Kentucky Representative Kim King [R] | Passed

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KYHB272PassAmends KRS 405.075 to change the definition of “newborn safety device” related to the continuous staffing requirement; and amends KRS 156.095 to require that information on the Safe Haven Baby Boxes Crisis Line be posted in public schools.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 202)
KYHR85PassRecognize Constitution Day on September 17, 2024.
adopted by voice vote
KYHB513PassAmends KRS 11.027 to create a process for the Historic Properties Advisory Commission to submit plans for approval by the General Assembly prior to the installation or removal of statues, monuments, or objects of art on permanent display in the rotun...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 183)
KYHB5PassCreate new sections of KRS Chapter 532 to define "violent felony" and enhance sentencing for a person convicted of a third violent felony; prohibit probation, parole, or other form of release for a person who commits a crime using a weapon that is st...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 174)
KYHB723PassAmends KRS 147A.154 and 147A.158 to sunset the existing Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation (GRANT) Program as established in the Department for Local Government and to transfer the moneys in the existing fund to the Cabinet for E...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 188)
KYHB622PassRepeals KRS 63.200, which requires the Governor to fill vacancies in the office of United States Senator; amends KRS 118.720 to require that the Governor sign a proclamation for an election to fill a vacancy in the office of United States Senator and...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 187)
KYHR138PassRecognize April 19, 2024, as Education and Sharing Day.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR146PassRecognize April 18, 2024, as National Lineman Appreciation Day.
adopted by voice vote
KYHB553PassEstablishes the Kentucky Rural Veterinary Medicine Student Loan Repayment Program for an eligible livestock practitioner who engages in veterinary medicine in an underserved rural area or veterinary shortage area for five consecutive years; allows a ...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 161)
KYHB825PassRequires the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts to conduct a full fiscal controls and operational performance audit of the Kentucky Department of Education and to provide the report to the Interim Joint Committee on Education by July 1, 2025.
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 118)
KYHB166PassCreates a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to define “SUDEP,” to update autopsy requirements, to require the Vital Statistics Branch to forward a copy of the death certificate to the North American SUDEP Registry if sudden unexpected death in epile...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 98)
KYHB278PassAmends KRS 15A.190 to require that the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet include crimes involving childhood sexual assault or abuse on the JC-3 form; amends KRS 160.380 to provide that a superintendent shall not employ any person who has been convict...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 106)
KYHB833PassAmends KRS 70.030 to allow a sheriff to appoint nonsworn special inspectors solely to perform motor vehicle inspections; amends KRS 186A.115 to allow sheriffs to appoint up to two employees of a motor vehicle dealer licensed under KRS Chapter 190 and...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 103)
KYHB30PassCreates a new section of KRS Chapter 40 establishing the Kentucky Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Suicide Prevention Program; and creates a new section of KRS Chapter 337 requiring the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs to create a...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 73)
KYHB621PassAmends KRS 247.140 to add the North American Championship Rodeo and the National Farm Machinery Show’s Championship Tractor Pull to the list of shows and expositions owned and operated by the State Fair Board.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch.40)
KYHB194PassAmends KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a health clinic, doctor’s office, dental office, long-term care facility, hospital, or...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 80)
KYHJR56PassAuthorizes the Office of State Budget Director to release capital construction funds totaling $71 million to the Department of Parks for specific upgrades to state parks; and requires reporting on the status of state park projects by the Department o...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch.28)
KYHR141PassRecognize April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention in Kentucky Month.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR76PassRecognize March 2024 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR86PassHonor the 100th anniversary of Kentucky State Parks.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR58PassRecognizing the 250 year tradition of opening prayers for legislative session days.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR45PassAffirm Kentucky's support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemn the October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas.
adopted by voice vote
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