ME Legislation | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature | Bills

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LD1512FailAn Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund Equipment for Career and Technical Education Centers
LD1343FailAn Act To Increase Access to Postsecondary Education for Maine National Guard Members
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1563FailAn Act To Enact the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1489FailAn Act To Clarify Expenditures Regarding Androscoggin County
Placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD1535FailAn Act To Protect Firefighters by Prohibiting the Sale and Distribution of New Upholstered Furniture Containing Certain Flame-retardant Chemicals
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD991FailAn Act To Amend Maine's Genetically Modified Food Products Labeling Law
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1018FailAn Act To Make Certain Necessary Appropriations and Allocations
The Bill was in the possession of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs when the Legislature adjourned Sine Die and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD1110FailResolve, To Study Transportation Funding Reform
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1613PassAn Act To Exclude from Sales Tax Certain Sales by Civic, Religious and Fraternal Organizations
PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence.
LD661FailAn Act To Fund HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Viral Hepatitis Screening, Prevention, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD249FailAn Act To Enable Seniors To Remain in Their Homes
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1536FailAn Act To Provide Ballistic Vests to State Law Enforcement Officers and Certain Other State Agents
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1481FailAn Act To Protect Maine's Natural Resources Jobs by Exempting from Sales Tax Fuel Used in Commercial Farming, Fishing and Forestry
The Bill was in the possession of the House when the Legislature adjourned Sine Die and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD1621FailResolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services To Amend Its Rules Governing Reimbursement to Hospitals for Patients Awaiting Placement in Nursing Facilities
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1472VetoResolve, To Enhance the Administration of the Child and Adult Care Food Program by Creating Clear Guidelines for Organizations and Streamlining the Application Process
LD 1645 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 23 in Favor and 12 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill not become law and the VETO was SUSTAINED.
LD674FailAn Act To Support Maine's Working Families
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1465PassResolve, To Require the Department of Health and Human Services To Conduct a Study of Ambulance Services
LD 1465 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 33 In Favor and 1 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD1696PassResolve, To Establish a Moratorium on Rate Changes Related to Rule Chapter 101: MaineCare Benefits Manual, Sections 13, 17, 28 and 65
LD 1696 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 28 In Favor and 6 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD668FailAn Act To Market Maine's Hunting and Fishing Opportunities
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1468PassResolve, To Improve the Safety of Ferries in the State
Ordered Sent Forthwith.
LD1473FailResolve, To Increase Access to Opiate Addiction Treatment in Maine
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1540PassAn Act To Protect All Students in Elementary or Secondary Schools from Sexual Assault by School Officials
Ordered Sent Forthwith.
LD1614PassResolve, To Provide Funding for the County Jail Operations Fund
Ordered Sent Forthwith.
LD1543FailAn Act To Create Stability in the Control of Pesticides
LD1224PassAn Act To Amend the Child Protective Services Laws
LD 1224 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 34 In Favor and 0 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD1617PassAn Act Regarding the Long-term Care Ombudsman Program
Ordered Sent Forthwith.
LD1394FailAn Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Strengthen the Adequacy and Equity of Certain Cost Components of the School Funding Formula
Placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD1062FailAn Act To Support Housing for Homeless Veterans
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1703PassAn Act To Make a Technical Correction to Public Law 2015, Chapter 483
PASSED TO BE ENACTED - Emergency - 2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence.
LD860FailResolve, To Adjust Reimbursement Rates for Dental Services and Improve Access to Dental Care under the MaineCare Program
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1577FailAn Act To Increase the Availability of Mental Health Services
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1534FailAn Act To Reduce the Trafficking of Illegal Drugs in the State
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1702PassAn Act To Fund Agreements with Bargaining Units for Certain Executive Branch Employees
PASSED TO BE ENACTED - Emergency - 2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence.
LD1496FailAn Act To Support Maine People in Recovery
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1530FailAn Act To Exempt MaineCare Appendix C Private Nonmedical Institutions from the Service Provider Tax
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1488FailAn Act To Support Substance Abuse Assistance Projects Provided by Municipalities and Counties
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD365PassAn Act To Provide a Tax Reduction for Modifications To Make a Home More Accessible for a Person with a Disability
LD 365 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 34 In Favor and 0 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD1645PassAn Act To Address Employee Recruitment and Retention Issues at State Mental Health Institutions
Ordered Sent Forthwith.
LD655FailResolve, To Provide the Engineering Study and Planning Needed for a Statewide, Centrally Located Emergency Services Training Facility and Several Regional Training Facilities
Placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD498FailAn Act To Restore the Super Credit for Substantially Increased Research and Development
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1505FailAn Act To Facilitate Student Loan Repayment by Allowing Graduates To Claim Educational Opportunity Tax Credits on Eligible Portions of Consolidated Loans
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1661FailAn Act To Raise the Minimum Wage
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1253PassAn Act To Improve the Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Schools
LD 1253 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 33 In Favor and 1 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD1561FailAn Act To Reauthorize Certain Land for Maine's Future Bonds and To Facilitate the Issuance of Those Bonds
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1615FailResolve, To Establish the Commission To Continue the Study of Difficult-to-place Patients
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
LD1514VetoAn Act To Conform Maine Law to the Requirements of the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation
LD 1514 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 20 In Favor and 14 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill not become law and the VETO was SUSTAINED.
LD1521PassAn Act To Create Equity among Essential Nonprofit Health Care Providers in Relation to the Sales Tax and the Service Provider Tax
LD 1521 In Senate, April 29, 2016, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 34 In Favor and 0 Against, accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
LD996FailAn Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Food Processing Infrastructure in Rural Areas of the State
LD1311FailAn Act To Establish the Patient Compensation System Act
The Bill was in the possession of the House when the Legislature adjourned Sine Die and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
LD1412FailAn Act To Fund a Training Partnership between Riverview Psychiatric Center and the University of Maine at Augusta
In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD).
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