Bill Text: MI HB5207 | 2017-2018 | 99th Legislature | Introduced
Bill Title: Elections; primary; elector to indicate which political party ballot he or she wishes to vote at primary elections; require. Amends secs. 563, 570, 576, 736b, 759a, 759c & 795 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.563 et seq.) & adds sec. 561b.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2017-11-02 - Bill Electronically Reproduced 11/01/2017 [HB5207 Detail]
Download: Michigan-2017-HB5207-Introduced.html
November 1, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Howell, Sheppard, Graves, Lucido, Crawford, Webber, Glenn, Hernandez, Tedder and Whiteford and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.
A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled
"Michigan election law,"
by amending sections 563, 570, 576, 736b, 759a, 759c, and 795 (MCL
168.563, 168.570, 168.576, 168.736b, 168.759a, 168.759c, and
168.795), section 570 as amended by 2017 PA 113, section 576 as
amended by 1996 PA 213, section 736b as added by 2012 PA 128,
section 759a as amended by 2012 PA 523, section 759c as added by
2011 PA 163, and section 795 as amended by 2004 PA 92, and by
adding section 561b.
1 Sec. 561b. (1) In order to vote at a primary election, an
2 elector shall indicate in writing, on a form prescribed by the
1 secretary of state, which political party ballot he or she wishes
2 to vote when appearing at that primary election.
3 (2) The secretary of state shall develop a procedure for city
4 and township clerks to use when keeping a separate record at a
5 primary election that contains the printed name, address, and
6 qualified voter file number of each elector and the political party
7 ballot selected by that elector at the primary election.
8 (3) The information acquired or in the possession of a public
9 body indicating which political party ballot an elector selected at
10 a primary election is not exempt from disclosure under the freedom
11 of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
12 (4) Within 30 days after the primary election, the secretary
13 of state shall make available to the public in an electronic format
14 a file of the records for each political party described under
15 subsection (2). The secretary of state shall set a schedule for
16 county, city, and township clerks to submit data or documents
17 required under subsection (2). The secretary of state and county,
18 city, and township clerks shall destroy the information indicating
19 which political party ballot each elector selected at the primary
20 election as recorded in subsection (2) immediately after the
21 expiration of the 22-month federal election records retention
22 period.
23 (5) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, $800,000.00
24 is appropriated from the general fund to the department of state to
25 compensate counties, cities, and townships for conducting primary
26 elections in compliance with this section.
27 (6) Beginning with the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019
1 and each fiscal year thereafter, the legislature shall appropriate
2 from the general fund to the department of state amounts necessary
3 to compensate counties, cities, and townships for conducting
4 primary elections in compliance with this section.
5 Sec. 563. The number of ballots to be printed for the use of
6 the electors at any primary election in any election precinct shall
7 be must not be
less than 25% more than the total
number of ballots
8 cast therein at the corresponding primary election held 4 years
9 previously. The ballot at any partisan primary election shall must
10 consist of 1 sheet of 70-pound white book paper, machine finished,
11 or the equivalent. The elections commission may provide that 1 of
12 the political party tickets shall be printed on each side thereof
13 or that the party tickets shall appear on 1 side of the ballot
14 only. If 3 or more parties are represented at a partisan primary,
15 the ballots shall be arranged with a foldover extension or the
16 election commission may provide that the parties shall appear on 1
17 side of the ballot only. If the ballots are printed on 1 side only
18 the order of the parties on the ballot shall be the same as they
19 will appear on the general election ballot. The parties shall be
20 separated by a heavy black line. If ballots are printed on 2 sides
21 or with a foldover extension the various party tickets shall be
22 printed, as near as may be, in the manner herein before set forth
23 and shall be rotated so that each party ticket will appear face up
24 on alternate ballots. The
election commission may provide for the
25 printing of the ballots on colored paper as follows: State and
26 county ballots, white paper; nonpartisan ballots, blue tinted
27 paper; constitutional amendments and state propositions, red tinted
1 paper; county propositions, green tinted paper; local propositions,
2 buff paper; local candidates, white paper. If the election
3 commission prints ballots on colored paper, all instruction ballots
4 shall must be printed on any color paper not used for official
5 ballots.
6 Sec. 570. Paper ballots must be numbered consecutively and
7 identified by use of the words "official primary ballot" on the
8 upper right hand corner on the front of the ballot with a
9 perforated line across the corner and underneath the number and
10 identification so that the corner with the number and
11 identification may be torn off. The detachable corner stub serves
12 for the several party tickets and the ballot number must be printed
13 upon the stub on 1 side only. A political party designation must
14 not appear upon a ballot corner so numbered and identified. After
15 the ballots are trimmed and wrapped in sealed packages, the ballots
16 must be distributed for use at the primary election in the same
17 manner as is provided by law for the distribution of ballots to be
18 used at general elections. Ballots must be prepared in
19 substantially the following form:
20 |
21 |
No. ............ |
22 |
23 |
Primary election to be held ..................... 20...... |
24 |
in the county of .......................................... . |
25 | |
26 |
27 |
1 |
2 |
Make a cross or a check mark in the square to the left of |
3 |
not more than the number of names for each office as may be |
4 |
indicated under the title of each office. |
5 |
______________________________________________________________ |
6 |
State. Legislative. |
7 |
______________________________________________________________ |
8 |
Governor. State Senator. |
9 |
.................District. |
10 |
Vote for not more than one. Vote for not more than one. |
11 |
______________________________________________________________ |
12 |
[ ] 1 John Doe [ ] 7 John Doe |
13 |
______________________________________________________________ |
14 |
[ ] 2 Richard Roe [ ] 8 Richard Roe |
15 |
______________________________________________________________ |
16 |
[ ] [ ] |
17 |
______________________________________________________________ |
18 |
Congressional. Representative in State |
19 |
________________________________ Legislature. |
20 |
United States Senator..... .................District. |
21 |
Vote for not more than one. Vote for not more than one. |
22 |
______________________________________________________________ |
23 |
[ ] 3 John Doe [ ] 9 John Doe |
24 |
______________________________________________________________ |
25 |
[ ] 4 Richard Roe [ ] 10 Richard Roe |
26 |
______________________________________________________________ |
1 |
[ ] [ ] |
2 |
______________________________________________________________ |
3 |
Representative in Congress. County. |
4 |
.................... District. Prosecuting Attorney. |
5 |
Vote for not more than one. Vote for not more than one. |
6 |
______________________________________________________________ |
7 |
[ ] 5 John Doe [ ] 11 John Doe |
8 |
______________________________________________________________ |
9 |
[ ] 6 Richard Roe [ ] 12 Richard Roe |
10 |
______________________________________________________________ |
11 |
[ ] [ ] |
12 |
______________________________________________________________ |
13 Sec. 576. (1) An elector, after having received a ballot or
14 ballots, shall enter a booth or voting compartment and, while there
15 concealed from view, shall vote the ballot or ballots by making a
16 cross or a check mark in the square at the left of the names of
17 those candidates for whom the elector desires to vote, but in no
18 case for more candidates for any office than is indicated under the
19 title of each office. However, an elector may vote for a person
20 whose name is not printed on the ballot by inserting the name in a
21 manner that will substitute it for any name that is printed on the
22 ballot or where no candidate's name appears upon the ballot.
23 (2) The elector shall indicate his or her choice of candidates
24 on 1 party ticket only and, after marking the ballot, the elector
25 shall fold it for deposit pursuant to the provisions of this act. A
26 ballot on which more than 1 party ticket has been voted is void.
27 (3) This section is subject to section 736a.
1 Sec. 736b. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a primary
2 election shall must
either contain the following ballot
3 instructions printed on the front of the ballot secrecy sleeve or
4 shall must have a clear plastic pocket on the front of the
5 secrecy sleeve that contains a printed copy of the following ballot
6 marking instructions:
7 |
8 |
TO VOTE: Completely darken the oval opposite each choice. |
9 |
-- OR -- |
10 |
TO VOTE: Complete the arrow opposite each choice. |
11 |
IMPORTANT: To mark your ballot, use only a black or blue ink pen. |
12 |
13 |
14 |
the ballot. |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
DO NOT vote for more candidates than indicated under each office |
20 |
title. |
21 |
WRITE-IN CANDIDATES: To vote for a candidate whose name is not |
22 |
printed on the ballot, write or place the name of that candidate |
23 |
in the blank space provided and (completely darken the oval) or |
24 |
(complete the arrow). Do not cast a write-in vote for a candidate |
25 |
whose name is already printed on the ballot for that office. |
26 |
CHECK BOTH SIDES OF BALLOT: This ballot has two sides. Be certain |
27 |
to check the reverse side of the ballot. |
1 |
WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED VOTING: Place the ballot in the secrecy |
2 |
sleeve so that votes cannot be seen and the numbered stub is |
3 |
visible. Return the ballot to the election official stationed at |
4 |
the tabulator. (If voting by absentee ballot, follow the |
5 |
instructions provided by the clerk for returning the ballot.) |
6 |
NOTE: If you make a mistake, return your ballot to the election |
7 |
official and obtain a new ballot. Do not attempt to erase or |
8 |
correct any marks made in error. |
9 Sec. 759a. (1) An absent uniformed services voter or an
10 overseas voter who is not registered, but possessed the
11 qualifications of an elector under section 492, may apply for
12 registration by using the federal postcard application. The
13 department of state, bureau of elections, is responsible for
14 disseminating information on the procedures for registering and
15 voting to an absent uniformed services voter and an overseas voter.
16 (2) Upon the request of an absent uniformed services voter or
17 an overseas voter, the clerk of a county, city, township, or
18 village shall electronically transmit a blank voter registration
19 application or blank absent voter ballot application to the voter.
20 The clerk of a county, city, township, or village shall accept a
21 completed voter registration application or completed absent voter
22 ballot application electronically transmitted by an absent
23 uniformed services voter or overseas voter. A voter registration
24 application or absent voter ballot application submitted by an
25 absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter shall must
26 contain the signature of the voter.
27 (3) A spouse or dependent of an overseas voter who is a
1 citizen of the United States, is accompanying that overseas voter,
2 and is not a qualified and registered elector anywhere else in the
3 United States, may apply for an absent voter ballot even though the
4 spouse or dependent is not a qualified elector of a city or
5 township of this state.
6 (4) An absent uniformed services voter or an overseas voter,
7 whether or not registered to vote, may apply for an absent voter
8 ballot. Upon receipt of an application for an absent voter ballot
9 under this section that complies with this act, a county, city,
10 village, or township clerk shall forward to the applicant the
11 absent voter ballots requested, the forms necessary for
12 registration, and instructions for completing the forms. If the
13 ballots are not yet available at the time of receipt of the
14 application, the clerk shall immediately forward to the applicant
15 the registration forms and instructions, and forward the ballots as
16 soon as they are available. If a federal postcard application or an
17 application from the official United States department Department
18 of defense Defense
website is filed, the clerk shall
accept the
19 federal postcard application or the application from the official
20 United States department Department of defense Defense website
21 the registration application and shall not send any additional
22 registration forms to the applicant. If the ballots and
23 registration forms are received before the close of the polls on
24 election day and if the registration complies with the requirements
25 of this act, the absent voter ballots shall must be
delivered to
26 the proper election board to be tabulated. If the registration does
27 not comply with the requirements of this act, the clerk shall
1 retain the absent voter ballots until the expiration of the time
2 that the voted ballots must be kept and shall then destroy the
3 ballots without opening the envelope. The clerk may retain
4 registration forms completed under this section in a separate file.
5 The address in this state shown on a registration form is the
6 residence of the registrant.
7 (5) Not later than 45 days before an election, a county, city,
8 township, or village clerk shall electronically transmit or mail as
9 appropriate an absent voter ballot to each absent uniformed
10 services voter or overseas voter who applied for an absent voter
11 ballot 45 days or more before the election.
12 (6) Upon the request of an absent uniformed services voter or
13 overseas voter, the clerk of a county, city, township, or village
14 shall electronically transmit an absent voter ballot to the voter.
15 The voter shall print the absent voter ballot and return the voted
16 ballot by mail to the appropriate clerk.
17 (7) The secretary of state shall prescribe electronic absent
18 voter ballot formats and electronic absent voter ballot
19 transmission methods. Each county, city, township, or village clerk
20 shall employ the prescribed electronic ballot formats to fulfill an
21 absent voter ballot request received from an absent uniformed
22 services voter or overseas voter who wishes to receive his or her
23 absent voter ballot through an electronic transmission. The
24 secretary of state shall establish procedures to implement the
25 requirements in this section and for the processing of a marked
26 absent voter ballot returned by an absent uniformed services voter
27 or overseas voter who obtained his or her absent voter ballot
1 through an electronic transmission.
2 (8) The secretary of state shall modify the printed statement
3 provided under section 761(4) and the absent voter ballot
4 instructions provided under section 764a as appropriate to
5 accommodate the procedures developed for electronically
6 transmitting an absent voter ballot to an absent uniformed services
7 voter or overseas voter. A statement shall must be
included in the
8 certificate signed by the absent voter who obtained his or her
9 absent voter ballot through an electronic transmission that the
10 secrecy of the absent voter ballot may be compromised during the
11 duplication process. The absent voter ballot instructions provided
12 to an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter shall must
13 include the proper procedures for returning the absent voter ballot
14 to the appropriate clerk.
15 (9) The size of a precinct shall must not
be determined by
16 registration forms completed under this section.
17 (10) An absent uniformed services voter or an overseas voter
18 who submits an absent voter ballot application is eligible to vote
19 as an absent voter in any local, state, or federal election
20 occurring in the calendar year in which the election is held for
21 that ballot requested if the absent voter ballot application is
22 received by the county, city, village, or township clerk not later
23 than 2 p.m. of the Saturday before the election. A county, city, or
24 township clerk receiving an absent voter ballot application from an
25 absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter shall transmit to
26 a village clerk and the school district election coordinators,
27 where applicable, the necessary information to enable the village
1 clerk and school district election coordinators to forward an
2 absent voter ballot for each applicable election in that calendar
3 year to the absent voter. A village clerk receiving an absent voter
4 ballot application from an absent uniformed services voter or
5 overseas voter shall transmit to the township clerk and the school
6 district election coordinators, where applicable, the necessary
7 information to enable the city or township clerk and school
8 district election coordinators to forward an absent voter ballot
9 for each applicable election in that calendar year to the absent
10 voter. If the local elections official rejects a voter registration
11 application or absent voter ballot application submitted by an
12 absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter, the election
13 official shall notify the voter of the rejection.
14 (11) An electronic mail address provided by an absent
15 uniformed services voter or overseas voter for the purposes of this
16 section is confidential and exempt from disclosure under the
17 freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
18 (12) Under the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee voting
19 act, the state director of elections shall approve a ballot form
20 and registration procedures for absent uniformed services voters
21 and overseas voters.
22 (13) An absent uniformed services voter or an overseas voter
23 may use the federal write-in absentee ballot, in accordance with
24 the provisions of the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee
25 voting act, at a regular election or special election to vote for a
26 local, state, or federal office or on a ballot question. An absent
27 uniformed services voter or an overseas voter who uses the federal
1 write-in absentee ballot shall return his or her voted federal
2 write-in absentee ballot by mail to the appropriate clerk. The
3 state bureau of elections shall do both of the following:
4 (a) Make the ballot format for each election available to
5 absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters by electronic
6 mail or on an internet website maintained by the department of
7 state.
8 (b) Make the ballot information, including the offices, names
9 of candidates, and ballot proposals, for each election available to
10 absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters on an internet
11 website maintained by the department of state.
12 (14) The clerk of a city, village, or township shall submit to
13 the county clerk of the county in which that city, village, or
14 township is located a written statement no later than 45 days
15 before each election indicating whether absent voter ballots were
16 issued to absent uniformed services voters or overseas voters in
17 compliance with this section and the uniformed and overseas
18 citizens absentee voting act. The city, village, or township clerk
19 shall provide to the county clerk a written explanation describing
20 remedial actions taken by the city, village, or township clerk if
21 the city, village, or township clerk fails to comply with this
22 section and the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee voting
23 act. Not later than 42 days before each election, each county clerk
24 shall submit to the state bureau of elections a written report
25 compiled from the written statements submitted by the city,
26 village, and township clerks. The written report shall must
27 identify the cities, villages, and townships that complied with the
1 45-day deadline under this subsection, the cities, villages, and
2 townships that did not comply with the 45-day deadline under this
3 subsection, but provided a written explanation, and those cities,
4 villages, and townships that did not comply with the 45-day
5 deadline under this subsection and that did not provide a written
6 explanation. The state bureau of elections may require the clerk of
7 a city, village, or township that did not comply with the 45-day
8 deadline under this subsection, but provided a written explanation,
9 to provide additional information. The state bureau of elections
10 shall require the clerk of a city, village, or township that did
11 not comply with the 45-day deadline and that did not provide a
12 written explanation to file a written explanation, describing the
13 remedial actions taken by the city, village, or township clerk,
14 within 1 business day after the state bureau of elections notifies
15 the clerk of that city, village, or township.
16 (15) For a primary election or presidential primary election,
17 the secretary of state shall prescribe procedures for contacting an
18 elector who is an absent uniformed services voter or an overseas
19 voter, as described in this section, and who is eligible to receive
20 an absent voter ballot or who applies for an absent voter ballot
21 for the primary election or presidential primary election, offering
22 the elector the opportunity to select a political party ballot for
23 the primary election or presidential primary election.
24 (16) The secretary of state shall order a city, village, or
25 township clerk to extend the ballot receipt deadline for any
26 absentee voter ballots under this section that were not transmitted
27 to an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter in
1 compliance with subsection (5). The extension shall must equal
2 total number of days beyond the deadline as provided in subsection
3 (5) that the city, village, or township clerk transmitted the
4 requested absentee voter ballots. These absentee voter ballots
5 received during the extension time shall must be
counted and
6 tabulated for the final results of the election provided that the
7 absentee voter ballots are executed and sent by the close of the
8 polls on election day. The election may be formally certified
9 before the end of the extension time if the number of outstanding
10 absentee voter ballots under this subsection will not alter the
11 outcome of the election.
12 (17) As used in this section:
13 (a) "Absent uniformed services voter" means any of the
14 following:
15 (i) A member of a uniformed service on active duty who, by
16 reason of being on active duty, is absent from the place of
17 residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote.
18 (ii) A member of the merchant marine who, by reason of service
19 in the merchant marine, is absent from the place of residence where
20 the member is otherwise qualified to vote.
21 (iii) A spouse or dependent of a member referred to in
22 subparagraph (i) or (ii) who, by reason of the active duty or
23 service of the member, is absent from the place of residence where
24 the spouse or dependent is otherwise qualified to vote.
25 (b) "Member of the merchant marine" means an individual, other
26 than a member of a uniformed service or an individual employed,
27 enrolled, or maintained on the Great Lakes or the inland waterways,
1 who is either of the following:
2 (i) Employed as an officer or crew member of a vessel
3 documented under the laws of the United States, a vessel owned by
4 the United States, or a vessel of foreign-flag registry under
5 charter to or control of the United States.
6 (ii) Enrolled with the United States for employment or
7 training for employment, or maintained by the United States for
8 emergency relief service, as an officer or crew member of a vessel
9 documented under the laws of the United States, a vessel owned by
10 the United States, or a vessel of foreign-flag registry under
11 charter to or control of the United States.
12 (c) "Overseas voter" means any of the following:
13 (i) An absent uniformed services voter who, by reason of
14 active duty or service, is absent from the United States on the
15 date of an election.
16 (ii) A person who resides outside of the United States and is
17 qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was
18 domiciled before leaving the United States.
19 (iii) A person who resides outside of the United States and
20 who, but for such residence outside of the United States, would be
21 qualified to vote in the last place in which he or she was
22 domiciled before leaving the United States.
23 (d) "Uniformed services" means the army, navy, air
24 marine corps, coast guard, Army,
Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,
25 Coast Guard, the commissioned
corps Commissioned Corps of the
26 public health service, Public
Health Service, the commissioned
27 corps Commissioned
Corps of the national oceanic National Oceanic
1 and atmospheric administration, Atmospheric Administration, a
2 reserve component of a uniformed service, or the Michigan national
3 guard National Guard as defined in section 105 of the Michigan
4 military act, 1967 PA 150, MCL 32.505.
5 Sec. 759c. For a primary election or presidential primary
6 election, the secretary of state shall revise the absent voter
7 ballot application form described in section 759 or provide a
8 separate form to require that a primary elector or presidential
9 primary elector indicate a political party ballot selection when
10 requesting an absent voter ballot.
11 Sec. 795. (1) An electronic voting system acquired or used
12 under sections 794 to 799a shall must meet all of the
13 requirements:
14 (a) Provide for voting in secrecy, except in the case of
15 voters who receive assistance as provided by this act.
16 (b) Permit each elector to vote at an election for all persons
17 and offices for whom and for which the elector is lawfully entitled
18 to vote; to vote for as many persons for an office as the elector
19 is entitled to vote for; and to vote for or against any question
20 upon which the elector is entitled to vote. Except as otherwise
21 provided in this subdivision, the electronic tabulating equipment
22 shall must reject all choices recorded on the elector's ballot
23 an office or a question if the number of choices exceeds the number
24 that the elector is entitled to vote for on that office or
25 question. Electronic tabulating equipment that can detect that the
26 choices recorded on an elector's ballot for an office or a question
27 exceeds the number that the elector is entitled to vote for on that
1 office or question shall must be located at each
polling place and
2 programmed to reject a ballot containing that type of an error. If
3 a choice on a ballot is rejected as provided in this subdivision,
4 an elector shall must
be given the opportunity to have that
5 considered a spoiled ballot and to vote another ballot.
6 (c) Permit an elector, at a presidential election, by a single
7 selection to vote for the candidates of a party for president,
8 vice-president, and presidential electors.
9 (d) Permit an elector in a primary election to vote for the
10 candidates in the party primary of the elector's choice. Except as
11 otherwise provided in this subdivision, the electronic tabulating
12 equipment shall reject each ballot on which votes are cast for
13 candidates of more than 1 political party. Electronic tabulating
14 equipment that can detect that the elector has voted for candidates
15 of more than 1 political party shall be located at each polling
16 place and programmed to reject a ballot containing that type of an
17 error. If a choice on a ballot is rejected as provided in this
18 subdivision, an elector shall be given the opportunity to have that
19 ballot considered a spoiled ballot and to vote another ballot.
20 (e) Prevent an elector from voting for the same person more
21 than once for the same office.
22 (f) Reject a ballot on which no valid vote is cast. Electronic
23 tabulating equipment shall must be programmed to reject
a ballot on
24 which no valid vote is cast.
25 (g) Be suitably designed for the purpose used; be durably
26 constructed; and be designed to provide for safety, accuracy, and
27 efficiency.
1 (h) Be designed to accommodate the needs of an elderly voter
2 or a person with 1 or more disabilities.
3 (i) Record correctly and count accurately each vote properly
4 cast.
5 (j) Provide an audit trail.
6 (k) Provide an acceptable method for an elector to vote for a
7 person whose name does not appear on the ballot.
8 (l) Allow for accumulation of vote totals from the precincts
9 in the jurisdiction. The accumulation software must meet
10 specifications prescribed by the secretary of state and must be
11 certified by the secretary of state as meeting these
12 specifications.
13 (m) Be compatible with or include at least 1 voting device
14 that is accessible for an individual with disabilities to vote in a
15 manner that provides the same opportunity for access and
16 participation, including secrecy and independence, as provided for
17 other voters. The voting device shall must include
18 accessibility for the blind and visually impaired.
19 (2) Electronic tabulating equipment that counts votes at the
20 precinct before the close of the polls shall must provide
a method
21 for rendering the equipment inoperable if vote totals are revealed
22 before the close of the polls. Electronic tabulating equipment that
23 tabulates ballots, including absentee ballots, at a central
24 location shall must
be programmed to reject a ballot if the
25 recorded on an elector's ballot for an office or a question exceed
26 the number that the elector is entitled to vote for on that office
27 or question , or
if no valid choices are recorded on an
1 ballot. , or if, in a primary election, votes are recorded
2 candidates of more than 1 political party.
3 (3) Beginning January 1, 2006, each Each jurisdiction
in this
4 state conducting an election shall must equip
each polling place
5 with at least 1 accessible voting device as required under
6 subsection (1)(m).
7 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days
8 after the date it is enacted into law.