MD Legislation | 2013 | Regular Session

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HB1121PassAuthorizing a licensed dental hygienist, without the supervision of a dentist, to provide specified services without compensation at specified community-based health fairs; requiring the Board of Dental Examiners, in consultation with the Department ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 272
HB1119PassRequiring the Secretary of Budget and Management to develop and implement the Foster Youth Summer Internship Pilot Program; requiring the Program to be established in multiple regions of the State; requiring the Secretary to coordinate with specified...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 317
SB8PassAllowing a gas company to recover costs associated with infrastructure replacement projects through a gas infrastructure replacement surcharge on customer bills; requiring project cost calculations to include specified elements; specifying how the pr...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 161
HB99PassProhibiting a person from importing, selling, or offering for sale specified child care products containing flame-retardant chemicals (TCEP); providing that the Act does not apply to the sale or distribution of a child care product that is resold, of...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 349
HB1499PassProviding that a candidate may join a slate or continue as a member of a slate only under specified circumstances; altering limits on the aggregate amount of contributions a person may make in an election cycle; requiring that contribution limits and...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 419
HB813PassCreating the Task Force to Study the Impact of Expanding Credit and Noncredit Courses for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Tas...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 392
HB98PassAltering the time period before a license expires by which the Board of Examiners of Psychologists is required to send a renewal notice to a licensee; requiring the Board, under specified circumstances, to send a renewal notice by electronic means to...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 219
SB224PassRequiring the Secretary of Budget and Management to include a specified wellness program in the State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program; establishing requirements for the wellness program; requiring the Secretary of Budget and ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 208
SB11PassAltering the expiration date for a temporary certificate of boat number.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 162
SB12PassAuthorizing specified employees to take leave from work on the day that an immediate family member is leaving for, or returning from, active duty outside the United States as a member of the armed forces of the United States; prohibiting an employer ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 163
SB380PassRequiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with the Department of the Environment, to convene a workgroup to examine issues relating to the investigation of potential cancer clusters in the State and potential environmenta...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 248
SB715PassAuthorizing the issuance, to new applicants, of identification cards, moped operators' permits, and drivers' licenses that are not acceptable by federal agencies for specified official purposes; requiring an applicant for an identification card, a mo...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 309
HB453PassEstablishing the Maryland Center for School Safety as an independent unit of State government; establishing the location and staffing of the Center; authorizing the Center to establish satellite offices in specified locations; specifying the function...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 372
HB1115PassAuthorizing specified health occupations boards within the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to establish an electronic system to distribute specified licenses, permits, certifications, or registrations; requiring the system to meet requirement...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 404
HB1220PassSpecifying that a provision of law relating to invalidation and destruction of an unexecuted warrant, summons, or other criminal process may not be construed to nullify or remove a failure to appear designation that has been placed on an individual's...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 409
HB196PassAltering provisions of law concerning voting by mail in special elections; authorizing the Governor, a county council, or a board of county commissioners to direct that voting by mail be utilized in specified special elections; requiring a local boar...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 198
SB1068PassEstablishing the Commission to Study the Regulation of Payroll Services; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; prohibiting a member of the Commission from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimburse...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 344
SB223PassCreating a Class 7 limited beer wholesaler's license that allows the license holder to sell, deliver, and distribute its own beer produced at the holder's premises to a retail license holder or permit holder in the State under specified circumstances...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 207
HB1216PassRequiring health maintenance organizations and entities that issue or deliver specified health insurance policies or contracts to provide, on their Web sites and in print, notice about specified benefits for mental illness, emotional disorders, drug ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 289
HB1215PassRequiring the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General to conduct a study of the consumer protections available to purchasers of home appliances who seek enforcement of specified warranties; requiring the study to analyze sp...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 408
SB19PassMaking it a misdemeanor to knowingly and willfully shine, point, or focus the beam of a laser pointer on an individual operating an aircraft; exempting specified individuals under specified circumstances from provisions of the Act; and specifying a p...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 164
SB21PassAltering from October 1 to June 30 the date by which the Aquaculture Coordinating Council must make specified proposals and recommendations to the Governor, the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, and the House Environmenta...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 165
SB385PassRequiring the Council for the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services to establish a workgroup to determine a process for specified entities to submit specified electronic documents to specified agencies; requiring the Council to report...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 250
HB1209PassExempting specified indemnity mortgage transactions from the recordation tax; making indemnity mortgage transactions subject to recordation tax after a specified date; authorizing a specified calculation or allocation of recordation tax on indemnity ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 268
SB25PassEstablishing that when the interest in a vehicle of one joint owner passes to another joint owner who is the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse is not required to apply for a new certificate of title or submit a specified certificate of title to ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 167
SB881PassAuthorizing the Community Health Resources Commission to contract with a specified third party for specified services; prohibiting a specified third party from releasing, publishing, or using in a specified manner specified information; providing tha...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 328
HB1205PassRequiring the Maryland Insurance Administration to study and examine methods to establish and properly regulate a captive insurer industry in the State; authorizing the Administration to hire a specified consultant to assist in the study; and requiri...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 407
SB313PassAltering a specified definition of "public safety employee" to include Anne Arundel County deputy sheriffs for purposes of establishing eligibility for enhanced workers' compensation benefits for a permanent partial disability award for less than a s...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 225
HB1203PassRequiring specified insurers that exclude coverage for losses caused by specific breeds or specific mixed breeds of dogs under homeowner's or renter's insurance policies to provide a specified notice to an applicant or insured at specified times; etc...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 406
HB342PassProhibiting an insurer, with respect to homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance, from denying, refusing to renew, or canceling coverage solely because the applicant or policyholder does not carry private passenger motor vehicle insurance with spe...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 270
HB1101PassEstablishing the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission; providing for the purpose and membership of the Commission; providing for the terms of the members of the Commission; establishing the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission F...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 403
SB32PassAuthorizing brewery licensees to sell beer for on-site consumption under specified circumstances; requiring a specified local licensing board to grant an on-site consumption permit to an applicant that holds specified licenses; providing that an on-s...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 168
SB139PassRepealing an exception to the requirement that an individual be licensed by the Board of Pharmacy before the individual may practice pharmacy in the State; and requiring a dentist, physician, or podiatrist who dispenses a prescription drug or device ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 184
HB1098PassEstablishing a Task Force to Study the Applicability of the Maryland Prevailing Wage Law; providing for the membership and cochairs of the Task Force; requiring the Department of Legislative Services, with assistance from the Department of Labor, Lic...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 402
HB1096PassContinuing the State Board of Physicians and allied health advisory committees in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (Sunset Law) by extending to July 1, 2018, the termination provisions relating to the statutory an...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 401
HB1514PassProhibiting the Department of the Environment from adopting a noise control ordinance, rule, or regulation regarding an outdoor concert venue with a capacity over 15,000 individuals in Howard County, as specified; etc.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 421
SB315PassRepealing in Frederick County a specified limitation on the number of specified raffles that may be held on a single day; and authorizing the Board of County Commissioners of Frederick County to determine the number of permits to conduct a raffle tha...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 227
HB430PassAltering the definition of "motor vehicle" to expand the types of vehicles for which an occupant is prohibited from consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage in the passenger area while on a highway.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 371
SB39PassRequiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to develop and make available a specially designed vintage reproduction registration plate; prescribing who may apply for and the classes of vehicles eligible for the registration plate; providing the manner...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 170
SB829PassProposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to establish a Transportation Trust Fund to be used only for purposes relating to transportation except in specified circumstances; prohibiting the transfer of funds in the Transportation Trust Fund...
Assigned a chapter number, enactment subject to constitutional referendum - Chapter 422
HB425PassExtending the termination date for specified provisions of law concerning medication technician graduates and certified medication technicians; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 233
HB1090PassAuthorizing a specified tenant to prevent the termination of specified utility service by applying for a new utility service account; specifying that a specified tenant may not incur liability for specified charges; requiring a specified utility serv...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 327
SB899PassRequiring that each county distribute a specified minimum percentage of funds that the county receives from the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund to volunteer fire, rescue, and ambulance companies; requiring the Director of th...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 331
SB592PassProhibiting a person from possessing, selling, offering for sale, trading, or distributing a shark fin; exempting a specified person, museum, college, or university from the prohibition against possessing a shark fin under specified circumstances; an...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 296
SB897PassRequiring the Department of Human Resources to request a security freeze on the consumer report or a specified record of specified protected consumers who are minor children in the custody of a local department of social services who have been placed...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 329
HB333PassRequiring the Secretary of Human Resources to establish the Couples Advancing Together Pilot Program in the Department of Human Resources; requiring the Program to be established for 100 couples in at least three counties in the State; requiring the ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 367
SB431PassAuthorizing the University System of Maryland Board of Regents to maintain and manage quasi-endowment funds; limiting a specified transfer to a specified quasi-endowment fund; and altering a specified reporting requirement.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 266
SB199PassAuthorizing a mortgagor or grantor to refinance the indebtedness secured by a first mortgage or deed of trust at a lower interest rate without obtaining permission from the holder of a junior lien under specified circumstances; providing that a refin...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 205
SB595PassAuthorizing specified pharmacy permit holders to conduct wholesale distribution under specified circumstances; limiting the authority of specified pharmacy permit holders to engage in wholesale distribution; altering definitions; etc.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 298
HB334PassAltering the contents of a rental-purchase agreement; establishing a summary of costs form; etc.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 295
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