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NJAJR103PassPermanently designates January as "NUT Carcinoma Awareness Month" in New Jersey.
Approved P.L.2019, JR-31.
NJAJR180PassDesignates February in each year as "Career and Technical Education Month" in New Jersey.
Approved P.L.2019, JR-33.
NJA5970PassAmends list of environmental infrastructure projects approved for long-term funding for FY2020 to include new projects, remove certain projects, and modify estimated loan amounts for certain projects.
Approved P.L.2019, c.514.
NJA5971PassAuthorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2020.
Approved P.L.2019, c.515.
NJA1924PassExempts certain honorably discharged United States military veterans from initial insurance producer licensing fee.*
Approved P.L.2019, c.469.
NJA5629VetoClarifies provisions concerning disclosure of existence and content of discrimination or harassment complaints; requires certain disclosures to person against whom complaint is made.*
Pocket Veto - Bills not Acted on by Governor-end of Session
NJA5630PassRequires Civil Service Commission to establish and maintain hotline for State employees to submit reports of workplace discrimination and harassment.
Approved P.L.2019, c.508.
NJA4147PassRequires school districts and nonpublic schools to conduct audit of security features of district buildings, grounds, and communication systems and to submit audit to NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness and DOE.*
Approved P.L.2019, c.478.
NJA4151PassRequires school security training for persons employed by public and nonpublic schools in substitute capacity and for employees and volunteers of youth programs operated in school buildings.*
Approved P.L.2019, c.480.
NJA5445PassRequires AG to establish program to detect fentanyl in State's illegal drug supply and make information related to presence of fentanyl available in database accessible by law enforcement.
Approved P.L.2019, c.504.
NJA4150PassRequires meeting between student and appropriate school personnel after multiple suspensions or proposed expulsion from public school to identify behavior or health difficulties.*
Approved P.L.2019, c.479.
NJA3312PassRequires Legislature to adopt and distribute policy prohibiting sexual harassment; requires members, officers, and employees of Legislature to complete online training on policy once every two years.
Approved P.L.2019, c.475.
NJA5344PassEstablishes uniform standard for acceptable proof of veteran status for veteran's ID cards and various State and local programs.
Approved P.L.2019, c.500.
NJA5628PassRequires Civil Service Commission establish standardize recordkeeping and retention requirements with regard to unclassified State employees.
Approved P.L.2019, c.346.
NJA5625PassRequires payment of expenses related to background investigations for certain gubernatorial transition positions.
Approved P.L.2019, c.345.
NJA5263PassRequires four-year public institution of higher education to award college credits to firefighters for certain courses completed at county fire academies.
Approved P.L.2019, c.341.
NJA5624PassRequires that State employee serve as Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action officer for gubernatorial transitions.
Approved P.L.2019, c.344.
NJA5631PassSpecifies certain requirements for State agency review of complaint of workplace discrimination.
Approved P.L.2019, c.347.
NJA4552PassProhibits leasing dogs and cats.
Approved P.L.2019, c.234.
NJA3766PassRequires public officer or employee to forfeit pension upon conviction for corruption of public resources, sexual contact, lewdness, or sexual assault when offense involves or touches upon public office or employment.**
Approved P.L.2019, c.190.
NJA5456PassAuthorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2020.
Approved P.L.2019, c.192.
NJA5457PassAppropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2020.
Approved P.L.2019, c.193.
NJA3292PassRequires prescription opioid medications include warning sticker advising patients of risk of addiction and overdose.
Approved P.L.2019, c.162.
NJA5604PassIncreases tax credit provided for qualified investments under "New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Credit Act."
Approved P.L.2019, c.145.
NJACR233PassApproves FY 2020 Financial Plan of NJ Infrastructure Bank.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA5321Pass"Sami's Law"; requires transportation network companies to issue, and drivers to display on vehicles, certain transportation network company identification. *
Approved P.L. 2019, c.128.
NJAJR149PassDesignates September of each year as "Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month" in New Jersey.
Approved P.L.2019, JR-1.
NJA4748PassAuthorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019.
Approved P.L.2019, c.30.
NJACR10PassAdopts a new policy governing discrimination and harassment for use by the Legislature.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA1627PassProvides that PERS or PFRS member who continues to be volunteer firefighter or emergency services worker after retirement with employer from whom member retires has bona fide severance for compliance with State and federal law.
Approved P.L.2018, c.96.
NJA4169PassAuthorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019.
Approved P.L.2018, c.84.
NJA4210PassAppropriates $15,294,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects.
Approved P.L.2018, c.86.
NJA4170PassAppropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019.
Approved P.L.2018, c.85.
NJA2189PassRequires school districts to include instruction on consequences of distributing and soliciting sexually explicit images through electronic means as part of New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. *
Approved P.L.2018, c.80.
NJAJR44PassDesignates June 4 of each year as "Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day" in New Jersey.
Approved P.L.2018, JR-6.
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