Minnesota Representative Peter Fischer [D] | Passed

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
MNHF3377PassEnvironment and natural resources trust fund; previous appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
Governor's action Approval
MNHF3987PassTransfer of duties from Department of Human Services to Department of Direct Care and Treatment implemented; general executive board duties, powers, rulemaking authority, and administrative service contracting established; and conforming changes made...
Secretary of State Chapter 79
MNHF1900PassEnvironment and natural resources trust fund renewal provided and trust fund provisions modified, community grant program established, community grant program advisory council established, report required, money appropriated, and constitutional amend...
Secretary of State Chapter 67
MNHF402PassHealth care entity transaction requirements established, health care transaction data reported, expiration date changed on moratorium conversion transactions, health system required to return charitable assets received from the state to the general f...
Secretary of State Chapter 66
MNHF3342PassNursing facility workforce incentive program, nursing facility payments, and nursing facility temporary rate add-on provided; partial reimbursement to hospitals provided for qualifying avoidable patient days; and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 74
MNHF1403PassAging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, and statewide opioid litigation laws modified and established.
Secretary of State, Filed
MNHF1486PassSupervised practice of alcohol and drug counseling by former students allowed for limited time, HIV training requirements modified in substance use disorder treatment programs, withdrawal management license requirements modified, and substance use di...
Secretary of State Chapter 49
MNHF782PassMinnesota Secure Choice retirement program established, civil penalties provided, money transferred, and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 46
MNHF24PassLead drinking water service line replacement grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 39
MNHF16PassConversion therapy prohibited for children and vulnerable adults, medical assistance coverage prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited.
Secretary of State Chapter 28
MNHF146PassGender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions amended.
Secretary of State Chapter 29
MNHF1656PassEnergy grant programs established to enhance competitiveness of Minnesota entities in obtaining federal funding, account created, report required, and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 24
MNHF121PassCompetency attainment; technical changes made, and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 14
MNHF213PassFood shelf program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Secretary of State Chapter 11
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