Louisiana Senator Joseph Bouie [D] | All Sessions | Passed

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LAHB603PassCreates military honor specialty license plates
Effective date: 08/01/2022.
LASR106PassCommends LSU President William F. Tate IV on being elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LASR112PassCommends Kelsie Tillage on earning the Gold Medal Congressional Award.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LASR115PassExpresses condolences of the Senate upon the death of Reverend Lionel Johnson Sr.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LASCR43PassExpresses sincere and heartfelt condolences upon the death of Mr. Johnnie Jones Sr.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 5/5/2022.
LASR80PassExpresses sincere and heartfelt condolences upon the tragic death of Devin Jamal Page Jr.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/28/2022.
LASCR29PassCommends Jonathan "Jon" Batiste on his many accomplishments.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/21/2022.
LASR65PassCommends Tony Robichaux on being inducted into the 2022 class of the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/22/2022.
LASR73PassDesignates Wednesday, April 20, 2022, as LSU Day at the legislature.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/22/2022.
LASR51PassCommends Dr. Torin T. Sanders for twenty five years of pastoral service.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/14/2022.
LASR24PassDesignates March 2022 as Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Louisiana.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/7/2022.
LASR39PassCommends Senator and Mrs. Stewart Arthur Cathey Jr. on the joyous occasion of their marriage.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 4/7/2022.
LASCR3PassExpresses sincere condolences upon the death of Carl W. Aron.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 3/23/2022.
LASCR10PassProclaims March 21, 2022, as Louisiana State Capitol Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day in Louisiana.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 3/23/2022.
LASR8PassExpresses sincere condolences upon the death of former Louisiana State Senator Willie E. Crain Sr.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 2/21/2022.
LASR4PassExpresses sincere condolences upon the death of former Louisiana State Senator Sydney Banks Nelson.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 2/11/2022.
LASR5PassExpresses sincere condolences upon the death of former Louisiana State Senator Paul "David" Ginn.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 2/11/2022.
LASB60PassProvides relative to the compensation of intercollegiate athletes for the use of their name, image, or likeness. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
Effective date 7/1/2021.
LAHB514PassProvides for the dedication of certain vehicle sales and use taxes (EN -$296,000,000 GF RV See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHB430PassProvides relative to the officer's bill of rights
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHB7PassProvides for a sales and use tax exemption for feminine hygiene products and diapers (EN -$11,100,000 GF RV See Note)
Effective date: 06/23/2021.
LAHB680PassEstablishes the Louisiana Youth Jobs Tax Credit Program and tax credits for the employment of eligible apprentices (EN -$1,200,000 GF RV See Note)
Effective date: 06/23/2021.
LAHB705PassProvides relative to the misclassification of employees and a criteria for the classification of employees (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LASB232PassEstablishes and provides for the Power-Based Violence Review Panel. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/22/2021.
LAHB394PassRequires postsecondary education institutions to post reports relative to campus security policies and campus crime statistics on their websites (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LASB230PassProvides relative to power-based violence on college and university campuses. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/21/2021.
LASB27PassProvides relative to military and veteran friendly postsecondary education policies. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/21/2021.
LASB105PassProvides for an African-American military service members monument in the Louisiana Veterans Memorial Park. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
Effective date 6/21/2021.
LAHB119PassProvides relative to the Advisory Council on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHB85PassCreates a literacy program for certain public school students (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LASB143PassProvides relative to permanent placement of children in custody of the state. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
Effective date 6/17/2021.
LASB170PassProvides relative to the creation of the office of human trafficking prevention. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/17/2021.
LASB151PassEnacts the Foster Youth's Bill of Rights for youth ages fourteen through eighteen in foster care. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
Effective date 6/17/2021.
LASB211PassRequires in-service training for teachers and certain other school personnel on adverse childhood experiences and trauma-informed education. (gov sig) (EN +$160,384 GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/17/2021.
LASB215PassProvides for reasonable accommodations of employees who become temporarily disabled due to certain pregnancy-related medical conditions.(8/1/21) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 8/1/2021.
LASB10PassProvides for mandatory kindergarten attendance and requires compulsory school attendance beginning at age five. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 6/16/2021.
LASB150PassRequires the Office of Group Benefits to cover bariatric surgery techniques for the treatment of severe obesity. (8/1/21) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
Effective date 8/1/2021.
LASB12PassCreates a retired clerks and clerk's employees insurance fund for the Orleans Parish Clerk of Civil District Court. (8/1/21)
Effective date 8/1/2021.
LASB124PassRequires the playing or singing of the national anthem prior to certain athletic contests. (8/1/21)
Effective date 8/1/2021.
LASB66PassProvides for the Peace Officer and Public Safety Personnel Peer Support and Mental Health Wellness Act. (8/1/21)
Effective date 8/1/2021.
LAHB199Pass(Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the State and Local Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Commission (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
Effective date: See Act.
LAHB572PassProvides relative to the Carbon Dioxide Geologic Storage Trust Fund (EN INCREASE SD EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHCR39PassCreates a task force to study issues related to teacher shortages in Louisiana
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASB155PassProvides relative to the Louisiana Social Work Practice Act. (1/1/22)
Effective date 1/1/2022.
LAHB477PassAuthorizes the La. State Board of Examiners of Psychologists to implement fees for certain services (EN +$78,750 SG RV See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHB269PassProvides relative to destruction of imported food which is subject to an import ban
Effective date: 08/01/2021.
LAHB554PassDesignates Juneteenth as a state holiday
Effective date: 08/.01/2021.
LASR203PassExpresses the sincere and heartfelt condolences of the Louisiana Senate on the death of Timothy James Prather.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LASR246PassExpresses the condolences of the Senate on the death of Martha White, a key participant in the 1953 Baton Rouge bus boycott.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LASR212PassCommends Jerry G. Jones upon his retirement from the Louisiana Senate.
Enrolled. Signed by the President of the Senate and sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
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