Legislative Research: MA H1299 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
193rd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relative to establishing an advisory commission to study the best practices and safety protocols of state subsidized senior and non-elderly disabled housing. Housing.
[H1299 2023 Detail][H1299 2023 Text][H1299 2023 Comments]
No further action taken
192nd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities through commercial rate equity for safety net hospitals. Health Care Financing.
[H1299 2021 Detail][H1299 2021 Text][H1299 2021 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see H5222
191st General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others that cities and towns be authorized to increase the density of property zoned for residential usage to provide additional affordable housing units. Housing.
[H1299 2019 Detail][H1299 2019 Text][H1299 2019 Comments]
Read second and ordered to a third reading
190th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relative to the preparedness of the Commonwealth for natural disasters. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
[H1299 2017 Detail][H1299 2017 Text][H1299 2017 Comments]
No further action taken
189th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relative to the sealing of youthful offender records and the expungement of juvenile records. The Judiciary.
[H1299 2015 Detail][H1299 2015 Text][H1299 2015 Comments]
Accompanied a new draft, see H4363
188th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relativerelative to community work programs. The Judiciary.
[H1299 2013 Detail][H1299 2013 Text][H1299 2013 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see H4218
187th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relative to the penalties for throwing or shooting objects at motor vehicles. The Judiciary.
[H1299 2011 Detail][H1299 2011 Text][H1299 2011 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see H4364
186th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation to protect children against sex offenders
[H1299 2009 Detail][H1299 2009 Text][H1299 2009 Comments]
Public Hearing date 6/30 at 1:00 PM in Hearing Room B1

References Online

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Legislative Citation

MA H1299 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court. (2019, January 01). LegiScan. Retrieved March 06, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/H1299/2017
"MA H1299 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 01 Jan. 2019. Web. 06 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/H1299/2017>.
"MA H1299 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court." January 01, 2019 LegiScan. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/H1299/2017.
LegiScan. MA H1299 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court. 01 January 2019. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/H1299/2017 (accessed March 06, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
H311Similar To2018-07-09Establishing a special commission relative to reimbursements of school busing costsAccompanied a study order, see H4706
S1385Similar To2018-03-26Relative to local public housing authorities access to the dental and vision insurance plan managed by the group insurance commissionBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
H1255Similar To2018-05-24Establishing a commission to study post-traumatic stress disorder in law enforcement officersAccompanied a study order, see H4528
H1182Similar To2019-01-01Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to robotic surgery in the CommonwealthNo further action taken
H263Similar To2019-01-01Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to child suicideNo further action taken
S2074Similar To2017-05-22Report of the Special Commission on Pension ForfeiturePlaced on file
H25Similar To2018-03-29Relative to enhancing Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission background checksAccompanied a new draft, see H4350
H4098Similar To2018-05-10Resolve reviving and continuing the special commission studying cutting, welding and hot work processes regulated by the state fire codeSigned by the Governor, Chapter 1 of the Resolves of 2018
S2149Similar ToSimilar Bills
S2344Similar To2018-03-22Relative to manufactured housing communitiesReprinted as amended, see S2373
H4639Similar To2018-06-25Establishing the Honorable Peter V. Kocot Act to enhance access to high quality, affordable and transparent healthcare in the CommonwealthCommittee of conference appointed (Welch-Lewis-Tarr), in concurrence
S2658Similar To2018-12-06Adding a fifth member to the Board of Elections Commission in the City of EverettSigned by the Governor, Chapter 316 of the Acts of 2018
H4962Similar To2019-01-01Resolve An Act establishing an agricultural tourism study commissionResolve passed and laid before the Governor

Massachusetts State Sources
