MO Legislation | 2012 | Regular Session | Senate | Vetoed

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SB569VetoModifies the law relating to elections, law enforcement districts, and transit authority taxes
No motion to override Governor's veto
SB566VetoRequires owners of dogs and cats under suspicion of carrying rabies to provide documentation of vaccination or else surrender the animal
No Motion made to override Governor's Veto
SB635VetoModifies the law relating to financial institutions, school funds, private roads, real estate appraisal, agricultural education programs, liens, and state purchasing preferences
No motion to override Governor's veto
SB837VetoModifies what is considered to be a franchise between alcohol wholesalers and suppliers
No motion to override Governor's veto
SB607VetoEstablishes procedure for resetting billboards during periods of highway construction
No motion to override Governor's veto
SB715VetoAllows the Adjutant General to waive the age limit for service in the state militia and repeals a complaint procedure for the state militia
No motion to override Governor's veto
SB749VetoProvides protection for religious beliefs as to the imposition of certain health care services such as abortion, contraception, or sterilization
Delivered to the Secretary of State
SB572VetoModifies the law relating to workers' compensation
H Calendar S Bills Vetoed from Second Regular Session
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