Bill Text: NJ S416 | 2010-2011 | Regular Session | Introduced

Bill Title: Creates permissive county-based housing assistance program.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2010-01-12 - Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee [S416 Detail]

Download: New_Jersey-2010-S416-Introduced.html

SENATE, No. 416







Sponsored by:


District 8 (Burlington)


District 1 (Cape May, Atlantic and Cumberland)






     Creates permissive county-based housing assistance program.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel


An Act concerning preservation of housing for families and supplementing chapter 8 of Title 44 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    The Legislature finds and declares:

     Homelessness is a problem in each county in this State.  Many New Jersey families face the prospect of imminent homelessness, and consideration of this problem is a matter of the general welfare of the entire State.

     County-level organizations are uniquely positioned to successfully address homelessness because of their greater familiarity with local resources and the specific concerns of local residents.  Also, entities already tackling the challenges of homelessness, including the Welfare Agencies and Comprehensive Emergency Advisory System committees are already organized at the county level.

     The shortage of affordable housing units puts New Jersey families at particular risk of transitional or temporary homelessness.  The gap between a low- or moderate-income household's wages and the cost of housing often renders the household temporarily homeless.

     Addressing the underlying causes of transitional or temporary homelessness, rather than merely finding the family temporary housing until the episode of homelessness is over, often effectively prevents this type of homelessness.

     Several New Jersey counties have had exceptional success serving the needs of at-risk families by implementing programs that move families into permanent housing or retain families' affordable housing and that provide ongoing supportive services that allow families to better their economic situation and retain their housing.

     The expense to the State and to county governments of preventing homelessness before it occurs by providing cash assistance and counseling is a fraction of the cost of supporting a family in the shelter and foster care systems.

     It is appropriate and desirable for the State and each of the counties in the State to play a role in coordinating, supporting, and monitoring the needs of families at risk of homelessness.


     2.    As used in this act:

     "Participant" means a county resident deemed eligible to receive financial benefits to alleviate the threat of homelessness under a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" created pursuant to P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).

     "Program" means a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" created pursuant to P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).


     3.    There is created the "Housing for Families Preservation Program" for the purpose of providing financial assistance to families experiencing temporary financial distress, to be used for payments toward the family's rent, mortgage, or other financial obligations, thereby preventing immediate eviction or loss of residence, as well as providing other services to ensure long-term maintenance of housing beyond the initial intervention period.


     4.    a.  The governing body of a county, by ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, may create a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" pursuant to the provisions of P.L.      , c.     (C.       ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).

     b.    A county that has created a "Housing for Families Preservation Program" may apply to the Commissioner of Human Services for an allotment of federal funds made available through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program (Pub.L.104-193), as amended by the Debt Reduction Act of 2005 (Pub.L.109-171) to fund program costs.  Eligible program costs may include financial assistance for participants in the program, and administrative costs including salary and benefits for a program supervisor, a case manager and any other personnel the county deems necessary to implement the program.  The commissioner may award funds to a county only to the extent that there are available unexpended federal TANF funds, and the allocation of such funds does not jeopardize financial assistance to eligible families or the various job training and support services supported by federal TANF funds.  Approval by the federal Administration for Children and Families of the State's plan to use these funds for the purposes of this program shall be obtained prior to the awarding of any federal TANF funds.

     c.     The commissioner shall promulgate an application form for counties to use to apply for an allocation of federal funds.  The form shall request: a detailed estimate of the potential pool of participants in the program, the number of additional county employees to be hired to implement the program, the potential cost of the program, the percentage, and dollar amount, of general public assistance funds to be used to provide assistance under the program, and any other information deemed necessary by the commissioner.


     5.    a.  The Commissioner of Human Services shall review each county application for authorization to use TANF monies to fund a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program," and shall grant or deny such an application within 10 business days of receipt of the application.  Any denial of an application for the use of TANF monies shall be made in writing and shall set forth the reasons for the denial.  A county receiving a denial of the use of such monies by the commissioner shall have the right to request the commissioner's reconsideration of the denial, and the commissioner shall undertake a second review of the application if requested to do so.

     b.    The governing body of a county that has been approved by the commissioner to use TANF monies to fund a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" shall annually, on a date and in such a format as determined by the commissioner, file with the commissioner a report detailing the number of participants provided with assistance under the program, the number and type of services provided to participants in the program, the total budget of the program, and any other information requested by the commissioner. The commissioner may deny a county the continued use of TANF monies if the commissioner determines, based on the information contained in the report, that the county's program is not meeting the commissioner's expectations for performance.


     6.    a. A county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" created pursuant to P.L.      , c.         (C.              ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall provide both primary services and support services to each eligible county resident over a single, 12-month period pursuant to an individual service plan formulated by a case manager in consultation with an eligible resident.  The total amount of financial assistance available under the program to each participant shall be limited to $3,500 during the period of program participation; however, if during the initial three months of the program, a participant demonstrates that the participant's threat of homelessness cannot be alleviated through financial assistance or the provision of services within the $3,500 limit, additional benefits may be allocated to the participant by the case manager with the written approval of the program supervisor.

     b.    Primary services shall be formulated and implemented over the initial three-month period of intervention, with the goal of eliminating the immediate threat of homelessness to a participant. Primary services shall be prioritized according to the immediate needs of the participant, and a service delivery schedule shall be established under the participant's service plan.

     Primary services may include, but shall not be limited to, payment of the following:

     Past due rent or mortgage, including late fees and collection costs;

     Past due utilities, including electric, gas, oil heat, water, and sewerage;

     Past due property taxes, including interest and penalties;

     Automobile repair costs;

     Minor home repair costs; and

     Prescription or medical equipment to gain or retain employment.

     c.     Support services shall assist a participant to remain in his or her home beyond the initial threat of homelessness for the remainder of the 12 months of enrollment in the program, shall assist in maximizing the household income of the participant, and shall educate the participant in making informed life decisions.

     d.    A case manager shall work with a participant to maximize household income by accessing other economic and social programs and services available from the county and the State, partnering with other community agencies in the county, and exploring career development opportunities available to county residents.


     7.    A county "Housing for Families Presentation Program" shall employ at least one case manager, who shall be responsible for assessing need, and determining program eligibility for county residents applying for assistance under the program.  After program eligibility is granted to a county resident, the case manager shall develop, after consultation with the participant, a service plan with tentative dates of implementation.  During the initial three months of participation the case manager is responsible for establishing weekly teleconferences and monthly face-to-face case conferences with the participant, and updating the service plan to reflect any agreed upon changes.

     The case manager shall be responsible for ensuring the participant complies with the service plan, including attendance at a minimum of two workshops during the initial three months of intervention.  Required workshops shall be based upon individual needs and shall include budgeting, credit counseling, and career advancement.  After successful completion of the initial three months of the program, the case manager shall arrange periodic conferences between the case manager and participant to ensure continued progress towards meeting long term goals and objectives.


     8.    Participation in a program shall be limited to residents of the county who meet the eligibility criteria established in this section and who, during the 12-month duration of participation in the program, demonstrate the ability to maintain their housing using the financial assistance provided by the program.  An applicant for participation in the program shall meet the following criteria:

     an applicant shall not have received financial assistance from the county for the payment of rent or mortgage payments within the 12-month period immediately preceding the application for participation in the program;

     an applicant shall either:  be employed, and shall have been consistently employed during the 12-month period immediately preceding the application for participation in the program; or shall have been recently laid off and collecting, or waiting to collect, unemployment benefits;

     an applicant shall be an adult member of a nuclear family consisting of at least one parent or guardian and one or more minors residing in the household;

     an applicant shall be a resident of the county at the time of application; and shall have been a resident of the county for not less than the 12-month period immediately preceding the application;

     an applicant shall provide written documentation of the precipitating crisis causing the applicant to seek assistance from the program to retain the housing;

     an applicant shall demonstrate that the crisis causing the threat of homelessness was beyond the applicant's reasonable control;

     an applicant shall demonstrate an ongoing ability to maintain the housing once the applicant's participation in the program ends; and

     an applicant shall demonstrate a willingness to sign an agreement requiring him or her to follow the written service plan, comply with all elements of their plan, and adhere to all program requirements.

     Priority for participation in the program shall be given to applicants providing evidence of a history of the satisfactory payment of household expenses, including rent or mortgage payments and utility bills.

     In addition to meeting all of these criteria, an applicant shall undergo a criminal history record background check completed by the county sheriff.  A person shall be disqualified from participation in a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" if that person's criminal history record background check reveals a record of conviction of any of the following crimes and offenses:

     (1)  In New Jersey, any crime or disorderly persons offense:

     (a)  involving danger to the person, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses set forth in N.J.S.2C:11-1 et seq., N.J.S.2C:12-1 et seq., N.J.S.2C:13-1 et seq., N.J.S.2C:14-1 et seq. or N.J.S.2C:15-1 et seq.; or

     (b)  against the family, children or incompetents, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses set forth in N.J.S.2C:24-1 et seq.; or

     (c)  involving theft as set forth in chapter 20 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes; or

     (d)  involving any controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog as set forth in chapter 35 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes except paragraph (4) of subsection a. of N.J.S.2C:35-10.

     (2)  In any other state or jurisdiction, of conduct which, if committed in New Jersey, would constitute any of the crimes or disorderly persons offenses described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

     A county resident seeking assistance under the program shall make an application to the program supervisor on such form and in such manner as may be required by the county, and shall provide written copies of all documentation required under this section to the case manager or program supervisor in order to determine program eligibility.  Upon a determination of eligibility to participate in the program, a participant shall cooperate with his or her case manager to formulate and implement a service plan, and shall fulfill all of the requirements and obligations set forth in the service plan within the required time period.  At any point, if a participant fail to fulfill his or her requirements or obligations under the service plan, the program supervisor, in writing, shall terminate the participant from participation in the program upon the recommendation of the case manager.

     An applicant or participant who disagrees with a decision rendered under the program may file a written appeal with the program supervisor on such form and in such manner as shall be determined by the county.  The appellant shall be required to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the decision was made in error.  The decision rendered by the program supervisor shall be final, and shall not be subject to further review.


     9.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill would create the "Housing for Families Preservation Program" as a county-based program to provide financial assistance to families experiencing temporary financial distress to be used for payments toward the family's rent, mortgage, or other financial obligations, thereby preventing immediate eviction or loss of residence, as well as providing other services to ensure long-term maintenance of housing beyond the initial intervention period.

     Under the bill, the governing body of a county, by ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, may create a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" and may apply to the Commissioner of Human Services for authorization to use federal funds made available through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program to fund program costs and administrative costs including salary and benefits for a program supervisor, case manager and any other personnel the county deems to be necessary to implement the program.  The commissioner may award funds to a county only to the extent that there are available unexpended federal TANF funds, and the allocation of such funds does not jeopardize financial assistance to eligible families or the various job training and support services supported by federal TANF funds. Approval by the federal Administration for Children and Families of the State's plan to use these funds for the purposes of this program shall be obtained prior to the awarding of any federal TANF funds.  The governing body of a county that has been approved by the commissioner to use TANF funds to fund a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" would be required to file annually with the commissioner a report detailing the amount of those monies used to provide assistance under the program, the number of participants provided with assistance under the program, the number and type of services provided to participants in the program, the total budget of the program, and any other information requested by the commissioner.  The bill authorizes the commissioner to deny a county the continued use of TANF monies if the commissioner determines, based on the information contained in the report, that the county's program is not meeting the commissioner's expectations for performance.

     Under the bill, a county "Housing for Families Preservation Program" would provide both primary services and support services to each eligible county resident over a single, 12-month period pursuant to an individual service plan formulated by a case manager in consultation with an eligible resident.  The total amount of financial assistance available under the program to each participant would be limited to $3,500 during the period of program participation; however, if during the initial three months of the program, a participant demonstrates that the participant's threat of homelessness cannot be alleviated through financial assistance or the provision of services within the $3,500 limit, additional benefits may be allocated to the participant by the case manager with the written approval of the program supervisor.

     Under the bill, primary services may include, but shall not be limited to, payment of the following:

     Past due rent or mortgage, including late fees and collection costs;

     Past due utilities, including electric, gas, oil heat, water, and sewerage;

     Past due property taxes, including interest and penalties;

     Automobile repair costs;

     Minor home repair costs; and

     Prescription or medical equipment to gain or retain employment.

     Support services would assist a participant to remain in his or her home beyond the initial threat of homelessness for the remainder of the 12 months of enrollment in the program, assist in maximizing the household income of the participant, and educate the participant in making informed life decisions.

     A case manager would work with a participant to maximize household income by accessing other economic and social programs and services available from the county and the State, partnering with other community agencies in the county, and exploring career development opportunities available to county residents.

     Participation in a program would be limited to residents of a county who meet the eligibility criteria established in the bill and who, during the 12-month duration of participation in the program, demonstrate the ability to maintain their housing using the financial assistance provided by the program.
