Legislative Research: IN HB1214 | 2022 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

Worker's compensation. Provides that, after June 30, 2025, a party may not prohibit an employer from bidding on a contract solely on the basis of the employer's experience rating. Requires insurance companies providing worker's compensation insurance...
[HB1214 2025 Detail][HB1214 2025 Text][HB1214 2025 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions
Regular Session

(Engrossed - Dead)
Dental matters. Establishes the dentist and dental hygienist compact (compact). Provides the requirements states must follow in order to participate in the compact. Provides that dentists and dental hygienists may practice in participating states so ...
[HB1214 2024 Detail][HB1214 2024 Text][HB1214 2024 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services
Regular Session

(Engrossed - Dead)
Tobacco and e-liquids. Modifies the definition of "tobacco product" to include a product that contains nicotine and is not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for tobacco cessation. Provides that an e-liquid distributor shall purchas...
[HB1214 2023 Detail][HB1214 2023 Text][HB1214 2023 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Regular Session

Residential eviction actions. Requires the plaintiff in a residential eviction action to file a motion to dismiss the action if the case is resolved between the parties at any time before final adjudication, unless the plaintiff is seeking damages. P...
[HB1214 2022 Detail][HB1214 2022 Text][HB1214 2022 Comments]
Public Law 164
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Medical marijuana. Establishes a medical marijuana program (program), and permits caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for treatment of certain medical conditions. Establishes...
[HB1214 2021 Detail][HB1214 2021 Text][HB1214 2021 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Assistance for the payment of property tax refunds. Authorizes loans from the state rainy day fund to eligible cities and school corporations in Lake County whose revenues are affected by at least $1,000,000 by an Indiana court judgment issued after ...
[HB1214 2020 Detail][HB1214 2020 Text][HB1214 2020 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
Regular Session

Construction managers as constructors. Repeals a provision in the construction manager as constructor statute that establishes a time period for public agencies (other than state educational institutions) to use the construction manager as constructo...
[HB1214 2019 Detail][HB1214 2019 Text][HB1214 2019 Comments]
Public Law 204
Regular Session

(Enrolled - Dead)
Low THC hemp extract. Repeals all provisions concerning the cannabidiol registry and a "substance containing cannabidiol" (all added by HEA 1148-2017). Defines "low THC hemp extract" as an industrial hemp product derived from Cannabis sativa L. that ...
[HB1214 2018 Detail][HB1214 2018 Text][HB1214 2018 Comments]
Representatives Culver, Lucas, Wesco, Morris, Jordan added as coauthors
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Specialized driving privileges. Requires an individual with suspended driving privileges who seeks specialized driving privileges to file a petition for specialized driving privileges in the court that ordered or imposed the suspension. Makes a techn...
[HB1214 2017 Detail][HB1214 2017 Text][HB1214 2017 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Obstruction of justice. Creates an enhancement to the obstruction of justice crime for intimidation of a witness during the investigation or pendency of a domestic violence or child abuse case. Provides immunity for prosecuting attorneys and deputies...
[HB1214 2016 Detail][HB1214 2016 Text][HB1214 2016 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Pharmacy benefits managers. Specifies requirements that apply to a pharmacy benefits manager, including fiduciary duties owed a covered entity and contractual requirements for contracts with pharmacies. Provides that a pharmacy benefits manager who k...
[HB1214 2015 Detail][HB1214 2015 Text][HB1214 2015 Comments]
Representatives Carbaugh and Hale added as coauthors
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Requires an individual who harvests human bone, skin, tissue, heart valves, ligaments, or tendons to take a training program offered by the procurement company for whom the individual works and to register with the medical licensing board (board). Re...
[HB1214 2014 Detail][HB1214 2014 Text][HB1214 2014 Comments]
First Reading: Referred to Public Health
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Sales and use tax exemption.
[HB1214 2013 Detail][HB1214 2013 Text][HB1214 2013 Comments]
Referred to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Specifies that only a physician who meets certain conditions may administer to a pregnant woman an abortion inducing drug, and sets forth the procedure the physician must follow. Requires a physician who learns of an adverse event following the use o...
[HB1214 2012 Detail][HB1214 2012 Text][HB1214 2012 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Allows the alcohol and tobacco commission to issue a three-way, two-way, or one-way permit to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only to an applicant who is the proprietor, as owner or lessee, or both, of a restaurant on land or in ...
[HB1214 2011 Detail][HB1214 2011 Text][HB1214 2011 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Imposes certain procedural requirements on the adoption by a political subdivision of a regulation of landlord and tenant relations, residential leases, or inspection of real property subject to a residential lease. Provides that such a regulation ma...
[HB1214 2010 Detail][HB1214 2010 Text][HB1214 2010 Comments]
First reading: referred to Committee on Judiciary

References Online

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[Indiana HB1214]Google WebGoogle News
[Representative Ethan Manning IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Chris Jeter IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Edward Clere IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Vernon Smith IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Eric Koch IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Mike Gaskill IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator James Buck IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Rodney Pol IN]Google WebGoogle NewsN/ABallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Timothy Lanane IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Lonnie Randolph IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Greg Taylor IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Shelli Yoder IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Linda Rogers IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jeff Raatz IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ronnie Alting IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator John Crane IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kyle Walker IN]Google WebGoogle NewsN/ABallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Greg Walker IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Clyde Perfect IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Andy Zay IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Justin Busch IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Stacey Donato IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Chris Garten IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Brian Buchanan IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Philip Boots IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Michael Crider IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Blake Doriot IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Aaron Freeman IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Mike Bohacek IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jack Sandlin IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Scott Baldwin IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Mark Messmer IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Rick Niemeyer IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kevin Boehnlein IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dennis Kruse IN]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

IN HB1214 | 2022 | Regular Session. (2022, March 18). LegiScan. Retrieved March 06, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/HB1214/2022
"IN HB1214 | 2022 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 18 Mar. 2022. Web. 06 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/HB1214/2022>.
"IN HB1214 | 2022 | Regular Session." March 18, 2022 LegiScan. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/HB1214/2022.
LegiScan. IN HB1214 | 2022 | Regular Session. 18 March 2022. https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/HB1214/2022 (accessed March 06, 2025).

Indiana State Sources

Roll Callhttp://iga.in.gov/static-documents/b/5/2/e/b52eee0b/HB1214.01.INTR.03.pdf
Roll Callhttp://iga.in.gov/static-documents/5/9/5/4/59549dbd/HB1214.78_H.pdf
Roll Callhttp://iga.in.gov/static-documents/6/1/8/9/6189ba59/HB1214.02.COMH.00.pdf
Roll Callhttp://iga.in.gov/static-documents/a/5/0/8/a50892f7/HB1214.234_S.pdf
Roll Callhttp://iga.in.gov/static-documents/f/1/2/2/f1229ff6/HB1214.314_H.pdf
