Bill Text: NY A00211 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Relates to women's health in correctional facilities; establishes a women's health education program; requires HIV and STD testing to be offered to incarcerated individuals; provides pregnant incarcerated individuals with access to prenatal vitamins as well as a specialized diet tailored to pregnancy needs; requires a study and report on women's health in prison.

Spectrum: Strong Partisan Bill (Democrat 34-2)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-03-15 - print number 211a [A00211 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A00211-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by  M. of A. L. ROSENTHAL, LUPARDO, GALEF, NIOU, RICHARDSON,
          JACOBSON, EPSTEIN, ASHBY -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of  A.  FERNANDEZ
          -- read once and referred to the Committee on Correction

        AN  ACT  to amend the public health law, in relation to establishing the
          women's health  education  program  for  correctional  facilities  and
          rights  of  pregnant  inmates;  to  amend  the  public  health law, in
          relation to requiring certain testing to  be  offered;  to  amend  the
          correction  law, in relation to providing pregnant inmates with access
          to prenatal vitamins and  a  specialized  diet;  and  to  require  the
          department of health to collect data on women's health care in prisons
          and publish a report

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The public health law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     2  207-b to read as follows:
     3    §  207-b.  Women's health education program in state and local correc-
     4  tional facilities. The commissioner, in consultation  with  the  commis-
     5  sioner  of  corrections  and  community supervision and the chair of the
     6  state commission of correction, shall establish a women's health  educa-
     7  tion  program  in  state and local correctional facilities. Such program
     8  shall educate facility medical staff on the  special  medical  needs  of
     9  women,  including  training  on  providing  professional, respectful and
    10  informed care of women who have been victims  of  domestic  violence  or
    11  sexual violence.
    12    §  2.  Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 and subdivision 2 of section 611
    13  of the correction law, paragraph (c) of  subdivision  1  as  amended  by
    14  chapter  17  of the laws of 2016 and subdivision 2 as amended by chapter

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 211                              2

     1  242 of the laws of 1930, are amended and a new subdivision 4 is added to
     2  read as follows:
     3    (c)  No  restraints  of  any  kind shall be used when such woman is in
     4  labor, admitted to a hospital, institution or clinic  for  delivery,  or
     5  recovering after giving birth. Any such personnel as may be necessary to
     6  supervise  the woman during transport to and from and during her stay at
     7  the hospital, institution or clinic shall be provided to ensure adequate
     8  care, custody and control of the  woman,  except  that  no  correctional
     9  staff  shall  be present in the delivery room during the birth of a baby
    10  unless requested by the medical staff supervising such  delivery  or  by
    11  the woman giving birth. The woman shall be permitted to have one support
    12  person  of  her choosing accompany her into the delivery room during the
    13  birth of the child. The superintendent or sheriff or his or her designee
    14  shall cause such woman to be subject to return to  such  institution  or
    15  local  correctional facility as soon after the birth of her child as the
    16  state of her health will permit as determined  by  the  medical  profes-
    17  sional responsible for the care of such woman. If such woman is confined
    18  in  a  local  correctional  facility, the expense of such accommodation,
    19  maintenance and medical care shall be paid by such woman  or  her  rela-
    20  tives or from any available funds of the local correctional facility and
    21  if  not  available from such sources, shall be a charge upon the county,
    22  city or town in which is located the court from which  such  inmate  was
    23  committed to such local correctional facility. If such woman is confined
    24  in  any  institution under the control of the department, the expense of
    25  such accommodation, maintenance and medical care shall be paid  by  such
    26  woman  or  her  relatives  and  if not available from such sources, such
    27  maintenance and medical care shall be paid by the state.  In cases where
    28  payment of such accommodations, maintenance and medical care is  assumed
    29  by  the  county,  city  or town from which such inmate was committed the
    30  payor shall make payment by issuing payment instrument in favor  of  the
    31  agency  or  individual  that  provided such accommodations and services,
    32  after certification has been made by the  head  of  the  institution  to
    33  which  the inmate was legally confined, that the charges for such accom-
    34  modations, maintenance and medical care were necessary and are just, and
    35  that the institution has no available funds for such purpose.
    36    2. A child so born may be returned with its mother to the correctional
    37  institution in which the mother is confined  unless  the  chief  medical
    38  officer of the correctional institution shall certify that the mother is
    39  physically  unfit  to care for the child, in which case the statement of
    40  the said medical officer shall be final.  A  child  may  remain  in  the
    41  correctional institution with its mother for such period as seems desir-
    42  able for the welfare of such child, but not after it is one year of age,
    43  provided,  however, if the mother is in a state reformatory and is to be
    44  paroled shortly after the child becomes one year of age, such child  may
    45  remain  at  the state reformatory until its mother is paroled, but in no
    46  case after the child is eighteen months old. If the mother is an  inmate
    47  at a state correctional facility, the department shall inform her of her
    48  ability to apply to any nursery program run by the department. The offi-
    49  cer  in  charge  of such institution may cause a child cared for therein
    50  with its mother to be removed from the institution at  any  time  before
    51  the  child  is  one  year  of  age.  He shall make provision for a child
    52  removed from the institution without its mother or a  child  born  to  a
    53  woman  inmate  who is not returned to the institution with its mother as
    54  hereinafter provided.  He may, upon proof being furnished by the  father
    55  or  other  relatives  of their ability to properly care for and maintain
    56  such child, give the child into the care and custody of such  father  or

        A. 211                              3

     1  other  relatives,  who  shall  thereafter maintain the same at their own
     2  expense. If it shall appear that such  father  or  other  relatives  are
     3  unable  to properly care for and maintain such child, such officer shall
     4  place  the  child  in  the care of the commissioner of public welfare or
     5  other officer or board exercising in relation to children the power of a
     6  commissioner of public welfare of the county from which such inmate  was
     7  committed  as  a  charge  upon such county. The officer in charge of the
     8  correctional institution shall send to  such  commissioner,  officer  or
     9  board  a report of all information available in regard to the mother and
    10  the child. Such commissioner of public welfare or other officer or board
    11  shall care for or place out such child as provided by law in the case of
    12  a child becoming dependent upon the county.
    13    4.  The chief medical officer of each  correctional  facility  housing
    14  female  inmates  or his or her designee shall inform any inmate known to
    15  be pregnant of her  option  of  participating  in  pregnancy  counseling
    16  services and of her right to abortion services.
    17    §  3.  Subdivision  1  of  section 2308-a of the public health law, as
    18  amended by section 38 of part E of chapter 56 of the laws  of  2013,  is
    19  amended to read as follows:
    20    1. The administrative officer or other person in charge of a clinic or
    21  other  facility providing gynecological, obstetrical, genito-urological,
    22  contraceptive, sterilization or termination  of  pregnancy  services  or
    23  treatment shall require the staff of such clinic or facility to offer to
    24  administer  to  every  resident  of the state of New York coming to such
    25  clinic or facility for such services or treatment, appropriate  examina-
    26  tions  or  tests for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases. For
    27  the purposes of this subdivision, the term "facility"  shall  include  a
    28  correctional  facility  as defined in subdivision four of section two of
    29  the correction law.
    30    § 4. Subdivision 2 of section 140 of the correction law, as  added  by
    31  chapter 516 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
    32    2.  Subject  to  the  regulations of the department of health, routine
    33  medical, dental and mental health services and treatment is defined  for
    34  the purposes of this section to mean any routine diagnosis or treatment,
    35  including without limitation the provision of gynecological services for
    36  female  inmates,  the  administration  of  medications or nutrition, the
    37  extraction of bodily fluids for analysis, and dental care performed with
    38  a local anesthetic. Routine mental health treatment  shall  not  include
    39  psychiatric administration of medication unless it is part of an ongoing
    40  mental health plan or unless it is otherwise authorized by law.
    41    §  5.  Subdivision 2 of section 505 of the correction law, as added by
    42  chapter 437 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as follows:
    43    2. Subject to the regulations of the  department  of  health,  routine
    44  medical,  dental and mental health services and treatment is defined for
    45  the purposes of this section to mean any routine diagnosis or treatment,
    46  including without limitation the provision of gynecological services for
    47  female inmates, the administration  of  medications  or  nutrition,  the
    48  extraction of bodily fluids for analysis, and dental care performed with
    49  a  local  anesthetic.  Routine mental health treatment shall not include
    50  psychiatric administration of medication unless it is part of an ongoing
    51  mental health plan or unless it is otherwise authorized by law.
    52    § 6. The correction law is amended by adding a new  section  140-a  to
    53  read as follows:
    54    § 140-a. Prenatal care.  If a pregnant woman is confined to a state or
    55  local correctional facility, she shall be given prenatal care comparable
    56  to  such  care  available  to  women  in  the community. Such care shall

        A. 211                              4

     1  include regular check-ups throughout the course  of  her  pregnancy  and
     2  education  on  healthy lifestyle choices of benefit to the woman and her
     3  child. Pregnant women confined to such facilities shall  also  be  given
     4  prenatal  vitamins  and  a  specialized  diet  tailored to provide their
     5  nutritional needs during pregnancy.
     6    § 7. The commissioner of corrections  and  community  supervision,  in
     7  conjunction  with the commissioner of health shall promulgate such rules
     8  and regulations as may be necessary  to  effectuate  the  provisions  of
     9  section six of this act.
    10    §  8.  1. The department of health, in cooperation with the department
    11  of corrections and community  supervision,  shall  conduct  a  study  of
    12  women's health care in prisons. Such study shall:
    13    a. collect all available data relating to women's health care in pris-
    14  ons;
    15    b.  determine  how  often women in prisons are being seen by a medical
    16  professional;
    17    c. determine how long it takes for women in prisons to be  seen  by  a
    18  medical professional;
    19    d.  identify  what  issues  women in prisons are most often being seen
    20  for;
    21    e. determine the outcomes of women in prisons being seen by a  medical
    22  professional; and
    23    f.  investigate anything deemed relevant by the commissioner of health
    24  or the commissioner of corrections and  community  supervision  for  the
    25  purposes of this study.
    26    2.  Upon  completion  of the study required by subdivision one of this
    27  section, the commissioner of health,  or  his  or  her  designee,  shall
    28  prepare  a  report to be given to the governor and the legislature which
    29  shall include the findings of such study. Such  report  shall  be  filed
    30  within  one  year  of the effective date of this act, unless the commis-
    31  sioner of health requests in writing, an extension of time.
    32    3. All other departments or agencies  of  the  state  or  subdivisions
    33  thereof, and local governments shall, at the request of the commissioner
    34  of  health or the commissioner of corrections and community supervision,
    35  provide expertise, assistance, and data that will  enable  such  commis-
    36  sioner to carry out his or her powers and duties.
    37    §  9.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    38  section two of this act shall take effect on the one  hundred  twentieth
    39  day  after  it  shall  have  become  a  law; and provided, further, that
    40  section six of this act shall take effect on the one  hundred  eightieth
    41  day  after it shall have become a law.  Effective immediately, the addi-
    42  tion, amendment and/or repeal of any rule or  regulation  necessary  for
    43  the  implementation  of this act on its effective date are authorized to
    44  be made and completed on or before such effective date.