Bill Texts: IL SB1510 | 2019-2020 | 101st General Assembly

Bill Title: Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. Reenacts provisions regarding assessments on inpatient and outpatient services imposed on hospitals. Provides for the continuity of effect of the reenacted provisions between July 1, 2020 and the effective date of the amendatory Act. Validates actions taken in reliance on or pursuant to the reenacted provisions. In a Section concerning the Department of Children and Family Services' per diem rate for an inpatient psychiatric stay beyond medical necessity, provides that the Section is inoperative on and after July 1, 2021 (instead of July 1, 2020). Provides that notwithstanding the provision of Public Act 101-209 stating that the Section is inoperative on and after July 1, 2020, the Section is operative from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Provides that beginning July 1, 2012 and ending on December 31, 2022, a hospital that would have qualified for the rate year beginning October 1, 2012 shall be a Safety-Net Hospital. Requires the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to establish a health care transformation program which shall be supported by the transformation funding pool. Provides that it is the intention of the General Assembly that innovative partnerships funded by the pool must be designed to establish or improve integrated health care delivery systems that will provide significant access to the Medicaid and uninsured populations in their communities, as well as improve health care equity. Provides that during State fiscal years 2021 through 2027, the hospital and health care transformation program shall be supported by an annual transformation funding pool of up to $150,000,000, pending federal matching funds, to be allocated during the specified fiscal years for the purpose of facilitating hospital and health care transformation. Provides that funding agreements made in accordance with the transformation program shall be considered purchases of care under the Illinois Procurement Code and funds shall be expended by the Department in a manner that maximizes federal funding to expend the entire allocated amount. Contains provisions concerning the criteria for transformation proposals; entities eligible for funding under the transformation program; the process for submitting transformation projects; the Department's process for evaluating and approving transformation proposals; and other matters. In a provision concerning Prospective Payment System rates for federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), provides that one method to increase such rates is to use an alternative payment method acceptable to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the FQHCs, including an across the board percentage increase to existing rates. Creates the COVID-19 Medically Necessary Diagnostic Testing Act. Provides that a health plan shall not impose utilization management requirements on COVID-19 diagnostic tests for nursing home employees. Provides that medically necessary COVID-19 testing is urgent care, and health plans shall not extend the applicable wait time for a COVID-19 testing appointment, even if such an extension would otherwise be permitted. Requires a health plan to reimburse the testing provider for medically necessary COVID-19 testing at the contracted rate if the health plan has a contract with the testing provider. Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Amends the Nursing Home Care Act. Requires the Department of Public Health to accept on-the-job experience in lieu of clinical training from any individual who participated in the temporary nursing assistant program during the COVID-19 pandemic before the end date of the temporary nursing assistant program and left the program in good standing. Requires the Department of Public Health to notify all approved certified nurse assistant training programs in the State of this requirement. Defines "temporary nursing assistant program". Provides that an individual employed during the COVID-19 pandemic as a nursing assistant in accordance with any Executive Orders, emergency rules, or policy memoranda related to COVID-19 shall be assumed to meet competency standards and may continue to be employed as a certified nurse assistant when the pandemic ends and the Executive Orders or emergency rules lapse. Amends the Hospital Licensing Act. Provides that whenever a public health emergency has resulted in pre-admission screenings to be waived in lieu of screenings post admission to a nursing home and the case coordination unit, upon being timely notified of the need to complete the post-admission screen, fails to complete the screen within the allotted time, the nursing facility shall not be penalized and shall be reimbursed for care from the date of admission. Effective immediately.

Spectrum: Broadly Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Enrolled - Dead) 2021-01-13 - Passed Both Houses [SB1510 Detail]

Bill Drafts



House Amendment 0032021-01-12ProposedHTML/TextLinkView
House Amendment 0022021-01-07ProposedHTML/TextLinkView
House Amendment 0012019-05-06ProposedHTML/TextLinkView
Senate Amendment 0022019-04-05ProposedHTML/TextLinkView
Senate Amendment 0012019-03-04ProposedHTML/TextLinkView

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