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US HB7055 EMPSA Act Eliminating the Marriage Penalty in SSI Act
MO HB654 Changes provisions governing special educational services
NY A00419 Requires insurance contracts to cover neuropsychological examinations for...
OK SB325 Bitcoin; authorizing employee compensation to be made in Bitcoin; authorizing...
VA HB2363 Department of Corrections; designated employees with same power as sheriff...
MO SB222 Prohibits educational institutions from mandating COVID-19 vaccines or...
NV SB62 Revises provisions relating to crimes. (BDR 15-507)
NJ S3943 Appropriates $49.5 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues...
MO HB297 Requires the authorization to establish a charter school in Boone County...
MO SB177 Requires charter schools to obtain a certificate of need issued by the...