NH Legislation | 2010 | Regular Session | Resolutions

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SJR2PassEndorsing the establishment of a statewide retiree medical trust for public employee health care reimbursement benefits after retirement.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 08/23/10; Chapter 0379
HJR20PassUrging Congress to maintain the crime victims fund established in the Victims of Crimes Act and to continue to fully fund federal contributions to state and local victim services organizations.
House Signed by the Governor 07/06/2010; Chapter 0266
SJR3PassIn support of the New England secondary school consortium.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 06/22/2010; Chapter 0207
SJR1PassUrging the secretary of agriculture to review the Federal Milk Market Order system.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 06/21/2010; Chapter 0200

Sine Die
Affirming revenue estimates for fiscal years 2010 and 2011.
House Ought to Pass with Amendment #2108h: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 200-167; House Journal 51, PG.2294-2299

Sine Die
Urging Congress to fund the development and implementation of a comprehensive health care delivery system to enhance the level of specialty care for New Hampshire's veterans.
Senate Sen. Lasky Concurs with House Amendment 1285h, New Title, Motion Adopted, Voice Vote; Senate Journal 19, Pg.631

Sine Die
Urging the attorney general to fully investigate the proposed transaction between Catholic Medical Center Healthcare System and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health.
House Effective 05/13/2010
SCR2PassEncouraging New Hampshire schools to adopt environmentally sound practices.
House Ought to Pass: Motion Adopted Division Vote 179-129; House Journal 41, PG.2095

Sine Die
Rescinding all requests by the New Hampshire legislature for a federal constitutional convention.
House Effective 05/05/2010

Sine Die
Urging Congress to develop and pass a comprehensive immigration reform program.
Senate Sen. Houde Moved Laid on Table, Motion Adopted, Voice Vote; Senate Journal 17, Pg.391
HCR24PassSupporting the Youth PROMISE Act.
House Effective 05/05/2010

Sine Die
Requesting guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency regarding widespread use of on-board refueling vapor recovery systems in automobiles and trucks.
Senate Sen. Hassan moved Ought to Pass, Motion Adopted Voice Vote; Senate Journal 17, Pg.397

Sine Die
Requiring the Congress of the United States of America to reaffirm its adherence to the Constitution of the United States regarding international agreements and treaties.
Senate Sen. Houde Moved Laid on Table, Motion Adopted, Voice Vote; Senate Journal 17, Pg.371
SCR3PassCongratulating the Boy Scouts of America on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.
Senate Enrolled Bill Amendment #1792 Adopted

Sine Die
Urging the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide New Hampshire with guidance and analytical tools to determine when widespread use of on-board refueling vapor recovery will occur in the state and when the states Stage II gasoline e...
House Ought to Pass (Rep Kaen): Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 36, PG.1722
HCR21FailUrging all members of Congress who vote in favor of a government run health insurance option to enroll in that option and forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 185-122; House Journal 26, PG.1379-1381
HCR23FailCalling on Congress to audit the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) funding.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 181-133; House Journal 24, PG.1332-1334
HCR25FailArticulating the rights of the state of New Hampshire and of the several states of the United States.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Division Vote 227-89; House Journal 24, PG.1319-1320
HR21PassUrging the department of education to conduct a survey of New Hampshire educators.
House Ought to Pass: Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 24, PG.1326

Sine Die
Requesting an opinion of the justices concerning the constitutionality of HB 1146.
House Ought to Pass (Rep Shurtleff): Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 23, PG.1260
HCR20FailUrging the federal government to expand the earned income tax credit to both parents in appropriate cases.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 20, PG.1162
HCR26FailReaffirming the state's religious heritage and constitutional rights to practice religion and free speech.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 215-122; House Journal 20, PG.1066-1068
HR20PassSupporting the Cornyn-McCarthy Military Voting Protection Act.
House Ought to Pass: Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 20, PG.1163
HCR27FailUrging that the United Kingdom return the Parthenon (Elgin) marbles to Greece.
House Reconsideration (Rep Almy): Motion Failed Regular Calendar 166-173; House Journal 16, PG.769-771
HR23PassMemorializing State Representative George N. Katsakiores of Derry.
House Introduced and Adopted; House Journal 16, PG.748
HJR21FailDirecting the department of transportation and the department of environmental services to study the prevention of further erosion of the east bank of the Exeter River.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote; House Journal 15, PG.671
HR22FailEncouraging Bank of America to change its business practices.
House Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 291-58; House Journal 15, PG.677-679
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