LA Legislation | 2011 | Regular Session

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HR174PassCommends Ardie J. Scott, Jr., and Mae Jones Scott upon the celebration of their 52nd wedding anniversary
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR165PassRequests appointment of committee to notify the governor that the legislature is ready to adjourn sine die.
Rules suspended. Introduced in the Senate; read by title. Rules suspended. Read second time by title and adopted.

Sine Die
Requests study to review lawyer misconduct relative to settlements in third party liability insurance claims
Returned to house of origin and approved on 6/23/2011.
SR133PassCommends the members of the Cagins-Daniels Family Reunion and recognizes July 2011 as their biennial gathering in New Orleans.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR83PassRequests the LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport and the Department of Health and Hospitals to study the healthcare needs of the Northeast Louisiana Delta region and to make recommendations to the legislature which would increase the provision of h...
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR95PassExpress condolences upon the death of Professor Emeritus Robert C. Snyder Sr., educator, civic leader, and public servant.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HR170PassExpresses condolences upon the death of Alice Marie Bayly Bordes
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR163PassRequests DOTD, the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the city of New Orleans to expedite planning and construction of a fishing pier on the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain near the Highway 11 bridge.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 28.
HCR121PassEstablishes an understanding between the Board of Regents and the La. Legislature regarding the future of higher education in La.
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR130PassRequests the attorney general to review applicable gaming laws and make a report to the Senate Committee on Judiciary B on the legality of "Internet sweepstakes".
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR136PassCommends Xavier Alexander for his courageous act in donating a kidney to his father.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR151PassExpresses condolences upon the death of Kimberly McElveen Sledge, a fraud investigator with the Louisiana Department of Insurance, who was killed in the line of duty on June 7, 2011.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR66PassRequests the United State Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Coast Guard to gather information learned during the 2011 Mississippi River floods and update plans for future flooding conditions on the river.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HCR189PassCommends the 2011 International Legislative Drafting Institute participants and welcomes them to the capitol
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR131PassCommends Diane LeBlanc for a long and distinguished career in education.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.

Sine Die
Requests the House Committee on Commerce to study the problems surrounding the use of stolen or misappropriated information technology
Approved on 6/23/2011.

Sine Die
Provides a preference for the purchase of steel pipe manufactured in Louisiana. (8/15/11) (EGF SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
Notice of Senate reconsideration and adoption of Conference Committee Report.

Sine Die
Creates the La. Entrepreneurial Assistance and Development (LEAD) Program for tax credits for venture capital investments (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
Read by title. The Senate failed to approve consideration after the 57th calendar day by a vote of 22 yeas and 13 nays.
SR156PassRequires certain appointees to provide disclosure statements to the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee before being considered for confirmation.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 28.
HR169PassExpresses support for health policies regarding persons with serious mental illness
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.

Sine Die
Creates a state commission (SCORE) to submit a written plan by January 6, 2012, to reduce and eliminate state income taxes, recommend budget reduction actions, and reduce or eliminate tax benefits; provides that if a concurrent resolution containing ...
By a vote of 46 yeas, 32 nays, the House refused to approve consideration after the 57th calendar day.
HR165PassProvides relative to trailer safety devices
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR132PassCommend Dr. Jonathan Roberts for his many contributions to public healthcare in Louisiana and for his authorship of the book, "A History of the Charity Hospitals of Louisiana - A Study of Poverty, Politics, Public Health, and the Public Interest."
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR62PassExpress intent of the legislature to provide life and health benefits to public employees.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HR163PassCommends Mechelle Miller, administrator of the Rural Caucus of the La. Legislature, upon her receipt of the 2011 Legislative Staff Achievement Award from the National Conference of State Legislatures
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
HCR34PassApproves the Atchafalaya Basin Program Annual Plan for FY 2011-2012
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR129PassExpress condolences upon the death of Professor Emeritus Robert C. Snyder Sr. educator, civic leader, and public servant.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR160PassCommends Lloyd Higginbotham, Pat Cluse, and James Hebert on their service on the St. Martin Parish Council.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 28.
SCR44PassRequests the chief justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court to create a Families in Need of Services Commission that will study and issue recommendations regarding the governance, structure, target population, and necessary legislation.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR74PassCommends Mrs. LouAnn Gerard, Director of Patient Relations at LSU University Medical Center, on the occasion of her retirement.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR85PassCommends Gary Hall upon his retirement and for his years of public service with the Louisiana State Treasury.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR87PassRequests BESE to establish a public process for filling the position of state superintendent of education.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HCR187PassCommends Kathryn James of Mandeville High School upon her selection as a representative of Louisiana at the Hugh O'Brian World Leadership Congress in Chicago, Illinois
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR142PassCommends the Louisiana Moral and Civic Foundation, and its executive director, Dr. Ken Ward, for dedicated service to the members of the Senate and the citizens of Louisiana.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HB208PassExpands the territorial limits of the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District
Effective date: August 15, 2011.
HR153PassAuthorizes and requests the Department of Health and Hospitals not to include certain certified public expenditures in the funds generated for FY 2010-2011
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SR139PassRequests that DCFS, DOE, DHH, the Children's Cabinet and its advisory board work together with the BrightStart staff to carry out the work of BrightStart.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 28.
HCR186PassCommends Anne Dale for her commitment to celebrating the natural resources of Louisiana
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SCR86PassCommends Jama Scivicque for her years of public service with the Louisiana State Treasury.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR140PassRequests the Department of Children and Family Services to study the feasibility of implementing a cash reward program whereby the department would provide a monetary reward to an individual who provides information to the department which leads to t...
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SCR40PassRequests the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Louisiana Ambulance Alliance to work in collaboration through the Emergency Medical Services Professional Working Group to meet certain goals and to report to the Senate and House committees on ...
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HCR185PassCommends the Society of La. Certified Public Accountants upon its 100th anniversary
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SCR83PassCommends Dr. John E. Lemoine for his work with healthcare and physician liability.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HR160PassCommends Dale Hymel, Jr., for more than 30 years of service to the citizens of St. James Parish
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SCR80PassCommends the city of Scott for winning the 2011 Cleanest City Contest.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HR125PassCreates and provides for the Study Group on Chronic Care Management in the Community
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SCR84PassExpresses support for designation of a "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day".
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
SR107PassCommends Paul J. Lipe on 50 years of service to his church and community and recognizes August 21, 2011, as Paul J. Lipe Day in Delhi.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
HCR188PassCommends IBM upon its centennial anniversary celebration
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
SCR41PassRequests that the Department of Health and Hospitals continue its reliance on the Medicaid Purchase Plan Advisory Council for program outreach, education, review, and guidance.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on June 27.
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