Bill Text: MN SR272 | 2017-2018 | 90th Legislature | Draft

Bill Title: A Senate resolution relating to conduct of Senate business during the interim between Sessions

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Passed) 2018-05-18 - Adopted vote: 54-0 [SR272 Detail]

Download: Minnesota-2017-SR272-Draft.html

1.1A Senate resolution
1.2relating to conduct of Senate business during the interim between Sessions.
1.3BE IT RESOLVED, by the Senate of the State of Minnesota:
1.4The powers, duties, and procedures set forth in this resolution apply during the interim
1.5between the adjournment sine die of the 89th 90th Legislature, 2016 2018 Session, and the convening
1.6of the 90th 91st Legislature, 2017 2019 Session.
1.7The Committee on Rules and Administration may, from time to time, assign to the various
1.8committees and subcommittees of the Senate, in the interim, matters brought to its attention by any
1.9member of the Senate for study and investigation. The standing committees and subcommittees
1.10may study and investigate all subjects that come within their usual jurisdiction, as provided by
1.11Minnesota Statutes, Section 3.921. The standing committees may take action as provided by
1.12Minnesota Statutes, section 14.126. A committee shall carry on its work by subcommittee or by
1.13committee action as the committee from time to time determines. Any study undertaken by any of
1.14the standing committees, or any subcommittee thereof, shall be coordinated to the greatest extent
1.15possible with other standing committees or subcommittees of the Senate and House of
1.16Representatives, and may, if the committee or subcommittee so determines, be carried on jointly
1.17with another committee or subcommittee of the Senate or House of Representatives.
1.18The Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration shall
1.19appoint persons as necessary to fill any vacancies that may occur in committees, commissions, and
1.20other bodies whose members are to be appointed by the Senate authorized by rule, statute, resolution,
1.21or otherwise. The Subcommittee on Committees may appoint members of the Senate to assist in
1.22the work of any committee.
1.23The Committee on Rules and Administration shall establish positions, set compensation and
1.24benefits, appoint employees, and authorize expense reimbursement as it deems proper to carry out
1.25the work of the Senate.
1.26The Committee on Rules and Administration may authorize members of the Senate and
1.27personnel employed by the Senate to travel and to attend courses of instruction or conferences for
1.28the purpose of improving and making more efficient Senate operation and may reimburse these
1.29persons for the costs thereof out of monies appropriated to the Senate.
1.30All members of activated standing committees or subcommittees of the Senate, and staff,
1.31shall be reimbursed for all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their
1.32duties during the interim in the manner provided by law. Payment shall be made by the Secretary
1.33of the Senate out of monies appropriated to the Senate for the standing committees. The Committee
1.34on Rules and Administration shall determine the amount and manner of reimbursement for living
1.35and other expenses of each member of the Senate incurred in the performance of Senate duties
1.36when the Legislature is not in regular session.
2.1The Secretary of the Senate shall continue to perform her his duties during the interim. During
2.2the interim, but not including time which may be spent in any special session, the Secretary of the
2.3Senate shall be paid for services rendered the Senate at the rate established for her his position for
2.4the 2016 2018 regular session, unless otherwise directed by the Committee on Rules and
2.5Administration, plus travel and subsistence expense incurred incidental to her his Senate duties,
2.6including salary and travel expense incurred in attending meetings of the National Conference of
2.7State Legislatures.
2.8Should a vacancy occur in the position of Secretary of the Senate, by resignation or other
2.9causes, the Committee on Rules and Administration shall appoint an acting Secretary of the Senate
2.10who shall serve in that capacity during the remainder of the interim under the provisions herein
2.12The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to employ after the close of the session the employees
2.13necessary to finish the business of the Senate at the salaries paid under the rules of the Senate for
2.14the 2016 2018 regular session. The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to employ the necessary
2.15employees to prepare for the 2017 2019 session at the salaries in effect at that time.
2.16The Secretary of the Senate shall classify as eligible for benefits under Minnesota Statutes,
2.17Sections 3.095 and 43A.24, those Senate employees heretofore or hereafter certified as eligible for
2.18benefits by the Committee on Rules and Administration.
2.19The Secretary of the Senate, as authorized and directed by the Committee on Rules and
2.20Administration, shall furnish each member of the Senate with postage and supplies, and upon proper
2.21verification of the expenses incurred, shall reimburse each member for expenses as authorized from
2.22time to time by the Committee on Rules and Administration.
2.23The Secretary of the Senate shall correct and approve the Journal of the Senate for those days
2.24that have not been corrected and approved by the Senate, and shall correct printing errors found in
2.25the Journal of the Senate for the 89th 90th Legislature. The Secretary of the Senate may include in
2.26the Senate Journal proceedings of the last day, appointments by the Subcommittee on Committees
2.27to interim commissions created by legislative action, permanent commissions or committees
2.28established by statute, standing committees, official communications and other matters of record
2.29received on or after adjournment sine die.
2.30The Secretary of the Senate may pay election and litigation costs as authorized by the
2.31Committee on Rules and Administration.
2.32The Secretary of the Senate, with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration,
2.33shall secure bids and enter into contracts for the printing of the bills and binding of the permanent
2.34Senate Journal, shall secure bids and enter into contracts for remodeling, improvement and furnishing
2.35of Senate office space, conference rooms and the Senate Chamber and shall purchase all supplies,
2.36equipment and other goods and services necessary to carry out the work of the Senate. Any contracts
3.1in excess of $10,000 shall be approved by the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Administration
3.2and another member designated by the chair.
3.3The Secretary of the Senate shall draw warrants from the legislative expense fund in payment
3.4of the accounts herein referred to.
3.5All Senate records, including committee books, are subject to the direction of the Committee
3.6on Rules and Administration.
3.7The Senate Chamber, retiring room, committee rooms, all conference rooms, storage rooms,
3.8Secretary of the Senate's office, Rules and Administration office, and any and all other space
3.9assigned to the Senate shall be reserved for use by the Senate and its standing committees only and
3.10shall not be released or used for any other purpose except upon authorization of the Secretary of
3.11the Senate with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration, or the Chair thereof.
3.12The commissioner of administration shall continue to provide parking space through the
3.13Secretary of the Senate for members and staff of the Minnesota State Senate. The Secretary of the
3.14Senate may deduct from the check of any legislator or legislative employee a sum adequate to cover
3.15the exercise of the parking privilege herein defined in conformity with the practice of the Department
3.16of Administration.