Legislative Research: MA S2261 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
193rd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to online driver education. Transportation.
[S2261 2023 Detail][S2261 2023 Text][S2261 2023 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see S2796
192nd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation to establish free access to ride to elections in Massachusetts (FARE). Transportation.
[S2261 2021 Detail][S2261 2021 Text][S2261 2021 Comments]
Accompanied a new draft, see S2519
191st General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to the granting of alcoholic beverages licenses in the town of Boxford. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. [Local Approval Received.]
[S2261 2019 Detail][S2261 2019 Text][S2261 2019 Comments]
Accompanied a new draft, see S2366
190th General Court

Relative to the licensure of motor vehicle inspection stations (Senate, No. 2139),-- reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft entitled “An Act providing for the licensing of certain motor vehicle ...
[S2261 2017 Detail][S2261 2017 Text][S2261 2017 Comments]
Signed by the Governor, Chapter 436 of the Acts of 2018
189th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Relativerelative to the financing and delivery of health care in the Commonwealth.
[S2261 2015 Detail][S2261 2015 Text][S2261 2015 Comments]
Adopted, in concurrence
188th General Court

(Engrossed - Dead)
Relativerelative to robotic surgery in the Commonwealth (Senate, No. 1069)
[S2261 2013 Detail][S2261 2013 Text][S2261 2013 Comments]
Read second and ordered to a third reading
186th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act authorizing the issuance of licenses for the sale of wine at certain premises
[S2261 2009 Detail][S2261 2009 Text][S2261 2009 Comments]
Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the Senate Committee On Ways and Means

References Online

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Legislative Citation

MA S2261 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court. (2019, January 10). LegiScan. Retrieved March 06, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2261/2017
"MA S2261 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 10 Jan. 2019. Web. 06 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2261/2017>.
"MA S2261 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court." January 10, 2019 LegiScan. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2261/2017.
LegiScan. MA S2261 | 2017-2018 | 190th General Court. 10 January 2019. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2261/2017 (accessed March 06, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
S2106Similar To2017-06-29Similar BillsSee S2092
S2092Similar To2017-06-29To prevent driver distraction and motor vehicle fatalitiesReprinted, as amended, see S2103
S2139Similar To2018-01-25Relative to the licensure of motor vehicle inspection stationsNew draft substituted, see S2261
H983Similar To2018-08-09Relative to police pursuitsAccompanied a study order, see H4874
H1807Similar To2018-05-17Allowing for a Legion of Merit license plateAccompanied a study order, see H4502
S2303Similar To2018-05-25Authorizing the town of Westport to grant 1 additional liquor license for the sale of wine and malt beverages not to be drunk on the premisesSigned by the Governor, Chapter 95 of the Acts of 2018
S2307Similar To2018-08-30Authorizing the town of Wareham to grant an additional license for the sale of wines and malt beverages not to be drunk on the premisesSigned by the Governor, Chapter 236 of the Acts of 2018
H939Similar To2018-08-09Relative to motor vehicle homicideAccompanied a study order, see H4874
H2283Similar To2018-08-09Relative to hit and run driversAccompanied a study order, see H4874
H1860Similar To2018-03-05To clarify penalties for violations occurring while driving with a hardship licenseRead second and ordered to a third reading
S2673Similar To2019-01-01Regarding the authorization of the town of Sturbridge to issue an additional license for sale of all alcoholic beveragesSigned by the Governor, Chapter 340 of the Acts of 2018
S2687Similar To2018-12-20Authorizing the town of Webster to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premisesHouse concurred

Massachusetts State Sources
