Bill Text: MN SF1943 | 2011-2012 | 87th Legislature | Engrossed

Bill Title: Game and fish provisions modifications and appropriation; wolf taking authorization

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 4-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-03-23 - Second reading [SF1943 Detail]

Download: Minnesota-2011-SF1943-Engrossed.html

1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to natural resources; modifying game and fish laws; appropriating money;
1.3amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 84.027, subdivision 14; 97A.015,
1.4subdivisions 3a, 53; 97A.065, subdivision 6; 97A.085, by adding a subdivision;
1.597A.137, subdivision 5; 97A.421, subdivision 3; 97A.441, subdivision 7;
1.697A.451, subdivisions 3, 4, by adding a subdivision; 97A.473, subdivisions 3, 5,
1.75a; 97A.475, subdivisions 2, 3, 20; 97A.482; 97B.001, subdivision 7; 97B.020;
1.897B.031, subdivisions 1, 2; 97B.035, subdivision 1a; 97B.055, subdivision 1;
1.997B.071; 97B.085, subdivision 3; 97B.303; 97B.328; 97B.601, subdivisions
1.103a, 4; 97B.603; 97B.605; 97B.671, subdivisions 3, 4; 97B.711, subdivision 1;
1.1197B.805, subdivision 1; 97B.901; 97C.395, subdivision 1; Minnesota Statutes
1.122011 Supplement, sections 84D.03, subdivision 3; 97A.075, subdivision 1, by
1.13adding a subdivision; 97B.031, subdivision 5; 97B.075; 97B.645, subdivision
1.149; 97B.667; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
1.1597B; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 97A.045, subdivisions 8,
1.1613; 97A.065, subdivision 1; 97A.095, subdivision 3; 97A.331, subdivision 7;
1.1797A.485, subdivision 12; 97A.552; 97B.645, subdivision 2; 97C.031.

1.19    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 84.027, subdivision 14, is amended to read:
1.20    Subd. 14. Mission; efficiency. It is part of the department's mission that within the
1.21department's resources the commissioner shall endeavor to:
1.22(1) prevent the waste or unnecessary spending of public money;
1.23(2) use innovative fiscal and human resource practices to manage the state's
1.24resources and operate the department as efficiently as possible;
1.25(3) coordinate the department's activities wherever appropriate with the activities
1.26of other governmental agencies;
1.27(4) use technology where appropriate to increase agency productivity, improve
1.28customer service, increase public access to information about government, and increase
1.29public participation in the business of government;
2.1(5) utilize constructive and cooperative labor-management practices to the extent
2.2otherwise required by chapters 43A and 179A;
2.3(6) report to the legislature on the performance of agency operations and the
2.4accomplishment of agency goals in the agency's biennial budget according to section
2.516A.10, subdivision 1 ; and
2.6(7) recommend to the legislature appropriate changes in law necessary to carry out
2.7the mission and improve the performance of the department; and
2.8(8) plan and implement activities designed to recruit new outdoor recreation
2.9participants and retain existing participants. This includes but is not limited to anglers,
2.10hunters, trappers, and campers.

2.11    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 84D.03, subdivision 3, is
2.12amended to read:
2.13    Subd. 3. Bait harvest from infested waters. (a) Taking wild animals from infested
2.14waters for bait or aquatic farm purposes is prohibited, except as provided in paragraph
2.15(b) and section 97C.341.
2.16    (b) In waters that are designated as infested waters, except those designated because
2.17they contain prohibited invasive species of fish or certifiable diseases of fish, as defined
2.18under section 17.4982, subdivision 6, taking wild animals may be permitted for:
2.19    (1) commercial taking of wild animals for bait and aquatic farm purposes according
2.20to a permit issued under section 84D.11, subject to rules adopted by the commissioner; and
2.21    (2) bait purposes for noncommercial personal use in waters that contain Eurasian
2.22water milfoil, when the infested waters are designated solely because they contain
2.23Eurasian water milfoil and if the equipment for taking is limited to cylindrical minnow
2.24traps not exceeding 16 inches in diameter and 32 inches in length; and
2.25(3) harvest of bullheads, goldeyes, mooneyes, sheepshead (freshwater drum), and
2.26suckers for bait from streams or rivers designated as infested waters, by hook and line for
2.27noncommercial personal use. Other provisions that apply to this clause are:
2.28(i) fish taken under this clause must be used on the same body of water where caught
2.29and while still on that water body;
2.30(ii) fish taken under this clause may not be transported live from/off the water body;
2.31(iii) fish harvested under this clause may only be used in accordance with this section;
2.32(iv) any other use of wild animals used for bait from infested waters is prohibited;
2.33(v) fish taken under this clause must meet all other size restrictions and requirements
2.34as established in rules; and
3.1(vi) all species listed under this clause shall be included in the person's daily limit as
3.2established in rules, if applicable.
3.3    (c) Equipment authorized for minnow harvest in a designated infested water by
3.4permit issued under paragraph (b) may not be transported to, or used in, any waters other
3.5than waters specified in the permit.

3.6    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.015, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
3.7    Subd. 3a. Bonus permit. "Bonus permit" means a license to take and tag deer by
3.8archery or firearms, in addition to deer authorized to be taken under regular firearms or
3.9archery licenses, or a license issued under section 97A.441, subdivision 7.

3.10    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.015, subdivision 53, is amended to read:
3.11    Subd. 53. Unprotected wild animals. "Unprotected wild animals" means wild
3.12animals that are not protected wild animals including weasel, coyote (brush wolf), gopher,
3.13porcupine, striped skunk, and unprotected birds.

3.14    Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.065, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
3.15    Subd. 6. Deer license donations and surcharges. (a) The surcharges and donations
3.16collected under section 97A.475, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), and subdivision 3a,
3.17shall be deposited in an account in the special revenue fund and are appropriated to
3.18the commissioner for deer management, including for grants or payments to agencies,
3.19organizations, or individuals for assisting with the cost of processing deer taken for
3.20population management purposes for venison donation programs. None of the additional
3.21license fees shall be transferred to any other agency for administration of programs other
3.22than venison donation. If any money transferred by the commissioner is not used for a
3.23venison donation program, it shall be returned to the commissioner.
3.24    (b) By February 10, 2010, the commissioner shall report to the legislature on the
3.25participation in and the effectiveness of the venison donation program.

3.26    Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97A.075, subdivision 1, is
3.27amended to read:
3.28    Subdivision 1. Deer, bear, and lifetime licenses. (a) For purposes of this
3.29subdivision, "deer license" means a license issued under section 97A.475, subdivisions 2,
(5), (6), (7), (13), (14), and (15), and 3, clauses (2), (3), (4), (10), (11), and (12),
3.31and licenses issued under section 97B.301, subdivision 4.
4.1    (b) $2 from each annual deer license and $2 annually from the lifetime fish and
4.2wildlife trust fund, established in section 97A.4742, for each license issued under
4.3section 97A.473, subdivision 4, shall be credited to the deer management account and
4.4is appropriated to the commissioner for deer habitat improvement or deer management
4.6    (c) $1 from each annual deer license and each bear license and $1 annually from
4.7the lifetime fish and wildlife trust fund, established in section 97A.4742, for each
4.8license issued under section 97A.473, subdivision 4, shall be credited to the deer and
4.9bear management account and is appropriated to the commissioner for deer and bear
4.10management programs, including a computerized licensing system.
4.11    (d) Fifty cents from each deer license is credited to the emergency deer feeding and
4.12wild cervidae health management account and is appropriated for emergency deer feeding
4.13and wild cervidae health management. Money appropriated for emergency deer feeding
4.14and wild cervidae health management is available until expended. The commissioner must
4.15inform the legislative chairs of the natural resources finance committees every two years
4.16on how the money for emergency deer feeding and wild cervidae health management
4.17has been spent.
4.18     When the unencumbered balance in the appropriation for emergency deer feeding
4.19and wild cervidae health management exceeds $2,500,000 at the end of a fiscal year, the
4.20unencumbered balance in excess of $2,500,000 is canceled and available for deer and bear
4.21management programs and computerized licensing.

4.22    Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97A.075, is amended by adding a
4.23subdivision to read:
4.24    Subd. 7. Wolf licenses. (a) For purposes of this subdivision, "wolf license" means a
4.25license or permit issued under section 97A.475, subdivision 2, clause (16); 3, paragraph
4.26(a), clause (13); or 20, paragraph (b).
4.27(b) Revenue from wolf licenses must be credited to the wolf management and
4.28monitoring account and is appropriated to the commissioner only for wolf management,
4.29research, damage control, enforcement, and education.

4.30    Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.085, is amended by adding a subdivision
4.31to read:
4.32    Subd. 9. Vacating refuges open to hunting. Notwithstanding subdivision 8, the
4.33commissioner may vacate a state game refuge by publishing a notice in the State Register
5.1if the refuge has been open to trapping and hunting small game including waterfowl, deer
5.2or bear by archery, and deer or bear by firearms for at least five years.

5.3    Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.137, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
5.4    Subd. 5. Portable stands. Prior to the Saturday on or nearest September 16, a
5.5portable stand may be left overnight in a wildlife management area by a person with a
5.6valid bear license who is hunting within 100 yards of a bear bait site that is legally tagged
5.7and registered as prescribed under section 97B.425. Any person leaving a portable stand
5.8overnight under this subdivision must affix a tag with: (1) the person's name and address;
5.9(2) the licensee's driver's license number; or (3) the "MDNR#" license identification
5.10number issued to the licensee. The tag must be affixed to the stand in such a manner that
5.11it can be read from the ground.

5.12    Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.421, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
5.13    Subd. 3. Issuance of a big game license after conviction. (a) A person may not
5.14obtain any big game license or take big game under a lifetime license, issued under section
5.1597A.473 , for three years after the person is convicted of:
5.16(1) a gross misdemeanor violation under the game and fish laws relating to big game;
5.17(2) doing an act without a required big game license; or
5.18(3) the second violation within three years under the game and fish laws relating to
5.19big game.
5.20(b) A person may not obtain any deer license or take deer under a lifetime license
5.21issued under section 97A.473 for one year after the person is convicted of hunting deer
5.22with the aid or use of bait under section 97B.328.
5.23(c) The revocation period under paragraphs (a) and (b) doubles if the conviction
5.24is for a deer that is a trophy deer scoring higher than 170 using the scoring method
5.25established for wildlife restitution values adopted under section 97A.345.

5.26    Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.441, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
5.27    Subd. 7. Owners or tenants of agricultural land. (a) The commissioner may
5.28issue, without a fee, a license to take an antlerless deer to a resident who is an owner or
5.29tenant, or a nonresident who is an owner, of at least 80 acres of agricultural land, as
5.30defined in section 97B.001, in deer permit areas that have deer archery licenses to take
5.31additional deer under section 97B.301, subdivision 4 allow the taking of antlerless deer
5.32without making a lottery application. A person may receive only one license per year
5.33under this subdivision. For properties with co-owners or cotenants, only one co-owner
6.1or cotenant may receive a license under this subdivision per year. The license issued
6.2under this subdivision is restricted to land leased for agricultural purposes or owned by
6.3the holder of the license within the permit area where the qualifying land is located. The
6.4holder of the license may transfer the license to the holder's spouse or dependent. Deer
6.5taken under this subdivision do not count towards the total bag limit for the permit area.
6.6Notwithstanding sections 97A.415, subdivision 1, and 97B.301, subdivision 2, the holder
6.7of the license may purchase an additional license licenses or permits for taking deer and
6.8may take an additional deer under that license those licenses or permits, provided the
6.9holder adheres to the bag limits established for that permit area.
6.10    (b) A person who obtains a license under paragraph (a) must allow public deer
6.11hunting on their land during that deer hunting season, with the exception of the first
6.12Saturday and Sunday during the deer hunting season applicable to the license issued under
6.13section 97A.475, subdivision 2, clause (5).

6.14    Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.451, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
6.15    Subd. 3. Residents under age 16; small game. (a) A resident under age 16 must
6.16obtain a small game license in order to take small game by firearms or bow and arrow
6.17without paying the applicable fees under section 97A.475, subdivisions 2, 4, and 5, if
6.18the resident is:
6.19    (1) age 14 or 15 and possesses a firearms safety certificate;
6.20    (2) age 13, possesses a firearms safety certificate, and is accompanied by a parent or
6.22    (3) age 13, 14, or 15, possesses an apprentice hunter validation, and is accompanied
6.23by a parent or guardian who possesses a small game license that was not obtained using an
6.24apprentice hunter validation; or
6.25    (4) age 12 or under and is accompanied by a parent or guardian.
6.26    (b) A resident under age 16 may take small game, other than wolves, by trapping
6.27without a small game license, but a resident 13 years of age or older must have a trapping
6.28license. A resident under age 13 may trap small game, other than wolves, without a
6.29trapping license, but may not register fisher, otter, bobcat, or pine marten unless the
6.30resident is at least age five. Any fisher, otter, bobcat, or pine marten taken by a resident
6.31under age five must be included in the limit of the accompanying parent or guardian.
6.32    (c) A resident under age 12 may apply for a turkey license and may take a turkey
6.33without a firearms safety certificate if the resident is accompanied by an adult parent or
6.34guardian who has a firearms safety certificate.
7.1    (d) A resident under age 12 may apply for a prairie chicken license and may take a
7.2prairie chicken without a firearms safety certificate if the resident is accompanied by an
7.3adult parent or guardian who has a firearms safety certificate.

7.4    Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.451, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
7.5    Subd. 4. Persons Residents under age 16; big game. (a) A person resident age
7.612, 13, 14, or 15 may not obtain a license to take big game unless the person possesses
7.7a firearms safety certificate. A person resident age 12 or 13 must be accompanied by a
7.8parent or guardian to hunt big game.
7.9    (b) A person resident age 10 or 11 may take big game provided the person is under
7.10the direct supervision of a parent or guardian where the parent or guardian is within
7.11immediate reach. Until March 1, 2009, a person age 10 or 11 may take big game under a
7.12parent or guardian's license. Beginning March 1, 2009, A person resident age 10 or 11
7.13must obtain a license in order to take big game and may obtain the license without paying
7.14the fee required under section 97A.475, subdivision 2.

7.15    Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.451, is amended by adding a
7.16subdivision to read:
7.17    Subd. 4a. Nonresidents under age 16; big game. (a) A nonresident age 12,
7.1813, 14, or 15 may not obtain a license to take big game unless the person possesses a
7.19firearms safety certificate. A nonresident age 12 or 13 must be accompanied by a parent or
7.20guardian to hunt big game.
7.21(b) A nonresident age 10 or 11 may take big game provided the person is under the
7.22direct supervision of a parent or guardian where the parent or guardian is within immediate
7.23reach. A nonresident age 10 or 11 must obtain a license to take big game and must pay the
7.24fee required under section 97A.475, subdivision 3.

7.25    Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.473, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
7.26    Subd. 3. Lifetime small game hunting license; fee. (a) A resident lifetime small
7.27game hunting license authorizes a person to hunt and trap small game, other than wolves,
7.28in the state. The license authorizes those hunting and trapping activities authorized by the
7.29annual resident small game hunting and trapping licenses license and the trapping license
7.30for fur-bearing animals other than wolves. The license does not include a turkey stamp
7.31validation or any other hunting stamps required by law.
7.32    (b) The fees for a resident lifetime small game hunting license are:
7.33    (1) age 3 and under, $217;
8.1    (2) age 4 to age 15, $290;
8.2    (3) age 16 to age 50, $363; and
8.3    (4) age 51 and over, $213.

8.4    Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.473, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
8.5    Subd. 5. Lifetime sporting license; fee. (a) A resident lifetime sporting license
8.6authorizes a person to take fish by angling and hunt and trap small game, other than
8.7wolves, in the state. The license authorizes those activities authorized by the annual
8.8resident angling, and resident small game hunting, licenses and the resident trapping
8.9licenses license for fur-bearing animals other than wolves. The license does not include a
8.10trout and salmon stamp validation, a turkey stamp validation, a walleye stamp validation,
8.11or any other hunting stamps required by law.
8.12    (b) The fees for a resident lifetime sporting license are:
8.13    (1) age 3 and under, $357;
8.14    (2) age 4 to age 15, $480;
8.15    (3) age 16 to age 50, $613; and
8.16    (4) age 51 and over, $413.

8.17    Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.473, subdivision 5a, is amended to read:
8.18    Subd. 5a. Lifetime sporting with spearing option license; fee. (a) A resident
8.19lifetime sporting with spearing option license authorizes a person to take fish by angling
8.20or spearing and hunt and trap small game, other than wolves, in the state. The license
8.21authorizes those activities authorized by the annual resident angling, spearing, and resident
8.22small game hunting, and resident trapping licenses and the resident trapping license for
8.23fur-bearing animals other than wolves. The license does not include a trout and salmon
8.24stamp validation, a turkey stamp validation, a walleye stamp validation, or any other
8.25hunting stamps required by law.
8.26(b) The fees for a resident lifetime sporting with spearing option license are:
8.27(1) age 3 and under, $615;
8.28(2) age 4 to age 15, $800;
8.29(3) age 16 to age 50, $985; and
8.30(4) age 51 and over, $586.

8.31    Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.475, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
8.32    Subd. 2. Resident hunting. Fees for the following licenses, to be issued to residents
8.33only, are:
9.1    (1) for persons age 18 or over and under age 65 to take small game, $12.50;
9.2    (2) for persons ages 16 and 17 and age 65 or over, $6 to take small game;
9.3    (3) for persons age 18 or over to take turkey, $23;
9.4    (4) for persons under age 18 to take turkey, $12;
9.5    (5) for persons age 18 or over to take deer with firearms during the regular firearms
9.6season, $26;
9.7    (6) for persons age 18 or over to take deer by archery, $26;
9.8    (7) for persons age 18 or over to take deer by muzzleloader during the muzzleloader
9.9season, $26;
9.10    (8) to take moose, for a party of not more than six persons, $310;
9.11    (9) to take bear, $38;
9.12    (10) to take elk, for a party of not more than two persons, $250;
9.13    (11) to take Canada geese during a special season, $4;
9.14    (12) to take prairie chickens, $20;
9.15    (13) for persons under age 18 to take deer with firearms during the regular firearms
9.16season, $13;
9.17    (14) for persons under age 18 to take deer by archery, $13; and
9.18    (15) for persons under age 18 to take deer by muzzleloader during the muzzleloader
9.19season, $13; and
9.20(16) to take wolf, $26.

9.21    Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.475, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
9.22    Subd. 3. Nonresident hunting. (a) Fees for the following licenses, to be issued
9.23to nonresidents, are:
9.24    (1) for persons age 18 or over to take small game, $73;
9.25    (2) for persons age 18 or over to take deer with firearms during the regular firearms
9.26season, $135;
9.27    (3) for persons age 18 or over to take deer by archery, $135;
9.28    (4) for persons age 18 or over to take deer by muzzleloader during the muzzleloader
9.29season, $135;
9.30    (5) to take bear, $195;
9.31    (6) for persons age 18 and older to take turkey, $78;
9.32    (7) for persons under age 18 to take turkey, $12;
9.33    (8) to take raccoon or bobcat, $155;
9.34    (9) to take Canada geese during a special season, $4;
10.1    (10) for persons under age 18 to take deer with firearms during the regular firearms
10.2season in any open season option or time period, $13;
10.3    (11) for persons under age 18 to take deer by archery, $13; and
10.4    (12) for persons under age 18 to take deer during the muzzleloader season, $13; and
10.5(13) to take wolf, $230.
10.6    (b) A $5 surcharge shall be added to nonresident hunting licenses issued under
10.7paragraph (a), clauses (1) to (8). An additional commission may not be assessed on this

10.9    Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.475, subdivision 20, is amended to read:
10.10    Subd. 20. Trapping license licenses. (a) The fee for a license to trap fur-bearing
10.11animals, other than wolves, is:
10.12(1) for residents over age 13 and under age 18, $6;
10.13(2) for residents age 18 or over and under age 65, $20;
10.14(3) for residents age 65 or over, $10; and
10.15(4) for nonresidents, $73.
10.16(b) The fee for a license to trap wolves is $26, to be issued to residents only.

10.17    Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97A.482, is amended to read:
10.20(a) All applicants for individual noncommercial game and fish licenses under this
10.21chapter and chapters 97B and 97C must include the applicant's Social Security number
10.22on the license application. If an applicant does not have a Social Security number, the
10.23applicant must certify that the applicant does not have a Social Security number.
10.24(b) The Social Security numbers collected by the commissioner on game and fish
10.25license applications are private data under section 13.355, subdivision 1, and must be
10.26provided by the commissioner to the commissioner of human services for child support
10.27enforcement purposes. Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, United States Code, title 42,
10.28section 666(a)(13), requires the collection of Social Security numbers on game and fish
10.29license applications for child support enforcement purposes.
10.30(c) The commissioners of human services and natural resources shall request a
10.31waiver from the secretary of health and human services to exclude any applicant under the
10.32age of 16 from the requirement under this section and under cross-country ski licensing
10.33sections to provide the applicant's Social Security number. If a waiver is granted, this
11.1section will be so amended effective January 1, 2006, or upon the effective date of the
11.2waiver, whichever is later.

11.3    Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.001, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
11.4    Subd. 7. Taking with firearms in certain areas. (a) A person may not take a wild
11.5animal with a firearm within 500 feet of a building occupied by a human or livestock
11.6without the written permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee:
11.7(1) on another person's private land; or
11.8(2) on a public right-of-way.
11.9(b) A No person may not take a wild animal with shoot a firearm without the
11.10permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee, within 500 feet of a stockade or corral
11.11containing livestock without the permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee.
11.12(c) A person may not take a wild animal on any land where the person is prohibited
11.13from entering by this section.

11.14    Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.020, is amended to read:
11.16    (a) Except as provided in this section and section 97A.451, subdivision 3a, a person
11.17born after December 31, 1979, may not obtain an annual license to take wild animals by
11.18firearms unless the person has:
11.19    (1) a firearms safety certificate or equivalent certificate;
11.20    (2) a driver's license or identification card with a valid firearms safety qualification
11.21indicator issued under section 171.07, subdivision 13;
11.22    (3) a previous hunting license with a valid firearms safety qualification indicator;
11.23    (4) an apprentice hunter validation issued under section 97B.022; or
11.24    (5) other evidence indicating that the person has completed in this state or in another
11.25state a hunter safety course recognized by the department under a reciprocity agreement or
11.26certified by the department as substantially similar.
11.27    (b) A person who is on active duty and has successfully completed basic training
11.28in the United States armed forces, reserve component, or National Guard may obtain a
11.29hunting license or approval authorizing hunting regardless of whether the person is issued
11.30a firearms safety certificate.
11.31    (c) A person born after December 31, 1979, may not use a lifetime license to take
11.32wild animals by firearms, unless the person meets the requirements for obtaining an annual
11.33license under paragraph (a) or (b).

12.1    Sec. 24. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.031, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
12.2    Subdivision 1. Firearms and ammunition that may be used to take big game
12.3and wolves. A person may take big game and wolves with a firearm only if:
12.4    (1) the rifle, shotgun, and handgun used is a caliber of at least .22 inches and with
12.5centerfire ignition;
12.6    (2) the firearm is loaded only with single projectile ammunition;
12.7    (3) a projectile used is a caliber of at least .22 inches and has a soft point or is
12.8an expanding bullet type;
12.9    (4) the muzzleloader used is incapable of being loaded at the breech;
12.10    (5) the smooth-bore muzzleloader used is a caliber of at least .45 inches; and
12.11    (6) the rifled muzzleloader used is a caliber of at least .40 inches.

12.12    Sec. 25. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.031, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
12.13    Subd. 2. Handguns for small game. A person may take small game with a handgun
12.14of any caliber in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, except that wolves may only
12.15be taken by hunting with the calibers specified in subdivision 1.

12.16    Sec. 26. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97B.031, subdivision 5, is
12.17amended to read:
12.18    Subd. 5. Scopes; visually impaired hunters on muzzleloaders. (a)
12.19Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the commissioner may issue a special
12.20permit, without a fee, to A person may use a muzzleloader with a scope to take deer
12.21during the muzzleloader season to a person who obtains the required licenses and who has
12.22a visual impairment. The scope may not have magnification capabilities.
12.23(b) The visual impairment must be to the extent that the applicant is unable
12.24to identify targets and the rifle sights at the same time without a scope. The visual
12.25impairment and specific conditions must be established by medical evidence verified in
12.26writing by (1) a licensed physician or a certified nurse practitioner or certified physician
12.27assistant acting under the direction of a licensed physician; (2) a licensed ophthalmologist;
12.28or (3) a licensed optometrist. The commissioner may request additional information from
12.29the physician if needed to verify the applicant's eligibility for the permit.
12.30(c) A permit issued under this subdivision may be valid for up to five years, based
12.31on the permanence of the visual impairment as determined by the licensed physician,
12.32ophthalmologist, or optometrist.
12.33(d) The permit must be in the immediate possession of the permittee when hunting
12.34under the special permit.
13.1(e) The commissioner may deny, modify, suspend, or revoke a permit issued under
13.2this subdivision for cause, including a violation of the game and fish laws or rules.
13.3(f) A person who knowingly makes a false application or assists another in making
13.4a false application for a permit under this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor. A
13.5physician, certified nurse practitioner, certified physician assistant, ophthalmologist, or
13.6optometrist who fraudulently certifies to the commissioner that a person is visually
13.7impaired as described in this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor.

13.8    Sec. 27. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.035, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
13.9    Subd. 1a. Minimum draw weight. A bow used to take big game or, turkey, or
13.10wolves must have a pull that meets or exceeds 30 pounds at or before full draw.

13.11    Sec. 28. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.055, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
13.12    Subdivision 1. Restrictions related to highways. (a) A person may not discharge
13.13a firearm or an arrow from a bow containing No. 4 buckshot or larger diameter shot or
13.14single projectile ammunition on, over, or across, or within the right-of-way of an improved
13.15public highway at a big game animal. A person may not discharge a firearm or an arrow
13.16from a bow and arrow on, over, across, or within the right-of-way of an improved public
13.17highway at a big game animal. The commissioner may by rule extend the application of
13.18this subdivision to the taking of migratory waterfowl in designated locations.
13.19(b) A person may not discharge a firearm or an arrow from a bow on, over, across, or
13.20within the right-of-way of an improved public highway at a decoy of a big game animal
13.21that has been set out by a licensed peace officer.

13.22    Sec. 29. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.071, is amended to read:
13.24    (a) Except as provided in rules adopted under paragraph (c), a person may not hunt
13.25or trap during the open season where deer may be taken by firearms under applicable laws
13.26and ordinances, unless the visible portion of the person's cap and outer clothing above the
13.27waist, excluding sleeves and gloves, is blaze orange. Blaze orange includes a camouflage
13.28pattern of at least 50 percent blaze orange within each foot square. This section does not
13.29apply to migratory waterfowl hunters on waters of this state or in a stationary shooting
13.30location or to trappers on waters of this state.
13.31    (b) Except as provided in rules adopted under paragraph (c), and in addition to
13.32the requirement in paragraph (a), a person may not take small game other than turkey,
13.33migratory birds, raccoons, and predators, except while trapping, unless a visible portion of
14.1at least one article of the person's clothing above the waist is blaze orange. This paragraph
14.2does not apply to a person when in a stationary location while hunting deer by archery
14.3or when hunting small game by falconry.
14.4    (c) The commissioner may, by rule, prescribe an alternative color in cases where
14.5paragraph (a) or (b) would violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Public
14.6Law 103-141.
14.7    (d) A violation of paragraph (b) shall not result in a penalty, but is punishable only
14.8by a safety warning.

14.9    Sec. 30. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97B.075, is amended to read:
14.11    (a) A person may not take protected wild animals, except raccoon and fox, with
14.12a firearm between the evening and morning times established by commissioner's rule,
14.13except as provided in this section.
14.14    (b) Big game and wolves may be taken from one-half hour before sunrise until
14.15one-half hour after sunset.
14.16    (c) Except as otherwise prescribed by the commissioner on or before the Saturday
14.17nearest October 8, waterfowl may be taken from one-half hour before sunrise until sunset
14.18during the entire season prescribed by the commissioner.

14.19    Sec. 31. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.085, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
14.20    Subd. 3. Communication excepted. This section does not prohibit the use of:
14.21    (1) one-way radio communication between a handler and a dog; or
14.22    (2) a remote-controlled animal noise caller for taking crows, fur-bearing animals,
14.23and unprotected animals; or
14.24(3) a remote-controlled motorized decoy used for taking migratory waterfowl under
14.25section 97B.811, subdivision 4a, or doves.

14.29Notwithstanding sections 97B.035, subdivision 1, 97B.321, and 97B.701,
14.30subdivision 2, the commissioner may authorize a physically disabled hunter who has
14.31a verified statement of the disability from a licensed physician or a certified nurse
14.32practitioner or certified physician assistant acting under the direction of a licensed
15.1physician to use a swivel or otherwise mounted gun or bow or any electronic or mechanical
15.2device to discharge a gun or bow as long as the participant is physically present at the site.

15.3    Sec. 33. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.303, is amended to read:
15.5    An individual who legally takes a deer may donate the deer, for distribution to
15.6charitable food assistance programs, to a meat processor that is licensed under chapter
15.728A. An individual donating a deer must supply the processor with the tag number under
15.8which the deer was taken. Hunter-harvested venison donated under this section is not
15.9subject to chapter 31 and must be clearly marked as hunter-harvested venison.

15.10    Sec. 34. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.328, is amended to read:
15.12    Subdivision 1. Hunting with aid of bait or feed prohibited. A person may not
15.13hunt take deer:
15.14    (1) with the aid or use of bait or feed; or.
15.15    (2) in the vicinity of bait or feed if the person knows or has reason to know that bait
15.16or feed is present.
15.17    Subd. 2. Removal of bait. An area is considered baited for ten days after the
15.18complete removal of all bait or feed.
15.19    Subd. 3. Definition. (a) For purposes of this section, "bait or feed" includes grains,
15.20fruits, vegetables, nuts, hay, or other food that is capable of attracting or enticing deer
15.21and that has been placed by a person. "Baiting" means placing, exposing, depositing,
15.22distributing, or scattering bait that is capable of attracting or enticing deer.
15.23(b) Liquid scents, salt, and minerals are not bait or feed if they do not contain liquid
15.24or solid food ingredients.
15.25Food that has not been placed by a person and resulting (c) Agricultural crops
15.26from normal or accepted farming, forest management, wildlife food plantings, orchard
15.27management, or other similar land management activities is are not bait or feed.
15.28This exclusion does not apply to agricultural crops that have been re-introduced and
15.29concentrated where a person is hunting.
15.30    Subd. 4. Exception for bait or feed on adjacent land. A person otherwise in
15.31compliance with this section who is hunting on private or public property that is adjacent
15.32to property where bait or feed food is present is not in violation of this section if the
15.33person has not participated in, been involved with, or agreed to baiting or feeding wildlife
15.34on the adjacent property.

16.1    Sec. 35. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.601, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
16.2    Subd. 3a. Nonresidents; trapping small game. A nonresident may take small
16.3game, except wolves, by trapping only on land owned by the nonresident, if the
16.4nonresident possesses a trapping license for fur-bearing animals other than wolves and a
16.5small game license.

16.6    Sec. 36. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.601, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
16.7    Subd. 4. Exception to license requirements. (a) A resident under age 16 may take
16.8small game, other than wolves, without a small game license, and a resident under age
16.913 may trap small game and fur-bearing animals, other than wolves, without a trapping
16.10license, as provided in section 97A.451, subdivision 3.
16.11(b) A person may take small game, other than wolves, without a small game license
16.12on land occupied by the person as a principal residence.
16.13(c) An owner or occupant may take certain small game causing damage without a
16.14small game or trapping license as provided in section 97B.655.
16.15(d) A person may use dogs to pursue and tree raccoons under section 97B.621,
16.16subdivision 2
, during the closed season without a license.
16.17(e) A person may take a wolf, turkey, or a prairie chicken without a small game

16.19    Sec. 37. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.603, is amended to read:
16.21(a) While two or more persons are taking small game as a party and maintaining
16.22unaided visual and vocal contact, a member of the party may take and possess more than
16.23one limit of small game, but the total number of small game taken and possessed by
16.24the party may not exceed the limit of the number of persons in the party that may take
16.25and possess small game.
16.26(b) This section does not apply to the hunting of wolves, migratory game birds, or
16.27turkeys, except that a licensed turkey hunter may assist another licensed turkey hunter and
16.28a licensed wolf hunter may assist another licensed wolf hunter for the same zone and time
16.29period as long as the hunter does not shoot or tag a turkey or wolf for the other hunter.

16.30    Sec. 38. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.605, is amended to read:
17.1The commissioner may prescribe restrictions on and designate areas where gray and
17.2fox squirrels, cottontail and jack rabbits, snowshoe hare, raccoon, bobcat, red fox and gray
17.3fox, fisher, pine marten, opossum, wolves, and badger may be taken and possessed.

17.4    Sec. 39. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97B.645, subdivision 9, is
17.5amended to read:
17.6    Subd. 9. Open season. There shall be no open season for gray wolves until after the
17.7gray wolf is delisted under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. After that time,
17.8the commissioner may prescribe open seasons and restrictions for taking gray wolves but
17.9must provide opportunity for public comment.

17.10    Sec. 40. [97B.647] TAKING WOLVES.
17.11    Subdivision 1. License required. Except as provided under section 97B.645 or
17.1297B.671, a person may not take a wolf without a wolf hunting or wolf trapping license.
17.13    Subd. 2. Open seasons. Wolves may be taken with legal firearms, with bow and
17.14arrow, and by trapping. The commissioner may by rule prescribe the open seasons for
17.16    Subd. 3. Open areas. The commissioner may by rule designate areas where wolves
17.17may be taken.
17.18    Subd. 4. Daily and possession limits. The commissioner may establish by rule
17.19the daily and possession limits for wolves.
17.20    Subd. 5. Limit on number of hunters and trappers. The commissioner may by
17.21rule limit the number of persons that may hunt or trap wolves in an area, if it is necessary
17.22to prevent an overharvest or improve the distribution of hunters and trappers. The
17.23commissioner shall establish a method, including a drawing, to impartially select the
17.24hunters and trappers for an area.
17.25    Subd. 6. Application for license. An application for a wolf hunting or trapping
17.26license must be made in a manner provided by the commissioner and accompanied by
17.27a $4 application fee. The $4 application fee is appropriated to pay for costs associated
17.28with conducting the wolf license drawing and wolf management. A person may not make
17.29more than one application for each season as prescribed by the commissioner. If a person
17.30makes more than one application, the person is ineligible for a license for that season after
17.31determination by the commissioner, without a hearing.
17.32    Subd. 7. Quotas. The commissioner may by rule set an annual quota for the
17.33number of wolves that can be taken by hunting and trapping. The commissioner may
18.1establish a method to monitor harvest and close the season when the quota is reached. The
18.2commissioner shall reserve a portion of the annual quota for the trapping season.

18.3    Sec. 41. Minnesota Statutes 2011 Supplement, section 97B.667, is amended to read:
18.6When a drainage watercourse is impaired by a beaver dam and the water damages
18.7or threatens to damage a public road, the road authority, as defined in section 160.02,
18.8subdivision 25
, may remove the impairment and any associated beaver lodge within 300
18.9feet of the road. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the road authority may remove,
18.10 kill, or arrange to have removed or killed by any lawful means a beaver associated with
18.11the lodge. Before killing or arranging to kill a beaver under this section, the road authority
18.12must contact a conservation officer for a special beaver permit. The conservation officer
18.13must issue the permit for any beaver subject to this section. A road authority that kills
18.14or arranges to have killed a beaver under this section must notify a conservation officer
18.15or the officer's designee as specified in the permit employee of the Wildlife Division
18.16within ten days after the animal is killed. A road authority may, after consultation with
18.17the Wildlife Division and the Board of Water and Soil Resources, implement a local
18.18beaver control program designed to reduce the number of incidents of beaver interfering
18.19with or damaging a public road. The local control program may include the offering of
18.20a bounty for the lawful taking of beaver.

18.21    Sec. 42. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.671, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
18.22    Subd. 3. Predator control payments. The commissioner shall pay a predator
18.23controller the amount the commissioner prescribes determines by written order published
18.24in the State Register for each predator coyote and fox taken. The commissioner shall pay
18.25at least $25 but not more than $60 for each coyote taken. The commissioner may require
18.26the predator controller to submit proof of the taking and a signed statement concerning
18.27the predators taken. The fees are not subject to the rulemaking provisions of chapter 14,
18.28and section 14.386 does not apply.

18.29    Sec. 43. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.671, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
18.30    Subd. 4. Gray Wolf control. (a) The commissioner shall provide a gray wolf control
18.31training program for certified predator controllers participating in gray wolf control.
18.32(b) After the gray wolf is delisted under the federal Endangered Species Act of
18.331973, in zone B, as defined under section 97B.645, subdivision 12, if the commissioner,
19.1after considering recommendations from an extension agent or conservation officer, has
19.2verified that livestock, domestic animals, or pets were destroyed by a gray wolf within the
19.3previous five years, and if the livestock, domestic animal, or pet owner requests gray wolf
19.4control, the commissioner shall open a predator control area for gray wolves.
19.5(c) After the gray wolf is delisted under the federal Endangered Species Act of
19.61973, in zone A, as defined under paragraph (g), if the commissioner, after considering
19.7recommendations from an extension agent or conservation officer, verifies that livestock,
19.8domestic animals, or pets were destroyed by a gray wolf, and if the livestock, domestic
19.9animal, or pet owner requests gray wolf control, the commissioner shall open a predator
19.10control area for gray wolves for up to 60 days.
19.11(d) A predator control area opened for gray wolves may not exceed a one-mile
19.12radius surrounding the damage site.
19.13(e) The commissioner shall pay a certified gray wolf predator controller $150 the
19.14amount the commissioner determines by written order published in the State Register for
19.15each wolf taken. The certified gray wolf predator controller must dispose of unsalvageable
19.16remains as directed by the commissioner. All salvageable gray wolf remains must be
19.17surrendered to the commissioner. The fees are not subject to the rulemaking provisions of
19.18chapter 14, and section 14.386 does not apply.
19.19(f) The commissioner may, in consultation with the commissioner of agriculture,
19.20develop a cooperative agreement for gray wolf control activities with the United States
19.21Department of Agriculture. The cooperative agreement activities may include, but not be
19.22limited to, gray wolf control, training for state predator controllers, and control monitoring
19.23and record keeping.
19.24(g) For the purposes of this subdivision, "zone A" means that portion of the state
19.25lying outside of zone B, as defined under section 97B.645, subdivision 12.

19.26    Sec. 44. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.711, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
19.27    Subdivision 1. Seasons for certain upland game birds. (a) The commissioner
19.28may, by rule, prescribe an open season in designated areas between September 16 and
19.29January 3 for:
19.30    (1) pheasant;
19.31    (2) ruffed grouse;
19.32    (3) sharp tailed grouse;
19.33    (4) Canada spruce grouse;
19.34    (5) prairie chicken;
19.35    (6) gray partridge;
20.1    (7) bobwhite quail; and
20.2    (8) turkey.
20.3    (b) The commissioner may by rule prescribe an open season for turkey in the spring.
20.4    (c) The commissioner shall allow a four-week fall season for turkey in the area
20.5designated as turkey permit area 601 as of the 2008 season. All applicable local and state
20.6regulations apply.

20.7    Sec. 45. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.805, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
20.8    Subdivision 1. Hunter must be concealed. (a) A person may not take migratory
20.9waterfowl, coots, or rails in open water unless the person is:
20.10(1) within a natural growth of vegetation sufficient to partially conceal the person or
20.12(2) on a river or stream that is not more than 100 yards in width; or
20.13(3) pursuing or shooting wounded birds; or
20.14(4) in areas specifically designated for such taking by the commissioner by rule.
20.15(b) A person may not take migratory waterfowl, coots, or rails in public waters from
20.16a permanent artificial blind or sink box.

20.17    Sec. 46. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.901, is amended to read:
20.19(a) The commissioner may, by rule, require persons taking, possessing, and
20.20transporting fur-bearing animals to tag the animals. The commissioner shall prescribe
20.21the manner of issuance and the type of tag, which must show the year of issuance. The
20.22commissioner shall issue the tag, without a fee, upon request.
20.23(b) The pelt of each bobcat, fisher, pine marten, and otter, and wolf must be
20.24presented, by the person taking it, to a state wildlife manager designee for registration
20.25before the pelt is sold and before the pelt is transported out of the state, but in no event
20.26more than 48 hours after the season closes for the species.
20.27(c) The whole carcass of each wolf, with the pelt removed, must be presented by the
20.28person taking it to a state wildlife manager designee for registration before the pelt is sold
20.29and before the pelt is transported out of the state, but in no event more than 48 hours after
20.30the season closes. The commissioner may require that the entire carcass or samples from
20.31the carcass be surrendered to the state wildlife manager designee.

20.32    Sec. 47. [97B.903] USE OF BODY-GRIPPING TRAPS.
21.1A person may not set, place, or operate, except as a water set, a body-gripping or
21.2conibear-type trap on public lands and waters that has a maximum jaw opening when set
21.3greater than six and one-half inches and less than seven and one-half inches measured
21.4from the inside edges of the body-gripping portions of the jaws, unless:
21.5(1) the trap is in a baited or unbaited enclosure with the opening no greater than 81
21.6square inches and the trap trigger is recessed seven inches or more from the top of the
21.8(2) no bait, lure, or other attractant is placed within 20 feet of the trap; or
21.9(3) the trap is elevated at least three feet above the surface of the ground or snowpack.

21.10    Sec. 48. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97C.395, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
21.11    Subdivision 1. Dates for certain species. (a) The open seasons to take fish by
21.12angling are as follows:
21.13    (1) for walleye, sauger, northern pike, muskellunge, largemouth bass, and
21.14smallmouth bass, the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend
21.15to the last Sunday in February;
21.16    (2) for lake trout, from January 1 to October 31;
21.17    (3) for the winter season for lake trout, brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and
21.18splake on all lakes located outside or partially within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area,
21.19from January 15 to March 31;
21.20    (4) for the winter season for lake trout, brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout,
21.21and splake on all lakes located entirely within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, from
21.22January 1 to March 31;
21.23(5) for brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and splake, between January 1 to
21.24October 31 as prescribed by the commissioner by rule except as provided in section
21.2597C.415, subdivision 2 ;
21.26    (6) for the winter season for brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and splake on
21.27all lakes, from January 15 to March 31; and
21.28    (7) (6) for salmon, as prescribed by the commissioner by rule.
21.29    (b) The commissioner shall close the season in areas of the state where fish are
21.30spawning and closing the season will protect the resource.

21.32The commissioner of natural resources shall amend Minnesota Rules, part
21.336262.0200, to make seasons for brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and splake in
21.34lakes inside and outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area consistent with this section.
22.1The commissioner may use the good cause exemption under Minnesota Statutes, section
22.214.388, to adopt rules under this section, and Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, does not
22.3apply, except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 14.388.

22.5(a) The commissioner of natural resources shall amend the restitution value for
22.6gray wolves in Minnesota Rules, part 6133.0075, to be $500 and shall change the term
22.7"gray wolves" to "wolves."
22.8(b) The commissioner may use the good cause exemption under Minnesota Statutes,
22.9section 14.388, subdivision 1, clause (3), to adopt rules under this section, and Minnesota
22.10Statutes, section 14.386, does not apply except as provided under Minnesota Statutes,
22.11section 14.388.

22.12    Sec. 51. RULEMAKING; USE OF SNARES.
22.13(a) The commissioner of natural resources shall add a definition of a wolf snare to
22.14Minnesota Rules, part 6234.0900, to read: "'Wolf snare' means any snare set that:
22.15A. has a maximum loop diameter greater than ten inches, but less than or equal
22.16to 18 inches;
22.17B. has a cable diameter of at least 7/64 inches;
22.18C. includes stops affixed to the cable to ensure that the portion of the snare that
22.19makes up the noose loop may not be less than three inches in diameter when fully closed;
22.20D. includes a breakaway device that would cause the snare loop to break when
22.21pulled by a moose; and
22.22E. includes a diverter wire that extends 27 inches in both directions, measured
22.23perpendicular to and from the top of the snare loop. The diverter wires must be positioned
22.24at an angle no more than 20 degrees from the horizontal plane of the top of the snare, and
22.25the snare must be set within 20 yards of bait."
22.26(b) The commissioner of natural resources shall amend Minnesota Rules, part
22.276234.2300, to include a subpart to read: "Wolves may be taken with snares or wolf snares
22.28as defined in part 6234.0900."
22.29(c) The commissioner of natural resources shall amend Minnesota Rules, part
22.306234.2400, subpart 7, to read: "A snare may not be set so that the top of the loop is more
22.31than 20 inches above the first surface beneath the bottom of the set snare loop. During
22.32the wolf season, licensed wolf trappers may use wolf snares but a wolf snare may not be
22.33set so that the bottom of the loop is more than 18 inches above the first surface beneath
22.34the bottom of the set snare loop."
23.1(d) The commissioner of natural resources shall amend Minnesota Rules, part
23.26234.2400, subpart 5, to read: "Snares, including wolf snares, may not be set in deer,
23.3elk, or moose trails."
23.4(e) The commissioner of natural resources shall amend Minnesota Rules, part
23.56234.2400, to include a subpart to read: "Licensed wolf trappers shall set wolf snares for
23.6wolves no closer than 500 feet to another wolf snare set by the same licensed wolf trapper."
23.7(f) The commissioner may use the good cause exemption under Minnesota Statutes,
23.8section 14.388, subdivision 1, clause (3), to adopt rules under this section, and Minnesota
23.9Statutes, section 14.386, does not apply, except as provided under Minnesota Statutes,
23.10section 14.388.

23.11    Sec. 52. 2012 FIREARMS WOLF SEASON.
23.12The commissioner of natural resources shall establish the first firearms wolf hunting
23.13season to open no later than the first day of the 2012 firearms deer hunting season.

23.14    Sec. 53. REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION.
23.15The revisor of statutes shall change the term "gray wolf" or "gray wolves" wherever
23.16the terms appear in Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules to "wolf" or "wolves."

23.17    Sec. 54. REPEALER.
23.18Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 97A.045, subdivisions 8 and 13; 97A.065,
23.19subdivision 1; 97A.095, subdivision 3; 97A.331, subdivision 7; 97A.485, subdivision 12;
23.2097A.552; 97B.645, subdivision 2; and 97C.031, are repealed.