New Jersey Representative Andrea Katz [D] | All Sessions | Passed

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NJAR166PassUrges Miss America Pageant to return to Atlantic City.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA5121PassAppropriates $49.5 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects, and Green Acres Program administrative costs.
Approved P.L.2025, c.16.
NJAR173PassUrges federal government to investigate unidentified drones operating in NJ airspace.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA4706PassRevises statutes implementing certain property tax relief programs pursuant to recommendations promulgated by Stay NJ Task Force.
Approved P.L.2024, c.88.
NJA2607PassAuthorizes taxicabs, limousines, and transportation network companies to provide paratransit services for two-year period.
Approved P.L.2024, c.82.
NJA2180PassPermits certain persons to operate Type S school buses.
Approved P.L.2024, c.81.
NJAR164PassRecognizes and celebrates Bruce Springsteen's 75th birthday.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA1669PassRemoves obstacles to teacher certification for certain teachers; repeals law establishing alternative certificate of eligibility.
Approved P.L.2024, c.26.
NJA2027PassEstablishes One-Year State Work First New Jersey Menstrual Hygiene Benefit Pilot Program and State Work First New Jersey Diaper Benefit Pilot Program; appropriates $2.5 million to DHS.
Approved P.L.2024, c.27.
NJAR148PassCondemns action of Republican members of United States Congress in failing to support passage of SB3612; affirms New Jersey Legislature's commitment to protecting reproductive freedom and full access to reproductive health care.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA4059PassRequires Commissioner of Education to permit certain school districts losing State school aid to submit budgets after enactment of FY 2025 appropriations act.
Approved P.L.2024, c.12.
NJA4161PassEstablishes Stabilized School Budget Aid Grant Program to restore certain portions of State school aid reductions; permits certain school districts to exceed tax levy growth limitation in 2024-2025 school year; appropriates $44.7 million.
Approved P.L.2024, c.13.
NJAR122PassCondemns Alabama Supreme Court ruling in LePage v. Mobile Infirmary Clinic, P.C. and pending federal legislation, H.R.431; reaffirms freedom of access and protection of reproductive health care services in New Jersey, including IVF.
Filed with Secretary of State
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