felony rape and Level 3 and Level 4 felony child molesting...
#27HB1031EngrossedDental matters. Establishes the dentist and dental hygienist compact (compact). Provides the requirements states must follow in order to participate in the compact. Provides that dentists and dental hygienists may practice in participating states so ...
#28SCR0015PassedHonoring Indiana 4-H. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Indiana 4-H and recognizing February 11, 2025, as Indiana 4-H Day at the Statehouse.
Returned to the Senate
#29SB0324EngrossedCriminal penalties. Increases the penalty levels of crimes related to fentanyl and methamphetamine. Increases the penalty levels of battery against a public safety official, battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, battery resulting in serious bo...
#30SB0502EngrossedAttachments to utility poles. Requires a person, other than an electricity supplier, that seeks authorization to attach communications service equipment to a utility pole utilizing funds from certain state or federal programs to report specified info...
#31HB1412EngrossedReporting of child abuse or neglect. Provides that an individual's duty to report suspected child abuse or neglect is may only be delegated to another person if certain conditions are met. Requires that if a report of suspected child abuse or neglect...
#32SR0003IntroducedMemorializing Senator Jean Breaux. A SENATE RESOLUTION memorializing the life of Senator Jean Breaux.
Senators Alexander, Alting, Baldwin, Bassler, Becker, Bohacek, Bray, Brown L, Buchanan, Buck, Busch, Byrne, Carrasco, Charbonneau, Clark, Crider, Deery, Dernulc, Donato, Doriot, Freeman, Garten, Gaskill, Glick, Goode, Holdman, Johnson T, Koch, Leising, Maxwell, Mishler, Niemeyer, Raatz, Rogers, Schmitt, Tomes, Walker G, Walker K, Young M, Zay added as coauthors
#33HB1241EngrossedTrauma informed care. Establishes the trauma informed care commission (commission). Provides that the commission shall identify, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding best practices and research models with respect to children, youth, and fami...
#34SR0022IntroducedMemorializing Asra Hussain. A SENATE RESOLUTION memorializing Asra Hussain.
Senators Alexander, Alting, Baldwin, Bassler, Becker, Bohacek, Bray, Brown L, Buchanan, Buck, Busch, Byrne, Carrasco, Charbonneau, Clark, Crider, Deery, Dernulc, Donato, Doriot, Freeman, Garten, Gaskill, Glick, Goode, Holdman, Hunley, Jackson, Johnson T, Koch, Leising, Maxwell, Mishler, Niemeyer, Niezgodski, Pol, Raatz, Randolph, Rogers, Schmitt, Spencer, Taylor G, Tomes, Walker G, Walker K, Young M, Zay added as coauthors
#35HB1555EngrossedLicensure of foreign trained physicians. Establishes a limited medical license for individuals who: (1) have graduated from certain international medical programs; (2) obtain a health care facility sponsor in an underserved area; and (3) meet certain...
#36HB1002EngrossedVarious education matters. Removes and repeals various education provisions and expired education provisions, including provisions concerning the following: (1) Secretary of education criteria. (2) Certain department of education (department) require...
#37HB1289EngrossedEmployment social enterprises. Defines "employment social enterprise" as a nonprofit or for-profit organization that meets certain criteria. Amends the definition of "workforce related program" to include a work based learning program or transitional...
#38HB1111EngrossedIndiana National Guard. Increases, from $8,800 to $20,000, the amount that shall be paid by the state if a member of the Indiana National Guard dies in the active service of the state. Provides that a spouse or dependent of a member of the Indiana Na...
#39SR0034PassedHonoring Ernie Pyle. A SENATE RESOLUTION honoring war correspondent Ernie Pyle.
First reading: adopted voice vote
#40SJR0021EngrossedTerms of members of Congress. Applies to Congress for a Convention for proposing Amendments under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to provide limits to the number of terms that an individual may serve in the United States House of R...
#41SB0473EngrossedVarious health care matters. Specifies the process for a managed care organization to follow concerning home modification services. Requires a patient of an opioid treatment program (program) who has tested positive on a drug test to be given a rando...
#42HB1233IntroducedLocal government reorganization. Provides that on January 1, 2027, in all counties except Marion County, the following occur: (1) Township government is dissolved. (2) The county executive assumes the powers and duties of township trustees with regar...
#43HB1248EngrossedChild Care and Development Fund. Provides that a household is eligible for assistance under the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program if the household includes a foster parent at the time of the office of the secretary of family and social s...
#44HB1253EngrossedChild care. Provides that a granted waiver or variance expires three years after the date that the waiver or variance becomes effective. Provides that, not later than June 30, 2026, the division of family resources (division) shall establish an organ...
#45HB1012EngrossedNotice to owner of the site of an accident. Provides that, on or before July 1, 2026, each law enforcement agency shall adopt and implement protocols for the law enforcement agency to notify a real property owner of: (1) damage to the owner's real pr...
#46SB0430EngrossedGrants for participation in the 287(g) program. Establishes the 287(g) agreement grant program. Provides that a "287(g) agreement" refers to an agreement entered into under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Allows the department ...
#47SB0477EngrossedLow head dams. Provides that the state does not assume ownership of or responsibility for a low head dam that is not listed as owned by the state on the department of natural resources' (department) low head dam roster (roster). Permits a person to r...
#48SR0024PassedHonoring Jeff Baldwin. A SENATE RESOLUTION to honor Jeff Baldwin upon his retirement from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Bloomington.
First reading: adopted voice vote
#49SB0494IntroducedState and local tax capture areas. Amends provisions concerning the designation of an innovation development district to add certain qualification requirements (grandfathers in those districts established under current law). Requires the Indiana econ...
#50SB0011EngrossedMinor access and use of social media. Requires a social media operator to restrict a minor user's viewing of social media without first obtaining verifiable parental consent for the minor user. Defines a "minor user" as an individual who is less than...