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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
IDS1329PassPARENTAL RIGHTS -- Adds to existing law to provide for parental rights in medical decision-making.
Session Law Chapter 148 Effective: 07/01/2024

Sine Die
REFERENDA AND INITIATIVES -- Proposes a state constitutional amendment to require any referendum petition or initiative petition to be signed by at least 6% of legal voters at the last general election in each legislative district.
Returned from House Failed; to Secretary of Senate
IDS1086PassTORT CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES -- Amends existing law to provide for a time for filing claims by a minor in a child abuse case.
Session Law Chapter 178 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
OPTOMETRISTS -- Amends existing law to provide for the practice of optometry to include certain therapeutic laser procedures under certain circumstances.
To House Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
SELF-DEFENSE -- Adds to existing law to provide for immunity from criminal prosecution when force is used in certain instances and to provide for reimbursement for a defendant in certain instances.
To Senate State Affairs Committee
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