Legislative Research: ME LD842 | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature
Other Sessions
Session | Title/Description | Last Action |
2023-2024 131st Legislature (Failed) | An Act to Strengthen the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority by Inviting Participation on the Board of Directors by and Negotiating for Funding from the State of New Hampshire and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts [LD842 2023 Detail][LD842 2023 Text][LD842 2023 Comments] | 2023-06-01 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
2021-2022 130th Legislature (Passed) | Resolve, To Create the Commission To Examine Reestablishing Parole [LD842 2021 Detail][LD842 2021 Text][LD842 2021 Comments] | 2022-02-23 FINALLY PASSED, in concurrence. |
2019-2020 129th Legislature (Failed) | An Act Relating to Insurance Companies and Totaled Motor Vehicles [LD842 2019 Detail][LD842 2019 Text][LD842 2019 Comments] | 2019-03-19 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
2017-2018 128th Legislature (Passed) | Resolve, To Support Home Health Services [LD842 2017 Detail][LD842 2017 Text][LD842 2017 Comments] | 2018-07-09 in concurrence |
2015-2016 127th Legislature (Failed) | An Act To Establish Peer Center Reimbursement [LD842 2015 Detail][LD842 2015 Text][LD842 2015 Comments] | 2016-04-29 In possession of the Senate when the Senate ADJOURNED SINE DIE and PLACED IN THE LEGISLATIVE FILES (DEAD). |
2013-2014 126th Legislature (Passed) | An Act To Facilitate the Use of Electronic Monitoring [LD842 2013 Detail][LD842 2013 Text][LD842 2013 Comments] | 2013-06-07 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
2011-2012 125th Legislature (Failed) | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Research and Sustainable Development of Maine's Natural Resources [LD842 2011 Detail][LD842 2011 Text][LD842 2011 Comments] | 2012-03-06 (S) Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
2009-2010 124th Legislature (Failed) | An Act To Exclude Business and Capital Losses from Consideration as Income under the Circuitbreaker Program [LD842 2009 Detail][LD842 2009 Text][LD842 2009 Comments] | 2009-05-18 (S) Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
References Online
Search Phrase | Web | News | Financial | Encylopedia | Biography |
[Maine LD842] | Google Web | Google News | |||
[Representative Peter Stuckey ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Senator Nathan Libby ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Senator Geoffrey Gratwick ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Senator Thomas Saviello ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Representative David Woodsome ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Senator Benjamin Chipman ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Representative Donna Doore ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
[Senator Margaret Rotundo ME] | Google Web | Google News | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
Legislative Citation
ME LD842 | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature. (2016, April 29). LegiScan. Retrieved February 20, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/ME/bill/LD842/2015
"ME LD842 | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 29 Apr. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/ME/bill/LD842/2015>.
"ME LD842 | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature." April 29, 2016 LegiScan. Accessed February 20, 2025. https://legiscan.com/ME/bill/LD842/2015.
LegiScan. ME LD842 | 2015-2016 | 127th Legislature. 29 April 2016. https://legiscan.com/ME/bill/LD842/2015 (accessed February 20, 2025).