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Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to establish an automatic expungement process for specific eligible misdemeanor and felony convictions; allow the Commonwealth's and county attorney to object and halt the automatic expungement of certain offen...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define terms related to automated license plate readers; establish limitations on use and sale of data captured by automated license plate readers; create a new section of KRS Chapter 183 to define terms and...
To Senate Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 164.295 to permit Western Kentucky University to offer up to five research doctoral degree programs.
To Senate Committee on Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 158.197 to permit school-based decision making councils to offer Bible literacy courses to students in grade seven and above, permit such courses to count as language arts courses; amend KRS 156.162 to require the Kentucky Board of Educatio...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 95A.292 to allow rescue squad members to participate in the Alan "Chip" Terry Professional Development and Wellness Program; and create a new section of KRS Chapter 39F to direct the Division of Emergency Management and the Kentucky Fire Co...
To Senate Committee on Committees

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 315 to define terms, prohibit discrimination against 340B covered entities by pharmaceutical manufacturers, and authorize the Attorney General to investigation violations.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 156.690 to insert gender-neutral language.
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 168.040 to revise the membership requirements of the Kentucky Authority for Educational Television; require members appointed by the Governor be confirmed by the Senate; require the executive director of the authority to recommend a member ...
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 258 to create a commercial dog breeder; establish fees, conditions for issuance and revocation, and penalties; amend KRS 258.119 to conform.
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 199.894 to define "contract substitute staff member"; amend KRS 199.8943 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to develop standards and training related to the quality-based graduated early childhood rating system; amend KRS...
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 164.295 to permit Murray State University to offer doctor's degrees required for professional practice and licensure in veterinary medicine.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; establish the Kentucky Aerospace, Aviation, and Defense Investment Fund Advisory Committee; establish the membership of the committee; establish the Kentucky aerospace, aviation, and defense inv...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Propose to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit persons who are not citizens of the United States from being allowed to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification...
To Senate State & Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 141.019 to exclude all distributions from military pension plans received by retired members of the United States military and their surviving spouses or former spouse under a survivor benefit plan from income taxation for taxable years beg...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 56.580 to prohibit closing portions of Capital Avenue in Frankfort; provide exceptions for emergency personnel.
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 309 to adopt the Interstate Massage Compact; declare the intent and purpose of the compact; define terms; establish conditions under which an individual can practice in a remote state; authorize a home state to imp...
To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee
KYHR45PassAffirm Kentucky's support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemn the October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 61.505 to establish the Office of Financial Management and the Office of Benefits within the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority; amend KRS 12.020 to conform.
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 141.010 to define "veteran"; amend KRS 141.019 to exclude from income tax wages earned from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2028, in Kentucky by a resident veteran.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Propose to amend Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky to authorize the General Assembly to provide for a portion of the educational costs of students outside of the public school system with parents of limited financial means; provide ballot l...
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 214.450 to define "COVID-19 vaccine" or "mRNA vaccine"; amend KRS 214.452 to require blood establishments to test for COVID-19 antibodies, evidence of lipid nanoparticles, and spike protein; require the administrator of any blood establishm...
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Amend KRS 506.040 to provide that any person who is 18 years of age or older who engages in a criminal conspiracy with a minor shall be subject to the same penalty provided for the offense which is the object of the conspiratorial agreement; amend KR...
To House Committee On Committees

Sine Die
Urge the United States Congress to enact legislation allowing states to permanently adopt daylight saving time.
To House Committee On Committees
KYHB29PassAmend KRS 40.315 to remove the residency requirement for interment in veteran cemeteries.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 188)
KYHB244PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 36 to establish the Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program; outline the purpose of the program; authorize the program to establish high schools to serve the program's students; align program with the federal Nation...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 151)
KYHB331PassAmend KRS 158.162 to direct local boards of education to require schools to maintain a portable automated external defibrillator in every middle and high school building and at school-sponsored events; require local boards to adopt policies and proce...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 165)
KYHB319PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to implement the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 requiring exit surveys from school personnel leaving employment; require the Kentucky Department of Education to dev...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 164)

Sine Die
Encourage the Legislative Research Commission to appoint a task force during the 2023 interim to examine the applicability and acceptance of military occupational experience as it relates to the licensure qualifications of occupations licensed in Ken...
To House Committee On Committees
KYHB144PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to define terms; provide protections from in-person access to private open land by law enforcement; require law enforcement to utilize body-worn cameras and audio devices while on private open land; provide exce...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 126)
KYHB264PassCreate new sections of Subchapter 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to define "advisory committee," "applicable agency," "applicant," "consumer," "demonstrate," "director," "innovation," "innovative offering," "offering," "product," "production," "regulatory rel...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 122)
KYHB3PassAmend KRS 610.030 to require a report to the court of truancy cases when there is no action implemented by the response team within 90 days; require a court-designated worker to make a finding if diversion is failed due to lack of parental cooperatio...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 105)
KYHB547PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to prohibit a school district from punishing an employee for engaging in private religious expression otherwise protected by the First Amendment absent a showing of engaging in actual coercion; provide specific...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 89)
KYHB540PassAmend KRS 158.441 to include private and parochial schools; amend KRS 158.4414 to specify that private and parochial schools can enter memorandums of understanding with local law enforcement agencies or the Department of Kentucky State Police to prov...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 104)
KYHB180PassCreate a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to establish biomarker testing coverage requirements for health benefit plans; amend KRS 205.522 to require Medicaid to comply with the biomarker testing coverage requirements; direct that provi...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 77)
KYHB172PassAmend KRS 317.450 to authorize the board to issue a license to operate a school of barbering to any person, firm, or corporation that has provided sufficient evidence that a sufficient number of licensed teachers will be employed, with at least one t...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 70)
KYHB506PassAmend KRS 61.635 to establish a partial lump sum option (PLSO), with and without survivor rights, as a payment option for retiring members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS), County Employees Retirement System (CERS), or State Police ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 71)
KYHB334PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to require an application to increase the number of beds by an intermediate-care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability to be consistent with the state health plan under certain conditions.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 45)
KYHB442PassAppropriate funds for the payment of claims against the Commonwealth; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 26)

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 247 to prohibit a nonresident alien, foreign business, agent, trustee, or fiduciary associated with the government of any prohibited country as referenced in 22 C.F.R. sec. 126.1 from the purchase, lease, or acquis...
To Senate Agriculture Committee

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms; state that the provision of gender transition services to a person under the age of 18 years by a health care provider or mental health care provider is unethical and unprofessional conduct; req...
laid on clerk's desk
KYHR88PassHonor the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 78.510 to provide that the participation date in the County Employees Retirement System (CERS) for those individuals who entered the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training's Police Corps program prior to July 1, 2003, through an a...
To Senate State & Local Government Committee
KYHR84PassRecognize Constitution Day on September 17.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to name and designate as the official pets of Kentucky domestic cats and dogs that reside in or have been adopted from Kentucky animal shelters or rescue organizations.
To House State Government Committee
KYHR51PassRecognize March 2023 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 138.470 to exempt active members of the Armed Forces assigned to Kentucky who are on temporary duty in other locations and members of the Kentucky National Guard from motor vehicle usage tax on vehicles purchased from Kentucky motor vehicle...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 141.019 to exclude all distributions from military pension plans received by retired members of the United States military and their surviving spouses or former spouses under a survivor benefit plan from income taxation for taxable years be...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 132 to exempt up to two motor vehicles owned by totally disabled veterans with a 100% service-connected disability rating from property taxation and amend KRS 132.485 to conform; amend KRS 91A.080, 136.340, 136.350...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 405 to establish definitions; provide for parental rights; establish that no governmental entity shall substantially burden the rights of parents unless required by a compelling governmental interest of the highest ...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 533.220 to include gender-neutral language.
To House Committee On Committees
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